How will they rule ??!

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Your bum was admitted as a permanent resident by this process:
"Melania Trumps on Wednesday released a letter from her immigration lawyer in response to questions about her immigration status when she first came to the United States to work as a model.

“I am pleased to enclose a letter from my immigration attorney which states that, with 100% certainty, I correctly went through the legal process when arriving in the USA,” the wife of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trumpwrote in a statement shared on her Twitter account.

The attached letter was written by attorney Michael J. Wildes, the son of immigration lawyer Leon Wildes, who rose to fame in 1972 when he successfully defended John Lennon and Yoko Ono from being deported by the U.S. government. Wildes has worked for the Trump Organization.

The full leader reads:

“It has been suggested by various media outlets that in in 1995 Mrs. Trump illegally worked as a model in the United States while on a visitor visa. Following a review of her relevant immigration paperwork, I can unequivocally state that these allegations are not supported by the record, and are therefore completely without merit.

“Contrary to published reports, Mrs. Trump never worked in the United States in 1995 because she was never in the United States in 1995. Instead, the documentation reflects that Mrs. Trump’s first entry to the United States was on August 27, 1996 pursuant to a B-1/B-2 visitor visa. Shortly, therefore, on October 18, 1996, the U.S. Embassy in Slovenia issued Mr. Trump her first H1-B visa, a category which authorizes employment as a model in the United States. Mrs. Trump was thereafter consistently issued H1-B visas, five in total, between October 1996 and 2001, at which point she became a lawful permanent resident, or ‘green card’ holder."

If you even a shred of intelligence, you can see she wasn't admitted to the USA as a citizen, but as first a visa holder, then after FIVE YEARS, was given a green card, not citizenship. So if 5+ years to become a citizen is quickly, then your bum became a citizen quickly.

That is relatively quick. You clearly have no idea how thorough the legal immigration process is. You actually listen to a dumbass like Donald Trump, who has zero idea what the process looks like.

You probably think countries are "sending us" people. LMAO!!!

It can take people 15+ years to become a legal American citizen. That's about how long it took my step-grandfather - a white English dude - to get his status.

Good LORD, you are a slow human. Keep believing what *Donald Trump* tells you about immigration though. "Nobody knows immigration better than me, folks. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it."
"people with actual critical-thinking skills would engage in this "diversity of thought" game" is code for elitist babble pretending to above the common folks yet having no clue.

^^^ Is this you admitting to being basic?

Yeah, you're a simpleton. Now go mow your lawn, drink a Coca Cola, and watch a boring ass baseball game.
That is relatively quick. You clearly have no idea how thorough the legal immigration process is. You actually listen to a dumbass like Donald Trump, who has zero idea what the process looks like.

You probably think countries are "sending us" people. LMAO!!!

It can take people 15+ years to become a legal American citizen. That's about how long it took my step-grandfather - a white English dude - to get his status.

Good LORD, you are a slow human. Keep believing what *Donald Trump* tells you about immigration though. "Nobody knows immigration better than me, folks. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it."
Good for your white step grandfather. While the process was ongoing, Did he reside and work in the US?

What changes would you make RE: immigration?
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Good for your white step grandfather. While the process was ongoing, DoD he reside and work in the US?

What changes would you make RE: immigration?

He lived here, but I wouldn't really say he "worked" much. My actual grandfather was a doctor and he left all his money to my grandmother. The English guy basically spent all his money and pretended to be a travel agent.

He didn't commit any crimes though, and he helped take care of my uncle, who had cerebral palsy.

People who come here wanting asylum should only be admitted after our great government does as thorough of an investigation into their background as possible. Commit a crime? No admittance. Commit a crime while you're awaiting legal citizenship? Throw them, and their families, the hell out of here.
Be interesting to see how many reporters or commentators defend her...cause you know if that happened to a Democrat press secretary, reporters would make it the story of the week. Hell, it would be a bigger story than the IG report they conveniently buried recently.

I loathe Eric Holder, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice...the whole Obama crew...but if I own a business and they come in I will gladly take their money. I will accept that money and fake smile while doing so. I guess conservatives think different, instead of virtue signaling I would take more satisfaction knowing those I can’t stand helped my business.

This isn’t even like the Christian bakery scenario that these dumb shits bring up as in they think it’s okay to make a religion go against their views and take them to the Supreme Court but then think it’s okay to assault, silence and kick out of restaurants.

Gays can buy cupcakes and cakes and food from any Christian bakery. They won’t customie and write stuff they think is evil just like they would t write something for the kkk or any hateful obscene cake. You can still shop.

Sanders is like everyone else there. Just sitting down and eating, not doing anything or making someone go against their religion or values. You’re serving just like everyone else.

Libs are the least tolerant bastards. I look forward to the day that you go to far and get your comeuppance.
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He lived here, but I wouldn't really say he "worked" much. My actual grandfather was a doctor and he left all his money to my grandmother. The English guy basically spent all his money and pretended to be a travel agent.

He didn't commit any crimes though, and he helped take care of my uncle, who had cerebral palsy.

People who come here wanting asylum should only be admitted after our great government does as thorough of an investigation into their background as possible. Commit a crime? No admittance. Commit a crime while you're awaiting legal citizenship? Throw them, and their families, the hell out of here.
By crimes you don't mean speeding tickets and misdemeanors, right?

Seems harsh chucking their families out for no crime other than relation. Especially if they were getting their citizenship processed as well.
The left's rhetoric is quickly becoming a call to action for a fight. It will be interesting to see how far this goes.
I think we all know where its gonna go. Someone (maybe even multiple people) are going to be killed because of their rhetoric. And when it happens they'll try to pin the blame on Trump and us.
I knew the spin here would be conservatives acting like tolerance is their game after the gay cake fiasco. You can't make this stuff up. Yall are too funny.
If you have a clean criminal record then yes.

I think if you want to come here to work and have a clean criminal record you should be allowed to. That's what the American Dream has always been about. We're an entire nation of immigrants. It's all the bureaucracy and years of red-tape that has incentivized crossing illegally.

Everyone has the right to the American Dream. From Levi Strauss to Audrey Hepburn to Albert Einstein. Hell this country is mostly open space, we have plenty of room.
I'm just curious. How old are you? I'm not baiting, I'm serious.
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That is relatively quick. You clearly have no idea how thorough the legal immigration process is. You actually listen to a dumbass like Donald Trump, who has zero idea what the process looks like.

You probably think countries are "sending us" people. LMAO!!!

It can take people 15+ years to become a legal American citizen. That's about how long it took my step-grandfather - a white English dude - to get his status.

Good LORD, you are a slow human. Keep believing what *Donald Trump* tells you about immigration though. "Nobody knows immigration better than me, folks. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it."
Since you can't challenge calling her a bum for getting her US residency "so quick", you switch to "relatively quick", which means her residency permit was within normal bounds of time.

Why you start b!tching at me for how long it took your relative to get CITIZENSHIP when all I reported was that it took her - your bum - 5 years to get a green card, just permanent RESIDENCY, not citizenship is looney tunes. Obviously it took longer for her to get CITIZENSHIP - another 5 years to be exact for a total of 10 years. Capisce? .
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^^^ Is this you admitting to being basic?

Yeah, you're a simpleton. Now go mow your lawn, drink a Coca Cola, and watch a boring ass baseball game.
I did do the first two today & may watch the CWS tonight. Been busy with WC though.
I knew the spin here would be conservatives acting like tolerance is their game after the gay cake fiasco. You can't make this stuff up. Yall are too funny.
You're comparing a closely held religious belief that incorporates both freedom of religion and freedom of speech, and a baker who routinely served the gay community in everything except wedding cakes, to a restaurant kicking out someone because of who they work for? And you think "we're" funny? You're absurd.
I knew the spin here would be conservatives acting like tolerance is their game after the gay cake fiasco. You can't make this stuff up. Yall are too funny.

Are you this stupid? I already know the answer.

1. Libs take this to the Supreme Court, drive out of their way to go after a Christian bakery to force this as intentional “eff you.” They are not kicked out of the bakery or refused service. They’re like a painter who doesn’t want to paint a specific piece.

2. Sanders is the same as any patron in there just trying to eat, not forcing someone to make a pro Trump cake, pro Israel cake, pro Jesus cake; not there to give a speech. Just like any conservative that this owner would not recognize eating.

Libs have bankrupted Christian business owners by doing this BS. So yeah, you could say we’re effing sick of your BS where you do this shit to Christians all the time but then try to target conservatives with legal action.

But they’re not the same scenario. However, in regards to refusing service, I’ll support the right to refuse anyone if libs didn’t lose their shit and try to hurt someone financially because they don’t agree with them.

BTW, conservatives are discriminated against constantly whether in academia, media, jobs, super liberal bars and restaurants yet, I don’t recall conservatives wanting to go to court.
You're comparing a closely held religious belief that incorporates both freedom of religion and freedom of speech, and a baker who routinely served the gay community in everything except wedding cakes, to a restaurant kicking out someone because of who they work for? And you think "we're" funny? You're absurd.

Yes, he’s that retarded.

We will break it down one more time EKY.

Gay liberal: Yes, Christian, I drove 120 miles to come to this specific bakery (chose not to go to the Muslim one) cause I saw on your website that you’re Christian so now bake me a cake for me and my lesbian fiancé.

Business owner: I’m sorry, you can buy any cake I have out here and I’ll make you whatever you want but I can’t write that message.

Gay liberal: BIGOT! I’m taking this to the Supreme Court!

Second scenario

Conservative sits down with friends and family, just talking to each other and looking at the menu.

Liberal owner: Get out! You work for Trump! I won’t sell you anything in here.

Conservative leaves

See the difference, dumbass?
This country is at a dangerous level with the unhinged left’s non-stop attack on conservatives. They’re going to get someone killed and then spark a civil war because there’s no coming back from this the way the left is right now. You can’t co-exist with a group who is against the law, wants an invasion and calls on people to assault and silence those who disagree with them.
Where are the phony feminists at? If any liberal woman received the treatment Sanders and Neilsen got this week, the outrage from feminists would be deafening.

They would have media outlets practically camping outside of these restaurants demanding the owners to be fired. The owners would be getting called nazis and sexist.
You're comparing a closely held religious belief that incorporates both freedom of religion and freedom of speech, and a baker who routinely served the gay community in everything except wedding cakes, to a restaurant kicking out someone because of who they work for? And you think "we're" funny? You're absurd.
So predictable yet so hilarious
So predictable yet so hilarious

Predictable and hilarious that you’re oblivious to the difference, “Republican?”

You’re such a pussy. You know how many of you douchebags we’ve had over the years on here? The moronic liberal who claims to be independent and conservative while they proceed to regurgitate every leftist talking point they heard.

If you can’t understand the basic difference of the two scenarios mentioned above, you’re either brainwashed or have the IQ of a rock.
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You’re such a pussy. You know how many of you douchebags we’ve had over the years on here? The moronic liberal who claims to be independent and conservative while they then proceed to regurgitate every leftist talking point they heard.

We lost a whole lot of those the night trump was elected.

I assume some of those unamerican losers are back under new names because they are embarassed to type on a stupid fn message board???! lmaoooo. I must retire my name and never type again bc I am so ashamed!!!!

Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant because she works for Donald trump. Can you imagine if that happened to anybody on the left??? Good lord, it would be a solid week of hot opinions and all sorts of isms and whatnot. Bus loads of paid protestors at the restaurant, etc.