How will they rule ??!

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Levi move to Canada or Mexico you sour puss.

Oh, liberals don’t move to brown countries. They may get upset at someone calling those places “s-it holes” but they never threaten to move there. It’s always Canada or Europe.
Is anyone here of actual Native American descent? I'm gonna go ahead and say no, unless you can prove it via DNA test results, of course.

Seriously - the attitude this administration (and 95% of the posters on this thread) has toward immigration just reeks of selfish entitlement, like most Republican voters. Catering to their base, I presume.

A bunch of white dudes born in America who don't want anybody else coming to America. Well unless they're from places like Norway, I suppose.

A bunch of white dudes born in America crying about how "hard" they had to "work" to get to where they are, and they don't want people from impoverished countries coming here and "piggybacking" off the success of the United States.

A bunch of white dudes born in America sounding like a bunch of petrified beta cucks, furiously pounding their keyboards in dismay even though their Lord actually won the election and sits in the Oval Office. Why so angry?

You guys only refer to history that goes back for so many years. Get to the fact that this country as we know it was FOUNDED by immigrants, and then you get weird. You all know that, but it makes you feel weird. Hey, you're lucky that they were white immigrants, right? Be happy!

There's a song by Eugene McDaniels called "The Parasite," off the album Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse. An absolutely killer album, but the lyrics were so "radical" that Spiro Agnew apparently called Atlantic Records from the White House and told them to axe the record. Rumors of Richard Nixon listening to it in the Oval Office on a reel-to-reel and getting pissed. Anyway, those who are so thrilled by the story of immigrants "taming a continent" should give that song, in particular, a listen. The whole album sits as one of the crown jewels of my collection. Give it a shot, will you?
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Smug jerk offs in New York City and DC media look down on everyone else and get mad when they can’t control us.

Do you know how these people talk about others in the newsroom? There’s not a bigger group of assholes in this country than media/journalists.
Dave Chalian was DC Bureau Chief for Yahoo in 2012 who was caught on a hot mic saying Romney wanted black people to drown. After a brief outrage, Politico hired him a couple months later.
[laughing] Suckers...

'Even a blind person' can see Mueller using Manafort to 'target' Trump: judge

A federal judge says “even a blind person” can see that special counsel Robert Mueller is prosecuting Paul Manafort as a way to acquire evidence against his “true target,” President Trump.

Judge Ellis, sitting in the Eastern District of Virginia, expressed dismay at the special counsel system and at Mr. Mueller in particular.

“Given the investigation’s focus on President Trump’s campaign, even a blind person can see that the true target of the Special Counsel’s investigation is President Trump, not defendant, and that defendant’s prosecution is part of that larger plan,” he wrote. “Specifically, the charges against defendant are intended to induce defendant to cooperate with the Special Counsel by providing evidence against the President or other members of the campaign. Although these kinds of high-pressure prosecutorial tactics are neither uncommon nor illegal, they are distasteful.”

Judge Ellis also attacked the Justice Department for letting special counsel powers get out of hand. Justice replaced the old “independent counsel” law with a new set of “special counsel” regulations meant to rein in open-ended criminal probes that last for years with unlimited budgets.

“The regulations do not require the Special Counsel’s investigation to be limited as to time or budget,” he wrote. “Thus, to provide a Special Counsel with a large budget and to tell him or her to find crimes allows a Special Counsel to pursue his or her targets without the usual time and budget constraints facing ordinary prosecutors, encouraging substantial elements of the public to conclude that the Special Counsel is being deployed as a political weapon.”

Judge Ellis said Mr. Mueller is under public pressure to charge people in the Trump campaign.

“If a Special Counsel discovers no criminal activity then the investigation is likely to be perceived as a waste of time and resources, and thus a Special Counsel has a strong incentive to find criminality and to prosecute criminal conduct by the people he has been charged with investigating — here persons connected with the Trump campaign,” he said.

The indictment does not charge Mr. Manafort with conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election. That is the main Mueller mission assigned by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last May.

Judge Ellis also ruled a special counsel does not have to follow his own justice regulations. He said that the regulations were written to be “unenforceable.”

Kevin Downing, Mr. Manafort’s attorney, has said in court filings that Mr. Manafort met with the FBI three years ago to go over his finances and Ukraine income. No charges were brought until the special counsel was appointed and Andrew Weissmann, who headed the Justice Department’s fraud division, was recruited by Mr. Mueller. Mr. Weissmann is overseeing the Manafort prosecution.

Although there have been press reports that Mr. Manafort was captured on U.S. intercepts speaking with Russian officials, Mr. Mueller has told the defendant he has no such evidence, according to a Downing court filing.
Get to the fact that this country as we know it was FOUNDED by immigrants, and then you get weird.

By "get weird" do you mean we correctly point out that you're conflating? All immigrants aren't created equal. There are very distinct differences between legal and illegal. Illegal immigration has absolutely nothing to do with those who founded this country.
Is anyone here of actual Native American descent? I'm gonna go ahead and say no, unless you can prove it via DNA test results, of course.

Seriously - the attitude this administration (and 95% of the posters on this thread) has toward immigration just reeks of selfish entitlement, like most Republican voters. Catering to their base, I presume.

A bunch of white dudes born in America who don't want anybody else coming to America. Well unless they're from places like Norway, I suppose.

A bunch of white dudes born in America crying about how "hard" they had to "work" to get to where they are, and they don't want people from impoverished countries coming here and "piggybacking" off the success of the United States.

A bunch of white dudes born in America sounding like a bunch of petrified beta cucks, furiously pounding their keyboards in dismay even though their Lord actually won the election and sits in the Oval Office. Why so angry?

You guys only refer to history that goes back for so many years. Get to the fact that this country as we know it was FOUNDED by immigrants, and then you get weird. You all know that, but it makes you feel weird. Hey, you're lucky that they were white immigrants, right? Be happy!

There's a song by Eugene McDaniels called "The Parasite," off the album Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse. An absolutely killer album, but the lyrics were so "radical" that Spiro Agnew apparently called Atlantic Records from the White House and told them to axe the record. Rumors of Richard Nixon listening to it in the Oval Office on a reel-to-reel and getting pissed. Anyway, those who are so thrilled by the story of immigrants "taming a continent" should give that song, in particular, a listen. The whole album sits as one of the crown jewels of my collection. Give it a shot, will you?

You finally came back after the beating Meighan gave you.

You mean we only go back through American history? I’ll be damned.

Our issue isn’t with color of skin, nor legal immigration. It’s with illegal immigration.
The illegal immigrant in Colorado that started the fires, white as f*ck! He needed to be gone just as much as the brown illegal immigrants.

You are the ones making it about color, instead of about the illegal part.
You’re the ones that are in favor to what amounts to slave labor, to the detriment of lower income US citizens.
You’re the ones embracing anarchists, and socialists.

You’re angry at Trump for pointing out Warrens ridiculousness of claiming she is Native American, and Harvard running with it to show how “diverse” they were. Somehow Trump calling her a name is worse than her lie? That is why we don’t take you guys seriously, your point of view is child like where words hurt worse than actions.
Is anyone here of actual Native American descent? I'm gonna go ahead and say no, unless you can prove it via DNA test results, of course.

Seriously - the attitude this administration (and 95% of the posters on this thread) has toward immigration just reeks of selfish entitlement, like most Republican voters. Catering to their base, I presume.

A bunch of white dudes born in America who don't want anybody else coming to America. Well unless they're from places like Norway, I suppose.

A bunch of white dudes born in America crying about how "hard" they had to "work" to get to where they are, and they don't want people from impoverished countries coming here and "piggybacking" off the success of the United States.

A bunch of white dudes born in America sounding like a bunch of petrified beta cucks, furiously pounding their keyboards in dismay even though their Lord actually won the election and sits in the Oval Office. Why so angry?

You guys only refer to history that goes back for so many years. Get to the fact that this country as we know it was FOUNDED by immigrants, and then you get weird. You all know that, but it makes you feel weird. Hey, you're lucky that they were white immigrants, right? Be happy!

There's a song by Eugene McDaniels called "The Parasite," off the album Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse. An absolutely killer album, but the lyrics were so "radical" that Spiro Agnew apparently called Atlantic Records from the White House and told them to axe the record. Rumors of Richard Nixon listening to it in the Oval Office on a reel-to-reel and getting pissed. Anyway, those who are so thrilled by the story of immigrants "taming a continent" should give that song, in particular, a listen. The whole album sits as one of the crown jewels of my collection. Give it a shot, will
Wah wah wah. Those terrible white people that don't want to import the worlds problems. What is wrong with them?
Is anyone here of actual Native American descent? I'm gonna go ahead and say no, unless you can prove it via DNA test results, of course.

Seriously - the attitude this administration (and 95% of the posters on this thread) has toward immigration just reeks of selfish entitlement, like most Republican voters. Catering to their base, I presume.

A bunch of white dudes born in America who don't want anybody else coming to America. Well unless they're from places like Norway, I suppose.

A bunch of white dudes born in America crying about how "hard" they had to "work" to get to where they are, and they don't want people from impoverished countries coming here and "piggybacking" off the success of the United States.

A bunch of white dudes born in America sounding like a bunch of petrified beta cucks, furiously pounding their keyboards in dismay even though their Lord actually won the election and sits in the Oval Office. Why so angry?

You guys only refer to history that goes back for so many years. Get to the fact that this country as we know it was FOUNDED by immigrants, and then you get weird. You all know that, but it makes you feel weird. Hey, you're lucky that they were white immigrants, right? Be happy!

There's a song by Eugene McDaniels called "The Parasite," off the album Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse. An absolutely killer album, but the lyrics were so "radical" that Spiro Agnew apparently called Atlantic Records from the White House and told them to axe the record. Rumors of Richard Nixon listening to it in the Oval Office on a reel-to-reel and getting pissed. Anyway, those who are so thrilled by the story of immigrants "taming a continent" should give that song, in particular, a listen. The whole album sits as one of the crown jewels of my collection. Give it a shot, will you?
I assume you are white, how many brown illegals or refugees are you housing?
Is anyone here of actual Native American descent? I'm gonna go ahead and say no, unless you can prove it via DNA test results, of course.

Seriously - the attitude this administration (and 95% of the posters on this thread) has toward immigration just reeks of selfish entitlement, like most Republican voters. Catering to their base, I presume.

A bunch of white dudes born in America who don't want anybody else coming to America. Well unless they're from places like Norway, I suppose.

A bunch of white dudes born in America crying about how "hard" they had to "work" to get to where they are, and they don't want people from impoverished countries coming here and "piggybacking" off the success of the United States.

A bunch of white dudes born in America sounding like a bunch of petrified beta cucks, furiously pounding their keyboards in dismay even though their Lord actually won the election and sits in the Oval Office. Why so angry?

You guys only refer to history that goes back for so many years. Get to the fact that this country as we know it was FOUNDED by immigrants, and then you get weird. You all know that, but it makes you feel weird. Hey, you're lucky that they were white immigrants, right? Be happy!

There's a song by Eugene McDaniels called "The Parasite," off the album Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse. An absolutely killer album, but the lyrics were so "radical" that Spiro Agnew apparently called Atlantic Records from the White House and told them to axe the record. Rumors of Richard Nixon listening to it in the Oval Office on a reel-to-reel and getting pissed. Anyway, those who are so thrilled by the story of immigrants "taming a continent" should give that song, in particular, a listen. The whole album sits as one of the crown jewels of my collection. Give it a shot, will you?

Pound sand you stupid liberal. Nothing you just typed makes any sense to the actual problems stupid liberals like you claim are happening.

Sit down and shut up child. Adults are working on it.

Sorry, second non political message of the day, but for the twitter people on here this account has been a long time favorite. Just a weird photo in all respects. Is that woman trying to bite his ass? Did nobody at SI catch the oddness of the kid staring out from underneath his balls? Or did people just not care in 1982...
Wah wah wah. Those terrible white people that don't want to import the worlds problems. What is wrong with them?

The left claims all cultures are equal and America was never that great but never seem to want to push these people anywhere else? If America isn’t superior then why have them come here? If all cultures are equal then why do they have to come here? And if you concede that America is superior, what made it superior? It sure as hell wasnt third world migration or Islam or socialism.
You finally came back after the beating Meighan gave you.

You mean we only go back through American history? I’ll be damned.

Our issue isn’t with color of skin, nor legal immigration. It’s with illegal immigration.
The illegal immigrant in Colorado that started the fires, white as f*ck! He needed to be gone just as much as the brown illegal immigrants.

You are the ones making it about color, instead of about the illegal part.
You’re the ones that are in favor to what amounts to slave labor, to the detriment of lower income US citizens.
You’re the ones embracing anarchists, and socialists.

You’re angry at Trump for pointing out Warrens ridiculousness of claiming she is Native American, and Harvard running with it to show how “diverse” they were. Somehow Trump calling her a name is worse than her lie? That is why we don’t take you guys seriously, your point of view is child like where words hurt worse than actions.

I don't GAF about Elizabeth Warren, bro.