How will they rule ??!

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One reason why liberals drink more lattes.

The latte’s name — which means milk in Italian — reflects its European roots and liberals are more open to globalization, while conservatives are more nationalistic, Mutz said. Conservatives may view lattes as foreign products or un-American ones, despite the fact that they’re made in America. ...

The more we know.
One reason why liberals drink more lattes.

The latte’s name — which means milk in Italian — reflects its European roots and liberals are more open to globalization, while conservatives are more nationalistic, Mutz said. Conservatives may view lattes as foreign products or un-American ones, despite the fact that they’re made in America. ...

The more we know.

lol yeah and f*** spaghetti too!
One reason why liberals drink more lattes.

The latte’s name — which means milk in Italian — reflects its European roots and liberals are more open to globalization, while conservatives are more nationalistic, Mutz said. Conservatives may view lattes as foreign products or un-American ones, despite the fact that they’re made in America. ...

The more we know.
Well the Romans and pedophilia could be viewed similarly for Dems.
Becoming very clear that the Obama leadership was baiting the Trump campaign to go after him after his election defeat no doubt as retribution for things he said about Obama. They did everything they could do to keep the Clinton case suppressed and then, as Comey admits, he did the faux "reopening" near the end as to not taint the election results as he was sure she would win.
I guess I'm not surprised, but the fact that we have actual documents and on the record statements which show a powerful government agency was actively working against the current President AND that foreign agents were able to blackmail the DNC and hack our government through them and it's getting zero attention is disturbing.

Try bringing up the Awan brothers and, at best, you will get a blank stare.
I guess I'm not surprised, but the fact that we have actual documents and on the record statements which show a powerful government agency was actively working against the current President AND that foreign agents were able to blackmail the DNC and hack our government through them and it's getting zero attention is disturbing.

Try bringing up the Awan brothers and, at best, you will get a blank stare.

Blackmail indicates an involuntary agreement. I think at this point it's much more likely they were just outright partners with hostile nations/nation states.
Days like this at the SCOTUS is why I will never ever vote for a Dem in federal elections. Never.

This is why Never Trumpers were straight morons. People like Ben Shapiro who thought we should just punt for the 2016 election because Trump would ruin conservatism and hurt it like Bush did. Nope. He gave us the SCOTUS, which lessens the damage Democrats can do to this country and preserved the 2A, which was absolutely going to be taken to them with a second Hillary term.
A natural or man made disaster is a given over the next 4 years, so I'm not 'hoping' for one but one will happen. And Drumpf will probably prove inept at dealing with it. He couldn't even coordinate his Muslim ban properly.

This is the beginnings of a Muslim ban, because Drumpf has lied to our faces from the very first day and he has zero credibility with anything. He could say the sun is shining and I'd have to look myself to make sure it is correct.

The high court has spoken. Cardkilla is objectively a stupid person.
So these cherry-picked district court judges in cherry-picked jurisdictions who ruled against Trump's travel restrictions were overreaching judicial activists who never should have blocked it? Color me surprised.

I remember how smug the press and liberals in general were when these initial rulings came down, how they declared victory and were vindicated and how it proved that the Trump administration was Nazi/fascist/whatever and exceeding its authority.

Nope. Those opposing just grabbed the biased judges who they knew would rule in their favor, and hoped they could smear and besmirch the Trump presidency and drive him out before fair and impartial judges could review the rulings. Remember how people like cardzilla predicted that Trump's presidency would not survive past 2017, and would probably end much before that? Yeah, wishful thinking.

Libs have created the divide in this country through their deceitful and underhanded tactics, and now they are angry that they didn't work, which makes them desperate and dangerous, because they realize they've driven the electorate right into Trump's camp.