How will they rule ??!

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It is the law Boston, what you’re wanting Has already proven not to work. Given a court date and released, they don’t show up for court and are in the country illegally.

Why weren’t you infuriated when the Obama admin did the exact same thing? Because you didn’t know? If that’s the case why didn’t the media care then?

Face it, you’re getting played, The republicans have a bill moving through right now that would solve this, surely if the Dems really we’re concerned they’d vote for it, right? No, because they want this to happen hoping to regain power and then the media will again ignore it, and people like you will forget about it.
Laws are to be enforced, if you don’t like them change them. When you only partially enforce them we let lawmakers off the hook, and they can ride the political fence, which none of us like.
Bill, the law is for use on those accused of felonies. Entering the country illegally is not a felony and entering and asking for asylum isn't a crime at all.
The ONLY ones that the Obama administration did this with were those caught and being charged with felony crimes such as drug smuggling or human trafficking. <--FACTS

Trump is trying to use this issue to get funding for his wall and using these people as his pawns. The Democrats have a bill in the Senate with 48 co-sponsors that would end this practice too but McConnell won't let it get to the floor for a vote. He wouldn't even allow a GOP sponsored bill that addressed this issue to reach the floor because it didn't have the border wall funding. If Trump wants his wall he can take the $30 million appropriated for his stupid military parade.

It is quite hilarious that Trumpbots are buying the line that the Democrats are to blame especially when the GOP controls both the House and Senate. The truth is that there are a few decent Republicans left that have some sense of dignity and won't go along with his shenanigans so he needs Democratic votes. It ain't happening and nobody except the Trumpbots are going place the blame anywhere except on Trump and the GOP's hands.
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This is probably the most I've ever complimented Lindsey Graham in a span of a few days, but his questioning today was 100% spot on. Basically made the case that Wray and Horowitz are full of shit for the "no bias" nonsense they were saying.

I was in the middle of a message about how Graham’s questioning was precise, got to the heart of the matter (bias), and was one of the most thoughtful line of questioning of anyone today when I saw your post. Blumenthal followed and basically wanted to give a speech.

I laughed when Hatch told Wray he disagreed with the recent speech he gave when Wray said the misconduct at the FBI was just a few people. Hatch pointed out those ‘few people’ were the former FBI director, the former deputy director, and the guy in charge of the Hillary investigation and then worked on the Russia investigation. These weren’t field agents Hatch was saying, but the people with the most power in the bureau.
Bill, the law is for use on those accused of felonies. Entering the country illegally is not a felony and entering and asking for asylum isn't a crime at all.
The ONLY ones that the Obama administration did this with were those caught and being charged with felony crimes such as drug smuggling or human trafficking. <--FACTS

Trump is trying to use this issue to get funding for his wall and using these people as his pawns. The Democrats have a bill in the Senate with 48 co-sponsors that would end this practice too but McConnell won't let it get to the floor for a vote. He wouldn't even allow a GOP sponsored bill that addressed this issue to reach the floor because it didn't have the border wall funding. If Trump wants his wall he can take the $30 million appropriated for his stupid military parade.

It is quite hilarious that Trumpbots are buying the line that the Democrats are to blame especially when the GOP controls both the House and Senate. The truth is that there are a few decent Republicans left that have some sense of dignity and won't go along with his shenanigans so he needs Democratic votes. It ain't happening and nobody except the Trumpbots are going place the blame anywhere except on Trump and the GOP's hands.

A party cannot truly control the Senate unless they have 60 seats thanks to the filibuster. With less than 60 votes you only control the agenda.
Once again, it's his own policy being enforced that is separating the families, not law. Just because Donald Trump and his Fox and Friends say something doesn't make it true.

A party cannot truly control the Senate unless they have 60 seats thanks to the filibuster. With less than 60 votes you only control the agenda.
What filibuster?

You’re claiming that they can’t do anything?
You know damn well that they could change this law before the end of the day if they would leave the border wall funding out of the bill.

Let’s have an up or down vote on this issue because it’s sure going to suck for the GOP when they lose control come November.
What filibuster?

You’re claiming that they can’t do anything?
You know damn well that they could change this law before the end of the day if they would leave the border wall funding out of the bill.

Let’s have an up or down vote on this issue because it’s sure going to suck for the GOP when they lose control come November.

You are delusional, the GOP will likely gain a seat or two in the Senate this November. Trump will have at least another two years to pack the courts with judges that will strictly follow the constitution. This will likely include at least one more supreme court pick. Killing the left's dream of a liberal bench may be Trump's biggest legacy of all.
Bill, the law is for use on those accused of felonies. Entering the country illegally is not a felony and entering and asking for asylum isn't a crime at all.
The ONLY ones that the Obama administration did this with were those caught and being charged with felony crimes such as drug smuggling or human trafficking. <--FACTS

Trump is trying to use this issue to get funding for his wall and using these people as his pawns. The Democrats have a bill in the Senate with 48 co-sponsors that would end this practice too but McConnell won't let it get to the floor for a vote. He wouldn't even allow a GOP sponsored bill that addressed this issue to reach the floor because it didn't have the border wall funding. If Trump wants his wall he can take the $30 million appropriated for his stupid military parade.

It is quite hilarious that Trumpbots are buying the line that the Democrats are to blame especially when the GOP controls both the House and Senate. The truth is that there are a few decent Republicans left that have some sense of dignity and won't go along with his shenanigans so he needs Democratic votes. It ain't happening and nobody except the Trumpbots are going place the blame anywhere except on Trump and the GOP's hands.

No, that is not the case. We already have tried setting court dates and then releasing. Why didn’t that work Fuzz? Because the majority never showed up for court.

The bill the democrats are pushing does NOTHING to stop the flow of illegal immigration, surely you understand that. It’s simply a way for Feinstein to get re-elected.

So you don’t think the republican bill is decent? Covers everything involved, why not support that? Why are the Dems opposes to addressing the root cause of this?

This is a diversionary tactic Fuzz, that’s it.
The IG is on the hill today telling how corrupt Obama’s FBI was, Trump met North Korea last week, and the mood of the country is more positive than its been in 12 years.

If you are seeking asylum, and enter at the check points there is no issue. It’s the ones that are caught crossing illegally then claiming asylum that have the issue.
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What filibuster?

You’re claiming that they can’t do anything?
You know damn well that they could change this law before the end of the day if they would leave the border wall funding out of the bill.

Let’s have an up or down vote on this issue because it’s sure going to suck for the GOP when they lose control come November.

The wall will be in it, and it will pass. Without the wall you’re simply kicking the can down the road. We need to address the root cause.
Bill, the law is for use on those accused of felonies. Entering the country illegally is not a felony and entering and asking for asylum isn't a crime at all.
The ONLY ones that the Obama administration did this with were those caught and being charged with felony crimes such as drug smuggling or human trafficking. <--FACTS

Trump is trying to use this issue to get funding for his wall and using these people as his pawns. The Democrats have a bill in the Senate with 48 co-sponsors that would end this practice too but McConnell won't let it get to the floor for a vote. He wouldn't even allow a GOP sponsored bill that addressed this issue to reach the floor because it didn't have the border wall funding. If Trump wants his wall he can take the $30 million appropriated for his stupid military parade.

It is quite hilarious that Trumpbots are buying the line that the Democrats are to blame especially when the GOP controls both the House and Senate. The truth is that there are a few decent Republicans left that have some sense of dignity and won't go along with his shenanigans so he needs Democratic votes. It ain't happening and nobody except the Trumpbots are going place the blame anywhere except on Trump and the GOP's hands.
It is being reported that some of these are being charged with human trafficking and other crimes such as drug smuggling using kids. How will they know unless they detain them and run a check? You just can't let people run over the border screaming asylum without checking that and if they are really seeking asylum legally. You are just listening to those bots who are reporting more of the same garbage being spewed over and over again about atrocities that happened during the Obama admin and applying it to this situation.Lemming.
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I was in the middle of a message about how Graham’s questioning was precise, got to the heart of the matter (bias), and was one of the most thoughtful line of questioning of anyone today when I saw your post. Blumenthal followed and basically wanted to give a speech.

I laughed when Hatch told Wray he disagreed with the recent speech he gave when Wray said the misconduct at the FBI was just a few people. Hatch pointed out those ‘few people’ were the former FBI director, the former deputy director, and the guy in charge of the Hillary investigation and then worked on the Russia investigation. These weren’t field agents Hatch was saying, but the people with the most power in the bureau.
Kennedy did a good job too.
Once again, it's his own policy being enforced that is separating the families, not law. Just because Donald Trump and his Fox and Friends say something doesn't make it true.
Yes, it's Trump's policy to enforce the law to detain illegals. That's others didn't enforce that is their issue, not his.

"Mandatory detention was then officially authorized by President Bill Clinton in 1996 with the enactment of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility acts."

"Often, undocumented aliens or individuals lacking legal permission to enter, or remain, in the United States, when apprehended at the U.S. border are detained and placed in removal proceedings in front of an immigration judge. These individuals may include refugees seeking asylum. Under Section 235(b)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, if an individual stopped at the border is believed to be an undocumented immigrant or a threat to national security, they are considered "inadmissible" and classified as an "arriving alien." Individuals detained at the border are only released on a case-to-case basis by the authority of ICE officials."

I.e.; mandatory detention is authorized.
I'm pro choice too. Free to choose to keep your legs closed, use birth control, take a morning after pill. I don't believe in the choice to kill a baby as a form of birth control.

I do believe there are exceptions in the case of rape or if the mother's life is in danger.
The morning after pill is abortion by your own definition. Keeps a fertilized egg from implanting. Try to at least be consistent with your nonsense.
i love how were getting every single liberal in here to repeat the same bullshit fake news

youre detained and your child separated IF YOU ENTER ILLEGALLY.. if you LEGALLY claim asylum and have proof of it being your child, you are NOT separated.
@rqarnold / fuzz.. it most certainly was done under obama. and bush and clinton. period.

DEMOCRATS ARE RESPONSIBLE... they have fostered the mindset of sanctuary cities and other bullshit liberal fake utopias that have encouraged mass attack of the border. you also have liberal immigration lawyers in south america telling them to bring a child with them.

i have yet to see one liberal answer it better to not separate any children and allow a percentage of them to continue with the traffickers they are with or to separate for a few weeks, put them in conditions better than they have been in, and ensure each and every one is not in danger? hell, some of these kids are gettiing their first baths and having to learn how to flush a toilet.
Yall keep talking about winning and how people are going to vote hard for Trump. Does anyone here honestly think republicans retain the House in the fall? I haven't seen a prediction anywhere other than this board stating that.
No, that is not the case. We already have tried setting court dates and then releasing. Why didn’t that work Fuzz? Because the majority never showed up for court.

The bill the democrats are pushing does NOTHING to stop the flow of illegal immigration, surely you understand that. It’s simply a way for Feinstein to get re-elected.

So you don’t think the republican bill is decent? Covers everything involved, why not support that? Why are the Dems opposes to addressing the root cause of this?

This is a diversionary tactic Fuzz, that’s it.
The IG is on the hill today telling how corrupt Obama’s FBI was, Trump met North Korea last week, and the mood of the country is more positive than its been in 12 years.

If you are seeking asylum, and enter at the check points there is no issue. It’s the ones that are caught crossing illegally then claiming asylum that have the issue.
Bill, not separating kids from parents doesn't require releasing them from custody. They can be held together... Have you not figured that out?

Got news for you...the wall isn't going to stop shit. It would be another boondoggle of billions of $$ enrich a few contractors, further enrich the drug lords and will have next to zero affect on immigration and drug trafficking. There are already walls/fences in plenty of areas and the drug dealers and human traffickers tunnel right under it. It will only serve to make them (the dealers and traffickers) that much richer and powerful as they will be able to exploit even more people than they do today as they will hold the keys to the kingdom. Go down there and live for a few years as I did and get yourself an education on this shit.

As long as people on this side are willing to employ these people they will continue to come. Why? because people like the Avocado farmer that advertised 450 jobs, had only 267 Americans apply, hired 248... only 196 showed up for the first day of work and only 7 made it to the end of the job. That farmer has 2 options...hire Mexican labor or quit farming.
What has also been found is that since the "cracking down" on the border began, 10s of thousands of what used to be migrant agricultural workers are no longer migrating because they fear not being able to return. For decades they legally came, worked the growing season, worked the harvest and returned to Mexico.

You really need to get out of your bubble Bill. Perhaps the mood of the Trumpbots is better but the great majority of people are embarrassed by this administration. Congratulations you've got 38% who feel my math that leaves 62% that don't. That should scare the shit out of you that we could have 3% unemployment and only a 38% approval rating. It's amazing to what lengths you and your bots will go to try and find any distraction to take the focus off the daily embarrassments.

It's also hilarious that talking to North Korea is now good but in 2008 when Obama suggested he might be willing to do so that the right wing crucified him for saying so. They crucified him for talking to Raul Castro who hasn't done 1/100th of the terrible things to his people, hasn't murdered his own brother. Ah! But Trump is now great because he tells our allies to **** off and heaves praise onto a murderous dictator. smh.

Stay in that bubble Bill... you might not like the real world.
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Yall keep talking about winning and how people are going to vote hard for Trump. Does anyone here honestly think republicans retain the House in the fall? I haven't seen a prediction anywhere other than this board stating that.

Election Day is 5 months away, and the way the polls were in the last election wouldn’t make feel easy if I were expecting a blue wave.