How will they rule ??!

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White Evangelicals are using a lot of words to explain why they are not following Jesus Christ's idea he shared about "Welcoming the Stranger"
Power plants with C.C.S. cost about 75 percent more than regular coal plants, and the infrastructure required to transport and store CO2 is enormous.
C.C.S. technology generally eliminates only carbon pollution and does not remove other air toxins that cause asthma, lung disease, and heart attacks. It also does not reduce the environmental cost of mining methods like “mountaintop removal.” And if the captured carbon is used to foster more oil use, there are environmental costs to burning additional fossil fuels.
Pls no one engage that drop in smarmy bitch. Even you Derington.

I normally don’t put people on ignore because I’m not opposed to hearing an opposing view... but Levi man... just too much. At least cardkilla makes me laugh.
The one you just corrected.

He is on a roll this morning mindlessly typing lib talking points. How is it that some of these libs say such hateful things about regular posters (like the guy who wished Warrior had been injured or killed in combat) and they never get banned? Meanwhile Willy gets banned at the drop of a hat and maybe some others too.
On a board that is almost entirely made up of right wing to far right wing posters the threat of a different POV is more than these fragile minds can take. Hilarious.
White Evangelicals are using a lot of words to explain why they are not following Jesus Christ's idea he shared about "Welcoming the Stranger"

The US govt doesn't operate by the bible, isn't that what you guys have told us for years now?

We can separate ourselves from the Govt, where as you see the Govt as your higher power, we do not.
C.C.S. technology generally eliminates only carbon pollution and does not remove other air toxins that cause asthma, lung disease, and heart attacks. It also does not reduce the environmental cost of mining methods like “mountaintop removal.” And if the captured carbon is used to foster more oil use, there are environmental costs to burning additional fossil fuels.

Oil isn't used in the US to make power, except in emergency scenario's. Natural gas has replaced coal, for the time being.

How do you raise voltage with wind and solar? What about VAR's? When load gets high, how are you going to keep voltage levels from dropping to a point that causes blackouts? You need a on demand way to bring it up, how are you going to do that with green power?
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Speaking of Obama, I watched some old videos of this arrogant douche. Knowing how it turned out makes it sweet though.

^ Obama starts at one minute.

Matt Lauer: When you stand and deliver that SOTU address, in no part of your mind can you imagine Donald Trump standing up and delivering a SOTU address?
Obama: *laughs* Well, I can imagine it in a SNL skit.

"He is hardly a legitimate spokesman for a populace surge from working class people."

EAD. The Jon Stewart and talk show types and their constant smugness, oh man, how great it was to give them the big middle finger for once.
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Oil isn't used in the US to make power, except in emergency scenario's. Natural gas has replaced coal, for the time being.

How do you raise voltage with wind and solar? What about VAR's? When load gets high, how are you going to keep voltage levels from dropping to a point that prevents blackouts? You need a on demand way to bring it up, how are you going to do that with green power?

Natural Gas (generates 32% of U.S. electricity) has passed coal (30%) but coal will still be used as a fuel source for decades. More and more Nuclear (20%) plants are coming offline as they are too costly compared to gas and coal. The only major renewables right now are hydro-power (7.5%) and wind (6.3%). The left's solar dream is still a long way off.
The US govt doesn't operate by the bible, isn't that what you guys have told us for years now?

We can separate ourselves from the Govt, where as you see the Govt as your higher power, we do not.

Yep. To the left, the government is their savior, which has been a recipe for disaster every time this mentality has taken place. What's crazy about the left is that they don't think Democrats, our political agencies or the media can be corrupt. Oh, they think it's only Republicans and Fox News and everyone else is truthful and honest. That's just insane.

When Dems freaked out over the tax cuts and called it "theft," that was yet another example of how nuts they are. To them, the government knows how to spend your money better than you.
It's is so frigging amusing to listen to the right wing try to talk coherently about climate change, pollution, and especially clean coal. They shift their views over time always in a very lagging manner. These days the misguided right wing zealots are pushing C.C.S. or Carbon capture and sequestration as the answer to the climate change problem they say in other conversations doesn't exist. Those of us that are old enough recognize this is exactly what Jimmy Carter proposed many years ago only to have Ronnie Raygun stop all construction of clean coal projects as one of his very first actions as President, thus continuing with pollution at an increasing rate of burn. Now, today when renewable energy that does not use any fuel that needs cleaning in any manner is progressing at a compounding speed and coming on line all over the world, the conservative laggers are now on board with Jimmy Carter just 40 years of pollution too late. America who used to be on the vanguard of solving problems is being forced to stifle progress for the sake of dollars going into the greedy pockets of people unfit to make decisions of importance to the world at large.
Natural Gas (generates 32% of U.S. electricity) has passed coal (30%) but coal will still be used as a fuel source for decades. More and more Nuclear (20%) plants are coming offline as they are too costly compared to gas and coal. The only major renewables right now are hydro-power (7.5%) and wind (6.3%). The left's solar dream is still a long way off.

I should've been clearer. Gas has taken over the portion of coal thats been eliminated.
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It's is so frigging amusing to listen to the right wing try to talk coherently about climate change, pollution, and especially clean coal. They shift their views over time always in a very lagging manner. These days the misguided right wing zealots are pushing C.C.S. or Carbon capture and sequestration as the answer to the climate change problem they say in other conversations doesn't exist. Those of us that are old enough recognize this is exactly what Jimmy Carter proposed many years ago only to have Ronnie Raygun stop all construction of clean coal projects as one of his very first actions as President, thus continuing with pollution at an increasing rate of burn. Now, today when renewable energy that does not use any fuel that needs cleaning in any manner is progressing at a compounding speed and coming on line all over the world, the conservative laggers are now on board with Jimmy Carter just 40 years of pollution too late. America who used to be on the vanguard of solving problems is being forced to stifle progress for the sake of dollars going into the greedy pockets of people unfit to make decisions of importance to the world at large.
He doesn't know China used 6x the coal of US last year & India used 1.5x. Net, US could cut it's coal usage to zero and it would be a drop i hte bucket. Net, no reason to give up its strategic reserve value.
Pride weekend and immigration protests plus venting before they get sickened by America-loving on Wed.

What is the Fourth of July like for the libs who hate America? Just disgusted with all of the "racist" patriotism?
How have we been conned? I haven't seen anyone on here declaring NK is nuke free. In fact, if the talks completely fall apart today, the US has given nothing to NK. What we know, and you don't seem to grasp is that this is a process, and it may not work out, but it's worth trying and it's further along than it has been in decades.
Exactly how is Trump undermining or attempting to undermine the Constitution, please be specific.
further along? it hasn't gotten anywhere, they had a lunch and agreed to nothing. Bush got NK to agree to give up its nuclear program in 05 for economic assistance, which obviously was bullshit like always but it was a hell of a lot more than Trump has done. In 07 Bush got NK to shut down its main reactor in exchange for aid from US, China, Russia. Trump has literally done nothing except send out a bunch of tweets.

First thing is to understand you've been conned. Then you can start understanding what is real and what is TV reality show fantasy. Maybe start understanding what a lemming is and what they do. Supporting and believing in a con man who is working to undermine the Constitution is not the place to start.
So you're already all in that he's failed. To be expected.
Liberals talking about NK without talking about their developments and actions the last two years, specifically confirmed ability to reach anywhere in the US with a warhead while threatening more, are being purposefully ignorant.
He doesn't know China used 6x the coal of US last year & India used 1.5x. Net, US could cut it's coal usage to zero and it would be a drop i hte bucket. Net, no reason to give up its strategic reserve value.

He is also likely unaware that the U.S. has led the world in cutting carbon emissions. We have cut our emissions while China and the E.U. continue to grow theirs. This mostly due to the increase in natural gas usage (which is 50% much cleaner than coal). Yet, the Euros still cry about the Paris accord which they are not living up to.
First reaction of an addict is to deny they---not others---they have a problem. Until an addict can look into the mirror, face reality, and admit they must change, they will continue to hurt themselves and those around them. Until they do that they will keep building a false narrative around themselves and continue hurting others.
You sound like you have first-hand knowledge.
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C.C.S. technology generally eliminates only carbon pollution and does not remove other air toxins that cause asthma, lung disease, and heart attacks. It also does not reduce the environmental cost of mining methods like “mountaintop removal.” And if the captured carbon is used to foster more oil use, there are environmental costs to burning additional fossil fuels.
No doubt you oppose the ultimate clean: nuke plants.
Natural Gas (generates 32% of U.S. electricity) has passed coal (30%) but coal will still be used as a fuel source for decades. More and more Nuclear (20%) plants are coming offline as they are too costly compared to gas and coal. The only major renewables right now are hydro-power (7.5%) and wind (6.3%). The left's solar dream is still a long way off.
When renewables go from <1% to 13% in 20 years, pretty impressive & growing gain.
further along? it hasn't gotten anywhere, they had a lunch and agreed to nothing. Bush got NK to agree to give up its nuclear program in 05 for economic assistance, which obviously was bullshit like always but it was a hell of a lot more than Trump has done. In 07 Bush got NK to shut down its main reactor in exchange for aid from US, China, Russia. Trump has literally done nothing except send out a bunch of tweets.

Do you think negotiations are over? They met 3 weeks ago tomorrow, think you might be jumping the gun a bit?

This is about negotiations with China, NK is a Chinese puppet state, they do exactly what China wants.
When renewables go from <1% to 13% in 20 years, pretty impressive & growing gain.

In reality, only Wind has picked up, Hydro hasn't as most hydro plants are more than 20 years old.

Also, is that face plate data, or actual production. There's a big difference
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Wow and shhhhhhh....
