How will they rule ??!

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you just outed yourself as an awful scum excuse of a human being.

and they are not immigrants you moron. once again. illegal aliens. unlawfully crossing a real sovereign border.
They're coming here to live and work, that makes them immigrants. Point out their legal status all you want, they're still immigrants.
They're coming here to live and work, that makes them immigrants. Point out their legal status all you want, they're still immigrants.

Do you want open borders? Meaning, do you want the US to allow anybody from anywhere to come here and work?
Moving where?

We bought a place a few years ago before Nashville's housing market went wild. I'm about to party all night with some friends in the upstairs loft. Got all my vinyl up there, full DJ setup, and plenty of supplies.

Where did you think I was moving?

Just curious.

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They're coming here to live and work, that makes them immigrants. Point out their legal status all you want, they're still immigrants.

They are illegally entering the country. Therefore illegal aliens, it isn’t a hard concept to understand that a nation has a necessity, an obligation to maintain a lawful immigration policy.
What do you think the US policy on immigration should be? Let everyone in that wants in? How does that benefit American citizens? Do people from other nations have more of a right to the American dream than actual Americans?
The Democrats are completely rudderless.The party is more important than the nation to them.

The only thing they have to run on is emotion and fear. They will eventually be the end of this great nation, and they won’t realize it until it’s too late, then they’ll blame it on something else.
You guys are wasting your time asking these leftist degenerates for specifics about handling illegal immigration. They don't give a shit about the people or solving the problem.

Virtue signaling and calling people racist is all they've got. It's their "entertainment".
what was Trumps solution? oh ya he told the Republicans to give up because it's to hard. oh boo hoo, poor baby, who knew an issue that has been worked on since day 1 of our country was hard to fix. if he could get over his ego and admit the wall is ignorant and just red meat for his base a deal could easily be passed. almost 2 years now with complete control of the government and nothing done on immigration because Trump is the worst deal maker in history. his motto is he gets 100% of what he wants or he goes on a Twitter rant and everybody gets nothing.
Do you want open borders? Meaning, do you want the US to allow anybody from anywhere to come here and work?
If you have a clean criminal record then yes.
What are your thoughts on these immigrants coming and working here? Should our government be processing these people before entering our country?
I think if you want to come here to work and have a clean criminal record you should be allowed to. That's what the American Dream has always been about. We're an entire nation of immigrants. It's all the bureaucracy and years of red-tape that has incentivized crossing illegally.
What do you think the US policy on immigration should be? Let everyone in that wants in? How does that benefit American citizens? Do people from other nations have more of a right to the American dream than actual Americans?
Everyone has the right to the American Dream. From Levi Strauss to Audrey Hepburn to Albert Einstein. Hell this country is mostly open space, we have plenty of room.
what was Trumps solution? oh ya he told the Republicans to give up because it's to hard. oh boo hoo, poor baby, who knew an issue that has been worked on since day 1 of our country was hard to fix. if he could get over his ego and admit the wall is ignorant and just red meat for his base a deal could easily be passed. almost 2 years now with complete control of the government and nothing done on immigration because Trump is the worst deal maker in history. his motto is he gets 100% of what he wants or he goes on a Twitter rant and everybody gets nothing.

Other than TDS rants, what do YOU suggest?

They’re so crazy. Lol. Democrats are just pure dog shit. Two skanks trying to get attention by bashing someone who is actually successful.

We got one who takes dicks in every orifice on camera for money and a bald hack in a wig who replicated a pose by ISIS and held a mock decapitated head of the president.

They’re not sending their best, folks. Lol

What other nuts do you have, you fake virtue signaling shitheads? Remember when you got upset over Trump allegedly saying third world countries are shit holes yet don’t bat an eye at death threats, calling Ivanka a ****, holding a mock severed head, a celeb saying to kidnap a boy and put him in a cage with a pedophile and on and on it goes.

You’re just pathetic.
If you have a clean criminal record then yes.

I think if you want to come here to work and have a clean criminal record you should be allowed to. That's what the American Dream has always been about. We're an entire nation of immigrants. It's all the bureaucracy and years of red-tape that has incentivized crossing illegally.

Everyone has the right to the American Dream. From Levi Strauss to Audrey Hepburn to Albert Einstein. Hell this country is mostly open space, we have plenty of room.
Should there be a limit to the number we except?

It sounds like you do want the people to be processed upon entering. Is that right?
Should there be a limit to the number we except?
I don't see why we would need them. Like I said we have plenty of room. It's logistically impossible for an overwhelming amount of the world's population to migrate.
It sounds like you do want the people to be processed upon entering. Is that right?
It's the processing that causes all the problems. Green cards, temporary visas, tourist visas, blah blah blah. All just meaningless classifications so some government bureaucrat can justify his paycheck. If you want in and you pass a simple background check you get in. If you come here "illegally", aka jump a fence, and you get caught then you're subject to the same quick background check and sent on your way if you pass or detained if you don't. If these Central American/Mexican immigrants didn't have to go through years of bullshit to immigrate legally then they wouldn't need to hop a fence. Just walk up to any entry point and you're good. The vast majority of people skirting legal checkpoints then would be doing so for probable criminal reasons and border patrol wouldn't constantly be having to separate the wheat from the chaff.
I think it would be a fun game to name the dumbest shit that the left goes nuts over in their non-stop hysteria and attack on Trump and his family. There’s like 50 within a month period so hard to keep up.

Some of my favorites at how pathetic they are include
- Trump typo
- Melania giving Dr. Seuss books to children
- Two scoops of ice cream
- Koi fish feeding that CNN/TIME manipulated
- Drinking Diet Coke and then getting mad at his doctor for saying Trump was medically okay.
- Not the Trump family but questioning whether Sanders made a pie. Lol
- Analyzing his handshakes and signature
- Trying to play the “He’s mentally ill” card. Amazing how that went away after five mins.
- Getting mad at Ivanka/Trump Jr for posting family pics

They’re mad every five minutes. They can’t even keep up with their fake outrage. It’s the same cycle over and over. Blow up some stupid shit either completely fabricated or not a big deal at all, play it non-stop on their media channels and then the virtue signaling on social media, the claims of “We finally got him” only to be Wile E. Coyote again, deflect and bury their own corruption and then start it over again.
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I don't see why would need them. Like I said we have plenty of room. It's logistically impossible for an overwhelming amount of the world's population to migrate.

It's the processing that causes all the problems. Green cards, temporary visas, tourist visas, blah blah blah. All just meaningless classifications so some government bureaucrat can justify his paycheck. If you want in and you pass a background check you get in. If you come here "illegally", aka jump a fence, and you get caught then you're subject to the same quick background check and sent on your way if you pass or detained if you don't. If these Central American/Mexican immigrants didn't have to go through years of bullshit to immigrate legally then they wouldn't need to hop a fence. Just walk up to any entry point and you're good. The vast majority of people skirting legal checkpoints then would be doing so for probable criminal reasons and border patrol wouldn't constantly be having to separate the wheat from the chaff.
So no limit then?

No trial period to see if it's a match? Meaning are they a burden or a boon. Are they staying out of trouble.
Remember when you got upset over Trump allegedly saying third world countries are shit holes yet don’t bat an eye at death threats, calling Ivanka a ****, holding a mock severed head, a celeb saying to kidnap a boy and put him in a cage with a pedophile and on and on it goes.
The outrage over the "shithole countries" comment was because it was revealingly racist, not because it was vulgar. If it had all been about the vulgarity the msm wouldn't have repeated it live on air over and over and over.
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So no limit then?

No trial period to see if it's a match? Meaning are they a burden or a boon. Are they staying out of trouble.
If they get into trouble prosecute them like anyone else. If I steal something or hurt someone I get arrested, same for them. People are people. Some are going to do what we consider "bad things" and most won't. Doesn't matter what color your skin is or what country you were born in.
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When you break the law, Whether you are legal or not, you go to jail. One of the things that happens when you are detained by law enforcement is YOU ARE SEPERATED FROM YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY THAT INCLUDES YOUR KIDS YOU STUPID LIBERAL **** TARD MOTHER ****ERS.

I’m sick of you stupid ****s not understanding basic process.
The outrage over the "shithole countries" comment was because it was revealingly racist, not because it was vulgar. If it had all been about the vulgarity the msm wouldn't have repeated it live on air over and over and over.

Oh bullshit. Are you that stupid. The MSM makes up shit as they go along. They are SHITHOLE counties dipsht.

What a bunch of bitch ass pussies.
If they get into trouble prosecute them like anyone else. If I steal something or hurt someone I get arrested, same for them. People are people. Some are going to do what we consider "bad things" and most won't. Doesn't matter what color your skin is or what country you were born in.
So again, no limit to the number? And no trial period?

Can't remember bringing up color of skin so not sure why you did.

Correct me if I'm wrong but are you're advocating for any person from anywhere to be able to come into the USA and after being vetted as a non-criminal, he/she would have the same standing as any other US citizen? Is that right?
So again, no limit to the number? And no trial period?

Correct me if I'm wrong but are you're advocating for any person from anywhere to be able to come into the USA and after being vetted as a non-criminal, he/she would have the same standing as any other US citizen? Is that right?
Yes. Data shows immigrants commit crimes at lower rates then the populace at large. In fact you're more likely to die from a parachuting accident, being buried alive, or literally being struck by lightning than in a terrorist attack. Big government doesn't need to be spying on us every minute of every day to prevent something rarer than lightning, and immigrants don't need any more policing or monitoring than the rest of us do.
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Moe, from now on, hence forth, I promise I will try to OD (again) on Chick-fil-A just to piss these mofos off.

I'm seriously thinking about starting an I LOVE Chick-fil-A website to raise as much hell in cyberspace as humanly possible.

<-- - - - - frequented Chick-fil-A for breakfast and lunch daily between May, 2006 - Jan, 2009 while working IT/hardware development. Time to revisit an old addiction.
I don't eat there often but, Chick-fil-A will become at least a twice a week thing for me now and I am not even a big fan of the food. Support for them must be stepped up. That is a promise folks.
that press conference was the epitome of how pathetic our politics has become. each family holding autographed pictures of their dead kids, can it get anymore stupid. is Trump going to hold a press conference for the hundreds of thousands of Americans not killed by immigrants every year? or the immigrants killed by Americans? our new system of politics decided by what sells on TV shows how dumb the electorate has become.

So those people have no beef right?

Outrage is only allowed on your side.
Wonder what the new story will be this coming week? Amazing how when Trump has a great week the MSM comes up with a re-tread issue to rile up the Dem’s base.
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what was Trumps solution? oh ya he told the Republicans to give up because it's to hard. .

So again, no limit to the number? And no trial period?

Can't remember bringing up color of skin so not sure why you did.

Now you're learning how these people think. They certainly are in the minority, but they are as radical thinking as ISIS.

Everything is about color of skin to these whackos. Everybody is racist, everybody is a white supremacist. They cry so much about racism that they actually water it down. No one takes their words with seriousness anymore.