How will they rule ??!

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You talk about people blindly following the God King referencing Obama, but just look at how your own posts on the steel tariffs were received on this board. You were shouted down by mindless followers for questioning God Emperor Trump. Doesn't matter what expertise you bring to a particular issue, you're apparently useless and wrong because you dare to go against the flow. How dare you know more about a specific topic than the plebeians?!?!

No one shouted him down, we have a difference of opinion. Thats perfectly normal, unlike the Democrats that walk lock step no matter how crazy the point is they're making.
Matt tweeted the he "loves" this Ricky Jones character earlier, and that he'd be on Tucker Carlson tonight.

Tucker pretty much owned him the entire segment. He's nothing more than a race baiting hack. Best line was Tucker calling u6 "The University of whatever".

Yep, Tucker called out UL's Ricky Jones for being a racist. Ricky doesn't see his own racism when he says things like this.

"Why are so many white Americans so brutally mean and inhumane?"

He doesn't have any crime stats to support that. You would think a Professor of "Pan African Studies" could stick to provable facts. Instead he just wants to stir the race pot. Ol Matt Jones can suck up to that guy thinking it will get him a few votes if he runs. However, most people don't see the whole world through the prism of race and will be turned off by the association. Kind of like the seal of approval from Louis Farrakhan.
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All of their identity politics are starting to bite them in the ass. It was only a matter of time.

Yep. It's why they're cranking up the machine to do anything to get illegals in here, including encouraging the asylum caravans from Central America.

It's also why they're trying to resist and delay - trying to bide time till more children of illegals become voting age. It's a matter of math and only a matter of time.

When trump appoints a new justice, someone needs to legally challenge the auto citizenship by claiming it only applies to those born to parents in the country legally. Clearly logic dictates they should not have automatic citizenship. Just need a justice brave enough to make that finding.
Yep, Tucker called out UL's Ricky Jones for being a racist. Ricky doesn't see his own racism when he says things like this.

"Carlson hounded on one sentence in particular from Jones' piece, "Why are so many white Americans so brutally mean and inhumane?"

He doesn't have any crime stats to support that. You would think a Professor of "Pan African Studies" could stick to provable facts. Instead he just wants to stir the race pot. Ol Matt Jones can suck up to that guy thinking it will get him a few votes if he runs. However, most people don't see the whole world through the prism of race and will be turned off by the association. Kind of like the seal of approval from Louis Farrakhan.
Ricky jones is a complete asshole. Lib terry meiners gives him a platform to preach his ant8 white hate, I bet terry has fondled Ricky’s balls.
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Our press is absolute dog shit.

It would be nice if they were legitimately professional, smart and impartial. Fox and Friends isn't a real news thing, just partisan cheerleaders, which I get but I'm referring to the real news publications that are supposed to hold politicians accountable but in a fair way. When something is good, mention it. When something is bad or corrupt, get answers and showcase it. Don't intentionally try to do "gotcha" BS, edit things to mislead people and try to sensationalize crap just for clicks.

It would be nice if the bloodthirsty press was actually like this with Obama instead of acting as his PR firm. I'm all for holding Trump accountable but when it comes from a place of straight hatred with obvious motives, it's not going to work.
A few paragraphs really stood out.

Democrats gerrymandered the district, yet they're still losing.

Instead, Colorado’s Sixth Congressional District has become a scene of frustration and failure for Democrats. In election after cash-soaked election, Democrats have been unable to unseat Mike Coffman, a five-term Republican congressman, even after his Republican-layup district was redrawn to slice out some conservative white voters and include thousands more Hispanic residents.

The reason for that is because, regardless of how diverse, even legal immigrants don't want crime, illegal immigration and 'sanctuary' infesting their cities and neighborhoods, so they are voting against the Democrats. It's also telling how the reporter labels this man's concerns as a "dark view".

It has been more than 30 years since Nelson Echeverry emigrated from Colombia. As he dropped off his ballot last Monday, immigration was at the front of his mind, but he had a dark view of how his community has changed.

“It’s getting worse,” he said. “I can live with everybody, but the bad elements are moving in. We need to get stronger. It’s moving. Fast.”

He cast his primary ballot for a slate of Republicans and walked out into the sunshine.

Fantastic. I love that they just casually mention getting rid of whites and replacing them with Hispanics with the goal to gain power. That's exactly what many of us have said the whole point of immigration is for Democrats.

Everyone always condemned "white flight' (even though they also condemn gentrification as well) but not many people want to live around crime and drugs and graffiti and homeless people. Even in Michigan, they found that middle class blacks are fleeing these areas as well when crime and section 8 housing moved near them or whatever.

See, Democrat elites don't actually want to live around these people either. They basically like to virtue signal and then do the equivalent of throwing a grenade in someone else's neighborhood, far far away from where they live.
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Our press is absolute dog shit.

It would be nice if they were legitimately professional, smart and impartial. Fox and Friends isn't a real news thing, just partisan cheerleaders, which I get but I'm referring to the real news publications that are supposed to hold politicians accountable but in a fair way. When something is good, mention it. When something is bad or corrupt, get answers and showcase it. Don't intentionally try to do "gotcha" BS, edit things to mislead people and try to sensationalize crap just for clicks.

It would be nice if the bloodthirsty press was actually like this with Obama instead of acting as his PR firm. I'm all for holding Trump accountable but when it comes from a place of straight hatred with obvious motives, it's not going to work.

This stuff never happened under Obama. They were too busy sucking up. Sanders ought to play side by side video examples to the press corps and tell them that they expect equal treatment. Pulled press credentials would be the punishment for repeated bad behavior. CNN would keep its seat with the press corps but would have to replace individual reporters like Jim Acosta if he continues to act like an ass.
This stuff never happened under Obama. They were too busy sucking up. Sanders ought to play side by side video examples to the press corp and tell them that they expect equal treatment. Pulled press credentials would be the punishment for repeated bad behavior. CNN would keep its seat with the press corps but would have to replace individual reporters like Jim Acosta.

That's what I don't understand. Why doesn't Sanders and the White House revoke the credentials of Acosta and Ryan? Two huge idiots who use that moment to try and make a name for themselves. In the PR world, they control which reporters have access and if you burn someone, guess what? You're done. I don't want the publication revoked (maybe CNN) but the individual should be tossed. No one would give a damn about those two ever again.
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That's what I don't understand. Why doesn't Sanders and the White House revoke the credentials of Acosta and Ryan? Two huge idiots who use that moment to try and make a name for themselves. In the PR world, they control which reporters have access and if you burn someone, guess what? You're done. I don't want the publication revoked (maybe CNN) but the individual should be tossed. No one would give a damn about those two ever again.

The only reason to tolerate Acosta is that it makes the Trump people look like the adults by comparison. It clearly shows the left wing bias of the media to anyone watching.
Because Acosta and Ryan and all these other cry wolf whiny babies are helping Trump. A lot. Plus republicans in general.

Their constant and irrational coverage not only helped get Trump elected but it is now ensuring he will get elected again while highlighting the absurd hypocrisy of the left. It's glorious.
Trump met with four judges yesterday. They were: Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit; Brett M. Kavanaugh of the District of Columbia Circuit; and Raymond M. Kethledge and Amul R. Thapar of the Sixth Circuit. The president met alone with them for 45 minutes each.

It seems that the dems will fight the hardest to keep Barrett off the court because of their love for identity politics. They don't want women to identify with a conservative supreme court justice.

Trump said that two of his finalists for the court were women. The other is believed to be Joan Larsen from the 6th circuit. She is 50 years old and also a former Scalia clerk like Barrett. She was confirmed a year ago with 60 votes. That is five more than Barrett got. So she might be a "stealth nominee" (just as conservative but less controversial).
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The DOJ is a goddam joke.

Biggest disgrace of the Trump presidency is him allowing the DOJ to be completely and totally corrupt on his watch.

I honestly can't understand how so much criminal activity is simply swept under the rug to cover up the crimes of the left (the Seth Rich case really sent all this into a tailspin).

Honest question... what the HELL has Jeff Sessions been doing since appointed by Trump? There are only three possible reasons for his complete lack of activity: 1) he's nose-deep in the swamp and only faked wanting to clean things up 2) he's been threatened by the left/deep-state (likely the Clinton mafia) 3) he's simply not courageous to do this job. I think 3 is the least likely outcome and I'm split between 1 and 2. Both are legit possibilities and a combination of the 2 may be even more likely.