How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Due process? DUE PROCESS? You idiots don't know the meaning of due process. The UNITED STATES Constitution is for Americans. Real, legal, AMERICANS! It does not extend to the entire world and especially not to a criminal who disregards our borders and laws.

Turning away illegals at the border without a trial couldn't possibly deny them due process because they have no right to due process in this country.
She ain't lying.

Before the FBI began investigating the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia in an operation code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” there were at least seven different instances when campaign advisers were approached with Russia-related offers. Most of those contacts -- including Donald Trump Jr.’s much-publicized meeting with a Russian lawyer and others in June 2016 — offered the prospect of information damaging to Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Two of these approaches were made by one U.S. government informant already publicly identified as such, Stefan Halper. Another was made by a man who swore in court that he had worked as an FBI informant. Two others were made by figures associated with Western intelligence agencies. Another two approaches included political operatives, one foreign, with ties to the Clintons.

But Mark Wauck, a former FBI agent with experience in such tactics, sees an effort at entrapment. “What appear to have been repeated attempts to implicate the Trump campaign, in some sort of quid pro quo arrangement with Russians who claimed to have ‘dirt’ on Hillary,” Wauck told RealClearInvestigations, “look like efforts to manufacture evidence against members of the Trump campaign or create pretexts to investigate it.”
Poll: Most in U.S. blame parents for child separations at border

Along party lines, 82 percent of Republicans blamed the parents, while 60 percent of Democrats blamed the federal government. Among unaffiliated voters, 56 percent said parents were more to blame.

Those numbers look pretty bad for the resistance.
Hopefully personal accountability is making a comeback. For far too long has political correctness replaced it.
I've been pretty critical of Trump's lack of tact and of his egomaniacal fragility - but the fact remains, life is better for pretty much EVERY American/resident than it was on 1/19/17.

No rights have been taken away from either side. Taxes are down. Illegal immigration is being seriously dealt with. ISIS is basically gone. For the lefties, you can still get ghey married. You can still have an abortion. You can still protest whatever you want to. For the righties, you can still buy pretty much whatever gun you want, you can still worship Jeebus, you can still protest at planned parenthood.

So yeah, I think Trump is a prick (as POTUS - he was hilarious as a reality star.) At the same time, it's pretty damn hard to criticize the job he has done.
Cardkilla meetz trump voter

This is what is needs to be done every time they touch you, block your path, get in your way to stop you from the freedoms we are guaranteed.

I had to watch it several times and each time I can't help but laugh. Attacking people should and will have consequences. Say what you want but, don't touch, spit on me, or impede my progress (block my movements) in any way and you will be fine. .
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Maxine needs to retire, and these assholes better lay off my girl Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Love her to death.

Not joking about either one of those statements.

Unrelated - I'm glad to be back in the US after paying seemingly thousands of euros on water in Europe. WTF? Free tap water in most restaurants in American cities is certainly a luxury I've taken for granted. Each sip is better than the last.

Mineral water is cool though, even if you have to pay for it.

Any Topo Chico fans in here?

I enjoy quite a few Eastern European mineral waters as well, but Topo Chico has that salty goodness that's hard to deny. Always down for recommendations in that department if you guys have any.
<- - - - - German carbonated mineral water fan here.

Gerolsteiner, available here.
Hassia - lovely

Glad y'all had a good time.
Maxine tries to invoke violence toward Reps to the point even Pelosi calls her out. Politico decides it is a good time to run a puff piece on "Aunt Maxine".
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Until the first fat liberal chick gets booted and yells fat-ism.

Jesus, you are myopic. Seriously.
I sense Trumppets suddenly becoming defenders of women as well as morally and intellectually superior to their alleged opposition. What a 180° change of events??
I sense Trumppets suddenly becoming defenders of women as well as morally and intellectually superior to their alleged opposition. What a 180° change of events??

Jameslee, goes to show you how awful liberals are. I think you might be learning a thing or two
I've been pretty critical of Trump's lack of tact and of his egomaniacal fragility - but the fact remains, life is better for pretty much EVERY American/resident than it was on 1/19/17.

No rights have been taken away from either side. Taxes are down. Illegal immigration is being seriously dealt with. ISIS is basically gone. For the lefties, you can still get ghey married. You can still have an abortion. You can still protest whatever you want to. For the righties, you can still buy pretty much whatever gun you want, you can still worship Jeebus, you can still protest at planned parenthood.

So yeah, I think Trump is a prick (as POTUS - he was hilarious as a reality star.) At the same time, it's pretty damn hard to criticize the job he has done.
Which is why everyone should vote for him. I really don't get those who vote for candidates because they seem nice, but that controls a large % of votes.
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Maxine tries to invoke violence toward Reps to the point even Pelosi calls her out. Politico decides it is a good time to run a puff piece on "Aunt Maxine".
This is a perfect description of a democrat. Nothing on real issues but plenty of screaming and yelling and hatred spewing out of their mouths. They offer nothing to our society except chaos. Absolutely a useless bunch of fools.