How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Happened to be in the car this afternoon, and Rush Limbaugh made a pretty good point. Can you imagine if these treasonous lefties in the DOJ and FBI skate without facing any consequences, then a lefty gets back in the Oval Office?

Can't even imagine what these lunatic lefties will do knowing without a doubt they will never face any consequences for any of their treasonous conduct.

Will make the Obama Administration weaponizing the IRS against political opponents, etc. look like child's play.
This is why we can never let them in power again. At least not until they stop being batshit crazy.
Legal Definition of Stalking
: the act or crime of willfully and repeatedly following or harassing another person in circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury or death especially because of express or implied threats; broadly : a crime of engaging in a course of conduct directed at a person that serves no legitimate purpose and seriously alarms, annoys, or intimidates that person

Half listening to news, did I hear this right? Sanders left restaurant when asked to leave and went back to hotel. When her family went to another restaurant, a small group including one of the Red Hen owners who asked them to leave, followed them to the next place?
Yep, you heard that right. Posted the same thing before seeing your post. Ingraham tweeted about this earlier but didn't make clear that Sanders wasn't even with them.

If Trump is a Nazi, then why are people trying to sneak into America for a better life?
Or what do they think of Canada who has much tougher immigration laws? And Japan takes almost no immigrants, mega-nazis, should we stop trade with them?
Or what do they think of Canada who has much tougher immigration laws? And Japan takes almost no immigrants, mega-nazis, should we stop trade with them?



Sorry, they’re all too busy seeing how woke this guy is (which is weird because it’s considered cultural appropriation for any other white person... but eff me right?)
Thr first conservative to put one of these losers on a slab will be crucified

So far it has been mostly women and their families. Wait until its some 6'4 guy who is pissed off and having a bad day and one of these gang mobs harass him. Or even yet, some regular Joe Trump supporter who has a concealed carry permit.

Very dangerous thing the libs are doing right now.
Gross application of guilt sentiment by liberals and ready receipt of it by other liberals looking for any opportunity to declare moral superiority for themselves no matter how destructive the result, which is secondary to the primary goal of liberals remaining in power by increasing their voting population through the process. Great question, JamesL
Speaking of which, I sense a disturbing pattern. IS moral superiority your only shtick??