How will they rule ??!

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I bet some of the dumb asses here think they know more than some high falutin school over in England. That would be fake intelligence.

Fake news published in the U.S. was overwhelmingly consumed and shared by right-wing social media users, a new study from the University of Oxford has revealed.

So you have no problem with a socialist? Can I send you my electric bill?
You see that’s the pesky problem with Socialists. They don’t practice what they preach. For example, Crazy Bernie likes to talk a good Socialist game, but then he can’t explain why he has three houses and is a millionaire. He is a hypocritical POS.
She sounds like an 8 year old (and not the woke kind people post about on twitter).

Trump was never a politician, but he knew how to work deals and do all of the necessary back slapping. This woman honestly thinks this is going to be like an apartment party in Brooklyn.
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This is why Democrats are a joke. They’re like a dog chasing a car. They move on every five minutes to something new to rile their ignorant base up about.

Let’s see we have went from Stormy Daniels, North Korea, illegals and their kids, now SCOTUS freakout. Every day, they rile their base up with some talking point fed to them by their masters. Then move on.
So GDP is half of the administration's projections??? Surely the excuses have already started as tariffs will turn things around. [roll]
Gowdy? I am at work.
It was Jim Jordan. Both guys were pretty pissed. Jordan was absolutely laying into him about not getting the requested documents. Rosentstein gets pissed because Jordan won't give him the time to talk. Then Eric Swalwell jumped in complaining that the man should be allowed to answer. He was ruled out of order. Then Sheila Jackson Lee inserts her dumbass into the whole thing. Pretty much a circus and the best reality TV you will find anywhere.
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I'll find the whole thing on YouTube most likely later. Gowdy was on earlier but I was distracted then.
The fact that the republican establishment had other preferred candidates in 2016 so he had to dig into his own pockets some doesn't mean he forgoes corporate donations. Trump takes money from anyone willing to give it, moral compass or no. Even beyond that he is a face of corporate America. Why would you think corporations buying politicians is bad, but just cutting out the middle man and directly electing the corporations is good? We need people who will look out for the 99%, not the 1%. Look at the phasing on the tax cuts. Everyone not at the very top like him have their taxes go right back up over the next few years.

I didn't say he eschewed donations. I said he used alot of personal money, and he did.

It was just a rhetorical statement anyway. We all know full well you weren't considering a republican. That's actually not the problem. The problem is that you liked about considering it.

In terms of donations generally - I agree. The faster we can get campaign contributions cut out/reduced, the better. But scotus made it clear they consider that political speech. So it isn't going anywhere unfortunately
I think I'm going to take the wait and see approach regarding NK. If they denuclearize, they denuclearize. If they don't, well at least we got some hostages back and didn't send them billions upon billions of dollars they could use to fund their nuclear program and terrorism. We're no worse off.

I really don't believe a single thing I read on the major media sites these days unless it's something I have first hand knowledge of. And I don't care enough about NK to try vet the media. So...wait and see.

I haven't heard any North Koreans chanting death to America while waiving dollar bills in the air, so I will still take this over whatever the hell you want to call the shit we did with Iran.

Exactly. At worst we made some gains and gave up nothing. We cancelled a military exercise that was probably never going to happen anyway.
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