How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Give it a year or two...


Was looking at the comment sections in this, completely forgot about the newstation that got pranked and reported these were the Asian pilots names a few years back

Even a $10 bet would have been entertaining. Everything in here doesn’t have to be life or death serious. I have a golf match play this morning against a young man that drives the ball 40 yards farther than me. The ass kickin I’m gonna receive will hurt a lot more than losing a bet on the Paddock. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I am 67 years old and play in CGA interclub matches that are match play, so I am constantly being out drive by 40 yards or more. That means I hit first into greens, I win more of these matches than I lose.
GOP keeps revealing itself for what it is but true believers keep denying. With Christians like these who needs Satan eh?
He needs to go to prison for a long time as does Hillary and most of her group but, we don't see you pointing them out when there is plenty of proof. Your fake concern here is telling about you. The left is the worst for this and yet, you only call out the GOP when it happens. You are lowlife scum. Children need to be protected against all predators including abortion doctors.
While this administration cuddles up in private with a high ranking KGB officer and a serial lying dictator that kills his own people by the thousands especially Christians, they have also embarked on a trade war with the country they buy their "American" flags from and all our allies while super-charging the national debt---it concentrates on separating brown children from mothers ignoring Christ's own words while claiming to be Christian. Only self-deluded bigoted idiots who put lucre before and above all things are left supporting such evil.

This would have been much different if George H Bush hadn't pre-emptively pardoned all the principles in the Iran-Contra investigation.

This would have been much different if George H Bush hadn't pre-emptively pardoned all the principles in the Iran-Contra investigation.
This would be much different if Dems were not so corrupt. Lying and cover ups is what keeps Dems out of trouble. At least Republicans have the moral courage to do the right thing

Trump will be more than happy to sit with Mueller if he gets the same treatment/deal as Clinton.

  1. Mueller drafts exoneration letter in advance.
  2. Immunity is given to top Trump aides (and they’re allowed to sit in on
  3. Interview isn’t recorded.
  4. Lead official (Mueller) doesn’t attend.
  5. #2 official’s family [on Mueller team] has received large donations from Trump political friends.
  6. Prior to the interview, lead official meets privately on plane tarmac with Trump’s wife (to discuss grandchildren).
  7. Main interviewer has expressed disdain for Trump’s opponents, such as discussing an “insurance plan” with higher-ups to undermine them.
  8. As long as they believe Trump didn’t intend any harm, he’s let off the hook for any violations.
  9. If Trump becomes a target, it should be referred to as a “matter” not an investigation.
  10. Trump aides should be permitted to destroy subpoenaed or relevant public records and then be given immunity.
  11. He's not under oath during interview.
If the same terms aren’t offered, was Clinton’s interview process unfair? Or is the one proposed to Trump unfair?

P.S. When you start linking Eichenwald, it's time to back away and take a break.
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While this administration cuddles up in private with a high ranking KGB officer and a serial lying dictator that kills his own people by the thousands especially Christians, they have also embarked on a trade war with the country they buy their "American" flags from and all our allies while super-charging the national debt---it concentrates on separating brown children from mothers ignoring Christ's own words while claiming to be Christian. Only self-deluded bigoted idiots who put lucre before and above all things are left supporting such evil.

This would have been much different if George H Bush hadn't pre-emptively pardoned all the principles in the Iran-Contra investigation.

Just imagine if the media actually investigated the Democrat admins the way they investigate Reps!
How many of those 17 indictments in Trumps timeframe have anything at all to do with Trump?
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“If we don’t have open borders, how else are you going to get slaves?” -summary of this idiot Dem.

Hey guess who raised my kids and cleans my house? Me and my family. This is what nearly everyone does outside of celebs and politicians.
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Democratic Socialism Is Dem Doom

A political novice who calls herself a “democratic socialist” wins an unexpected Democratic Party primary victory, and now political taxonomists are racing to explain just what the term means. Here’s my definition: political hemlock for the Democratic Party.

What about social democracy? Isn’t it the norm in Europe, and isn’t it working pretty well? You wouldn’t know it by the way Europeans are voting. France’s Socialists ran a left-wing candidate in last year’s presidential election, and crawled away with barely 6 percent of the vote. Germany’s Social Democrats had their worst electoral result since 1933. Italy’s center-left was trounced by a combination of populists and right-wingers in March.

You can argue that the major goals of social democracy — universal health care and other social provisions — were achieved long ago in Europe. But they aren’t so fully realized, and are thus potentially popular, in America, never mind our own robust welfare state.

But that misses the deeper point. Today’s social democracy falls apart on the contradiction between advocating nearly unlimited government largess and nearly unlimited immigration. “Abolish ICE” is a proper rallying cry for hard-core libertarians and Davos globalists, not democratic socialists or social democrats. A federal job guarantee is an intriguing idea — assuming the jobs are for some defined “us” that doesn’t include every immigrant, asylum-seeker or undocumented worker.

Trump gets this, as does the far right in Europe, which is why they attract such powerful working-class support. Want to preserve the welfare state? Build a wall — or, in Europe’s case, reinstate border controls. Want more immigrants and amnesty? Lower the minimum wage and abolish the closed shop.

But please choose. It’s one or the other.
I am 67 years old and play in CGA interclub matches that are match play, so I am constantly being out drive by 40 yards or more. That means I hit first into greens, I win more of these matches than I lose.
I didn’t hit in far enough to find trouble today. Slim win against a good guy that I haven’t played before.
While this administration cuddles up in private with a high ranking KGB officer and a serial lying dictator that kills his own people by the thousands especially Christians, they have also embarked on a trade war with the country they buy their "American" flags from and all our allies while super-charging the national debt---it concentrates on separating brown children from mothers ignoring Christ's own words while claiming to be Christian. Only self-deluded bigoted idiots who put lucre before and above all things are left supporting such evil.
Trying to change minds, bring people around, make the world safer = cuddles up for Levi.

National debt goes from 67% of GDP from Obama election to 105% when Trump elected & that's not a problem for Levi. But going from 105% to 107% in two years under Trump is "super-charging" national debt per Levi. Go figure.

This country separates 100's of K's of kids, mostly brown or darker, from their parents when parents sent to jail, but someone when <3000 are separated from law-breaking illegal parents we somehow have a national crisis and many people who are self-deluded bigots. Who is self-deluded? Of course Dem Senate candidate calling illegals "housekeepers" is just fine by Levi. Crazed minds out there.
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This would have been much different if George H Bush hadn't pre-emptively pardoned all the principles in the Iran-Contra investigation.
It's amazing how little Trump corruption they've found given all the Dem lawyers unleashed on on this administration. And of course the whole bogus basis for the probe has found zero.
This should tell these dumb CNN cocksuckers that they are completely out of touch with most U.S. citizens.

Smug jerk offs in New York City and DC media look down on everyone else and get mad when they can’t control us.

Do you know how these people talk about others in the newsroom? There’s not a bigger group of assholes in this country than media/journalists.