How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Almost everything is 5-4 because Obama appointed 2 judges who vote far left no matter the facts. Then add ginsburg and you have an automatic 3 far left votes every time.

It's disgraceful that any justice votes towards one political faction everytime. No matter the side
It's ridiculous that we almost always know how the justices will vote even before hearing the case. Shouldn't be that way. Keep politics out of it!

If the decision had been 9-0 or 8-1 against Trump, I would have said fine, I was wrong. But when it is divided along political lines, its wrong.

Also, the "I SAY WE FIGHT!" shit is the tell-tale sign of an abject loser. It is used by people who will not lift a finger to do anything that isn't self serving. It's the ultimate social signal and the ultimate sign that someone is not to be trusted.

It's part of a large outrage culture where signaling and personal self-righteousness have overtaken Christian ideas about justice and morality.
It's ridiculous that we almost always know how the justices will vote even before hearing the case. Shouldn't be that way. Keep politics out of it!

If the decision had been 9-0 or 8-1 against Trump, I would have said fine, I was wrong. But when it is divided along political lines, iscwrong.
this way the media can say when they lose it was "deeply divided". Prob have seen about 20 of those already.
It's ridiculous that we almost always know how the justices will vote even before hearing the case. Shouldn't be that way. Keep politics out of it!

If the decision had been 9-0 or 8-1 against Trump, I would have said fine, I was wrong. But when it is divided along political lines, its wrong.
Good point. The travel ban decision should have been 9-0 in favor. The four that voted in the minority wouldn't know the U.S. Constitution if it hit them between their dim eyes. Well maybe they know it but have no respect for it because voting against this shows a bias and not objectivity that we expect in judges.

The executive has every right to ban people for entry into the U.S. if they are a security threat. Any Muslim from one of these terrorist countries is a potential threat and should be treated as such.
I think we’ll look back on June 2018 as the time when actual partisan violence started. It’s one thing to oppose a war and violently protest it as in the 60’s, but this month we’re seeing members of Congress and the media call for harassment and outright conflict with their ideological opponents because they want to overturn a legal presidential election. These aren’t antifa freaks. These are “respectable” people. Scary.
Good point. The travel ban decision should have been 9-0 in favor. The four that voted in the minority wouldn't know the U.S. Constitution if it hit them between their dim eyes. Well maybe they know it but have no respect for it because voting against this shows a bias and not objectivity that we expect in judges.

The executive has every right to ban people for entry into the U.S. if they are a security threat. Any Muslim from one of these terrorist countries is a potential threat and should be treated as such.
I think we’ll look back on June 2018 as the time when actual partisan violence started. It’s one thing to oppose a war and violently protest it as in the 60’s, but this month we’re seeing members of Congress and the media call for harassment and outright conflict with their ideological opponents because they want to overturn a legal presidential election. These aren’t antifa freaks. These are “respectable” people. Scary.
They are going to get someone killed. Their socialist rhetoric has already caused a Bernie Sanders type to open fire on Republican congressmen practicing baseball. If they continue this, and with the media praising them for doing it I do not see it stopping, they are going to meet a real resistance. A resistance from the right side of the aisle. Where people own firearms and know how to use them. They will curse the day they got that element stirred up.
One of the better non-fiction films we have watched recently. Great acting (always liked Marky Mark) and production for a moment of very recent history, (2013).

The 1st responders were absolutely Top-Notch and this film does a great job of showing how meticulously & fast they worked on finding/stopping those idiots. It hopefully made each and eveyone of USALL extremely proud to be Americans - no matter our political leanings. The tributes at the very end of the film were well done imo.

Idiot terrorists such as those 2 brothers who's hatred for themselves and our freedom is reason enuff for me to commend congress for agreeing to increase our military spending yest. and be completely amazed by how petty folks have gotten lately like denying dinner to one of our Federal employees because Hillary lost.


IMO the reason there aren't more terrorism acts happening here in the US (thank GOD) is because they rarely report on foiled attempts, do they?

Great flick....highly recommend.
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Fascist, Fascist, Fascist, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi....sprinklings of terrorist, dictator, traitors...

Umm...what just happened was the result of a little thing called "due process," where a litigant can seek redress in a higher court if justice fails at a lower court. And that is just what the Supreme Court found.

You do like due process, don't you liberals? You've been screaming for it at the top of your lungs for foreign invaders ("undocumented immigrants" precious!), but when you see due process fully cry Fascist, and Nazi, and other ridiculous libels and slurs?

We are dealing with spoiled children who throw fits and cry when they don't get their way, like to call people names, and hate being told "no." And like children, corporal punishment may be the only way to make them behave.
Some quotes from late night talk show douchebags regarding leftist intolerance toward Sanders.

“I’m not saying I want everyone who works for Trump to be kicked out every time they go to a restaurant,” Myers added. “I just want them to worry that they will be for the entire meal. Because that is just a taste of the unease and dread so many people feel every day because of Trump’s policies.” -Seth Meyer

-Yes, Seth, if you're a criminal. Guess who doesn't have to worry about immigration policy? Legal citizens.

And the Noah douche from South Africa on Comedy Central said
Noah later joked that Sarah Sanders being heckled and refused service was probably the “nicest thing” that could’ve happened — the alternative being that the chefs could’ve (“jizzed”) ejaculated in her food.

Good to know that leftists are such pieces of shit that they cannot handle opposing view to the point that it comes to mind to jizz in someone's food. You will not find a conservative who ever thinks like this.
Except for Willy. But everyone is allowed 1 person in their group who does and he is ours.
Said it multiple times. Trump should have just told them to shove the nationwide injunction up their ass and started flying every single "refugee" to Hawaii to let them deal with it.

Yep. What would Hawaii, a state that depends completely on tourism, look like if the third world took it over?

Also, the "I SAY WE FIGHT!" shit is the tell-tale sign of an abject loser. It is used by people who will not lift a finger to do anything that isn't self serving. It's the ultimate social signal and the ultimate sign that someone is not to be trusted.

It's part of a large outrage culture where signaling and personal self-righteousness have overtaken Christian ideas about justice and morality.
They really don't want a fight, well, physical fight anyway. I promise you they would lose. I hope for their sakes it is a metaphor for resistance by non physical means. I swear you lefties are idiots if you think you could win a physical confrontation. You snowflakes don't have it in you..
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Fascist, Fascist, Fascist, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi....sprinklings of terrorist, dictator, traitors...

Umm...what just happened was the result of a little thing called "due process," where a litigant can seek redress in a higher court if justice fails at a lower court. And that is just what the Supreme Court found.

You do like due process, don't you liberals? You've been screaming for it at the top of your lungs for foreign invaders ("undocumented immigrants" precious!), but when you see due process fully cry Fascist, and Nazi, and other ridiculous libels and slurs?

We are dealing with spoiled children who throw fits and cry when they don't get their way, like to call people names, and hate being told "no." And like children, corporal punishment may be the only way to make them behave.
The screaming of nazi and fascist by the left would be funny if it didn't eventually get someone killed (and it will)
They are going to get someone killed. Their socialist rhetoric has already caused a Bernie Sanders type to open fire on Republican congressmen practicing baseball. If they continue this, and with the media praising them for doing it I do not see it stopping, they are going to meet a real resistance. A resistance from the right side of the aisle. Where people own firearms and know how to use them. They will curse the day they got that element stirred up.
Kind of reminds you of the "waking the sleeping giant" remark during WWII by a Japanese general. Be careful what you push for liberals, when you push it far enough and we push back, all hell will break loose and you will not survive.
I really, really don't want Maxine Waters to resign. Her being in office is good for the country. Definitely want her and the Ds to fight tooth and nail to keep her in place.
This is what these liberal fools don't comprehend. Elections are won by getting the votes of Independents. Hard core liberals will never vote for a conservative and I as a conservative would never vote for a liberal. But millions are not preordained in their vote and this kind of nutty behavior is driving them away from the looney left.

Trump will win in 2020 like Reagan did in 1984 if they continue this stupidity. And they are not bright enough to knock it off. So keep it up libs.
I’m curious - just how badly are the liberals outnumbered in this thread? 20-1? 50-1?

Not sure. If I recall correctly, and someone can correct if I am wrong, it was about even up until Trump won.

They were in here fired up, literally guaranteeing victory and crowing about the demise of the Republican party.

Hillary lost, the Democrats were reduced to a minority not seen in almost a century, they melted down, started wearing vagina hats and scurried away.
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Even turning on lefty Brian Stelter for saying we are not close to Handsmaid Tales....glorious read.

Interesting. Sounds like the Handmaid's Tale is a story about a booming economy, low taxes, a semi reasonable SCOTUS, getting our respect back on the world stage, bringing the world back from the brink of nuclear warm and making America great again.

I should check it out.