How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
The Socialist won in New York with very low turnout. Voting matters.

How many of the resident liberals would vote for a socialist?
Ask the resident "moderates". I dont think anyone posting here identifies themself as a liberal.
I'm liberal and I absolutely would have voted for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Would have considered voting for a republican had they also eschewed contributions from corporate PACs. Time to get the corporatists out of politics.
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It's a human life because it has the potentiality sufficient unto itself unless acted upon by external circumstances to be one. You cannot make a logically sound argument otherwise, because anything that exists at one point first needs the potential to be itself.

It's not a parasite because parasitic organisms exist across species, not within them... that is to say no parasitic organism is parasitic unto itself, unto it's own species. And parisites either consume the host or have evolved mutual benefit between species.

It's not a virus because a virus can exist dormant outside itself.. a virus is also not alive.

Someone mentioned earlier that left positions all fail reason, which is by and large true... hence it is necessary they make arguments appealing to emotion. They feel a zygote and growing human being to be merely a clump of cells. They feel that their rights should supercede the rights of another.

That is the reality, and like most leftist logic it is self defeating. If they reasoned with any foresight, they would see that a woman who considers abortion is more probable to be a less effective mother, which in turn is more probable to raise a less capable human being, which in turn is more probable to need governmental assistance and/or blame his circumstances on others, which in turn is more probable to vote democrat.
Even if "Roe v Wade" was overturned abortion would continue. The issue would be returned to the states and liberal states would pass their own laws and continue to terminate a child in the womb. New York, California, Illinois, N.J. all of New England, etc. would most likely continue the killing of the child in the womb.

States like Florida, Texas, etc. would probably prohibit it. I do not live in a liberal state and abortion would go away but the citizens who want to kill their child could fly to New York and get it done. If they could not afford a plane ticket maybe some Hollywood billionaire could lend them a hand.

Now this is the main issue for a Democrat. If you mention adoption they go berserk. They want the baby dead. They literally scream their heads off. If is a sick political party.
[laughing] The media is just outright lying. Don Jr.rubbing it in and trolling idiots on Twitter =/= "floated as Supreme pick".

Agree. Anyone who would believe this headline are beyond the point of being rational to even think Judge Jeanine would be an option when she is freaken 67 years of age! People with half a brain could figure out there is 0.000000% chance Trump is going to nominate ANYONE that old for this spot on the SCOTUS. Its just a headline to create more drama to sell more mags and stir up the crazies even more. FAKE NEWS!
I'm liberal and I absolutely would have voted for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Would have considered voting for a republican had they also eschewed contributions from corporate PACs. Time to get the corporatists out of politics.

Then you should love trump. Spent tons of his own money. I guess you'll be voting for him? Especially since you consider voting republican....
Then you should love trump. Spent tons of his own money. I guess you'll be voting for him? Especially since you consider voting republican....
The fact that the republican establishment had other preferred candidates in 2016 so he had to dig into his own pockets some doesn't mean he forgoes corporate donations. Trump takes money from anyone willing to give it, moral compass or no. Even beyond that he is a face of corporate America. Why would you think corporations buying politicians is bad, but just cutting out the middle man and directly electing the corporations is good? We need people who will look out for the 99%, not the 1%. Look at the phasing on the tax cuts. Everyone not at the very top like him have their taxes go right back up over the next few years.
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The fact that the republican establishment had other preferred candidates in 2016 so he had to dig into his own pockets some doesn't mean he forgoes corporate donations. Trump takes money from anyone willing to give it, moral compass or no. Even beyond that he is a face of corporate America. Why would you think corporations buying politicians is bad, but just cutting out the middle man and directly electing the corporations is good? We need people who will look out for the 99%, not the 1%.
The 1% does the provides the jobs.
Media collusion with one party is a much bigger issue than financing.
If you're dumb enough to get sucked in by either left media or right media then that's your individual problem. Whereas both parties and every individual in them have to suck up to donors to accrue enough money to compete in elections. I bet you do what your boss tells you to at work because they're the one signing your paycheck. Same with politicians. Corporate profit margins are as high as they've ever been. Follow the money.
I think I'm going to take the wait and see approach regarding NK. If they denuclearize, they denuclearize. If they don't, well at least we got some hostages back and didn't send them billions upon billions of dollars they could use to fund their nuclear program and terrorism. We're no worse off.

I really don't believe a single thing I read on the major media sites these days unless it's something I have first hand knowledge of. And I don't care enough about NK to try vet the media. So...wait and see.

I haven't heard any North Koreans chanting death to America while waiving dollar bills in the air, so I will still take this over whatever the hell you want to call the shit we did with Iran.
If you're dumb enough to get sucked in by either left media or right media then that's your individual problem. Whereas both parties and every individual in them have to suck up to donors to accrue enough money to compete in elections. I bet you do what your boss tells you to at work because they're the one signing your paycheck. Same with politicians. Corporate profit margins are as high as they've ever been. Follow the money.
Oh I am not sucked in (thusly I am not a liberal) but there are a lot of idiots out there that are (like you, as you have posted Vox and Huffpo bullshit).
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A big thank you to Chuck Schumer and the resistance for forcing Mitch and company to go nuclear to get Gorsuch through the senate when the make up of the court wasn't even in question. Fast forward a year and we are down two senate seats (the Alabama seat and McCain). The republicans probably couldn't break a dem filibuster today but fortunately we don't have to. Gorsush 2.0 can't be stopped by the dems.
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I bet some of the dumb asses here think they know more than some high falutin school over in England. That would be fake intelligence.

Fake news published in the U.S. was overwhelmingly consumed and shared by right-wing social media users, a new study from the University of Oxford has revealed.

This is rich. Overwhelmingly consumed by the right wing? YOU HAVE AN ENTIRE MEDIA INDUSTRY CENTERED AROUND DNC PROPAGANDA, YOU DUMB PIECE OF SHIT. You have been chasing the fake Russia bullshit for years and you have the audacity to make this claim? The left thrives on your type.

"A new study" That's always a laugh. Just like polling and just like anonymous sources. Your entire world is centered around bullshit.

Every single day, you guys consume lies and manufactured propaganda. This was proven with the DNC leaks and Podesta emails that none of you could be bothered to read the actual proof.
Oh I am not sucked in (thusly I am not a liberal) but there are a lot of idiots out there that are (like you, as you have posted Vox and Huffpo bullshit).
More fake news. I've never once posted a Vox or Huffpo link on here. There wouldn't be any point. It'd immediately be dismissed out of hand.