How will they rule ??!

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Wow and shhhhhhh....


Who are the normal people on the left? Every single one of them are united in their insanity. Since the Obama era, they have went off the rails.
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That China 6.5x figure is correct. If you want to see a hockey stick graph, find one that shows China coal consumption.

They recently said they would cutback on coal and they have because they overbuilt.

It’s a bold move Cotton to ramp up production 20 fold and then announce that you are complying with international pressure by reducing consumption by 10 percent.

For years a new coal burning 1000/1500 megawatt plant was coming online every week.

Every week.

Nobody gives two shits about coal except us and countries that want to slow us down.

It’s been decades since we built any thing that big. We can’t even get a 300
MW off the ground.

It’s like China was driving a Hummer and scaled back to an Escalade. Then we made it illegal to transport anything in the US with anything other than a bicycle.
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White Evangelicals are using a lot of words to explain why they are not following Jesus Christ's idea he shared about "Welcoming the Stranger"
Stranger knocks on my door and introduces himself, I welcome him. Stranger sneaks in my window in the middle of the night, I'm not welcoming him with open arms. Why is the distinction so hard for you to grasp?
That China 6.5x figure is correct. If you want to see a hockey stick graph, find one that shows China coal consumption.

They recently said they would cutback on coal and they have because they overbuilt.

It’s a bold move Cotton to ramp up production 20 fold and then announce that you are complying with international pressure by reducing consumption by 10 percent.

For years a new coal burning 1000/1500 megawatt plant was coming online every week.

Every week.

Nobody gives two shits about coal except us and countries that want to slow us down.

It’s been decades since we built any thing that big. We can’t even get a 300
MW off the ground.

It’s like China was driving a Hummer and scaled back to an Escalade. Then we made it illegal to transport anything in the US with anything other than a bicycle.

Under the Paris Accord, China doesn't have to begin cutting emissions for over a decade. They can keep ramping up emissions even though they are the world's biggest polluter. Kerry and the Euros really got bent over by the Chinese negotiators. No wonder Trump pulled us out.
Wow and shhhhhhh....

Seems the more statements like this are expressed the deeper these losers go to the far left. They are so out of touch with the everyday American that they will allow these large metro city citizens make them think the rest of the country believes their insanity as well.

While Nancy and Maxine fly over the states that took them out of power Trump is working hard to help those people which is why he will get re-elected. Chucky stays in his elitist NY area along with Washington so he has zero clue what Middle America thinks.
I don't. Would love an O vs. Drumpf battle royale.
Well he didn't. Was too scared to run against Obama in 2012. Needed to pick the weakest Dem candidate to have a chance. Would have been slaughtered by Obama in 2008 or 2012.
Well he didn't. Was too scared to run against Obama in 2012. Needed to pick the weakest Dem candidate to have a chance. Would have been slaughtered by Obama in 2008 or 2012.

At the time Trump ran, Hillary was considered to be unstoppable. On the other hand, Obama was considered vulnerable for his re-election but he got the gift of a weak opponent. So I would argue that Trump beat the tougher candidate. And while you are slobbering over Obama, you need to keep in mind that his 8 years of bullcrap (dividing the country over sex and race, socialist agenda, etc.) made Trump's victory possible.
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Stranger knocks on my door and introduces himself, I welcome him. Stranger sneaks in my window in the middle of the night, I'm not welcoming him with open arms. Why is the distinction so hard for you to grasp?

Because Democrats have brainwashed their retarded base into backing this and disguised their desperate need for votes as being "compassionate."
At the time Trump ran, Hillary was considered to be unstoppable. On the other hand, Obama was considered vulnerable for his re-election but he got the gift of a weak opponent. So I would argue that Trump beat the tougher candidate. And while you are slobbering over Obama, you need to keep in mind that his 8 years of bullcrap (social justice, dividing to country over sex and race, socialist agenda, etc.) made Trump's victory possible. We needed a change from Obama's Hope n' Change.

It's really incredible how easy it was for Obama to win both elections. A Democrat was winning no matter what in 2008 due to Bush. But then the GOP ran a stereotype in Romney. Two Dem-lite Republicans made it easy as hell for Obama. Would any conservative trust Romney/Ryan now? Hell no.

Hillary was guaranteed this spot since 2008. She had everything available to her- a complicit press, mega donors, Hollywood, Obama, intel agencies, etc. But what was so great about her being the candidate is that she was the perfect person for Trump to run against due to her having so much baggage. After being in politics for 40 years, she had a ton of corruption and no success to really point to. Trump was really the only person who could have won that for the GOP.
In reality, only Wind has picked up, Hydro hasn't as most hydro plants are more than 20 years old.

Also, is that face plate data, or actual production. There's a big difference
Yea, no more solar panels anywhere. And so what if it was only wind. Wind doesn't count for anything? Who knows where ethanol & biomass will ever go.
Yea, no more solar panels anywhere. And so what if it was only wind. Wind doesn't count for anything? Who knows where ethanol & biomass will ever go.

You misunderstood me, I wasn't slamming the report, I was simply pointing out a fact. Hydro made up the largest portion, hydro isn't new.

Is the wind actual production, which is far below nameplate production numbers.
Well he didn't. Was too scared to run against Obama in 2012. Needed to pick the weakest Dem candidate to have a chance. Would have been slaughtered by Obama in 2008 or 2012.
In your words, he was intelligent (That means smart) enough not to play against a stacked deck & Dems were stupid enough to nominate someone he could beat - another intelligent insight by your Prez.

Love your Trump intelligence acknowledgement. You're getting somewhere.
In reality, only Wind has picked up, Hydro hasn't as most hydro plants are more than 20 years old.

Also, is that face plate data, or actual production. There's a big difference

Exactly. You can add all the wind and solar generating capabilities in the world, but it won't matter if the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining. Hence the massive duck-curve situation that is going to drive brown/black outs in California in the coming years.
It's really incredible how easy it was for Obama to win both elections. A Democrat was winning no matter what in 2008 due to Bush. But then the GOP ran a stereotype in Romney. Two Dem-lite Republicans made it easy as hell for Obama. Would any conservative trust Romney/Ryan now? Hell no.
FWIW & whether you care for him or not, McCain was ahead in the polls in Sept '08 when the economy tanked & he suspended his campaign. Between Romney's 47% comment & CNN debate "moderators" openly siding with Obama, he had no chance. Think he actually would have been decent. Mainly a business background.
Exactly. You can add all the wind and solar generating capabilities in the world, but it won't matter if the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining. Hence the massive duck-curve situation that is going to drive brown/black outs in California in the coming years.
That the duck curve exists isn't a problem. It's the lack of dealing with it that's the problem. Many places where the wind blows reliably.
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That' the duck curve exists isn't a problem. It's the lack of dealing with it that's the problem. Many places where the wind blows reliably.

Oh I'm not saying wind/solar/other renewables don't have a place. States forcing them into spaces they aren't made for is the issue. California is making it even worse by closing a huge nuclear plant and trying to force natural gas out of the equation as well.

I'm all for renewable energy development. But until energy storage advances far beyond where it is today, coal/nat gas/nuclear will always have a much-needed place in our generation stack.
When renewables go from <1% to 13% in 20 years, pretty impressive & growing gain.
Anyone have the cost per kwh for the major energy sources? Are the renewables close in cost? I'd guess not but Im too lazy to look it up and several of you are more knowledgeable than I on this issue...
So Cohen gives an exclusive interview to stephanapolous about his coming cooperation?

First, he has nothing. If he did they'd already act on it. They're way behind on expected impeachment schedule.

Second it's nice to see the doj, Mueller, msm team at work again...
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Canada having 275% tariff on US dairy isn't fair. That's not a tax that's basically an outright ban.

Turkey having a 58% tariff on US cherries while dumping cherries into the US with a 0% tariff overrunning Michigan cherry farmers isn't fair.

I could go on and on. There are dozens examples of the US being taken advantage and treated unfairly far beyond China's intellectual property theft.
A 275% tariff on something that is 0.1% of US-Canada trade, AGAIN, a country we have a trade SURPLUS with. Michigan cherries are worth $54 million dollars. Million, not billion, not trillion. You can always 'cherry pick' small cases where imports are hurting US producers but for the larger industries that is mostly not the case. I would hardly call trade that makes up less than 1% of US exports as being taken advantage of.

LOL at US being treated 'unfairly'. We have dictated things for so long we think we can just get whatever deal we want. Countries protect certain industries, the US does it as well. How many subsidies we have for dairy, for corn, for oil, and on and on. All Trump is doing is ensuring that the US ends up in a recession within a year. If that happens he will get SLAUGHTERED in 2020. Not even his voter suppression tactics will help him. The only reason he is even getting a pass right now is because economy that Obama built up is doing well. Everything else is crap. Our deficit has EXPLODED since tax cuts. EXPLODED. The fact that Kudlow goes on TV and tells a bold faced lie should be grounds for impeachment right there. And I bet you guys actually believe it, which is the sad part. I think you actually like being lied to so you don't have to face any realities.

You know what has helped farmers..NAFTA. Know what else would have helped them? TPP, an agreement that would have helped us against China and one that Trump didn't even look at I'm sure. TPP also had very strong intellectual property provisions. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but Trump gave China the pole position for no reason at all.
Gender-fluidity/androgyny becomes prevalent “as a civilization is starting to unravel. You find it again and again and again in history.”

That's interesting because the speaker isn't the expected middle age white male Christian American, but is rather Camille Paglia, celebrated lesbian/atheist/feminist.

She views the whole current situation as "ominous". She also says early medical or surgical intervention is not liberating, but is rather "child abuse, a crime against humanity." This is interesting. Was reading this over the weekend, and it led to another piece by a social/political scientist who said we are not at a tipping point as regards this stuff, we are past it.....

Anyone have the cost per kwh for the major energy sources? Are the renewables close in cost? I'd guess not but Im too lazy to look it up and several of you are more knowledgeable than I on this issue...
That's difficult to calculate. You can get average cost data for each source of generation, but you can't get apples to apples cost. What I mean by that is the cost to install a Megawatt (MW) of solar, for example, is not comparable to the cost to install a MW of gas or coal. Gas and coal can both dispatched and have a very high availability factor. In other words, they are available the majority of the hours in the year. Solar, and wind, cannot be dispatched and have low availability factors. That comes into play when a utility is building capacity because of the projected capacity shortfall. For example, If a utility projects it will be short by 100 MWs of capacity, it can add coal or gas units of approximately 100 MWs because both have high availability factors. Solar has an availability factor of around 20% - 25% in most places. This means that if you need 100 MWs of capacity you would need to add 400 - 500 MWs of solar to ensure you get the 100 MWs you need. If a utility adds solar for a portion of its needs, it will have to either add gas back-up capacity or additional solar in order to get the capacity it needs compared with the same amount of capacity from coal or gas.

The government publishes the cost of each type of production, but the costs do not take into consideration availability factors, so they treat each source of production as if a MW is interchangeable between sources. They are not. As shown in the example above, 1 MW of coal or gas cannot be exchanged for 1 MW of solar or wind.
The impotent go to response of the ideologue, "It's Obama's fault."
After 8 years of it was Bush's fault it turns about as fair play. What goes around comes around. You know, like the current Supreme Court pick coming up. You guys are really not very bright are you. You don't look far enough ahead to see what the long term effect your actions will have.
A 275% tariff on something that is 0.1% of US-Canada trade, AGAIN, a country we have a trade SURPLUS with. Michigan cherries are worth $54 million dollars. Million, not billion, not trillion. You can always 'cherry pick' small cases where imports are hurting US producers but for the larger industries that is mostly not the case. I would hardly call trade that makes up less than 1% of US exports as being taken advantage of.

LOL at US being treated 'unfairly'. We have dictated things for so long we think we can just get whatever deal we want. Countries protect certain industries, the US does it as well. How many subsidies we have for dairy, for corn, for oil, and on and on. All Trump is doing is ensuring that the US ends up in a recession within a year. If that happens he will get SLAUGHTERED in 2020. Not even his voter suppression tactics will help him. The only reason he is even getting a pass right now is because economy that Obama built up is doing well. Everything else is crap. Our deficit has EXPLODED since tax cuts. EXPLODED. The fact that Kudlow goes on TV and tells a bold faced lie should be grounds for impeachment right there. And I bet you guys actually believe it, which is the sad part. I think you actually like being lied to so you don't have to face any realities.

You know what has helped farmers..NAFTA. Know what else would have helped them? TPP, an agreement that would have helped us against China and one that Trump didn't even look at I'm sure. TPP also had very strong intellectual property provisions. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but Trump gave China the pole position for no reason at all.

Do you not understand that the reason it's .1% is BECAUSE of the 275% tariff?

We don't think we can get whatever deal we want, but it can be better a deal for us.
Obama granted U.S. citizenship to 2,500 Iranian VIPs as part of terrible nuclear deal.

"The Obama administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians, including family members of government officials, while negotiating the Iran nuclear deal, a senior cleric and member of parliament has claimed. Hojjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zolnour, who is chairman of Iran’s parliamentary nuclear committee and a member of its national security and foreign affairs committee, made the allegations during an interview with the country’s Etemad newspaper, cited by the country’s Fars News agency. He claimed it was done as a favor to senior Iranian officials linked to President Hassan Rouhani, and he alleged the move sparked a competition among Iranian officials over whose children would benefit from the scheme...."
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White Evangelicals are using a lot of words to explain why they are not following Jesus Christ's idea he shared about "Welcoming the Stranger"
You are posting out of context once again. He also said he did not come here to change one letter of Gods laws and protecting your land is one of them. There are strangers in this land and those are the ones Jesus was talking about. You don't break the law and expect to be welcomed with open arms.
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At the time Trump ran, Hillary was considered to be unstoppable. On the other hand, Obama was considered vulnerable for his re-election but he got the gift of a weak opponent. So I would argue that Trump beat the tougher candidate. And while you are slobbering over Obama, you need to keep in mind that his 8 years of bullcrap (dividing to country over sex and race, socialist agenda, etc.) made Trump's victory possible.
Obama's weakness was exactly what put Trump in Office.
Gender-fluidity/androgyny becomes prevalent “as a civilization is starting to unravel. You find it again and again and again in history.”

That's interesting because the speaker isn't the expected middle age white male Christian American, but is rather Camille Paglia, celebrated lesbian/atheist/feminist.

She views the whole current situation as "ominous". She also says early medical or surgical intervention is not liberating, but is rather "child abuse, a crime against humanity." This is interesting. Was reading this over the weekend, and it led to another piece by a social/political scientist who said we are not at a tipping point as regards this stuff, we are past it.....

I agree with the overall notion of the point but I don't think it's that sole issue as the decider.

That issue is an indication of a society where impulse control is no longer a focal point. Societies with impulse control succeed. Those without fail. It's proven time and again throughout history.

As a nation there is an entire segment of the powers that be that enable the eschewing of impulse control in hopes it will result in short term personal political gain. It will. But it will also surely result in the destruction of our nation.
Collins and Murkowski drawing lines in the sand. I think Trump can only lose one R and still get confirmation?

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), a moderate who was one of five senators to meet with President Trump on Thursday about the Supreme Court vacancy, said she told him she's "looking for a nominee that would demonstrate a respect for precedence" and suggested he venture beyond his campaign-era list of 25 judicial candidates approved by the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation.

"The White House counsel told me that there have been a few additional potential nominees added to that list," Collins told ABC this morning. "But I think the president should not feel bound by that list and instead should seek out recommendations to ensure that he gets the best possible person."

The senator said she was "glad to hear" five additional names had been added to the list.

"The president listened very intently to what Lisa Murkowski and I said," she said, noting the Alaska Republican who is also in favor of abortion rights. "And I got the feeling that he was still deliberating and had not yet reached a decision and that this was genuine outreach on his part."