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Collins and Murkowski drawing lines in the sand. I think Trump can only lose one R and still get confirmation?

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), a moderate who was one of five senators to meet with President Trump on Thursday about the Supreme Court vacancy, said she told him she's "looking for a nominee that would demonstrate a respect for precedence" and suggested he venture beyond his campaign-era list of 25 judicial candidates approved by the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation.

"The White House counsel told me that there have been a few additional potential nominees added to that list," Collins told ABC this morning. "But I think the president should not feel bound by that list and instead should seek out recommendations to ensure that he gets the best possible person."

The senator said she was "glad to hear" five additional names had been added to the list.

"The president listened very intently to what Lisa Murkowski and I said," she said, noting the Alaska Republican who is also in favor of abortion rights. "And I got the feeling that he was still deliberating and had not yet reached a decision and that this was genuine outreach on his part."

I have no problem with Trump throwing the RINO sisters a bone on abortion being settled law so long a we get a justice that will stick to the constitution going forward. However, they shouldn't overplay their hand because the GOP could pick up a senate seat or two in November and then Trump doesn't need them.
Collins and Murkowski drawing lines in the sand. I think Trump can only lose one R and still get confirmation?

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), a moderate who was one of five senators to meet with President Trump on Thursday about the Supreme Court vacancy, said she told him she's "looking for a nominee that would demonstrate a respect for precedence" and suggested he venture beyond his campaign-era list of 25 judicial candidates approved by the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation.

"The White House counsel told me that there have been a few additional potential nominees added to that list," Collins told ABC this morning. "But I think the president should not feel bound by that list and instead should seek out recommendations to ensure that he gets the best possible person."

The senator said she was "glad to hear" five additional names had been added to the list.

"The president listened very intently to what Lisa Murkowski and I said," she said, noting the Alaska Republican who is also in favor of abortion rights. "And I got the feeling that he was still deliberating and had not yet reached a decision and that this was genuine outreach on his part."

If Trump balks on the nominee, he is toast IMO. He doesn't have to nominate the most conservative candidate, but if he allows Murkowski and Collins to make him nominate another waffler, then he will lose credibility with a lot of people. The overlap between "maintaining Roe v Wade" and "strict orginialist" is fairly slim. So, the idea that you can grab from a huge pool of people who won't vote against a challenge to Roe, but will also vote like Thomas or Scalia the rest of the time is misguided, at best. If he strays from the list he provided, he will more than likely end up with another Roberts or Kennedy.

That's the first thing. Secondly, Murkowski and Collins are both (allegedly) Catholic. Their support for abortion rights should be a non-starter in their home diocese. Excommunicate them, pronto.

Lastly, Manchin and Donnelly (also Catholics), could easily make up the difference and swing towards supporting Trump's nominee
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So is the Cohen thing really not worth talking about here?

I checked to see if Fox News was covering it, and sure enough it was buried in their Twitter feed, hours after the news broke. I don't watch TV news like you guys, so I have no idea if it was covered on Fox & Friends or whatever.

But anyway, the Fox News tweet...the replies....LMAO!!!!!

The first comment was some bum talking about Hillary Clinton, people are talking about pardons, "feeling bad" for Cohen, the "Deep State," you name it.

What's the narrative here on that whole thing? That Cohen knows nothing? That Cohen will somehow get pardoned? That you don't give a shit about what illegal stuff Trump has done, that you knew he was no "saint," and you voted for him because he actually "cares about America?" Humor me, bros.
U read Fox News comment sections....u sposed to party bro????! LMAO

Trying to see if the MAGA morons on Twitter are as idiotic as the ones in this thread. They are, but we've got some real dumbasses here that are even more extreme with the far-right conspiracy theory bullshit.

Did you guys talk about Cohen this morning? I haven't gone back to check.
Lastly, Manchin and Donnelly (also Catholics), could easily make up the difference and swing towards supporting Trump's nominee

There is almost zero chance that Manchin or Donnelly will be the deciding vote that puts a new justice on the court. The GOP is going to have to get 50 of their own first. Then and only then might one of the dems throw their vote to support a nominee. It was the same way on the tax bill.
Did I just see someone post something here about Obama?


Good grief, what kind of beta snowflake cuck gives a damn what one of Obama's kids is doing in 2018?

Trump's kids, on the other hand....yeah. They better be mentioned here daily once that Trump Foundation trial gets going.

Oh and what's up with this meeting that Donald Trump Jr. had with a Russian lawyer? Something about Russian adoption, right?
Did I just see someone post something here about Obama?


Good grief, what kind of beta snowflake cuck gives a damn what one of Obama's kids is doing in 2018?

Trump's kids, on the other hand....yeah. They better be mentioned here daily once that Trump Foundation trial gets going.

Oh and what's up with this meeting that Donald Trump Jr. had with a Russian lawyer? Something about Russian adoption, right?

What do you fools with Trump Derangement Syndrome think that you can accomplish with any kind of b.s. trial. Your best case is that you get a President Pence (who is even more conservative) and Trump's legacy remains because he got it passed by congress. Also we are 7 days away from naming the 5th conservative justice who will keep the court from going off the rails for another decade. Trump has already won so much while erasing Obama's feeble pen and phone legacy.


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Did I just see someone post something here about Obama?


Good grief, what kind of beta snowflake cuck gives a damn what one of Obama's kids is doing in 2018?

Trump's kids, on the other hand....yeah. They better be mentioned here daily once that Trump Foundation trial gets going.

Oh and what's up with this meeting that Donald Trump Jr. had with a Russian lawyer? Something about Russian adoption, right?
Do you even MAGA bro?
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So is the Cohen thing really not worth talking about here?

What? That Cohen said his family comes first? Good deal. I'd expect that from any self respecting person. But that doesn't automatically mean he's going to rat on Trump or that he even has information about collusion.

Cooperating with an investigation instead of fighting it more than likely equals he's defeated and no longer has the funds to fight it. It doesn't automatically mean that he's the key to Russia collusion and has all the goods to bring down the WH.

Mike Flynn ultimately ran out of money then caved and cooperated too. Still no Russia collusion.
are as idiotic as the ones in this thread. They are, but we've got some real dumbasses here

[roll]Coming from the dipshit who thinks space war = a star wars movie. No wonder you're always talking about how dumb, idiotic, moronic etc people are in every post. It's a defense mechanism. You're a clueless shit for brains. You try to hide it by projecting it onto everyone else.
[roll]Coming from the dipshit who thinks space war = a star wars movie. No wonder you're always talking about how dumb, idiotic, moronic etc people are in every post. It's a defense mechanism. You're a clueless shit for brains. You try to hide it by projecting it onto everyone else.

Trump said we're going back to the moon! Then Mars! MAGA!!!!
What? That Cohen said his family comes first? Good deal. I'd expect that from any self respecting person. But that doesn't automatically mean he's going to rat on Trump or that he even has information about collusion.

Cooperating with an investigation instead of fighting it more than likely equals he's defeated and no longer has the funds to fight it. It doesn't automatically mean that he's the key to Russia collusion and has all the goods to bring down the WH.

Mike Flynn ultimately ran out of money then caved and cooperated too. Still no Russia collusion.

We have no clue how much that guy knows about collusion. That investigation is still ongoing, by the way. Now tell me - why are you so fired up about Canadian dairy tariffs?
We have no clue how much that guy knows about collusion. That investigation is still ongoing, by the way

You're right we don't but last I checked when Russia trolls were indicted Rod Rosenstein stood at a podium and made it very clear that not a single American was involved. And nothing else has been uncovered since then. You know how I know? Because everything Russia and damaging to Trump leaks like a fire house. Nothing has leaked.

Now tell me - why are you so fired up about Canadian dairy tariffs?

Pointing out the obvious to the morons who think everything involving trade is picture perfect and should stay the way it is and that Trump shouldn't fight for the US to be treated fairly isn't what I'd consider "fired up"
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I'd try to play it off too. Pretty dumb, bro.

Dude, we're talking about blowing up satellites and shit. Some dude in the Air Force was talking about space being a warfighting domain and that we have to increase agility or something. Trump himself has no idea what he means by Space Force. Are you trying to sell me on another "4-D chess move" by this guy? Really bro?
Dude, we're talking about blowing up satellites and shit.
Which could cripple the military and have severe consequences on earth.You're also forgetting about the cyber aspect.

Trump himself has no idea what he means by Space Force.

Says who? You don't think Mattis and the Pentagon know exactly what he's talking about? You don't think shit isn't discussed in classified briefings that Trump can't scream out at a rally. How dumb are you.

Are you trying to sell me on another "4-D chess move" by this guy? Really bro?

I don't need to sell you on anything. It's reality. China and Russia are already half way there. The US is being forced to play catch up. You can deny it because of your hate for Trump but that's on you. Only shows how debilitating Trump derangement syndrome truly is. You're delusional and refuse to accept reality even though I smacked you in the face with it.
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You're right we don't but last I checked when Russia trolls were indicted Rod Rosenstein stood at a podium and made it very clear that not a single American was involved. And nothing else has been uncovered since then. You know how I know? Because everything Russia and damaging to Trump leaks like a fire house. Nothing has leaked.

Pointing out the obvious to the morons who think everything involving trade is picture perfect and should stay the way it is and that Trump shouldn't fight for the US to be treated fairly isn't what I'd consider "fired up"

Look, it's just painfully obvious that Trump doesn't know what a "deficit" means in this sense. He equates that with America "losing," and that simply isn't the case. We have so much damn money. Trump is having weird flashbacks to the days of coal and booming steel plants and Detroit automobiles...and he just doesn't get it. That every-nation-for-itself shit is over, dude. International trade is treating us fine.
Which could cripple the military and have severe consequences on earth.You're also forgetting about the cyber aspect.

Right, because Donald Trump showed that he really cares about cybersecurity when he cut the top federal position. Give me a break, bro. Hell, he probably did it just because the post was created by Obama. That's how petty and small-minded our president is. You're trying to tell me he cares about cybersecurity like that? That's laughable given his past statements. I won't even bring up the Russia thing. SMH.
Look, it's just painfully obvious that Trump doesn't know what a "deficit" means in this sense.

Says who? A dumbass who thinks space war is a movie? Just because he plays is up for political purposes doesn't mean what you think it means.

He equates that with America "losing," and that simply isn't the case.

America is being taken advantage of. Allowing it to happen is losing.

We have so much damn money.

That doesn't mean we should bend over and allow other countries to treat us unfairly.

Trump is having weird flashbacks to the days of coal and booming steel plants and Detroit automobiles...and he just doesn't get it.

I think it's you who doesn't get it. I also know how your kind operate. Trump will eventually be proven right and ultimately solve the problem in the end. You'll give him zero credit and cowardly move on to the next fake outrage topic. Rinse and repeat. Been happening going on two years now.

That every-nation-for-itself shit is over, dude.

You might want to check that. It's making a comeback across the globe. Besides globalization shouldn't mean that the US allows other countries to treat us unfairly because we have more money than them.

International trade is treating us fine.

That's a straight up lie and you know it. If you don't know you truly are a dumbass. Even the biggest haters of the tariffs still at least admit that something needs to be done to even the playing field.
Right, because Donald Trump showed that he really cares about cybersecurity when he cut the top federal position. Give me a break, bro. Hell, he probably did it just because the post was created by Obama. That's how petty and small-minded our president is. You're trying to tell me he cares about cybersecurity like that? That's laughable given his past statements. I won't even bring up the Russia thing. SMH.
You just keep moving from one phony outrage to the next. More insults. Rinse and repeat. That's all you have. You really can't accept reality.
Look, it's just painfully obvious that Trump doesn't know what a "deficit" means in this sense. He equates that with America "losing," and that simply isn't the case. We have so much damn money. Trump is having weird flashbacks to the days of coal and booming steel plants and Detroit automobiles...and he just doesn't get it. That every-nation-for-itself shit is over, dude. International trade is treating us fine.

Yeah, China is treating us great. They steal our intellectual property, allow cheap copies of our goods to be counterfeited and sold, heavily subsidize vital industries like steel so that no one can compete against them, steal our military secrets and force our companies into joint ventures if we want to do any business in China. That's a great trading partner to you.
Right, because Donald Trump showed that he really cares about cybersecurity when he cut the top federal position. Give me a break, bro. Hell, he probably did it just because the post was created by Obama. That's how petty and small-minded our president is. You're trying to tell me he cares about cybersecurity like that? That's laughable given his past statements. I won't even bring up the Russia thing. SMH.

I'll smack you in the face with reality one more time and then I'm done with you. That position was cut because the morons allowed every country who has tried to infiltrate. They were doing a piss poor job.How many times was the Obama administration hacked? Too many to count. Ever think about that? Getting rid of incompetent Obama holdovers isn't petty and small minded. It's leadership.

As for cybersecurity in general you are spouting lies. You know nothing. All you have are your deranged opinions. Nothing you type is ever backed up by fact.

President Donald Trump’s 2019 fiscal year budget request boosts cybersecurity funding by about 4 percent across the government, including significant hikes at the Homeland Security Department and Pentagon.

The overall increase includes even larger cyber funding spikes at key agencies, including a 23 percent jump at the Energy Department, a 33 percent jump at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and a 16 percent hike at the Veterans Affairs Department.
Yeah, China is treating us great. They steal our intellectual property, allow cheap copies of our goods to be counterfeited and sold, heavily subsidize vital industries like steel so that no one can compete against them, steal our military secrets and force our companies into joint ventures if we want to do any business in China. That's a great trading partner to you.

Well damn, I guess we're lucky that Donald Trump claims to have a "great relationship" with their president and that he doesn't want to "single out China." I guess he'll deal with China someday?

Instead he blindsides our...allies. Sounds like a great plan. Another 4-D chess move from the Very Stable Genius.
I'll smack you in the face with reality one more time and then I'm done with you. That position was cut because the morons allowed every country who has tried to infiltrate. They were doing a piss poor job.How many times was the Obama administration hacked? Too many to count. Ever think about that? Getting rid of incompetent Obama holdovers isn't petty and small minded. It's leadership.

As for cybersecurity in general you are spouting lies. You know nothing. All you have are your deranged opinions. Nothing you type is ever backed up by fact.

President Donald Trump’s 2019 fiscal year budget request boosts cybersecurity funding by about 4 percent across the government, including significant hikes at the Homeland Security Department and Pentagon.

The overall increase includes even larger cyber funding spikes at key agencies, including a 23 percent jump at the Energy Department, a 33 percent jump at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and a 16 percent hike at the Veterans Affairs Department.

I have no problem with Trump throwing the RINO sisters a bone on abortion being settled law so long a we get a justice that will stick to the constitution going forward.
Those thoughts are mutually exclusive imo. When you accept Roe, you accept its basis which is no where written in the Constitution. Thus you're not an originalist. Let 'em try & stop Barrett.
Guy is full of emotion and hate but zero facts. I'm beginning to think he's a pathological liar because no one could be so clueless about everything involving politics. All he knows is hate Trump. Why is he even here? It's obvious he doesn't follow politics.
You're right we don't but last I checked when Russia trolls were indicted Rod Rosenstein stood at a podium and made it very clear that not a single American was involved. And nothing else has been uncovered since then. You know how I know? Because everything Russia and damaging to Trump leaks like a fire house. Nothing has leaked.

Pointing out the obvious to the morons who think everything involving trade is picture perfect and should stay the way it is and that Trump shouldn't fight for the US to be treated fairly isn't what I'd consider "fired up"

Yep. If it was anything of note, we'd already know. They were probably holding this for October but the Kennedy retirement forced their hand.

Guess they will drag out his "cooperation" as long as possible, through midterms if allowed. All while knowing good and well it's nothing.

However they may be in for a let down in terms of public interest. Cohen story was only briefly trending and that's with the help of bots and ridiculous blue check army. So one can imagine actual interest must not be high