How will they rule ??!

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One thing I've noticed about what his accusers are saying is none of them have said they, or anyone else for that matter, personally went to Jordan and alerted him. They have provided zero evidence to corroborate that he knew. It's all based on their perception. They all claim he must've known just because.

Also, these guys were adults, college students, not children. They know how to call the police or notify someone in a position to do something. Plus, they were all wrestlers, why not suplex his ass and stop him yourself?
That's what gets me too. Why have they never contacted OSU authorities, the police, or Jordan for 20 years? Doesn't pass smell test other than Hillary's pu$$y.

People think that first IG report is the end of if, but that was only the beginning. That report only involved the FBI's handling of the Hillary email investigation. The IG is still investigating the FBI's handling of the Russian investigation. From what's starting to come out from the investigation, that report sounds like it's going to be good...

Multiple reviews of whether FBI agents’ political bias affected the Russia-Trump collusion case remain in their infancy, but investigators already have unearthed troubling internal communications long withheld from public view.

Memos the FBI is now producing to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general and multiple Senate and House committees offer what sources involved in the production, review or investigation describe to me as “damning” or “troubling” evidence.

They show Strzok and his counterintelligence team rushing in the fall of 2016 to find “derogatory” information from informants or a “pretext” to accelerate the probe and get a surveillance warrant on figures tied to the future president.

The memos show Strzok, Lisa Page and others in counterintelligence monitored news articles in September 2016 that quoted a law enforcement source as saying the FBI was investigating Carter Page’s travel to Moscow.

The FBI team pounced on what it saw as an opportunity as soon as Page wrote a letter to then-FBI Director James Comey complaining about the “completely false” leak.

“At a minimum, the letter provides us a pretext to interview,” Strzok wrote to Lisa Page on Sept. 26, 2016.

Within weeks, that “pretext” — often a synonym for an excuse — had been upsized to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court warrant, giving the FBI the ability to use some of its most awesome powers to monitor Carter Page and his activities.

To date, the former Trump adviser has been accused of no wrongdoing despite being subjected to years of surveillance.

Some internal memos detail the pressure being applied by the FBI to DOJ prosecutors to get the warrant on Carter Page buttoned up before Election Day.

In one email exchange with the subject line “Crossfire FISA,” Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.

“Crossfire Hurricane” was one of the code names for four separate investigations the FBI conducted related to Russia matters in the 2016 election.

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.”

“Still an expedite?” one of the emails beckoned, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts.

“Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” Strzok asked Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”

The agents got the Carter Page warrant in October and, within two weeks, Democrats in Congress such as then-Sen. Harry Reid (Nev.) and some media members were raising questions about the FBI withholding word of a probe that could hurt Trump. FBI agents monitored those reports, too.

The day after Trump’s surprising win on Nov. 9, 2016, the FBI counterintelligence team engaged in a new mission, bluntly described in another string of emails prompted by another news leak.

“We need ALL of their names to scrub, and we should give them ours for the same purpose,” Strzok emailed Page on Nov. 10, 2016, citing a Daily Beast article about some of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s allegedly unsavory ties overseas.

“Andy didn’t get any others,” Page wrote back, apparently indicating McCabe didn’t have names to add to the “scrub.”

“That’s what Bill said,” Strzok wrote back, apparently referring to then-FBI chief of counterintelligence William Priestap. “I suggested we need to exchange our entire lists as we each have potential derogatory CI info the other doesn’t.” CI is short for confidential informants.

It’s an extraordinary exchange, if for no other reason than this: The very day after Trump wins the presidency, some top FBI officials are involved in the sort of gum-shoeing normally reserved for field agents, and their goal is to find derogatory information about someone who had worked for the president-elect.

As the president-elect geared up to take over, the FBI made another move that has captured investigators’ attention: It named an executive with expertise in the FBI’s most sensitive surveillance equipment to be a liaison to the Trump transition.

These and other documents are still being disseminated to various oversight bodies in Congress, and more revelations are certain to occur.

Yet, now, irrefutable proof exists that agents sought to create pressure to get “derogatory” information and a “pretext” to interview people close to a future president they didn’t like.

Clear evidence also exists that an investigation into still-unproven collusion between a foreign power and a U.S. presidential candidate was driven less by secret information from Moscow and more by politically tainted media leaks.

And that means the dots between expressions of political bias and official actions just got a little more connected.
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Go read Brennan’s twitter...he is top ten current douchebag. Top of his twitter page says ‘Non-Partisan American’ haha

Am I mistaken, or did someone recently claim Brennan was a Republican in this thread?

That might be the most mentally retarded thing anyone has ever said, if someone did say that.

First time I ever heard of Brennan I was watching a Showtime documentary with ex CIA heads. Told my wife as we were watching it you could tell that guy was a total slimeball scumbag.
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Manafort is a POS traitor selling out his country for some cash. Hope he enjoys every minute of his solitary.

I agree about Manafort selling out the US for some cash, but that article has a very misleading headline. There really isn't much of a connection to the Trump campaign.

Some banker helped Manafort get a loan and was trying to parlay it into a position on the campaign and eventually in the administration. He ultimately got a role as a campaign adviser but never got a position in the administration.

The bank executive "expressed interest in working on the Trump campaign, told (Manafort) about his interest, and eventually secured a position advising the Trump campaign," the filing said. The unnamed man "expressed an interest in serving in the administration of President Trump, but did not secure such a position."
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Platinum like CardKilla and Levi'sbooty continue to get debunked and their lies brought forward at every turn. TLT The Liars Three. Why do these guys continue to lie? Because, they have no character left to destroy. They epitomize the losers on the left.

Because they are pathetic liberal douchebags. Enough said. They want nothing more to make sure Trump fails even if it hurts this country and citizens.

I call them scum.
Man, I absolutely love the HodgeTwins. I love their sarcasm and presentation. However, and this is just a warning to each of you, to type out the form of speech they voluntarily use (so we may read it vs. hearing it) would be racist. I know, go figure. But that is exactly what was explained to me earlier today by a moderator. He even referred to the identification of that form of communication as "derogatory". I attempted an exchange with him and soon after received a notification that I am now being followed by said moderator. Disagreement results in big brother watching you. That is the new Paddock.
Man, I absolutely love the HodgeTwins. I love their sarcasm and presentation. However, and this is just a warning to each of you, to type out the form of speech they voluntarily use (so we may read it vs. hearing it) would be racist. I know, go figure. But that is exactly what was explained to me earlier today by a moderator. He even referred to the identification of that form of communication as "derogatory". I attempted an exchange with him and soon after received a notification that I am now being followed by said moderator. Disagreement results in big brother watching you. That is the new Paddock.
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People think that first IG report is the end of if, but that was only the beginning. That report only involved the FBI's handling of the Hillary email investigation. The IG is still investigating the FBI's handling of the Russian investigation. From what's starting to come out from the investigation, that report sounds like it's going to be good...

Multiple reviews of whether FBI agents’ political bias affected the Russia-Trump collusion case remain in their infancy, but investigators already have unearthed troubling internal communications long withheld from public view.

Memos the FBI is now producing to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general and multiple Senate and House committees offer what sources involved in the production, review or investigation describe to me as “damning” or “troubling” evidence.

They show Strzok and his counterintelligence team rushing in the fall of 2016 to find “derogatory” information from informants or a “pretext” to accelerate the probe and get a surveillance warrant on figures tied to the future president.

The memos show Strzok, Lisa Page and others in counterintelligence monitored news articles in September 2016 that quoted a law enforcement source as saying the FBI was investigating Carter Page’s travel to Moscow.

The FBI team pounced on what it saw as an opportunity as soon as Page wrote a letter to then-FBI Director James Comey complaining about the “completely false” leak.

“At a minimum, the letter provides us a pretext to interview,” Strzok wrote to Lisa Page on Sept. 26, 2016.

Within weeks, that “pretext” — often a synonym for an excuse — had been upsized to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court warrant, giving the FBI the ability to use some of its most awesome powers to monitor Carter Page and his activities.

To date, the former Trump adviser has been accused of no wrongdoing despite being subjected to years of surveillance.

Some internal memos detail the pressure being applied by the FBI to DOJ prosecutors to get the warrant on Carter Page buttoned up before Election Day.

In one email exchange with the subject line “Crossfire FISA,” Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.

“Crossfire Hurricane” was one of the code names for four separate investigations the FBI conducted related to Russia matters in the 2016 election.

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.”

“Still an expedite?” one of the emails beckoned, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts.

“Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” Strzok asked Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”

The agents got the Carter Page warrant in October and, within two weeks, Democrats in Congress such as then-Sen. Harry Reid (Nev.) and some media members were raising questions about the FBI withholding word of a probe that could hurt Trump. FBI agents monitored those reports, too.

The day after Trump’s surprising win on Nov. 9, 2016, the FBI counterintelligence team engaged in a new mission, bluntly described in another string of emails prompted by another news leak.

“We need ALL of their names to scrub, and we should give them ours for the same purpose,” Strzok emailed Page on Nov. 10, 2016, citing a Daily Beast article about some of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s allegedly unsavory ties overseas.

“Andy didn’t get any others,” Page wrote back, apparently indicating McCabe didn’t have names to add to the “scrub.”

“That’s what Bill said,” Strzok wrote back, apparently referring to then-FBI chief of counterintelligence William Priestap. “I suggested we need to exchange our entire lists as we each have potential derogatory CI info the other doesn’t.” CI is short for confidential informants.

It’s an extraordinary exchange, if for no other reason than this: The very day after Trump wins the presidency, some top FBI officials are involved in the sort of gum-shoeing normally reserved for field agents, and their goal is to find derogatory information about someone who had worked for the president-elect.

As the president-elect geared up to take over, the FBI made another move that has captured investigators’ attention: It named an executive with expertise in the FBI’s most sensitive surveillance equipment to be a liaison to the Trump transition.

These and other documents are still being disseminated to various oversight bodies in Congress, and more revelations are certain to occur.

Yet, now, irrefutable proof exists that agents sought to create pressure to get “derogatory” information and a “pretext” to interview people close to a future president they didn’t like.

Clear evidence also exists that an investigation into still-unproven collusion between a foreign power and a U.S. presidential candidate was driven less by secret information from Moscow and more by politically tainted media leaks.

And that means the dots between expressions of political bias and official actions just got a little more connected.


Forgot about the W. expressions...I think he was an awful president but all indications seem like he is probably a better human being than Clinton, Obama, or Trump.
I agree he wasn't a great president, though I think he handled things after 9-11 as good as anyone could have. He does however seem like a really good guy and I think he loved America and had good intentions. He's the kind of guy you would enjoy having a beer with.
This is the kind of Redneck that made America great to start with.

The people who have the things he mentioned (sawed off/moonshine still/ weed plant/etc) are well aware they will be punished accordingly if caught. Just like illegals who sneak into the country are well aware they will be punished accordingly if caught. The law is blind. There are consequences for breaking it.

The only hypocrites are those who fail to understand it. It's so basic and simple. No one gets a pass. Not the weed grower. Not the moonshiner. Not the illegal immigrant. Everyone is held responsible for their actions.

I don't see anyone advocating not to arrest the weed growers or moonshiners or sawed off shotgun owners because they'll be separated from their families. I do see him advocating for illegals though.The fact he thinks one group should get special treatment and be allowed to break the law with impunity makes him the real hypocrite.
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Final terms:

@Platinumdrgn is too much of a petulant child like liberal to name terms of his own rants.
Even a $10 bet would have been entertaining. Everything in here doesn’t have to be life or death serious. I have a golf match play this morning against a young man that drives the ball 40 yards farther than me. The ass kickin I’m gonna receive will hurt a lot more than losing a bet on the Paddock. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: