How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes. Data shows immigrants commit crimes at lower rates then the populace at large. In fact you're more likely to die from a parachuting accident, being buried alive, or literally being struck by lightning than in a terrorist attack. Big government doesn't need to be spying on us every minute of every day to prevent something rarer than lightning, and immigrants don't need any more policing or monitoring than the rest of us do.
Intrigued by your context . . . "US". Thinking that either you should be told to speak for yourself or just admit you are an illegal alien. If the latter, then you have no right dictacting what our government needs are. If the former applies then shame on you for assuming that we consider ourselves grouped equally with illegal aliens. Also, you suck.

Lastly, you have been suckered by dilluted data, that which does not specify, and that which benefits from the inclusion of good behavior by legal immigrants from more civilized cultures.
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And that might not happen at all if they couldn't work here. This basic concept seems completely lost in the debate.

Prolly means they need to stay in their own country then.

You can't just let any tom, dick, or harry into this country and then give them job opportunities over direct citizens. It's almost like you DON'T understand the basic concept.
Prolly means they need to stay in their own country then.

You can't just let any tom, dick, or harry into this country and then give them job opportunities over direct citizens. It's almost like you DON'T understand the basic concept.
Why do you think businesses give them opportunities and govt looks the other way by and large?
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To avoid paying proper salary. Target the companies that use them illegally.
One of the biggest lobbyists in this country is the Chamber of Commerce. Do you think they want to hurt profitability? Does any business? Of course not, they will happily take cheap labor, tax cuts and whatever else they can get silently, as Trump politicizes the other side of the issue. Illegal, undocumented immigration. Everyone wins Willy.
I didn’t mention lightning now did I. However, a person can easily avoid lightning, when it storms simply go inside. You know when it’s coming, but I seriously doubt more people in the United States are hit by lightning than are criminally affected by illegal aliens, I simply do not buy that.

To wit: breaking the law is ok if I can find some stat showing my crime is less harmful than “X”.

Maybe I’ll embezzle money. Nobody will get killed after all.
You guys are too entertaining. And it’s not time for me to head to the bar just yet.

Man killed two women in Miami, dumped bodies on street, police say.

A Honduran national in the United States illegally has been charged with killing two women in Miami over the past three months and dumping their bodies on the street, police announced Monday.

Juan Carlos Hernandez-Caseres, 37, was arrested Saturday morning for the murders of Ann Farrin, 41, and Neidy Roche, 39. Both women, police said, were prostitutes

You own this POS. Congratulations.

So, how do you plan on compensating the victim's families or arranging financing for this animal's incarceration? I'll hang up and listen.
The left has gone insane

Be interesting to see how many reporters or commentators defend her...cause you know if that happened to a Democrat press secretary, reporters would make it the story of the week. Hell, it would be a bigger story than the IG report they conveniently buried recently.

I loathe Eric Holder, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice...the whole Obama crew...but if I own a business and they come in I will gladly take their money. I will accept that money and fake smile while doing so. I guess conservatives think different, instead of virtue signaling I would take more satisfaction knowing those I can’t stand helped my business.
If you have a clean criminal record then yes.

I think if you want to come here to work and have a clean criminal record you should be allowed to. That's what the American Dream has always been about. We're an entire nation of immigrants. It's all the bureaucracy and years of red-tape that has incentivized crossing illegally.

Everyone has the right to the American Dream. From Levi Strauss to Audrey Hepburn to Albert Einstein. Hell this country is mostly open space, we have plenty of room.

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Be interesting to see how many reporters or commentators defend her...cause you know if that happened to a Democrat press secretary, reporters would make it the story of the week. Hell, it would be a bigger story than the IG report they conveniently buried recently.

I loathe Eric Holder, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice...the whole Obama crew...but if I own a business and they come in I will gladly take their money. I will accept that money and fake smile while doing so. I guess conservatives think different, instead of virtue signaling I would take more satisfaction knowing those I can’t stand helped my business.

Their behavior is ridiculous, and it’s going to end up creating the opposite effect than they hope for.
To wit: breaking the law is ok if I can find some stat showing my crime is less harmful than “X”.

Maybe I’ll embezzle money. Nobody will get killed after all.
Taking this to it's obvious conclusion...

Libs: Please list what laws are Ok to ignore.

Can I now ignore laws against:

Tax evasion
Speed limits

If not, then why not?
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The left's rhetoric is quickly becoming a call to action for a fight. It will be interesting to see how far this goes.

They are starting to stage more events with these so called patriot rally/unite the right vs antifa to drum up more division. The same people fund both sides. You are a complete idiot if you participate in one of these. You are an idiot if you use it for political points or get outraged by the outcomes. Complete kabuki. Watch it on youtube just like wrasslin. Idiots.
Was meeting with a customer the other day who for whatever reason started talking politics which I NEVER do with customers. I just let her talk and she said she loathed Trump, did not vote for him, and was terrified when he won. Today, she is disgusted in the way he, his family, and administration have been treated by the media and the insane Dems and frankly thinks he is doing a great job and will get her vote in 2020. I let her talk and just said that people have gone insane over politics and we all just need to get along to get an easy out of the conversation.

Inside I was thinking to myself how many others out there feel this way now. Barring a anything crazy before then, he is going to win in a landslide in 2020.
Was meeting with a customer the other day who for whatever reason started talking politics which I NEVER do with customers. I just let her talk and she said she loathed Trump, did not vote for him, and was terrified when he won. Today, she is disgusted in the way he, his family, and administration have been treated by the media and the insane Dems and frankly thinks he is doing a great job and will get her vote in 2020. I let her talk and just said that people have gone insane over politics and we all just need to get along to get an easy out of the conversation.

Inside I was thinking to myself how many others out there feel this way now. Barring a anything crazy before then, he is going to win in a landslide in 2020.

400+ electoral votes
Why pick on Norges who over stay visas vs. anyone else? Oh yea, they had the legal right to initially come here. Where are the visa of those coming from Ma-he-ko?

Yeah, the Norway thing is going over the simpletons' heads here.