How will they rule ??!

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Caitlyn Jenner Explains Why She's a Republican
Just saw where Sarah wasn't even with them when this happened. Her and her husband decided to call it a night and went home. The rest of the family was still wanting to have dinner. That's when this happened.
I'm going out on a limb here but that might be the first time Sarah has been booted from a restaurant in her life.
Speaking of which, I sense a disturbing pattern. IS moral superiority your only shtick??
Nope. He also relies heavily on common sense and a keen understanding of history. Wipes the floor with your fake news and half-hearted emotional responses.
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Maxine needs to retire, and these assholes better lay off my girl Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Love her to death.

Not joking about either one of those statements.

Unrelated - I'm glad to be back in the US after paying seemingly thousands of euros on water in Europe. WTF? Free tap water in most restaurants in American cities is certainly a luxury I've taken for granted. Each sip is better than the last.

Mineral water is cool though, even if you have to pay for it.

Any Topo Chico fans in here?

I enjoy quite a few Eastern European mineral waters as well, but Topo Chico has that salty goodness that's hard to deny. Always down for recommendations in that department if you guys have any.
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It's time to impeach Trump and replace him with Maxine Waters with Nancy Pelosi as the vice so we can enforce our diverse ****** eutoptia. First step is to segregate straight white males since they have too much privelage.
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Nah bro painkillers washed down by beer for me. I'm just a ****ed up middle class white man trying to support the bums and third world country because that's what the government tells me. Until Trump tho what a piece of shit.
I might make a special trip to Mexico if any of you bright minded liberals wanna join me to help liberate some of these bums. I'm sure each of us can take a few in.
Nah bro painkillers washed down by beer for me. I'm just a ****ed up middle class Canadian white man trying to support the bums and third world country because that's what the government tells me. Until Trump tho what a piece of shit.
Question for the regulars it just me or have there been a bizarre number of new accounts pop up lately whose first and only posts are on the political board?

Not weird for wildcat fans to get on uk website and eventually find the general discussions board and find their way here...but in the last couple weeks their have been 4-8 accounts show up and their first activity is on the political board.

To me that suggests they have been here before under other names, you don’t normally sign up to a primarily sports site and go straight to the political board and post (unless you had been on there before under another name)
Not sure about the others but I've been following this board for awhile just now started to post. Not Canadian btw but I know who you all are talking about.
Not sure about the others but I've been following this board for awhile just now started to post. Not Canadian btw but I know who you all are talking about.

Jesus...I didn’t even say anything about a Canadian...what beer are you on Lewinsky?
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He's dead. CIA killed him a while back.

This is why he killed the deal.

Not included in the written proffer was an additional offer from Assange: He was willing to discuss technical evidence ruling out certain parties in the controversial leak of Democratic Party emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election. The U.S. government believes those emails were hacked by Russia; Assange insists they did not come from Moscow.

And not surprisingly, Comey was teamed up with Senator Warner to kill the deal.

But an unexpected intervention by Comey — relayed through Warner — soured the negotiations.
Half listening to news, did I hear this right? Sanders left restaurant when asked to leave and went back to hotel. When her family went to another restaurant, a small group including one of the Red Hen owners who asked them to leave, followed them to the next place?
Just heard that her in-laws, the ones that the owner and friends stalked across the street and continued to harass, are liberals who don't even like Trump.
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[laughing] Jokingly or not, Warner is the one who said that one more glass of whine might cause him to reveal what only he and Mueller knows. He was basically implying that he was near drunk, and that another glass could put him over the top, causing him to run his mouth.

This is why CNN is fake news. If you subscribe to it you are not "more informed" because you are aware that it exist. You are f***ing dumber than shit.

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