How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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boston,thought for sure he was a gender studies student off for the summer.

Well...he does work for a college... and is apparently at such a crap school with crap pay that hes only allowed 400 measly bucks for clothing.

What is it womens judo? At amherst?

I took a random sampling of my wardrobe

20 shirts or pants... only 1 was from china.. more usa than anything... guess im not a boston level poor... but i also dont charge my dad for netflix.
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Other than a few wackos I know who politicize everything (i.e., my left-wing Ivy educated cousins who could never parlay that into a good job), nobody gives a shit about the "these children are separated from their parents" story.

Everybody realizes that the reason these kids got separated is because their parents sneaked into the country. And rational people also realize that if you to do what Obama did (i.e., give these people a ticket and send them on their way), you'll never see them again.

So keep it up libs. This isn't playing well and you're going to get slaughtered at the midterms.
I, frankly, can’t believe Ds are going all in on crying kids. At the same time, I can believe it. Does that make sense? I know you guys know what I’m saying.

Ds bark up the wrong tree *constantly* in order to get Rs to back down and that has worked forever.....but the landscape has changed. Enjoy.

These D's don't care about the kids. They just want a new hot button topic to cry about
I, frankly, can’t believe Ds are going all in on crying kids. At the same time, I can believe it. Does that make sense? I know you guys know what I’m saying.

Ds bark up the wrong tree *constantly* in order to get Rs to back down and that has worked forever.....but the landscape has changed. Enjoy.

I, frankly, can’t believe Ds are going all in on crying kids. At the same time, I can believe it. Does that make sense? I know you guys know what I’m saying.

Ds bark up the wrong tree *constantly* in order to get Rs to back down and that has worked forever.....but the landscape has changed. Enjoy.
This is why any republican not punching back at the media is dead to me.
If anyone wants free cash, you can get Trump at plus money to win the 2020 election (ranging anywhere from around +175 to +210.)

The only scenario I see where Trump doesn't win the election is if he dies first (something to consider for sure considering his physical shape and diet.) I'd put the odds of that at less than 25% though. There are just too many positives for him and I don't see them changing between now and then.

  • It's the economy, stupid - everyone is making more money and wallets tend to have a big say at the voting booth
  • Unemployment is virtually non existent
  • When is the last time you heard anything about ISIS?
  • The democrats have taken the fight as far left as they can go, which will completely alienate independent voters with centrist ideologies
  • Excluding HWB, we are in a pretty consistent cycle of 8 years in office for a party on a rotating basis
That is more than enough good guys for Trump to offset any potential negatives that might play out, although I can't really see them. At the end of the day, everyone has basically the same rights they had the day before Trump was inaugurated, and most are doing better financially. That's a win for everybody. I can see Trump cresting 400 EVs. I'm putting some money in there before the line starts to move. He will be even money to win by the middle of next year, and minus money going into the election cycle. operations manager who is black, a single father, had touches of homelessness shortly before he got his life together etc....stopped me to talked about this non-topic today (I 100% never talk politics with my employees except one sales rep that I uncork on in private occasionally)....

Basically he says he couldn’t figure out why everyone was so upset, he saw where the kids were staying on tv and says the conditions “looked better than places I’ve stayed in half my life” and “the people complaining should walk around the West End for a few days”.......and the crux, “didn’t they come over here illegally?”

The left isn’t convincing anyone. Also, I’ve been saying for 3 years that black people....real black people, not the black punditry class, don’t hate Trump and essentially like him and/or will vote for DT in record numbers in ‘20 (sans Kamala Harris running). Black folks are *not* voting for fake Indian/Biden/Bernie types vs Trump in the same manner they did in the past. Trump gets 20% in that scenario which is *nuclear*.
Love CNN claiming its child abuse. Hell yeah its child abuse, child abuse by the parent immigrant by forceably dragging their kid across the border to commit a crime to be put in limbo.

And you know a decent percentage aren’t even with a parent. If they find that to be the case, the child is most likely better off.