How will they rule ??!

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Trump mentions policy every single day. Just because you disagree with those policies doesn't make them non existent. He knows exactly what he wants done on the border and the majority of the US agrees. It's congress who is dropping the ball.

Also the House Republicans have passed 500 something bills only for them to reach the Senate and die. They're all being obstructed by Senate Democrats abusing the filibuster and refusing to hold a vote on them.
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So you should be happy that Trump is finally trying to do something about it.

And Trump is screaming we must have a fair and free market which most of the Dems and GOP agree with but none have the balls to actually do something about it. They're too scared of the backlash and negativity. They're more concerned with their political capital than they are doing what is best for the country. Trump isn't.
he hasn't done anything with his tariffs to help farmers, he has only made it worse by pissing off our biggest purchasers of soy. They only work if used strategically and targeted for high risk products.
So he was surrounded by a crowd and the encounter became physical. Was he supposed to wait to get jumped?

Also he pulled the gun just as a scare tactic because he was surrounded and obviosly felt threatened. As soon as he pulled it to get them away from him he immediately holstered it and retreated. They gave chase and continued to stalk and harass him. They were the aggressors.

Sorry to tell you this but humans are creatures of survival. When a mob surrounds them and backs them into a corner they feel threatened. That's when fight or flight kicks in. You can't mob up on someone and corner them then be aggressive and expect them not to feel threatened.

"a few protesters began drifting away from the audience to confront the man.

A Huntsville police spokesman said the man — identified as 34-year-old Shane Ryan Sealy — pushed one of the protesters, who pushed him back and knocked him to the ground, at which point Sealy allegedly produced the weapon.

The video shows Sealy putting the gun back in his waistband and backing away from the crowd, then turning around and walking quickly in the opposite direction.

Of the few protesters who followed him, most did so with obvious caution

But a white-haired man nearly sprinted in pursuit, tossing his cap to the ground as he chased Sealy toward a tree line."
[roll]What a dummy. He's a perfect representation of the idiots being discussed in the first paragraph. Actually I think it's him who watches too much tv. I know he hates Trump but being delusional and rejecting reality because Trump is associated with it is no way to go through life.

‘It’s going to happen’: is the world ready for war in space?

When you hear the phrase “space war”, it is easy to conjure images that could have come from a Star Wars movie: dogfights in space, motherships blasting into warp speed, planet-killing lasers and astronauts with ray guns. And just as easy to then dismiss the whole thing as nonsense. It’s why last month’s call by President Trump for an American “space force” was met with a tired eye-roll from most. But there is truth behind his words. While the Star Wars-esque scenario for what a space war would look like is indeed far-fetched, there is one thing all the experts agree on.

“It is absolutely inevitable that we will see conflict move into space,” says Michael Schmitt, professor of public international law and a space war expert at University of Exeter in the United Kingdom.

What has prompted this latest interest in space war is that the means by which one country can attack another in space have changed dramatically. These days, a frontline space war soldier is most likely to be a state-sponsored hacker sitting at a computer terminal sending rogue commands to confuse or shut down an enemy’s satellites.

“I am convinced beyond a scintilla of doubt… It’s going to happen,” says Schmitt. “The immediate form would be cyber-attacks, either against the satellites or the ground stations that control them. It depends on the nature of the conflict whether you go beyond that,” he says.

Space war is inevitable because today’s modern militaries use space for everything, from spy satellites to a soldier on a mountaintop using satnav to figure out exactly where he or she is. “The reliance upon space is truly extraordinary in contemporary conflict,” says Schmitt. And in any war, one side will seek to deprive the other of their ability to function. In this day and age, that means attacking the satellites.
it won't be much of a space war, once a couple satellites get blown up the debris will balloon out and slowly wipe out everything in orbit. Its basically mutually assured destruction like nukes. Somewhere around 4k satellites in oribt atm. one blowing up starts a chain cascade and sends the whole world back to the industrial revolution.
it won't be much of a space war, once a couple satellites get blown up the debris will balloon out and slowly wipe out everything in orbit. Its basically mutually assured destruction like nukes. Somewhere around 4k satellites in oribt atm. one blowing up starts a chain cascade and sends the whole world back to the industrial revolution.
No crap? It's almost like you don't think I read the articles I linked.
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he hasn't done anything with his tariffs to help farmers, he has only made it worse by pissing off our biggest purchasers of soy. They only work if used strategically and targeted for high risk products.

So negotiations aren't still ongoing? The way it is now is the way it'll always be? Nothing could possibly change? Michigan cherry farmers aren't begging for his help with Turkey? It's almost as you think this should all be solved overnight.
Damn, bro.

If you actually consider Donald Trump to be a smart guy, then he fooled the shit out of you.

Don't worry, you're far from the only one.

If I had to choose Trump's biggest skill, it's marketing to a brainless audience (a good 65% of this thread's posters) with extreme hyperbole, repetition, and bravado. You know that "jack of all trades, master of none" thing?

Trump has claimed to be the master of basically everything ("nobody knows _______ better than me, I have/got the best _______," you know, the classics...) but his actions and speech don't reflect any of that.

He still doesn't understand what it means for America to have a trade deficit with other countries. Think about that.


Get this bum the hell out of here.

Hes a billionaire that also defeated a couple major political dynasties.. make 40kish a year to make sure kids stand in a single file line and dont eat boogers.

Who were you calling the dumbass again?
Yay lets celebrate NK lying and continuing to build nukes. Who cares that if they continue well have to go to war. As long as it makes Trump look bad.
There isn't only the option of make NK get rid of nukes or go to war. That's a pretty stupid perspective I would expect to hear from a idiot like Lindsey Graham. They've had nukes 12 years now and managed to not start another war. When our biggest enemy USSR got nukes we also managed to avoid war, if only barely. Imagine we first strike NK and miss one of their mobile nukes buried in a hole and 10million people in Seoul die because of our arrogance.
There isn't only the option of make NK get rid of nukes or go to war. That's a pretty stupid perspective I would expect to hear from a idiot like Lindsey Graham. They've had nukes 12 years now and managed to not start another war. When our biggest enemy USSR got nukes we also managed to avoid war, if only barely. Imagine we first strike NK and miss one of their mobile nukes buried in a hole and 10million people in Seoul die because of our arrogance.
But they don't have one of the most important parts which is the delivery system. You can't start a war with them if you can't fire them to their target destination. Comparing Russia to NK is nonsense. NK will never be allowed to have nukes along with a delivery system that can reach the US. Thank god idiots with your point of view aren't in charge anymore.
But they don't have one of the most important parts which is the delivery system. You can't start a war with them if you can't fire them to their target destination. Comparing Russia to NK is nonsense. NK will never be allowed to have nukes along with a delivery system that can reach the US. Thank god idiots with your point of view aren't in charge anymore.
So if these North Korean promises are hollow just like they've been every other time then what do we do? Sounds like you're saying go to war.
So if these North Korean promises are hollow just like they've been every other time then what do we do? Sounds like you're saying go to war.

Umm continue to strangle tbeir economy like we are currently doing?

Im lost, do you seem to think weve given north korea anything? Anything at all? Like a pallet full of cash or ended sanctions?

Maybe obama could give trump a pointer on ehat to do when say, a red line is crossed?
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So if these North Korean promises are hollow just like they've been every other time then what do we do? Sounds like you're saying go to war.
First thing is to understand you've been conned. Then you can start understanding what is real and what is TV reality show fantasy. Maybe start understanding what a lemming is and what they do. Supporting and believing in a con man who is working to undermine the Constitution is not the place to start.
Libs here all charged up today. Must've been given new marching orders from their overlords. Good sign for this week. Must mean they're expecting good trump news
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First reaction of an addict is to deny they---not others---they have a problem. Until an addict can look into the mirror, face reality, and admit they must change, they will continue to hurt themselves and those around them. Until they do that they will keep building a false narrative around themselves and continue hurting others.

The left accusing someone else of being Nazis is rich considering their tactics are way on par with the brownshirts.

Let's see, they dehumanized Jews and convinced people that they were "rats" and "not human." We have an entire Dem Party that convinces people that those in the womb are not human as they justify slaughtering them as their right. They also convinced everyone that Jews were the cause of so many problems. We have leftists doing that with heterosexual white males or white people in general.

Nazis completely owned the media and pushed out non-stop propaganda through newspapers, radios and movies. Hmm. Which party does this in the U.S.? Which group uses violence against those who disagree with them politically?
First reaction of an addict is to deny they---not others---they have a problem. Until an addict can look into the mirror, face reality, and admit they must change, they will continue to hurt themselves and those around them. Until they do that they will keep building a false narrative around themselves and continue hurting others.

So how's that working out for you and other leftists who are at war with reality?
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First thing is to understand you've been conned. Then you can start understanding what is real and what is TV reality show fantasy. Maybe start understanding what a lemming is and what they do. Supporting and believing in a con man who is working to undermine the Constitution is not the place to start.

A leftist lecturing anyone on the Constitution is hilarious considering you fascist pieces of shit wouldn't hesitate to rip that up. You certainly aren't in support of the 1A or the 2A.

Does it ever occur to you to look around and examine how deep the groupthink is? That 99 percent of our media all think exactly the same and only hire those who think just like them? Who do you think controls the information you receive and the entertainment you watch? Of course, not. Also, the fact that you think the media is an authority on anything is proof of how brainwashed you are.
First thing is to understand you've been conned. Then you can start understanding what is real and what is TV reality show fantasy. Maybe start understanding what a lemming is and what they do. Supporting and believing in a con man who is working to undermine the Constitution is not the place to start.

How have we been conned? I haven't seen anyone on here declaring NK is nuke free. In fact, if the talks completely fall apart today, the US has given nothing to NK. What we know, and you don't seem to grasp is that this is a process, and it may not work out, but it's worth trying and it's further along than it has been in decades.
Exactly how is Trump undermining or attempting to undermine the Constitution, please be specific.

So much brainwashing in this video. I'm having trouble deciding which part is my favorite. Is it the one where the protesters were oblivious to the Obama era of kids in cages? Or the ugly feminist who believes white males are a bigger threat and most dangerous and following it up with, "If the shoe fits." That part amused me because this woman would freak out if her neighborhood didn't have any whites in it. I'd love to know which street she'd feel more comfortable walking down at night. And if white males are so dangerous, then why do people keep migrating here?
A leftist lecturing anyone on the Constitution is hilarious considering you fascist pieces of shit wouldn't hesitate to rip that up. You certainly aren't in support of the 1A or the 2A.

Does it ever occur to you to look around and examine how deep the groupthink is? That 99 percent of our media all think exactly the same and only hire those who think just like them? Who do you think controls the information you receive and the entertainment you watch? Of course, not. Also, the fact that you think the media is an authority on anything is proof of how brainwashed you are.
This is a funny bit of word salad that illuminates the depth of thought that went into it by conflating in one sentence "leftist" and "fascist". LOL Notwithstanding my comment was about North Korea doing exactly what they have done many times before and how easily Trumpeters are fooled by their nomination of a con man for Nobel Peace Prize. If only there was a Nobel Fools Prize.
Supporting and believing in a con man who is working to undermine the Constitution is not the place to start.

That is why I never supported Obozo. Tried to undermine the Constitution whenever he didn't get his way. Remember the "I have a pen and a cellphone" routine.

Why isn’t US steel a good investment? Because you can get cheap, poor quality Chinese steel? Steel mills require high loads of electricity, that doesn’t fall in line with a “green” economy, so why did our past govt intentionally shoot US industry in the foot?
You don’t think the US needs a good base of steel production?
Why are deficits so wonderful for our country? Why is it wrong for a President to actually protect US workers?

You completely bypassed my statement on tariffs being 2 fold. It slows the economy from growing into a bubble, which is exactly why you do it when the economy is good. It prolongs the growth because it happens slower. Then, when there is a downturn, which will inevitably happen with or without tariffs. The Govt has an E-stop, they slowly start lifting tariffs.

Coal will make a come back, entirely too much energy there just sitting idle. The only reason it’s slowed down now is due to Natural gas. Gas plants have taken the place of coal plants. You let a black out happen because the load can’t be maintained and watch how fast people turn their back on green power.

"Beautiful, clean coal. You see they take the coal out, and then they clean it..."

Donald Trump, Intelligent Human
BTW How many here knew we give close to $40B of aid to Israel, a country that has universal healthcare?
First reaction of an addict is to deny they---not others---they have a problem. Until an addict can look into the mirror, face reality, and admit they must change, they will continue to hurt themselves and those around them. Until they do that they will keep building a false narrative around themselves and continue hurting others.
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BTW How many here knew we give close to $40B of aid to Israel, a country that has universal healthcare?

1.) $38 billion over 10 years
2.) It's military aid used to buy things like fighter aircraft and missile defense systems mostly from U.S. companies.
3.) Military aid has nothing to do with healthcare
4.) Guess who negotiated the current 10 year aid package (hint see below).

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