How will they rule ??!

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Bill, not separating kids from parents doesn't require releasing them from custody. They can be held together... Have you not figured that out?

Got news for you...the wall isn't going to stop shit. It would be another boondoggle of billions of $$ enrich a few contractors, further enrich the drug lords and will have next to zero affect on immigration and drug trafficking. There are already walls/fences in plenty of areas and the drug dealers and human traffickers tunnel right under it. It will only serve to make them (the dealers and traffickers) that much richer and powerful as they will be able to exploit even more people than they do today as they will hold the keys to the kingdom. Go down there and live for a few years as I did and get yourself an education on this shit.

As long as people on this side are willing to employ these people they will continue to come. Why? because people like the Avocado farmer that advertised 450 jobs, had only 267 Americans apply, hired 248... only 196 showed up for the first day of work and only 7 made it to the end of the job. That farmer has 2 options...hire Mexican labor or quit farming.
What has also been found is that since the "cracking down" on the border began, 10s of thousands of what used to be migrant agricultural workers are no longer migrating because they fear not being able to return. For decades they legally came, worked the growing season, worked the harvest and returned to Mexico.

You really need to get out of your bubble Bill. Perhaps the mood of the Trumpbots is better but the great majority of people are embarrassed by this administration. Congratulations you've got 38% who feel my math that leaves 62% that don't. That should scare the shit out of you that we could have 3% unemployment and only a 38% approval rating. It's amazing to what lengths you and your bots will go to try and find any distraction to take the focus off the daily embarrassments.

It's also hilarious that talking to North Korea is now good but in 2008 when Obama suggested he might be willing to do so that the right wing crucified him for saying so. They crucified him for talking to Raul Castro who hasn't done 1/100th of the terrible things to his people, hasn't murdered his own brother. Ah! But Trump is now great because he tells our allies to **** off and heaves praise onto a murderous dictator. smh.

Stay in that bubble Bill... you might not like the real world.

The wall won’t work is coming from the same crowd that said we couldn’t drill our way to cheaper gas, and jobs weren’t coming back.
The wall will work, the Dems and I suspect you know it. That’s why they’re opposed to it, it would damage the Dems plan forward on winning elections.

38% think the country is going in the right direction, that’s higher than any point in the Obama presidency, and Trump is facing 90% negative reporting, just imagine if he was handed softballs like Obama. Trumps approval rating is in the high 40’s, and he didn’t even have to give out free phones to get it.

You can spin the NK meeting however you like, but it was a step in the right direction.

We are still allies with those countries, I’m not sure you understand what ally means. If they are attacked we will support them, however, that doesn’t mean we will be taken advantage of on trade. Do you understand the difference?

Where is this avocado farm in California?

I live in the real world Fuzz, we have an illegal immigration problem. Past Presidents have kicked the can, Trump isn’t going to. I like that, I want a leader that will make a GD decision without worrying about how it polls. That’s why we have elections.
What we’ve done in the past hasn’t worked, I’m all for criminalizing hiring illegals, maybe the Dems should work with the reps on that, add it on the bill being pushed now. The wall is still necessary, because as we have seen Presidents simply ignore the law on the books, or push EO’s to get around them.
Yes, it's Trump's policy to enforce the law to detain illegals. That's others didn't enforce that is their issue, not his.

"Mandatory detention was then officially authorized by President Bill Clinton in 1996 with the enactment of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility acts."

"Often, undocumented aliens or individuals lacking legal permission to enter, or remain, in the United States, when apprehended at the U.S. border are detained and placed in removal proceedings in front of an immigration judge. These individuals may include refugees seeking asylum. Under Section 235(b)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, if an individual stopped at the border is believed to be an undocumented immigrant or a threat to national security, they are considered "inadmissible" and classified as an "arriving alien." Individuals detained at the border are only released on a case-to-case basis by the authority of ICE officials."

I.e.; mandatory detention is authorized.
The only "Mandatory" above is in the description which is clearly editorialized. Nowhere does it say that children should be separated from parents and never has it been applied as it is being applied today. If the people that wrote and passed the bill didn't use it in that way then it was clearly not the intent of the law.

Grow a few brain cells and try to think for yourself at least once in your lifetime.
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The only "Mandatory" above is in the description which is clearly editorialized. Nowhere does it say that children should be separated from parents and never has it been applied as it is being applied today. If the people that wrote and passed the bill didn't use it in that way then it was clearly not the intent of the law.

Grow a few brain cells and try to think for yourself at least once in your lifetime.

Haha, oh you’re getting desperate.
Good to see the left wanting to use the Bible for the US government's legislation policies.

Time to ban gay marriage, end abortion, put all LGBTQIXYZ in mental facilities (or send them to prayer groups - their choice), bring back prayer in school, and place the 10 commandments in every local, state, and national office.

Oh, and if a crime is committed against someone we go to the "eye for and eye" punishment.

Great! Now let's really MAGA!!

Given the unified concerns expressed about children and their welfare.....

This would be a perfect time for some intellectually honest Democrats to acknowledge this administrations concerted effort - and quantifiable success - regarding The arrest and incarceration of a record number of pedophiles and disruption of their networks who often engage in human trafficking to boot......

I can get links and numbers out later tonight if needed

Seems that even a series of tired, bought out propaganda outlets like we have would find a way to highlight THAT success and .... support it....maybe??
This would be a perfect time for some intellectually honest Democrats to acknowledge this administrations concerted effort - and quantifiable success - regarding The arrest and incarceration of a record number of pedophiles and disruption of their networks who often engage in human trafficking to boot......

uh, not the best audience for that. More sympathy for the perps than credit for DT.
Trumps approval rating is in the high 40’s, and he didn’t even have to give out free phones to get it.
Trump's current average approval rating of 42.1%, through 515 days, is lower than every President thru 515 days dating back to Harry S. Truman, who served his first year in 1945.

5.3 percentage points worse than Obama
28.6 worse than W. Bush
7.9 worse than Clinton
27.1 worse than H.W. Bush
2.9 worse than Reagan
1.9 worse than Carter
2.2 worse than Gerald Ford
16.9 worse than Richard Nixon
25.0 worse than Johnson
28.8 worse than Kennedy
20.0 worse than Eisenhower
1.0 worse than Truman

Context Bill!
It would be the equivalent of requiring a Doctor to attend a class showing that patients need to be stitched up after surgery, or ordering an engineer to attend a remedial math course.
A first-class example of the type of grossly incompetent and unqualified idiots Trump surrounds himself with.
hahaha, Obama caged kids and it's a lie.

Ya'll are in some serious self-denial about Obama. Shitty foreign policy, shitty domestic police, shitty economy, shitty immigration. Shitty everything, but......


The biggest thing Obama had going for him was he was half black. That was used as a shield for everything.

Libs think you’re immune to criticism if you’re not white because they have such low expectations for blacks.

Obama was pure shit. The absolute worst president in my lifetime. And that’s saying something. Socially, he really effed us up with race relations and far left ideology getting inserted into mainstream.
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I don't know. I worked on a project in Southern California for a couple years, where we had several US-Citizen Hispanic guys and many Indian guys on the project. Working with us was a close-to-morbidly obese white lady who looked quite a bit like the girl in the tweet above. So not attractive at all.

One day I was alone in the office with her and she started complaining (albeit in a sort of bragging way) about the Hispanic guys all hitting on her all the time. One of the guys, who was already married to an attractive white girl, was apparently the main culprit. As for the Indian guys, they took her to Vegas one weekend and all tried to hook up with her.

Point of this: I think Hispanic dudes and Indian dudes just like fat white chicks.

I remember that one or two models on twitter or Instagram took some criticism cause they simply said Indian men were the worst about the vulgarity of their comments. Some tried to call the gals racist but they were simply saying the worst comments they had received were from Indian men.

I think it more likely than the idea you suggested (that Mexican and Indian men prefer fat white women)...that they love them some white women but the vast majority of the time the only white women they can get are the fatties.
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Trump's current average approval rating of 42.1%, through 515 days, is lower than every President thru 515 days dating back to Harry S. Truman, who served his first year in 1945.

5.3 percentage points worse than Obama
28.6 worse than W. Bush
7.9 worse than Clinton
27.1 worse than H.W. Bush
2.9 worse than Reagan
1.9 worse than Carter
2.2 worse than Gerald Ford
16.9 worse than Richard Nixon
25.0 worse than Johnson
28.8 worse than Kennedy
20.0 worse than Eisenhower
1.0 worse than Truman

Context Bill!

Oh yes, the ol’RCP poll. You believe that and you’re going to be in for a rude awakening.
Even Gallup is catching up to what Rasmussen has been polling at for 2 months now.
Again, context, instead of seeing what you want to believe look at which one was accurate and consistent the past few elections.
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Oh yes, the ol’RCP poll. You believe that and you’re going to be in for a rude awakening.
Even Gallup is catching up to what Rasmussen has been polling at for 2 months now.
Again, context, instead of seeing what you want to believe look at which one was accurate and consistent the past few elections.
The RCP poll is an average of
FOX News
Public Policy Polling

But don't let facts get in the way of a false narrative
LOL So now the Trump administration is currently saying that its family separation policy is:

  • a deterrent
  • biblically compliant
  • the Democrats fault
  • does not exist
Chris Hayes
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No, it isn’t wrong, the poll posted was a gallop poll, in that poll it was the highest in 12 years. Posting an average of polls is silly.
What, don't believe in math now? Is that the new thing of the GOP, deny math like they do science and many other facts when it doesn't fit their agenda?
It's simple, China needs us more than we need China. Endgame is easy to see. China can go "toe to toe" with the U.S. for a couple of rounds, but we will have Chinese imports to impose tariffs upon long after they run out of U.S. imports to impose tariffs upon.
you are pretty naive. We live off of Chinese imports. every piece of clothing we wear. Every piece of plastic we use. almost all of our electronics. IF china shutdown trade to the US our economy would collapse worse than the great depression
The RCP poll is an average of
FOX News
Public Policy Polling

But don't let facts get in the way of a false narrative

It’s not a false narrative, that’s what your pushing. Those polls don’t all use the same metrics.
If you want to believe polls that were gloriously wrong in the lead up to the last election go for it. I’ll believe the ones that were accurate.