How will they rule ??!

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This is obvious and self-evident.

But Roberts said Korematsu “has nothing to do with this case. The forcible relocation of U.S. citizens to concentration camps, solely and explicitly on the basis of race, is objectively unlawful and outside the scope of presidential authority. But it is wholly inapt to liken that morally repugnant order to a facially neutral policy denying certain foreign nationals the privilege of admission

The greatest danger here is that leftists cannot see this, that they value what they feel to be true over that which is actually true wrt the law.
They're not banned because they're Muslim. They're banned because they come from shithole countries that can't provide sufficient information in order to properly vet their citizens.

In the future, if the countries can meet the requirements and provide such, then they can clear themselves from the ban list, made evident by the couple of countries who have already done so.

The over reactions right now by leftists...very entertaining

Yep. Protecting your sovereignty and not taking in people from a few Muslim majority nations is the end of America.

These people are so effed in the head.

The good news though is that all of us will be dead from the tax cuts and Paris Climate Accord, well, those of us who survived the net neutrality massacre of 2018.
Some quotes from late night talk show douchebags regarding leftist intolerance toward Sanders.

“I’m not saying I want everyone who works for Trump to be kicked out every time they go to a restaurant,” Myers added. “I just want them to worry that they will be for the entire meal. Because that is just a taste of the unease and dread so many people feel every day because of Trump’s policies.” -Seth Meyer

-Yes, Seth, if you're a criminal. Guess who doesn't have to worry about immigration policy? Legal citizens.

And the Noah douche from South Africa on Comedy Central said
Noah later joked that Sarah Sanders being heckled and refused service was probably the “nicest thing” that could’ve happened — the alternative being that the chefs could’ve (“jizzed”) ejaculated in her food.

Good to know that leftists are such pieces of shit that they cannot handle opposing view to the point that it comes to mind to jizz in someone's food. You will not find a conservative who ever thinks like this.
I'm pro choice and I agree, that just sounds stupid. FORCING them to advertise abortions? So dumb.

Yeah, forcing is just a bit too much.

In this case it would be like making Kentucky advertise Louisville or forcing Family Guy to advertise for The Simpsons.
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Shit you were suppose to keep that between us remember?
In all seriousness you know the left has gone off the deep end when you can't distinguish between my satire comments and those of some of these idiots out here.

At least we got Trump until 2024 but someone else is gonna have to step up in a big way before the left elects a commie who wants to go through with their wishes on tearing down the foundations of this country.
Elections have consequences.... We knew then and know even more now how important the 2016 election was and we know how important these midterms and the 2020 election will be. Trump needs 8 years to rid the stink Obama and his criminals left and we need at least 2 SCOTUS justices to retire and be replaced with true conservatives who will uphold the constitution. My guess is Ginsburg will have to die before she retires as long as Trump is in office.

Can you even imagine a scenario where this was law in the first place? Ridiculous

Not a big fan of Mitch but this is pretty good. Lol

Maximum trollage. No Mitch fan, but that insane gamble worked and will pay dividends for decades. Hell maybe forever.

This is obvious and self-evident.

But Roberts said Korematsu “has nothing to do with this case. The forcible relocation of U.S. citizens to concentration camps, solely and explicitly on the basis of race, is objectively unlawful and outside the scope of presidential authority. But it is wholly inapt to liken that morally repugnant order to a facially neutral policy denying certain foreign nationals the privilege of admission

The greatest danger here is that leftists cannot see this, that they value what they feel to be true over that which is actually true wrt the law.

They see it. They just don't care. They want open borders however they can get them

Thomas is very astute and exactly right. There must be a stop to the ridiculous forum shopping resulting in nation wide bans based on ridiculous and obviously incorrect rulings.
Almost everything is 5-4 because Obama appointed 2 judges who vote far left no matter the facts. Then add ginsburg and you have an automatic 3 far left votes every time.

It's disgraceful that any justice votes towards one political faction everytime. No matter the side

Yep. That's what sucks. Right now, we have the numbers but it shouldn't be about that. This is not a matter of disagreement. It's lawful and always has been. SCOTUS should not be about activism. It should be the straight judgment of the law and activist judges are deliberately ignoring that.
I've mentioned this before on here but I wish in some way we could see how the leftist media would have reacted if Bin Laden was killed during the Trump admin. Americans were thrilled when Bin Laden was killed. Conservatives certainly didn't give a shit that Obama was in office but I think the left would have run a series of articles saying stuff like, "Was Bin Laden really a bad guy?" "Bin Laden was formed because of white supremacy" and "Trump's killing of Bin Laden will start unrest in the Middle East (lol) and cause WWIII."
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It’s disturbing for sure. What’s even worse is if the opposition demanded the opposite (in this case demanding pro-choice to show abortion videos prior to abortion) they’d vote the other way.

The next time the left gets control, it’ll be the last. Everyone will get a real taste of fascism.

Which is what's so maddening about the useful idiots regarding immigration and Islam. Do they think they will be shown the same type of mercy and sympathy that they have? Absolutely not. No other race/group does this crap like whites do. None. You ever see any other group demand an invasion and replacement of their own people?

Reading this and that Palmer report tweet and listening to Maxine Waters, is there anyone who really thinks a second civil war isn't coming in the future?