How will they rule ??!

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To wit: breaking the law is ok if I can find some stat showing my crime is less harmful than “X”.

Maybe I’ll embezzle money. Nobody will get killed after all.

Should start by taking the money from all the libs in this thread. Since by their own logic, it's no big deal.

Or at very least just barge into their home and start availing yourself of all their resources
Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant because she works for Donald trump. Can you imagine if that happened to anybody on the left??? Good lord, it would be a solid week of hot opinions and all sorts of isms and whatnot. Bus loads of paid protestors at the restaurant, etc.

Businesses have the right to refuse service and I’m cool with that. But refusing business seems kind of counterproductive to running a business... but whatever.

If I was a baker, my Christian self would bake a cake for whoever. If Obama stopped by my restaurant, I’d serve him. Just do your job has become my stance.

That said, you’re absolutely right with what you said above. We can deny cops, Trump employees, people with MAGA hats on and the MSM does its best to bury it. There aren’t 1,000 tweets, 100 stories and protests planned.

But you deny anything or anyone that is associated with the left... man, they’d do everything to destroy your business short of burning down your establishment... and hell, that’s probably coming one day.
We lost a whole lot of those the night trump was elected.

I assume some of those unamerican losers are back under new names because they are embarassed to type on a stupid fn message board???! lmaoooo. I must retire my name and never type again bc I am so ashamed!!!!

Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant because she works for Donald trump. Can you imagine if that happened to anybody on the left??? Good lord, it would be a solid week of hot opinions and all sorts of isms and whatnot. Bus loads of paid protestors at the restaurant, etc.
There would be a war out front between the pussy hats, the handsmaid group, the emo student die-in crowd, etc on which group got to shut down the restaurant.
Germany just won the World Cup of Cucks against Sweden. Both teams kept trying to let each other win in front of the other, but it eventually had to end
Civil, respectful, reasonable men may differ, let's discuss this like adults.

Hostile, condescending, Nazi/Hitler/racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic, I declare myself virtuous and right so end of discussion.

You will reap what you sow.
Oh look, this nazi wants to control the conversation. Typical nazi.
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That would only give them an out. They need to be seen for who they are.
No doubt when someone eventually retaliates the media and left will try to pin the blame on the person that retaliates. But at some point someone needs to put their foot down and say enough of this shit. If this becomes the norm this country is finished.
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Sounds easy doesn't it. You think these people are going to give up their cash flow just like that? Follow the money. Start researching the opium wars. Research Iran contra. Research who set up the cartels in South America. See if there is a certain organization's name keeps coming up. Then look at the people that want Trump gone. See if they happen to be tied to the same people and the same dirty money. You think they are going to give up their gravy train because hey look at the tax dollars?

Corrupt government agencies - launder illegal cash
Corrupt countries - launder illegal cash
Corrupt churches and non profits - launder illegal cash
Entertainment industry - launder illegal cash
Book deals - launder illegal cash
Banks - launder illegal cash
Casinos - launder illegal cash
Corporations - launder illegal cash

Now think of the ones that are loudest trying to take out Trump. Trump is bad for business.

Do a little research and stop trying to troll.
Your boy Reagan started that mess. Enriched the newly formed cartels and provided a massive flow of weapons.
Your boy Reagan started that mess. Enriched the newly formed cartels and provided a massive flow of weapons.

Keep researching and I don't have a boy. You don't see me pumping up your 2 party system of corruption. Who was the VP and which organization was/is the head of? How many times has he come out against Trump? Double troll accounts get nothing but trolled.
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Liberal logic
