How will they rule ??!

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And these are the people that are calling people nazis?

"No borders, no wall, sanctuary for all."

That tells exactly where they're mind is at. I can kind of understand no wall but no borders and sanctuary for all? They act like we're supposed to stop being a country and let every single immigrant who wants to come to the country to flood in no questions asked and then have taxpayers foot the bill because of their feelings and emotions.

Liberal America the virtue signalling welfare teet for every impoverished immigrant from Central American third world shitholes.
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Dammit, miss your insight on here.

You pick up on things too well
Can’t keep up with you guys, Willy - go away and come back a day later, you’re 250 posts behind! Besides, I’m the guy that said all through 2016 the dumb Republicans managed to nominate the one guy who couldn’t beat Hillary. Heh. So much for insight - although, that kind of higher level thinking probably does qualify me to be a high priced consultant of some sort.....
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“No borders! No walls! Sanctuary for all!" a group of leftist morons repeatedly shouted (among other insanity), harassing DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in a restaurant on Tuesday evening.

Also "No human being is illegal"

This is the irrational, childish insanity of the left. If they ever get control of government, it's the end of the USA.

“No borders! No walls! Sanctuary for all!" a group of leftist morons repeatedly shouted (among other insanity), harassing DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in a restaurant on Tuesday evening.

Also "No human being is illegal"

This is the irrational, childish insanity of the left. If they ever get control of government, it's the end of the USA.


Don't forget being vehemently opposed to voter I'd. That's the thread that ties it all together
I've never seen such a high level of intellectual dishonesty, and its being supported by virtually all mainstream news outlets. There is zero critical thinking being applied by these people, I can only hope they're a vocal minority and we haven't slipped this far from reality.

This article appeared on the organization’s website for years and was still there as of June 11th of this year. It has now been scrubbed by the organization and has also disappeared from the Daily Beast site. However, the story still shows up on cache — for now. Amidst the lies by the left as to what this administration is doing on the border and as the fake “fact-checking” sites all pretend then president Obama did nothing of the sort, look at how this group that is firmly a part of his base attacked Obama for what he was doing with children and mothers coming across the border. It’s no wonder they deleted it. Feel free to ask Ms. Gonzalez-Rojas why she deleted it after all of these years
Just watched Maddow breaking down, too upset to report on the "Tender Age" facilities where the youngest children are being housed.

One question: Does she break down like that reporting about children whose lives are terminated by abortions? Not just temporarily separated, but permanently and irreparably terminated?

This song and dance by the left is entirely too disengenuous to watch.
Honest question for the lefties. Does it ever occur to you you're being played?

Perfectly timed outrage over something that's been going on for years to distract from the IG report.

I guarantee you there are spikes in posts from lefties in the political thread every time a damaging issue for the left surfaces, and the media convinces the useful idiot's on the left they need to feign outrage over something else.

The sad part, as I said before, is you guys are too dumb to see you're being played, and definitely too dumb to pull one over on the rest of us. That bible verse shit and "concentration camp" drivel may sound great in your echo chamber, but as soon as you put it on here you get smacked right back into your place.

Wake up, fellas.

It's the job of the executive branch to enforce the laws on the books. That was my position when Obama was unconstitutionally changing Obamacare. That's my position on marijuana legislation. That's my position on laws intended to stop a foreign invasion. If Congress doesn't like it, change the law. Don't bitch to the executive branch to stop enforcing the laws you wrote. We are not a dictatorship.

I'm far more concerned about the breakdown of the family in the inner cities due to democrat policies than I am of people being locked up when they try to invade our borders.
Honest question for the lefties. Does it ever occur to you you're being played?

Perfectly timed outrage over something that's been going on for years to distract from the IG report.

I guarantee you there are spikes in posts from lefties in the political thread every time a damaging issue for the left surfaces, and the media convinces the useful idiot's on the left they need to feign outrage over something else.

The sad part, as I said before, is you guys are too dumb to see you're being played, and definitely too dumb to pull one over on the rest of us. That bible verse shit and "concentration camp" drivel may sound great in your echo chamber, but as soon as you put it on here you get smacked right back into your place.

Wake up, fellas.

It's the job of the executive branch to enforce the laws on the books. That was my position when Obama was unconstitutionally changing Obamacare. That's my position on marijuana legislation. That's my position on laws intended to stop a foreign invasion. If Congress doesn't like it, change the law. Don't bitch to the executive branch to stop enforcing the laws you wrote. We are not a dictatorship.

I'm far more concerned about the breakdown of the family in the inner cities due to democrat policies than I am of people being locked up when they try to invade our borders.

You’re exactly right, and when a President decides which part of laws to enforce or not too for political reasons it lets Congress off the hook.
That’s how we end up with members that stay in office for 30 years.
Congress makes the laws, the President enforces them.
How is the Awan family doing these days?

That is such a mind blowing outrageous unbelievable story, yet again, not a goddam peep from the left. Honestly, if that shit were written in a novel it would be unbelievable.

A major US political party hired foreign spies to manage all of it's IT security? Just generally speaking, holy shit. Then throw in some of the specifics. Guy leaves the head of the Democrat party's laptop in a phone booth with his passport and letters to the US Attorney. The head of the Democrat party threatens police on video with consequences if they don't return her computer, then later denies that it is her computer. The IT workers and families try to steal some money and flee to their goddam homeland of PAKISTAN.

That's just shit off the top of my head.
How is the Awan family doing these days?

That is such a mind blowing outrageous unbelievable story, yet again, not a goddam peep from the left. Honestly, if that shit were written in a novel it would be unbelievable.

A major US political party hired foreign spies to manage all of it's IT security? Just generally speaking, holy shit. Then throw in some of the specifics. Guy leaves the head of the Democrat party's laptop in a phone booth with his passport and letters to the US Attorney. The head of the Democrat party threatens police on video with consequences if they don't return her computer, then later denies that it is her computer. The IT workers and families try to steal some money and flee to their goddam homeland of PAKISTAN.

That's just shit off the top of my head.

Never heard of them.
I think Trump should start using the Spanish word for Wall since Mexico is paying for it. I don’t speak Mexican so I have no clue what that word is, but I’m sure someone on twitter knows.
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It’s amazing how fast some men’s balls shrink when you throw money into the equation. I’d love to play poker with @WKBlu.