How will they rule ??!

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I know what Willy is doing tonight.

Load it up with the orange great again.

Amy Barrett's catholicism already attacked. Willet's twitter joking getting mocked. Good sign.
Matt Jones wants to replace Mitch McConnell. Thinks he can beat him. Tonight on his tv show, he will have his good buddy, Ricky lL Jones, professor at u6. MJ thinks this guy is great.

Here is an articl he had in the CJ last week. Is he racist or not? Would you vote for someone that thinks he’s a good dude?

Oh yeah, here is the title....
Was James Baldwin right when he called white Americans moral monsters?
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New unsealed court documents show the FBI didn't use a grand jury to subpoena witnesses in the Hilary email investigation. That means all 72 witnesses who testified were not under oath nor did they have they testimonies recorded.
The worst part about all of this is that despite all the evidence of blatant corruption in the FBI/DOJ/DNC/Obama presidency, no one of any consequence will be held responsible for anything. It’s a sheer mockery of our system of law and spits in the face of everything our government/country is supposed to be.
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Matt Jones wants to replace Mitch McConnell. Thinks he can beat him. Tonight on his tv show, he will have his good buddy, Ricky lL Jones, professor at u6. MJ thinks this guy is great.

Here is an articl he had in the CJ last week. Is he racist or not? Would you vote for someone that thinks he’s a good dude?

Oh yeah, here is the title....
Was James Baldwin right when he called white Americans moral monsters?
Matt Jones stands as much of a chance at winning as I do
Filmmaker at the border catches a coyote bringing illegals across the Rio Grande on a jet ski. The coyote does a quick u turn and flips him off while yelling you're costing me money.

He also said it's gotten so bad and so blatant they rent out 5$ inner tubes to help illegals float across the Rio Grande for those who can't afford one of the jet ski escorts.
I keep reading and hearing Dems and some Repubs claim Roe v Wade is settled law and has decades of precedent so you can't change it or overturn it.

Well then by that logic DC v Heller is settled law with precedent that dates back to the 2A of the Constitution being written so stop trying to change it or overturn it.
Matt Jones wants to replace Mitch McConnell. Thinks he can beat him. Tonight on his tv show, he will have his good buddy, Ricky lL Jones, professor at u6. MJ thinks this guy is great.

Here is an articl he had in the CJ last week. Is he racist or not? Would you vote for someone that thinks he’s a good dude?

Oh yeah, here is the title....
Was James Baldwin right when he called white Americans moral monsters?

Matt tweeted the he "loves" this Ricky Jones character earlier, and that he'd be on Tucker Carlson tonight.

Tucker pretty much owned him the entire segment. He's nothing more than a race baiting hack. Best line was Tucker calling u6 "The University of whatever".
Matt Jones wants to replace Mitch McConnell. Thinks he can beat him. Tonight on his tv show, he will have his good buddy, Ricky lL Jones, professor at u6. MJ thinks this guy is great.

Here is an articl he had in the CJ last week. Is he racist or not? Would you vote for someone that thinks he’s a good dude?

Oh yeah, here is the title....
Was James Baldwin right when he called white Americans moral monsters?

“It is the continuation of a long-standing pattern and, as Congresswoman Maxine Waters advised, resistance needs to be fomented.”

Great guy Matt.

Tell us how you really feel Matt.

Lead the march Matt.
Giuliani and Gingrich were at this rally.

The Iranian-heritage couple, identified only as 38-year-old Amir S. and 33-year-old Nasimeh N., were apprehended on Saturday after police stopped them and searched their car in the Woluwé-Saint-Pierre neighborhood of Brussels. Investigators found more than a pound of TATP explosives and a detonator, said Eric Van der Sijpt, spokesman for the Belgian prosecutor's office.

Van der Sijpt added that two other men had been arrested in connection with the plot, one in France and one in Germany. The man arrested in Germany, the spokesman said, "seems to be" a diplomat attached to the Iranian embassy in Vienna, Austria. A report by Belgian broadcaster RTBF described the man as a "contact" of the arrested couple.
Giuliani and Gingrich were at this rally.

The Iranian-heritage couple, identified only as 38-year-old Amir S. and 33-year-old Nasimeh N., were apprehended on Saturday after police stopped them and searched their car in the Woluwé-Saint-Pierre neighborhood of Brussels. Investigators found more than a pound of TATP explosives and a detonator, said Eric Van der Sijpt, spokesman for the Belgian prosecutor's office.

Van der Sijpt added that two other men had been arrested in connection with the plot, one in France and one in Germany. The man arrested in Germany, the spokesman said, "seems to be" a diplomat attached to the Iranian embassy in Vienna, Austria. A report by Belgian broadcaster RTBF described the man as a "contact" of the arrested couple.
This needs to be considered an act of war . Respond accordingly
The worst part about all of this is that despite all the evidence of blatant corruption in the FBI/DOJ/DNC/Obama presidency, no one of any consequence will be held responsible for anything. It’s a sheer mockery of our system of law and spits in the face of everything our government/country is supposed to be.
yes, I'm sure you are in an uproar over this:
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and his aides have kept "secret" calendars and schedules to overtly hide controversial meetings or calls with industry representatives and others, according to a former EPA official who is expected to soon testify before Congress.

And, umm, sorry, there is little evidence of blatant corruption. And considering the things that are now ok for Trump and his admin to get away with, previous administration were angels. This campaign by Republicans is just a political ploy to keep their weasel Trump off the impeachment chair and possibly the jailhouse.
yes, I'm sure you are in an uproar over this:
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and his aides have kept "secret" calendars and schedules to overtly hide controversial meetings or calls with industry representatives and others, according to a former EPA official who is expected to soon testify before Congress.

And, umm, sorry, there is little evidence of blatant corruption. And considering the things that are now ok for Trump and his admin to get away with, previous administration were angels. This campaign by Republicans is just a political ploy to keep their weasel Trump off the impeachment chair and possibly the jailhouse.
Sweet deflection with the first paragraph. 2nd paragraph is laughable...dems believe govt is their god... blindly trust "a collection of normal ppl" and never question them. Its unknown what else Barry was up to bc no one dared question the God king
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Sweet deflection with the first paragraph. 2nd paragraph is laughable...dems believe govt is their god... blindly trust "a collection of normal ppl" and never question them. Its unknown what else Barry was up to bc no one dared question the God king
You talk about people blindly following the God King referencing Obama, but just look at how your own posts on the steel tariffs were received on this board. You were shouted down by mindless followers for questioning God Emperor Trump. Doesn't matter what expertise you bring to a particular issue, you're apparently useless and wrong because you dare to go against the flow. How dare you know more about a specific topic than the plebeians?!?!

A few paragraphs really stood out.

Democrats gerrymandered the district, yet they're still losing.

Instead, Colorado’s Sixth Congressional District has become a scene of frustration and failure for Democrats. In election after cash-soaked election, Democrats have been unable to unseat Mike Coffman, a five-term Republican congressman, even after his Republican-layup district was redrawn to slice out some conservative white voters and include thousands more Hispanic residents.

The reason for that is because, regardless of how diverse, even legal immigrants don't want crime, illegal immigration and 'sanctuary' infesting their cities and neighborhoods, so they are voting against the Democrats. It's also telling how the reporter labels this man's concerns as a "dark view".

It has been more than 30 years since Nelson Echeverry emigrated from Colombia. As he dropped off his ballot last Monday, immigration was at the front of his mind, but he had a dark view of how his community has changed.

“It’s getting worse,” he said. “I can live with everybody, but the bad elements are moving in. We need to get stronger. It’s moving. Fast.”

He cast his primary ballot for a slate of Republicans and walked out into the sunshine.
Eric Trump rushes into NYC traffic to save ailing woman

An ordinary morning in New York City last week for President Trump’s son Eric Trump abruptly turned frantic when he rushed to the aid of a woman who passed out near a train station, dodging rush-hour traffic to chase down a passing ambulance.

According to an eyewitness account provided to Secrets, Trump and his security detail stopped to tend to the unidentified woman outside of the F train stop near 57th Street and 6th Avenue on Wednesday morning.

Our tipster, who requested anonymity, said Trump then spotted a passing ambulance and rushed to stop it.

“I watched as Eric looked up, spotted an ambulance slowly passing by on 6th, ran into traffic — almost getting hit by a bicyclist — and shouted at the ambulance to get its attention,” said the observer.

“Not sure if the ambulance had been called for or if Eric managed to hail one out of the blue, but in any case his sense of urgency was clear and he succeeded in getting the paramedics to stop and tend to the woman,” added the observer, who has no ties to Trump.

After the paramedics took over, Trump and his security detail left.

For his part, Trump gave the credit for helping the ailing woman to the medical team he flagged down.

“I’m glad we were able to play a small role in getting help for the woman on 58th Street,” he told Secrets. “We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I’m especially grateful to the EMTs who took over."
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"It appears that Kim sized up Trump as an inexperienced and uninformed buffoon who would allow him to carry on his nuclear program and simply tell the public that it wasn’t happening rather than admit that his “deal” was a sham."-----Heather Parton
"It appears that Kim sized up Trump as an inexperienced and uninformed buffoon who would allow him to carry on his nuclear program and simply tell the public that it wasn’t happening rather than admit that his “deal” was a sham."-----Heather Parton

Clearly we should take this as gospel, she did found the blog Hullabaloo.