How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Best part of this poll is the 19% support for the "ship em back" line you so often hear around here. Only 36% support among republicans even. Shows just how radical and out of touch this board is.
I surely hope your party runs on the position of "anyone that comes to our borders with a child gets in and can stay". Anyone that remotely follows this stuff knows how a question is asked is key to polling.
I surely hope your party runs on the position of "anyone that comes to our borders with a child gets in and can stay". Anyone that remotely follows this stuff knows how a question is asked is key to polling.
Which would you have answered then if it's all in the question? Here it is cut and pasted.

Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are currently living in the United States?
They should be allowed to stay in the United States and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship.
B) They should be allowed to remain in the United States, but not be allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship.
C) They should be required to leave the U.S.
I'll leave this here

Best part of this poll is the 19% support for the "ship em back" line you so often hear around here. Only 36% support among republicans even. Shows just how radical and out of touch this board is.
Yep basket of deplorables is appropriate.
Which would you have answered then if it's all in the question? Here it is cut and pasted.

Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are currently living in the United States?
They should be allowed to stay in the United States and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship.
B) They should be allowed to remain in the United States, but not be allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship.
C) They should be required to leave the U.S.

C...and be honest, you know you simply want open borders and relish the thought of this feelings-based policy approach leading to continued large increases of migrants. Using kids (80+% are not with parents) and the humanitarian angle to buy long-term power, that is what this is. Your party leadership has bragged about this goal for a long time. When Dems regain power that "pathway to citizenship" will be escalated.
Russian State TV is saying "Trump is ours!" Conservatives in America continue to fail to comprehend.
The truth is always inconvenient for this administration:

A "law to separate families" was enacted prior to April 2018, and the federal government is powerless not to enforce it.


I really dont understand how you function in the real world.

"And the federal gov is powerless not to enforce it."

Yeah, no shit you troglodyte. Just like every single other federal law.
Russian State TV is saying "Trump is ours!" Conservatives in America continue to fail to comprehend.

Tell Russia, thanks for getting the economy to boom and to enforce our existing laws and for getting us to stop being taken advantage of by the globalist scum.

Oh, you supported a candidate who sold government favors to the highest bidder? Who took money from the world's worst human rights violators? Oh, you backed the Iran Deal?

You're a retard.
Liberals are such scum that it upsets them to the point of insanity that someone wants to put America before illegals and the rest of the world. You know how they get upset when accused of being anti-American? Look at how insane they are in regards to protecting America and putting our nation first.

- Values illegals over American citizens
- Does not want the borders protected, wants them in here and then demands taxpayers pay for it
- Wants sanctuary for criminals
- Roots for North Korea over us (remember when they worshiped them during the Olympics and sided with them over Trump?)
- Iran Deal
- Would rather the economy crash than Trump do well (This is a special kind of stupid. It's like if we were all on a plane and the Democrats want us to crash because they didn't get to fly the plane.

- Islam over Christianity, which is comical considering all of the left's previous stances
- Roots for corrupt deep state and then gives them jobs at their networks
- Wants to disarm the citizens and wants big government

To build onto that
  • Only listed party, gender, education, age, or racial group that supports the separating of children: Republicans
  • Independents have a 68% disapproval of the policy, Democrats 91%, Men 61%, Women 70%, Educated whites 68%, uneducated whites 52%, 18-34 year olds 80%, 35-49 61%, 50-64 65%, 65+ 60%, white men 55%, white women 65%, whites 60%, blacks 88%, hispanics 80%
  • Only groups that support a border wall: Republicans and uneducated whites
  • Overall support for a border wall is only 2% better than it was a month after Trump was inaugurated
  • Every group supports allowing illegal immigrants to stay who are currently in the USA, either by staying and becoming citizens or staying and not becoming citizens
  • Overall support for both versions of staying has increased a combined 9% since a week before Trump was inaugurated
  • All groups support, and at least all at 61% or higher, allowing undocumented children to stay who were brought here
  • Though overall support has decreased by 2% since February
  • All groups think the amount of illegal immigration should either increase or stay the same. Even Republicans are at 52% same and 16% increase. Republicans at 28% decrease, only other group over 20% for decrease are uneducated whites
  • Since February, there has been an overall 6% increase in favor of increasing the amount
Pretty clear that Republicans are very much in the minority, at least for this one survey. For the record, this survey had 26% Republicans, 31% Democrats, 39% Independents, and 5% other. 905 respondents with a margin of sampling error of +/- 3.9%.

You are #FakeNews
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Liberals are such scum that it upsets them to the point of insanity that someone wants to put America before illegals and the rest of the world. You know how they get upset when accused of being anti-American? Look at how insane they are in regards to protecting America and putting our nation first.

- Values illegals over American citizens
- Does not want the borders protected, wants them in here and then demands taxpayers pay for it
- Wants sanctuary for criminals
- Roots for North Korea over us (remember when they worshiped them during the Olympics and sided with them over Trump?)
- Iran Deal
- Would rather the economy crash than Trump do well (This is a special kind of stupid. It's like if we were all on a plane and the Democrats want us to crash because they didn't get to fly the plane.

- Islam over Christianity, which is comical considering all of the left's previous stances
- Roots for corrupt deep state and then gives them jobs at their networks
- Wants to disarm the citizens and wants big government


How many times can you post your stupid, uninformed "comprehensive" list of liberal beliefs?
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says their was no political bias in the investigations.

This is false. You've been watching too much CNN and listening to Democrats playing word games. The IG cleared this up yesterday. He said there was no bias bias by the prosecutors who chose not to bring charges based on the FBI report put together by the FBI agents.

He clearly said that he couldn't say the same about the agents who put the report together or the report itself. Said it calls into question the agents credibility and hangs a cloud over the investigation.
How many times can you post your stupid, uninformed "comprehensive" list of liberal beliefs?

Whatever legitimate, well reasoned positions the left may have had is completely overshadowed by the shear abject stupidity it refuses to distance itself from.

We are told he’s with us and #NotHim. But, truly, if he were with us, wouldn’t this all have ended a long time ago? If he really were with us, wouldn’t he reckon that one good way to change structural violence and inequity would be to refuse the power that comes with it?

So men, if you really are #WithUs and would like us to not hate you for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from, start with this: Lean out so we can actually just stand up without being beaten down. Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don’t run for office. Don’t be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this. And please know that your crocodile tears won’t be wiped away by us anymore. We have every right to hate you. You have done us wrong. #BecausePatriarchy. It is long past time to play hard for Team Feminism. And win.

Be it due to some sort of psychological defect or pure dishonesty as a means to an end, in every issue there is dangerous lunacy like that illustrated above you absolutely refuse to distance yourselves from. His "comprehensive lists" illustrate that.
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The left thinks this message is getting traction? Trump was elected mainly because his promise to deal with illegal imigration. And this is exactly that
These migrants should all be educated on the us founding principals. Endoctrinate every last one of em on conservatism. Get jobs learning a trade and vote for Donald or who ever Donald tells em to vote for
If the Dems keep this line of messaging up they'll get creamed in Nov and in 2020 (I think they know it anyway: the libs are just trying to take over the party completely by driving out all the moderate Dems).

Only potential fly in the ointment is that a recession, sooner or later, is inevitable (it's called a "business cycle" for you libs already prepared to blame Trump).

A few major investment firms are already looking for the "recession" sooner as they have upgraded "recession resistant" sectors like utilities and cut their allocations to some of the more growth oriented sectors like technology. As long as the predicted recession doesn't occur in summer/fall of 2020 Trump should be OK.