How will they rule ??!

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Bernie Sanders should be hanged, worse than every scandalous televangelist in US history put together.

Owns 3 houses

Owns this

Made $800K in free money last year

Wow, you are naive, if our borders were open the world would flood in. So, I assume you want all services available to them, Medicaid, food stamps eitc, student loans and Grant's, welfare, housing allowances, utilities assistance. How will our infrastructure support a significant influx? Our power grid cant, our urban areas are already crowded and most of the land you are talking about is either privately owned or federally protected. Your turn.
You're the one who's being naive. Our immigration laws aren't that restrictive currently. Way more lax than Canada or the UK as people on here like to point out. Merely reducing the difficulty of immigration wouldn't cause that many more people to come here than already do.
A billion people aren't going to come here. Immigration has been relatively stable below 800k per year the last 100 years. Just making it easier isn't going to multiply that by number by thousands. Still, we have plenty of room. The midwest and west are mostly empty space.

You’re literally using legal immigration as a barometer to what open borders would look like.
If you removed all barriers of immigration, and made everyone legal you’d see 10-20 million a year, every year until our economy completely collapsed, then immigration would slow down. Is that what you want, a flood of low skilled workers, you do realize what that would cause, right?
You could kiss the middle class goodbye.
You’re literally using legal immigration as a barometer to what open borders would look like.
If you removed all barriers of immigration, and made everyone legal you’d see 10-20 million a year, every year until our economy completely collapsed, then immigration would slow down. Is that what you want, a flood of low skilled workers, you do realize what that would cause, right?
You could kiss the middle class goodbye.

He's in the minority. No one but about 10% feels his way about immigration
Dam, Trump is so wonderful;

States with high taxes are at risk of losing people, business and money. In fact, conservative economists Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore argue that up to 1.3 million people will leave California, Connecticut, New Jersey, Minnesota and New York over the next three years and move to states with lower taxes.

The sweeping overhaul of the federal tax code passed by the Republican-controlled Congress and signed into law by President Trump in December has left both residents and elected officials from high-tax states in a precarious position.

With state deductions now capped at $10,000, the cost of living in states such as California and New York – where state taxes are notoriously high – is increasing substantially. This has the potential to lead both middle-class families, and even the wealthy, to begin questioning whether it is time to move to a more tax-friendly state.

This means potentially bad news for Democrats, as solid blue states are generally those with the highest state taxes. If they lose enough people, these states will eventually get fewer seats in the House of Representatives and fewer votes in the Electoral College, which determines who is elected as president."

How state and property taxes ever should have been a Fed tax deduction is unfathomable. What people want from their local government shouldn't impact their or my Fed taxes. But it did in a big way & now still does only to a much lower extend.

All Praise Drumpf!!! Suck hind teat, Libs!!
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Umm, 95% is liberal media pushing it down our throats.

It's a very very small echo chamber pushing it.
That's possible. Again, if true that would mean it never comes anywhere close to becoming policy. The government is currently trying to reduce immigration by ending the diversity lottery and chain migration, not increase it. So why worry about some mythical threat of "open borders" that will never materalize?
Trump actually reversed a "policy" by EO discontinuing separation to appease the fringe 10%. The media still is roasting for upholding democrat immigration policies.

Build that GD Wall

And after Trump agreed to detain the kids with parents Kamala tweeted it wasn't good enough and parents should be released with the kids not the kids detained with the parents. Allowing anyone with a kid to cross the border with no consequences is basically open borders. It also breeds child smuggling/trafficking.

She won't come out and directly say "open borders" because it's damaging politically but advocating to abolish ICE, against border laws and the prosecution of people who break the border laws is the same exact thing. That's why it doesn't matter that it's only 10%. It matters who's in that 10%. Unfortunately she could possibly be a future president.
And after Trump agreed to detain the kids with parents Kamala tweeted it wasn't good enough and parents should be released with the kids not the kids detained with the parents. Allowing anyone with a kid to cross the border with no consequences is basically open borders. It also breeds child smuggling/trafficking.

She won't come out and directly say "open borders" because it's damaging politically but advocating to abolish ICE, against border laws and the prosecution of people who break the border laws is the same exact thing. That's why it doesn't matter that it's only 10%. It matters who's in that 10%. Unfortunately she could possibly be a future president.

And do you understand if they let that happen what will happen next?

Anyone incarcerated for crime "should" be let out due to having a child.

It never stops.
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All of us on here, even the da Libs, should thank Dr. Krauthammer for this:

""You are betraying your whole life if you don't say what you think. And if you don't say it honestly & bluntly."
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And after Trump agreed to detain the kids with parents Kamala tweeted it wasn't good enough and parents should be released with the kids not the kids detained with the parents. Allowing anyone with a kid to cross the border with no consequences is basically open borders. It also breeds child smuggling/trafficking.

She won't come out and directly say "open borders" because it's damaging politically but advocating to abolish ICE, against border laws and the prosecution of people who break the border laws is the same exact thing. That's why it doesn't matter that it's only 10%. It matters who's in that 10%. Unfortunately she could possibly be a future president.
Well sure. That's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. But Libs think they are putting one over on us because they think we're so stupid when the stupidity is actually in their mirrors.
If these people really want somewhere to go, then I'd propose this - if you draw a line across Canada 100 miles north of the US Border, about 88% of the total population of Canada will be south of that line. When you get to Alberta, extend the line up to include Calgary and Edmonton, and it's probably closer to 98%.

Let the immigrants start from scratch north of that line. There are endless supplies of natural resources. Will the winters suck? Sure, so move them in April and they will have 5 months to get ready for it. An exercise like that would tell you pretty quickly what quality of people you are dealing with. Hell, the Mormons started from scratch in the Salt Lake Valley - in ****ing 1846. If they could do it then, it can sure as shit be done now.
And do you understand if they let that happen what will happen next?

Anyone incarcerated for crime "should" be let out due to having a child.

It never stops.
Of course. Why are illegals allowed to stay with their kids but arrested & jailed Americans aren't? It defies any attempt at logic other than let anyone in, don't jail anyone. Am I missing something, Libs?
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You're the one who's being naive. Our immigration laws aren't that restrictive currently. Way more lax than Canada or the UK as people on here like to point out. Merely reducing the difficulty of immigration wouldn't cause that many more people to come here than already do.
Yet our lax restriction immigration laws are still too much for you, much less Canada's or Mexico's. You're one sick b-tard.
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Of course. Why are illegals allowed to stay with their kids but arrested & jailed Americans aren't? It defies any attempt at logic other than let anyone in, don't jail anyone. Am I missing something, Libs?

If you can get a logical liberal to answer that question, then I'm willing to listen. No bullshit. Just answer the question. No long winded crap. Straight to the point.
Yet our lax restriction immigration laws are still too much for you, much less Canada's or Mexico's. You're one sick b-tard.

He is the fringe. He is the small Castro section of San Francisco that is making the case. No one with any common sense agrees with his insanity. No one.
Yet our lax restriction immigration laws are still too much for you, much less Canada's or Mexico's. You're one sick b-tard.

It was a minor PITA for me to get my permanent resident card here. Lots of filling out forms, several hundred bucks in fees, some travel for interviews, etc. But all in all, it wasn't THAT bad.

If I wanted to move my family to Canada, it would be 10x the PITA. The immigration laws here are already lax enough. There is no need to water them down any further.
And do you understand if they let that happen what will happen next?

Anyone incarcerated for crime "should" be let out due to having a child.

It never stops.

Democrats’ Border Separation Bill Would Let Nearly All Parents Who Commit Federal Crimes Get Off Scot-Free

Democrats’ proposed legislation to prohibit so-called border separations would actually prevent federal law enforcement agencies almost anywhere inside the United States from arresting and detaining criminals who are parents having nothing to do with unlawfully crossing the border and seeking asylum.

Every Senate Democrat has now signed on to cosponsor a bill written so carelessly that it does not distinguish between migrant children at the border and U.S. citizen children already within the United States. The bill further does not distinguish between federal officers handling the border crisis and federal law enforcement pursuing the ordinary course of their duties.
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Democrats’ Border Separation Bill Would Let Nearly All Parents Who Commit Federal Crimes Get Off Scot-Free

Democrats’ proposed legislation to prohibit so-called border separations would actually prevent federal law enforcement agencies almost anywhere inside the United States from arresting and detaining criminals who are parents having nothing to do with unlawfully crossing the border and seeking asylum.

Every Senate Democrat has now signed on to cosponsor a bill written so carelessly that it does not distinguish between migrant children at the border and U.S. citizen children already within the United States. The bill further does not distinguish between federal officers handling the border crisis and federal law enforcement pursuing the ordinary course of their duties.


Democrats’ Border Separation Bill Would Let Nearly All Parents Who Commit Federal Crimes Get Off Scot-Free

Democrats’ proposed legislation to prohibit so-called border separations would actually prevent federal law enforcement agencies almost anywhere inside the United States from arresting and detaining criminals who are parents having nothing to do with unlawfully crossing the border and seeking asylum.

Every Senate Democrat has now signed on to cosponsor a bill written so carelessly that it does not distinguish between migrant children at the border and U.S. citizen children already within the United States. The bill further does not distinguish between federal officers handling the border crisis and federal law enforcement pursuing the ordinary course of their duties.

They don’t want to pass a bill, so they propose one they know the Reps will kill on the spot.
The media will only run will the part about Reps killing it.
You're the one who's being naive. Our immigration laws aren't that restrictive currently. Way more lax than Canada or the UK as people on here like to point out. Merely reducing the difficulty of immigration wouldn't cause that many more people to come here than already do.
You're blind, now respond to my questions to you.
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You’re literally using legal immigration as a barometer to what open borders would look like.
If you removed all barriers of immigration, and made everyone legal you’d see 10-20 million a year, every year until our economy completely collapsed, then immigration would slow down. Is that what you want, a flood of low skilled workers, you do realize what that would cause, right?
You could kiss the middle class goodbye.

It’s so weird that Mexico doesn’t thrive from all of these valuable citizens they apparently have. Lol

It’s so weird that they’re a POS country and have so many people fleeing.

Everyone knows the Patriots would become a better team if they add shittier players. Why don’t they just let anyone on the team? Oh, you mean good teams don’t stay good by getting shitty players?
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