How will they rule ??!

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The fascists, better known as progressives, at HuffPo are now shaming people for eating Chik-fil-A. Telling them they're not allowed to eat there if they support the LGBT community.
Moe, from now on, hence forth, I promise I will try to OD (again) on Chick-fil-A just to piss these mofos off.

I'm seriously thinking about starting an I LOVE Chick-fil-A website to raise as much hell in cyberspace as humanly possible.

<-- - - - - frequented Chick-fil-A for breakfast and lunch daily between May, 2006 - Jan, 2009 while working IT/hardware development. Time to revisit an old addiction.
Moe, from now on, hence forth, I promise I will try to OD (again) on Chick-fil-A just to piss these mofos off.

I'm seriously thinking about starting an I LOVE Chick-fil-A website to raise as much hell in cyberspace as humanly possible.

<-- - - - - frequented Chick-fil-A for breakfast and lunch daily between May, 2006 - Jan, 2009 while working IT/hardware development. Time to revisit an old addiction.
I can always go for some waffle fries. Kind of bummed they got rid of the old breakfast burritos. The new ones they replaced them with are sorry.
Also, I've been interested in the number of Norwegians who have recently applied for legal citizenship in The United States of America. Those Norwegians who come over here and overstay their visas better be in the shittiest of jails. Criminals, the whole lot of them. Some are good people, I suppose.

By the millions? Try again.
Been against Tariffs from the start...heres why. Hope 300 million Americans enjoy the socialism bc 100k steel workers refuse to diversify their skill set to other industries

Didn’t see my point?

The thoughts of other’s children don’t necessarily reflect those of their parents.

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Been against Tariffs from the start...heres why. Hope 300 million Americans enjoy the socialism bc 100k steel workers refuse to diversify their skill set to other industries

I think the tariffs are a ploy to level the playing field and hope we put enough pressure on the rest of the world that they fold first.

If the tariffs don’t get the results we want, they will slowly go away. IMO
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Been against Tariffs from the start...heres why. Hope 300 million Americans enjoy the socialism bc 100k steel workers refuse to diversify their skill set to other industries

The price of an A/C unit going up 6% does not equate to several hundred dollars for a residential unit. It also seems rather convenient this is taking effect in the hottest month of the year.
I would bet this guy is using the tariff as a way to raise his service fee.
The price of an A/C unit going up 6% does not equate to several hundred dollars for a residential unit. It also seems rather convenient this is taking effect in the hottest month of the year.
I would bet this guy is using the tariff as a way to raise his service fee.
Considering all the US-made central AC units (i.e. American Standard -- Nolan Ryan), you have a good point. Sourcing is one thing. Availability is another.
Good one, bro.

God, I miss the days when people with actual critical-thinking skills would engage in this "diversity of thought" game. You sound like some lowbrow bum who voted for Trump because he would "run our country like a business."

Goodness gracious.
What'chu talkin' 'bout Willis? He's draining the swamp!

The most lobbyist spending in 7 years is just a temporary setback.
that press conference was the epitome of how pathetic our politics has become. each family holding autographed pictures of their dead kids, can it get anymore stupid. is Trump going to hold a press conference for the hundreds of thousands of Americans not killed by immigrants every year? or the immigrants killed by Americans? our new system of politics decided by what sells on TV shows how dumb the electorate has become.
So many problems that the world is facing. Animal 3rd world invaders, democrat voter fraud, democrat child trafficking, democrats killing the first amendment and then using it to push their own agenda, killing the 2nd amendment, high taxes, ridiculing our armed forces, democrat racism, just awful people.

These people will never stop. They are here to silence your voice. They will label and do anything to silence you. They will call you alt-right, they will call you vulgar or obscene, they will call you racist. Anything they can to push freedom out of free people's hands.
Let me clarify something here.

My father ran a business out of McAllen, TX back during the mid-70s up until his death in 1986. He dealt extensively with MX on new and used car and motorcycle sales. He got in trouble down there around 1976. A freaking gringo has, or had, much/many less rights in MX than a Mexican national is afforded up here. Their police interrogation tactics, back then, violated known human rights standards. He knew the deal going in.

All you social justice warriors be very careful when discussing this subject.

Lol... I did a lot of work in McAllen back in 2005-06. That place is shady in and of itself.
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so how do you Trumpsters like the fact that Robert's had to side with the liberals to make your cellphone protected by the 4th amendment? how the **** did the other 4 decide it's legal to track your phone data without a warrant? radical conservative judges think the government should have free reign to spy on you.
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is Trump going to hold a press conference for the hundreds of thousands of Americans not killed by immigrants every year?

He's only doing what the media is refusing to do. You're all in on the media exploiting the illegal immigrants, so why so mad for someone to give a voice to the other?

or the immigrants killed by Americans?

Legal or illegal? If legal, that's what the justice system is for. Crimes by citizens are inevitable. Crimes committed by illegals are 100% preventable.

If illegal, that's also what the justice system is for; although, they'd should have never crossed the border illegally to begin with.
so how do you Trumpsters like the fact that Robert's had to side with the liberals to make your cellphone protected by the 4th amendment? how the **** did the other 4 decide it's legal to track your phone data without a warrant? radical conservative judges think the government should have free reign to spy on you.
Sounds like they got it right.

"Justice Neil Gorsuch dissented for technical reasons, but he wrote that he would have gone further than the majority, criticizing the majority for keeping the Third-Party Doctrine "on life support" in the digital age."

Alito felt it should be up to Congress to get this right:

Alito suggested that the court should have instead deferred to Congress’ judgment, in legislation known as the Stored Communications Act, that police do not need a warrant in cases like Carpenter’s. And he warned ominously that “some of the greatest threats to individual privacy may come” not from the government, but instead from “powerful private companies that collect and sometimes misuse vast quantities of data about the lives of ordinary Americans.” “If today’s decision encourages the public to think that this Court can protect them from this looming threat to their privacy,” Alito concluded, “the decision will mislead as well as disrupt.”

So once again Congress has not been getting the job done... shocking.
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He's only doing what the media is refusing to do. You're all in on the media exploiting the illegal immigrants, so why so mad for someone to give a voice to the other?

Legal or illegal? If legal, that's what the justice system is for. Crimes by citizens are inevitable. Crimes committed by illegals are 100% preventable.

If illegal, that's also what the justice system is for; although, they'd should have never crossed the border illegally to begin with.


Leftists are total morons. I’ve seen so many claim there’s no correlation for an increase in crime with illegals here. Lol. A single hit and run, murder or rape is one too many by an illegal enemy.

Keep in mind that this is the same bunch who thinks there’s KKK/Nazis around every corner out to get you. They downplay Islamic terrorism and third world violence/savagery and drug trafficking but tell everyone there’s racists out there just waiting to get you.

Never mind that whites are the biggest victim of interracial violence in our country.
that press conference was the epitome of how pathetic our politics has become. each family holding autographed pictures of their dead kids, can it get anymore stupid. is Trump going to hold a press conference for the hundreds of thousands of Americans not killed by immigrants every year? or the immigrants killed by Americans? our new system of politics decided by what sells on TV shows how dumb the electorate has become.

you just outed yourself as an awful scum excuse of a human being.

and they are not immigrants you moron. once again. illegal aliens. unlawfully crossing a real sovereign border.
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