How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Read the rest. Of course, in the present it's 18 and male/female, but the point still remains. Yes, they're all supposed to be counted, but those counted and not eligible to vote are not to be included in deciding representation. The basis of representation is reduced to the proportion of eligible voters.

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.
Did not see the citizen part.

So if non citizens are being counted and that number is being used without some formula to decrease it for reps, the law would be broken... unless I'm missing another amendment or law.

Wonder how many people know the laws? I still don't know if I've got it right.
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everything listed there is in the Republican bill that Trump told them on Friday to not bother with. Becasue he doesn't want it fixed, then he has nothing to scream about at his rallies.

You mean the bill that the democrats already rejected? Why give them an offer they already shot down once?
Let them run on open borders, see how that works out.
So if non citizens are being counted and that number is being used without some formula to decrease it for reps, the law would be broken...

In my opinion, because there's nothing they can do about it. No one truly knows how many illegals they are. That 11-12 million number you hear everyone throw out is from 2010 . There's probably somewhere around 20+ million now.

I'm assuming that's what all the outrage was about when the administration announced it was going to start asking this question on the census. Because if people answered it truthfully, then the government could get an idea. A lot of them prefer not to know because of issues such as this.
This person was outed as a russian bot by Twitter and deleted


Here you can read more of what a Russian bot posts.. Not exactly pro-Trump- Yikes!!
So if non citizens are being counted and that number is being used without some formula to decrease it for reps, the law would be broken...

Also, there are states who have given illegals voting rights. They allow illegals to vote in state elections, just not federal elections, so it makes it even harder to figure it all out. California is one, so since they're actually semi eligible voters, I'm not so sure you could leave them out when it comes to basing representation. The whole illegal immigration mess is a clusterf***. It does more damage than what you see on the surface.
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So yall are saying the average republican is less informed than the average democrat. Gotcha.

Consuming extremely biased news does not make you informed. I'd argue the opposite. The people who aren't aware of, VOX, Salon, Mother Jones etc... are more informed.

There's only one group out of the two who still believes there isn't a '97 law, reaffirmed and upheld by the courts again in '15, that says the government cannot detain illegal immigrant children for longer than 20 days, even if it is with their parents.
Consuming extremely biased news does not make you informed.
What a ridiculous premise, that knowledge of liberally biased news sources makes you a more informed person.
Yall's argument is that, "the average Republican doesn't know what those cesspools are." Which by definition is less informed. If you don't know anything about a news source how can you figure out what to think about it? Compare it to the democrat's side of the graphic which puts them in the biased section along with the right-leaning sources like Breitbart and Fox. Democrats are connotatively and denotatively more informed. Republicans are stuck in their echo chamber.
Yall's argument is that, "the average Republican doesn't know what those cesspools are." Which by definition is less informed. If you don't know anything about a news source how can you figure out what to think about it? Compare it to the democrat's side of the graphic which puts them in the biased section along with the right-leaning sources like Breitbart and Fox. Democrats are connotatively and denotatively more informed. Republicans are stuck in their echo chamber.
No it is a shit poll and you are a shit poster. I read more liberal opinions in a day than you read cons ones in a year.
lol. Doubling down isn't good enough for you. Roll the dice, guy. Throw it all on Blue and let it ride.

My side is winning. Denial or moral victories aren't going to help you.

Keep enabling your party. Let's see how it plays out!!!!

We are all winning, dude. Paying less taxes, making more money, ISIS is pretty much a memory, etc. I'll give Trump credit for righting the ship.
Which by definition is less informed.

Yeah, you're right. What was I thinking?

Someone getting their news from biased news sites such as Mother Jones makes them more informed. It may be extremely biased, misinformation, lies and fake news, but they're still more informed, nonetheless.

And, someone not aware of biased news sites such as Mother Jones -- whose main goal is to slander Trump and make him look as bad as possible, regardless of the truth and facts -- is less informed than those who subscribe to their every word.

That's some mighty fine logic.

Next you'll tell me that Trump colluded with Russia, that Obama didn't detain children and that all of those pictures of children in cages were from '18.
Yeah, you're right. What was I thinking?

Someone getting their news from biased news sites such as Mother Jones makes them more informed. It may be extremely biased, misinformation, lies and fake news, but they're still more informed, nonetheless.

And, someone not aware of biased news sites such as Mother Jones -- whose main goal is to slander Trump and make him look as bad as possible, regardless of the truth and facts -- is less informed than those who subscribe to their every word.

That's some mighty fine logic.

Next you'll tell me that Trump colluded with Russia, that Obama didn't detain children and that all of those pictures of children in cages were from '18.

I like the left bitching about Fox News, Breitbart and Info Wars (not a fan of that at all outside of the occasional PJW vid). Meanwhile, they’re so clueless to the shit show propaganda on the left that is everywhere. They’re so unaware of their own bias that it’s like a fish doesn’t know it’s in water.

Let’s spin the wheel and see what is going to feed me 100 percent leftist bullshit every day.

Comedy Central
HBO John Oliver shit
Hollywood/Netflix/Celebs being mouthpieces
Think Progress
Palmer Report
Daily Beast
Daily Kos
Mother Jones
Washington Post
New York Post/Daily News (can’t remember)
LA Times
Every black pro athlete and white athlete cuck like Chris Long or a coach like Kerr/Popovich
The Guardian
The Atlantic

Do you dumb bastards ever analyze how brainwashed you are and how intense you’re subjected to it? You never get an opposing view and when you do, you’re taught that they must be “Racist Nazis.”

  • A top aide to Democrat Rep. Yvette Clarke told Capitol Hill investigators she believed the New York congresswoman’s chief of staff, Shelley Davis, was working with IT aide Abid Awan to steal equipment from the congressional office.
  • Clarke “wrote off” one-tenth of her annual budget after $120,000 in equipment could not be located.
  • She did not mention it publicly and waited to fire Abid until House officials approached her about it months later. Davis no longer works there, but has not been arrested.
Rep. Yvette Clarke’s deputy chief of staff came into the office on a Saturday in December 2015 and caught the New York Democrat’s part-time IT aide, Abid Awan, rummaging through the congresswoman’s work area with new iPods and other equipment strewn around the room, according to a House document and interviews with Hill staff.

Wendy Anderson told Abid to get out of the office, the document said. She told Capitol Hill investigators that she soon suspected Clarke’s chief of staff, Shelley Davis, was working with Abid on a theft scheme, multiple House staffers with knowledge of the situation told The Daily Caller News Foundation. They also said that Anderson pushed for Abid’s firing.

But Clarke did not fire Abid until six months after the congresswoman formally acknowledged that $120,000 in equipment was missing, records show — not until after House investigators independently announced a review that would potentially catch financial discrepancies. Even then, Anderson told investigators she believed another top staffer in Clarke’s office was subverting their efforts, a House staffer with knowledge of the investigation said.
Anybody not watching this Krauthammer in his own words program on Fox right now should try to watch it when they play it again. Very powerful. Incredibly thoughtful guy with amazing personal story.
I like the left bitching about Fox News, Breitbart and Info Wars (not a fan of that at all outside of the occasional PJW vid). Meanwhile, they’re so clueless to the shit show propaganda on the left that is everywhere. They’re so unaware of their own bias that it’s like a fish doesn’t know it’s in water.

Let’s spin the wheel and see what is going to feed me 100 percent leftist bullshit every day.

Comedy Central
HBO John Oliver shit
Hollywood/Netflix/Celebs being mouthpieces
Think Progress
Palmer Report
Daily Beast
Daily Kos
Mother Jones
Washington Post
New York Post/Daily News (can’t remember)
LA Times
Every black pro athlete and white athlete cuck like Chris Long or a coach like Kerr/Popovich
The Guardian
The Atlantic

Do you dumb bastards ever analyze how brainwashed you are and how intense you’re subjected to it? You never get an opposing view and when you do, you’re taught that they must be “Racist Nazis.”
I used to listen to Sean Hannity many years ago pretty religiously. Back when Bush was president he never called Bush out for any of his mistakes. And he made plenty of them. It was obvious that Hannity was way too biased so I stopped listening to him because it wasn't intellectually honest. I prefer listening to conservatives that will call out their own party when necessary. I'd imagine most of the conservatives on this board feel the same. You won't find that same line of thought from the left. Ignorance is bliss for them.
Government Reform and Reorganization Plan:

Some points of emphasis:

-Merge the Departments of Education and Labor, creating the Department of Education and the Workforce.
-Move the Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works out of the Department of Defense and into the Department of Transportation and the Department of the Interior.
-Merge the food-safety functions of the USDA, HHS, and FDA into a single agency within the Department of Agriculture.
-Move the USDA’s rural housing loan guarantee and rental assistance programs to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
-Merge the Department of Commerce’s National Marine Fisheries Service with the Department of the Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service.
-Merge the humanitarian-assistance services of the Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development.
-Move the policy function of the Office of Personnel Management into the Executive Office of the President.
-Consolidate the Department of Energy’s applied energy programs into a new Office of Energy Innovation.
-Restructure the U.S. Postal System to return it to a sustainable business model or prepare it for future conversion from a Government agency into a privately-held corporation.
-Consolidate protective details at certain civilian Executive Branch agencies under the U.S. Marshals Service in order to more effectively and efficiently monitor and respond to potential threats.
The incompetence of this bigoted administration just blows my mind. Why would they tax me less and not give it to these illegal aliens and shit hole countries?