How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
STFU and look at this stock photo of a latino girl crying!!

Other than a few wackos I know who politicize everything (i.e., my left-wing Ivy educated cousins who could never parlay that into a good job), nobody gives a shit about the "these children are separated from their parents" story.

Everybody realizes that the reason these kids got separated is because their parents sneaked into the country. And rational people also realize that if you to do what Obama did (i.e., give these people a ticket and send them on their way), you'll never see them again.

So keep it up libs. This isn't playing well and you're going to get slaughtered at the midterms.
Actually, all surveyed groups, other than generic Republicans, overwhelmingly disagree with the current separating of children stuff, according to this Quinnipiac survey
So when you are OK with children being taken from their parents and try to sell the false story that it is the law and we have no other options. I realize it isn't your political view that concerns me, rather it is the lack of any ethical or moral code of conduct concerning the most vulnerable innocents and in that regard stand alongside in history with the most vile, deplorable, and reprehensible human beings to have lived. If you think not list for me the figures in history who have done so and are regarded as men of honor.

How many illegal immigrant kids you taking into your house man?
Actually, all surveyed groups, other than generic Republicans, overwhelmingly disagree with the current separating of children stuff, according to this Quinnipiac survey
To build onto that
  • Only listed party, gender, education, age, or racial group that supports the separating of children: Republicans
  • Independents have a 68% disapproval of the policy, Democrats 91%, Men 61%, Women 70%, Educated whites 68%, uneducated whites 52%, 18-34 year olds 80%, 35-49 61%, 50-64 65%, 65+ 60%, white men 55%, white women 65%, whites 60%, blacks 88%, hispanics 80%
  • Only groups that support a border wall: Republicans and uneducated whites
  • Overall support for a border wall is only 2% better than it was a month after Trump was inaugurated
  • Every group supports allowing illegal immigrants to stay who are currently in the USA, either by staying and becoming citizens or staying and not becoming citizens
  • Overall support for both versions of staying has increased a combined 9% since a week before Trump was inaugurated
  • All groups support, and at least all at 61% or higher, allowing undocumented children to stay who were brought here
  • Though overall support has decreased by 2% since February
  • All groups think the amount of illegal immigration should either increase or stay the same. Even Republicans are at 52% same and 16% increase. Republicans at 28% decrease, only other group over 20% for decrease are uneducated whites
  • Since February, there has been an overall 6% increase in favor of increasing the amount
Pretty clear that Republicans are very much in the minority, at least for this one survey. For the record, this survey had 26% Republicans, 31% Democrats, 39% Independents, and 5% other. 905 respondents with a margin of sampling error of +/- 3.9%.
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To build onto that
  • Only listed party, gender, education, age, or racial group that supports the separating of children: Republicans
  • Independents have a 68% disapproval of the policy, Democrats 91%, Men 61%, Women 70%, Educated whites 68%, uneducated whites 52%, 18-34 year olds 80%, 35-49 61%, 50-64 65%, 65+ 60%, white men 55%, white women 65%, whites 60%, blacks 88%, hispanics 80%
  • Only groups that support a border wall: Republicans and uneducated whites
  • Overall support for a border wall is only 2% better than it was a month after Trump was inaugurated
  • Every group supports allowing illegal immigrants to stay who are currently in the USA
  • Overall support for that has increased 8% since a week before Trump was inaugurated
  • All groups support, and at least all at 61% or higher, allowing undocumented children to stay who were brought here
  • Though overall support has decreased by 2% since February
  • All groups think the amount of illegal immigration should either increase or stay the same. Even Republicans are at 52% same and 16% increase. Republicans at 28% decrease, only other group over 20% for decrease are uneducated whites
  • Since February, there has been an overall 6% increase in favor of increasing the amount
Pretty clear that Republicans are very much in the minority, at least for this one survey. For the record, this survey had 26% Republicans, 31% Democrats, 39% Independents, and 5% other. 905 respondents with a margin of sampling error of +/- 3.9%

Not trying to steal your thunder from this poll of this less than 1,000 respondents, but I couldn’t help but notice this. Why are whites the only group split up into educated and uneducated? They represent blacks and Hispanics as a whole group, yet divide the whites based on their level of education.
To build onto that
  • Only listed party, gender, education, age, or racial group that supports the separating of children: Republicans
  • Independents have a 68% disapproval of the policy, Democrats 91%, Men 61%, Women 70%, Educated whites 68%, uneducated whites 52%, 18-34 year olds 80%, 35-49 61%, 50-64 65%, 65+ 60%, white men 55%, white women 65%, whites 60%, blacks 88%, hispanics 80%
  • Only groups that support a border wall: Republicans and uneducated whites
  • Overall support for a border wall is only 2% better than it was a month after Trump was inaugurated
  • Every group supports allowing illegal immigrants to stay who are currently in the USA, either by staying and becoming citizens or staying and not becoming citizens
  • Overall support for both versions of staying has increased a combined 9% since a week before Trump was inaugurated
  • All groups support, and at least all at 61% or higher, allowing undocumented children to stay who were brought here
  • Though overall support has decreased by 2% since February
  • All groups think the amount of illegal immigration should either increase or stay the same. Even Republicans are at 52% same and 16% increase. Republicans at 28% decrease, only other group over 20% for decrease are uneducated whites
  • Since February, there has been an overall 6% increase in favor of increasing the amount
Pretty clear that Republicans are very much in the minority, at least for this one survey. For the record, this survey had 26% Republicans, 31% Democrats, 39% Independents, and 5% other. 905 respondents with a margin of sampling error of +/- 3.9%.
Pretty sure most everyone is against separating families...especially since the media decided it was finally time to cover it. However, the solution doesnt have to mean to not separate them we have to have an open border. It's completely fine to suggest we have to rework a completely flawed immigration plan...there is a solution in there without separating families and without just letting every indigent person walk over to be on the govt and citizens dime. However, that's what neither side of Congress will step back take a breath and see.
Not trying to steal your thunder from this poll of this less than 1,000 respondents, but I couldn’t help but notice this. Why are whites the only group split up into educated and uneducated? They represent blacks and Hispanics as a whole group, yet divide the whites based on their level of education.
I thought it was odd as well, I could be reading that specific part of the data wrong but I don't believe I am.

But I don't know as there is nothing stating why for your question. My guess is maybe they didn't have enough black and hispanic respondents who had a college degree for those specific splits to be considered statistically valid? But the white's with a college degree were all much more heavily pro-immigrants/immigration for every question, and given how blacks and hispanics are even more heavily pro-immigrants/immigration, my guess is the college/no college degree splits would see even more in the pro-immigration direction for college educated blacks and hispanics. Sorry for that rather long sentence haha.

It does say this about the composition of the same though. "The overall adult sample is weighted to recent Census data using a sample balancing procedure to match the demographic makeup of the population by region, gender, age, education and race." I will ask, because they didn't do a men vs. women split for blacks and hispanics either. I'm genuinely curious as well. However, I'm not expecting to hear back.
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Pretty sure most everyone is against separating families...especially since the media decided it was finally time to cover it. However, the solution doesnt have to mean to not separate them we have to have an open border. It's completely fine to suggest we have to rework a completely flawed immigration plan...there is a solution in there without separating families and without just letting every indigent person walk over to be on the govt and citizens dime. However, that's what neither side of Congress will step back take a breath and see.
I thought it was odd as well, I could be reading that specific part of the data wrong but I don't believe I am.

But I don't know as there is nothing stating why for your question. My guess is maybe they didn't have enough black and hispanic respondents who had a college degree for those specific splits to be considered statistically valid? But the white's with a college degree were all much more heavily pro-immigrants/immigration for every question, and given how blacks and hispanics are even more heavily pro-immigrants/immigration, my guess is the college/no college degree splits would see even more in the pro-immigration direction for college educated blacks and hispanics. Sorry for that rather long sentence haha.

It does say this about the composition of the same though. "The overall adult sample is weighted to recent Census data using a sample balancing procedure to match the demographic makeup of the population by region, gender, age, education and race." I will ask, because they didn't do a men vs. women split for blacks and hispanics either. I'm genuinely curious as well. However, I'm not expecting to hear back.
@JStaff2187 Well I looked on Twitter and Facebook and they pretty much never reply to anyone, but I left a comment on their Facebook post about the survey. I'm putting my chances of hearing back at 0.1%.
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I thought it was odd as well, I could be reading that specific part of the data wrong but I don't believe I am.

But I don't know as there is nothing stating why for your question. My guess is maybe they didn't have enough black and hispanic respondents who had a college degree for those specific splits to be considered statistically valid? But the white's with a college degree were all much more heavily pro-immigrants/immigration for every question, and given how blacks and hispanics are even more heavily pro-immigrants/immigration, my guess is the college/no college degree splits would see even more in the pro-immigration direction for college educated blacks and hispanics. Sorry for that rather long sentence haha.

It does say this about the composition of the same though. "The overall adult sample is weighted to recent Census data using a sample balancing procedure to match the demographic makeup of the population by region, gender, age, education and race." I will ask, because they didn't do a men vs. women split for blacks and hispanics either. I'm genuinely curious as well. However, I'm not expecting to hear back.

They’re splitting by education on whites the same reason they did before the election. They’re trying to push an agenda, you know Boston.
Why didn’t they poll numbers of realistic party numbers. 39% independent to 26% republican, that isn’t close to reality.
That’s exactly why polls can be misleading, and inaccurate.

We don’t elect leaders to make decisions off of polls, we elect them to lead and they are judged on Election Day.
This would be a perfect time for some intellectually honest Democrats to acknowledge

Good luck with that

Got my undergrad in sport management (magna cum laude) and my masters in business administration while serving as a graduate assistant in my alma mater's athletic department. Professors recommended I go get my doctorate but not a chance in hell I am ever going back to college for another degree rather it be undergrad, maters, or doctorate.

So you made it to about ninth grade? Of course if you just take the average and not the highest level achieved. Like the trump polls
Good luck with that

So you made it to about ninth grade? Of course if you just take the average and not the highest level achieved. Like the trump polls
Not all polls are created equal, almost all are biased in some capacity and that bias can be enough to produce artificially inflated (or deflated) results. Taking a representative average of polls can help reduce or greatly eliminate the bias.

For example, Rasmussen, which seems to be Trump's personal favorite, has a 1.5 bias towards Republicans and is tied for the 7th most Republian biased poll in the 538 database. Gallup has a 0.9 bias towards Republicans and is very much in the upper half of most Republican biased polls. The others Republican biased poll in the RCP average is the IBD/TIPP at +0.8.

The Democratic biased polls are in the RCP average are Monmouth +1.4, Economist/YouGov at only +0.3, Harvard at a measly +0.2, Reuters/Ipsos +0.6, NBC News/Wall Street Journal +0.8.

When you combine them, the bias comes out to just +0.1 in favor of Democrats. That is as close as it gets to unbiased. There is only one poll in the database with over 20 polls analyzed that checks in at a 0.0 bias, and it only has 43 polls analyzed*. The polls we hear referenced in the news the most generally have at minimum nearly double the # of polls analyzed in the 538 database if not 5x-20x or more.

*That poll is Selzer & Co. I can not find a poll anywhere for them on if the country is headed in the right or wrong direction. So I assume they do not do one.
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Just read an article from the BBC comparing Germany and the US immigration issues.
lol and behold it states that a new wall in the Balkans as one of the main drivers in lowering entrants.
A wall would work, we all know it wouldn’t stop all illegal crossings, but it would eliminate a large portion of it. The Dems know it would too, and Presidents down the line couldn’t lessen penalties or restrictions on enforcement to encourage illegals. That’s exactly why they’re against it.
Not all polls are created equal, almost all are biased in some capacity and that bias can be enough to produce artificially inflated (or deflated) results. Taking a representative average of polls can help reduce or greatly eliminate the bias.

For example, Rasmussen, which seems to be Trump's personal favorite, has a 1.5 bias towards Republicans and is tied for the 7th most Republian biased poll in the 538 database. Gallup has a 0.9 bias towards Republicans and is very much in the upper half of most Republican biased polls. The others Republican biased poll in the RCP average is the IBD/TIPP at +0.8.

The Democratic biased polls are in the RCP average are Monmouth +1.4, Economist/YouGov at only +0.3, Harvard at a measly +0.2, Reuters/Ipsos +0.6, NBC News/Wall Street Journal +0.8.

When you combine them, the bias comes out to just +0.1 in favor of Democrats. That is as close as it gets to unbiased. There is only one poll in the database with over 20 polls analyzed that checks in at a 0.0 bias, and it only has 43 polls analyzed*. The polls we hear referenced in the news the most generally have at minimum nearly double the # of polls analyzed in the 538 database if not 5x-20x or more.

*That poll is Selzer & Co. I can not find a poll anywhere for them on if the country is headed in the right or wrong direction. So I assume they do not do one.

The Rasmussen poll has been on the button the last 2 elections. By that I mean consistent throughout, they didn’t jump all over the place in the weeks and months leading up to the election.
The same goes for IBD/TPP, it was the same, consistency through the election.
The issue you are overlooking is they only look at the end result. Those wild swings those other polls go through aren’t accounted in the overall score.
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Jesus, I think Boston is vandalay, with all his jibberish about polls.

We know rq=fuzz.

How many other of you liberal cuck trolls try and run multiple accounts to spout nonsense from mommy's basement?
Just read an article from the BBC comparing Germany and the US immigration issues.
lol and behold it states that a new wall in the Balkans as one of the main drivers in lowering entrants.
A wall would work, we all know it wouldn’t stop all illegal crossings, but it would eliminate a large portion of it. The Dems know it would too, and Presidents down the line couldn’t lessen penalties or restrictions on enforcement to encourage illegals. That’s exactly why they’re against it.
Europe probably does need a big ass wall. but even that wouldn't help them much because a large portion get on boats to avoid the main border crossings. but they have an entirely different migrant problem. millions of refugees that are not assimilated & most aren't working. the us migrant problem isn't a real problem. we assimilate like a boss so well that usually after 1 generation they don't speak their native language anymore. and our migrants all want to work and we have shitloads of unfilled crappy jobs for them. the crime & drugs crap is just fear mongering. they aren't prone to crime or drugs more than any average American. the US needs the labor bad right now. the service industry and agriculture/fishing industry are understaffed by 30-40% this year.
Just read an article from the BBC comparing Germany and the US immigration issues.
lol and behold it states that a new wall in the Balkans as one of the main drivers in lowering entrants.
A wall would work, we all know it wouldn’t stop all illegal crossings, but it would eliminate a large portion of it. The Dems know it would too, and Presidents down the line couldn’t lessen penalties or restrictions on enforcement to encourage illegals. That’s exactly why they’re against it.
During the second Intifada, Israel initiated border security via the West Bank barrier. Even though the UN and other international entities whined like hell, suicide bombings fell dramatically.

It is an absolute GD shame that a sovereign nation must resort to such drastic measures so that outside scum will leave them in peace.
Europe probably does need a big ass wall. but even that wouldn't help them much because a large portion get on boats to avoid the main border crossings. but they have an entirely different migrant problem. millions of refugees that are not assimilated & most aren't working. the us migrant problem isn't a real problem. we assimilate like a boss so well that usually after 1 generation they don't speak their native language anymore. and our migrants all want to work and we have shitloads of unfilled crappy jobs for them. the crime & drugs crap is just fear mongering. they aren't prone to crime or drugs more than any average American. the US needs the labor bad right now. the service industry and agriculture/fishing industry are understaffed by 30-40% this year.

They have the wall, it was just finished in the last year, and it’s working. This notion that it wouldn’t work on our southern border is a joke.

Assimilate? Don’t speak their native language after one generation?
Youre basically admitting you’re fine with slave labor. As far as I’m concerned anyone that hires an illegal should be charged as well if they knowingly do so.
To build onto that
  • Only listed party, gender, education, age, or racial group that supports the separating of children: Republicans
  • Independents have a 68% disapproval of the policy, Democrats 91%, Men 61%, Women 70%, Educated whites 68%, uneducated whites 52%, 18-34 year olds 80%, 35-49 61%, 50-64 65%, 65+ 60%, white men 55%, white women 65%, whites 60%, blacks 88%, hispanics 80%
  • Only groups that support a border wall: Republicans and uneducated whites
  • Overall support for a border wall is only 2% better than it was a month after Trump was inaugurated
  • Every group supports allowing illegal immigrants to stay who are currently in the USA, either by staying and becoming citizens or staying and not becoming citizens
  • Overall support for both versions of staying has increased a combined 9% since a week before Trump was inaugurated
  • All groups support, and at least all at 61% or higher, allowing undocumented children to stay who were brought here
  • Though overall support has decreased by 2% since February
  • All groups think the amount of illegal immigration should either increase or stay the same. Even Republicans are at 52% same and 16% increase. Republicans at 28% decrease, only other group over 20% for decrease are uneducated whites
  • Since February, there has been an overall 6% increase in favor of increasing the amount
Pretty clear that Republicans are very much in the minority, at least for this one survey. For the record, this survey had 26% Republicans, 31% Democrats, 39% Independents, and 5% other. 905 respondents with a margin of sampling error of +/- 3.9%.

Sampling error is the difference in living in the White House and living in Chappaqua.
The truth is always inconvenient for this administration:

A "law to separate families" was enacted prior to April 2018, and the federal government is powerless not to enforce it.

To build onto that
  • Only listed party, gender, education, age, or racial group that supports the separating of children: Republicans
  • Independents have a 68% disapproval of the policy, Democrats 91%, Men 61%, Women 70%, Educated whites 68%, uneducated whites 52%, 18-34 year olds 80%, 35-49 61%, 50-64 65%, 65+ 60%, white men 55%, white women 65%, whites 60%, blacks 88%, hispanics 80%
  • Only groups that support a border wall: Republicans and uneducated whites
  • Overall support for a border wall is only 2% better than it was a month after Trump was inaugurated
  • Every group supports allowing illegal immigrants to stay who are currently in the USA, either by staying and becoming citizens or staying and not becoming citizens
  • Overall support for both versions of staying has increased a combined 9% since a week before Trump was inaugurated
  • All groups support, and at least all at 61% or higher, allowing undocumented children to stay who were brought here
  • Though overall support has decreased by 2% since February
  • All groups think the amount of illegal immigration should either increase or stay the same. Even Republicans are at 52% same and 16% increase. Republicans at 28% decrease, only other group over 20% for decrease are uneducated whites
  • Since February, there has been an overall 6% increase in favor of increasing the amount
Pretty clear that Republicans are very much in the minority, at least for this one survey. For the record, this survey had 26% Republicans, 31% Democrats, 39% Independents, and 5% other. 905 respondents with a margin of sampling error of +/- 3.9%.
Best part of this poll is the 19% support for the "ship em back" line you so often hear around here. Only 36% support among republicans even. Shows just how radical and out of touch this board is.