How will they rule ??!

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that press conference was the epitome of how pathetic our politics has become. each family holding autographed pictures of their dead kids, can it get anymore stupid. is Trump going to hold a press conference for the hundreds of thousands of Americans not killed by immigrants every year? or the immigrants killed by Americans? our new system of politics decided by what sells on TV shows how dumb the electorate has become.
If there's any stupidity going around, it belongs to anyone thinking there are hundreds of K's murders in the US per year. Of course most already knew of that stupidity - outside the author of the statement. And immigrants wouldn't be killed in the US if they had chosen to be here. Life's a b!tch.
I'll leave this nugget here. By democrat gospel HuffPo
Oh and the blame on Trump is the exact same policy that Obammie followed. Except the media didn't care when Obammie did it.

What do you think the US policy on immigration should be? Let everyone in that wants in?
The Left opposes any system of control of immigration. So they oppose them one & all on any flimsy ground their wild imaginations come up with. They think that keeps them from being outed as for open borders - the only alternative left after every control system is opposed. The rest of us aren't as stupid as them since we know what they think & believe even though they insist we're not that smart. They really are a circular firing squad..
You guys are wasting your time asking these leftist degenerates for specifics about handling illegal immigration. They don't give a shit about the people or solving the problem.

Virtue signaling and calling people racist is all they've got. It's their "entertainment".
Illegal immigration is not a problem to them. It's about gaining more ignorant people to be under their enlightened leaders' control. There is no need or sense to talk about illegals as a problem with them. It's just not.
what was Trumps solution? oh ya he told the Republicans to give up because it's to hard. oh boo hoo, poor baby, who knew an issue that has been worked on since day 1 of our country was hard to fix. if he could get over his ego and admit the wall is ignorant and just red meat for his base a deal could easily be passed. almost 2 years now with complete control of the government and nothing done on immigration because Trump is the worst deal maker in history. his motto is he gets 100% of what he wants or he goes on a Twitter rant and everybody gets nothing.
Stupidity again. Just because people have an R behind their name doesn't mean Trump controls them,da. You think they're like Dems who do vote exactly as their leaders say. That's how we got the ACA & the only way we got it. Net, you mistake that Dem Group Think exists for R's.
If you have a clean criminal record then yes.

I think if you want to come here to work and have a clean criminal record you should be allowed to. That's what the American Dream has always been about. We're an entire nation of immigrants. It's all the bureaucracy and years of red-tape that has incentivized crossing illegally.

Everyone has the right to the American Dream. From Levi Strauss to Audrey Hepburn to Albert Einstein. Hell this country is mostly open space, we have plenty of room.
An honest open borders person. Thanks.

Why do you think the rest of us should have uncontrollably spend for their education & social welfare benefits to the injury of own families?
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You “are standing at the border like Nazis”

Where were all these people fighting so hard for this 20 years ago? The people so passionate about this 10 years ago? Even 4 years ago? It’s nothing more than fake political outrage for the majority of them.

Nazis lol. Another term extreme liberals over use and have changed the meaning of.
I think we need to look below the surface. Rare earth minerals. The same ones China uses to make technology are available in NK. NK will use slave labor just like China. NK can takeover a huge percentage of China's market. Trump drilled China with another $50 bil in tariffs. Trump is flipping the table on China. They used NK against us and now we will us NK against them. China is the real enemy.

FYI...North Korea is just a little bit bigger than Kentucky. 46k/mi² vs 40k.

Sexy Metal: The Missing Element In The Korean Puzzle

Arguably, the heart of the matter in the Trump administration’s embrace of Kim Jong-un has everything to do with one of the largest deposits of rare earth elements (REEs) in the world, located only 150 km northwest of Pyongyang and potentially worth billions of US dollars.

All the implements of 21st century technology-driven everyday life rely on the chemical and physical properties of 17 precious elements on the periodic chart also known as REEs.

Currently, China is believed to control over 95% of global production of rare earth metals, with an estimated 55 million tons in deposits. North Korea for its part holds at least 20 million tons.

Rare earth elements are not the only highly strategic minerals and metals in this power play. The same deposits are sources of tungsten, zirconium, titanium, hafnium, rhenium and molybdenum; all of these are absolutely critical not only for myriad military applications but also for nuclear power.

Rare earth metallurgy also happens to be essential for US, Russian and Chinese weapons systems. The THAAD system needs rare earth elements, and so do Russia’s S-400 and S-500 missile defense systems.

It’s not far-fetched to consider ‘The Art of the Deal’ applied to rare earth elements. If the US does not attempt to make a serious play on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK’s) allegedly vast rare earth resources, the winner, once again, may be Beijing. And Moscow as well – considering the Russia-China strategic partnership, now explicitly recognized on the record.

I posted this on June 6 way before the fake border crisis outrage but nothing from the left about "we are better than this" or this is "inhumane" absolutely nothing. Drugs across the border are separating families daily. We don't have enough foster families for the kids that are here legally.

They flooded the black community with cocaine in the 80s ripping apart families and now they are destroying other targeted demographics with heroin. When the flow of traffic was hurting business bad enough they go after Trump. They really don't care do you?

Now ask yourself why so many foster children? I am willing to bet without looking at the numbers that a majority of the children come from drug addicted parents. Where do most of the drugs come from?

WV DHHR, others brace for federal lawsuit over foster care

There are about 6,500 foster children in the state, and only 1,350 foster families, not accounting for relatives who take children in...

While West Virginians have stepped up in recent years to take kids in and offer support, the number of children in the system is growing much faster than the number of interested foster parents. Crouch said.

Davis said that means many children can be sent across state lines or miles away from their families depending on where there is availability to house them — even if temporarily.
If you have a clean criminal record then yes.

I think if you want to come here to work and have a clean criminal record you should be allowed to. That's what the American Dream has always been about. We're an entire nation of immigrants. It's all the bureaucracy and years of red-tape that has incentivized crossing illegally.

Everyone has the right to the American Dream. From Levi Strauss to Audrey Hepburn to Albert Einstein. Hell this country is mostly open space, we have plenty of room.

I posted this on June 6 way before the fake border crisis outrage but nothing from the left about "we are better than this" or this is "inhumane" absolutely nothing. Drugs across the border are separating families daily. We don't have enough foster families for the kids that are here legally.

They flooded the black community with cocaine in the 80s ripping apart families and now they are destroying other targeted demographics with heroin. When the flow of traffic was hurting business bad enough they go after Trump. They really don't care do you?
Legalize drugs. The smugglers and cartels exist because there's money to be made. Legitimate businesses should be making those profits, not organized crime. We're missing out on tax dollars and enriching criminals.
Legalize drugs. The smugglers and cartels exist because there's money to be made. Legitimate businesses should be making those profits, not organized crime. We're missing out on tax dollars and enriching criminals.

First time I have ever agreed with you. Also legalize prostitution and gambling at the federal level. Apply a federal tax and pay for as many of the social programs as possible. Eliminating ALL tax payers from paying for social programs
Yes. Data shows immigrants commit crimes at lower rates then the populace at large. In fact you're more likely to die from a parachuting accident, being buried alive, or literally being struck by lightning than in a terrorist attack. Big government doesn't need to be spying on us every minute of every day to prevent something rarer than lightning, and immigrants don't need any more policing or monitoring than the rest of us do.

I’ll bet you don’t see the flaw in your list of more likely to die from?
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Nope. Enlighten me?
The bolded part of what you posted is either a lie or intentionally misleading.
Parachuting is inherently dangerous, but I have a choice in whether I do that or not, same as working in a possible cave in situation. However, I don’t have control in coming into contact with an illegal alien.
In fact most people will not jump out of an airplane, or be in a cave in situation. So it is an impossibility that they are more likely to be killed in that way.
Might as well put more likely to be eaten by a grizzly bear if your name is Treadwell on that list as well.
Legalize drugs. The smugglers and cartels exist because there's money to be made. Legitimate businesses should be making those profits, not organized crime. We're missing out on tax dollars and enriching criminals.

Sounds easy doesn't it. You think these people are going to give up their cash flow just like that? Follow the money. Start researching the opium wars. Research Iran contra. Research who set up the cartels in South America. See if there is a certain organization's name keeps coming up. Then look at the people that want Trump gone. See if they happen to be tied to the same people and the same dirty money. You think they are going to give up their gravy train because hey look at the tax dollars?

Corrupt government agencies - launder illegal cash
Corrupt countries - launder illegal cash
Corrupt churches and non profits - launder illegal cash
Entertainment industry - launder illegal cash
Book deals - launder illegal cash
Banks - launder illegal cash
Casinos - launder illegal cash
Corporations - launder illegal cash

Now think of the ones that are loudest trying to take out Trump. Trump is bad for business.

Do a little research and stop trying to troll.