How will they rule ??!

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I do believe there are absolute rights and wrongs...and a lot of gray areas. You can choose to believe that or not.
Yeah's those pesky gray areas that were dealing with. I'd say that 99.999% of all people agree that there are a few basic rights and wrongs

As for marriage: I made it clear my belief on equal treatment. I don't oppose equal legal status. Again I'll say it: Any two people that want to form a legal partnership should be able to do so. As for the person you knew that couldn't be married in a Catholic church so they went to a UMC... I've read there is a rift over this issue that threatens a divide even in that church
I think you're mixing my thoughts... my wife was the Catholic that the church wouldn't marry because her then to be husband wouldn't convert...I think that issue within the church is more priest to priest than a church wide dogma as I have since known several mixed faith couples who have married in the same church. The point being though churches are never forced to marry any couple.

Yes, church congregations and denominations have a long history of splitting over various issues. After all there was only one Christian faith the first 1000 years or so...then came the Great Schism in 1054...followed by the Protestant Reformation in 1517. Now we have 33,000 by some counts. The Presbyterian Church has split multiple times for various reasons. The Cumberland Presbyterian church formed because the Presbyterian Church has high educational standards for its clergy and during the expansion of the US westward in the 1800s churches could not find ordained clergy. So they split off and lowered the standard. It split again during the Civil War and then merged back 100 years later only to have the conservative element within the church split again in the 1970s when they disagreed with the idea of ordaining women and having women church officers.

As for public assistance...the people receiving it don't make the rules so it isn't really fair to criticize them for following the rules. And while I agree that people receiving assistance SHOULD work for it...most assistance falls into one of two categories...that for children and that for the elderly. SSI that you mentioned is only available to elderly and the disabled. States that have tried "work for welfare" type programs have found that it costs them more to make the work, provide the services required to allow people to work, administer the program than not doing so. We don't really disagree on this issue other than I'm saying what you suggest has been tried and has failed to return the desired result. If you've got a better mouse trap I'm all for it.
I've actually advocated an idea I heard Barry Farber suggest in the 1980s. Replace the food stamp program (SNAP) with a program that paid farmers to grow rice and beans. Rice and beans would be made available in any grocery free to any and all. Since it was free it would have no real black market value and there would be no reason to hoard. Nobody would have any reason to ever be hungry because "free food" was always available. If you want variety in your diet then you have an incentive to work.

You completely skirted my point about taxes. If you think someone, some group pays too much then by deductive reasoning you are saying that other groups pay too little as the goal for any tax policy is to raise $X. If the 1% pay too much then you are saying that the 99% are paying too little. I know I'm going out on a limb here but you're advocating that you need to pay more as I'm assuming you're not in the 1%.
North Korea previously committed to denuclearization in 1985, 1992, 1994, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016,---each pledge was a lie. There are some really gullible posters here.
I think you are the gullible one, if you thought anything of subtance would happen at the Summit.

Have you forgotten that just a short time ago NK was shooting off missiles haphazardly into the Sea of Japan and testing nuclear bombs, and was giving everyone reason to be nervous? Since then, NK has stopped testing nukes and missiles, met with and made peace with SK, released Americans being held, came to the bargaining table with the US, and met with our president. Regardless of what of substance actually took place during the summit, regardless of the efficacy of the agreement they signed, the fact that the leaders of NK and US are able to meet and have dialogue is in itself a rare and historic advancement, and much preferred to the saber-rattling and brinksmanship that came before it.

I had to laugh to myself when I saw how negative the online analysis of the summit this morning was from the left-leaning news sources. It was basically a meet-and-greet, and a symbolic gesture from both countries demonstrating that they are willing to talk. Negotiations are ongoing. I don't know what people thought would come of it, but it was always about building a rapport and taking a step in the right direction.
Mitt Romney should have been president in 2012. He was a better candidate of the 2. And he wasnt even a real conservative, he was a true centrist. He had better economic policy, better foreign policy (he warned about Russia, which all libs are now all of a sudden so concerned about), and there was no dirt on him. Yet, dems do what dems do and started with their hateful propaganda rhetoric. That and the media behavior towards him then put all the pieces in place that got the ball rolling for Trump to become president.

No doubt in my mind they rigged that election.

No president had ever been reelected with the indicators that Obama was saddled with. Yet he won easily against a really good candidate.

Look what went on in this past one, and they thought it would be a cakewalk. Imagine what they did in an election they were supposed to lose.
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If you think someone, some group pays too much then by deductive reasoning you are saying that other groups pay too little as the goal for any tax policy is to raise $X.

Deductive reasoning says you are ignoring spending, dipshit, as part of the really complicated (dws) two part system.
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Mitch McConnell: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

Your point?

That should be their goal. Same with democrats. The way they should attain it is not by being resis douche bags though. Its by bettering themselves and coming up with a candidate to win the election. Not by hampering the administration and acting like petulant children.

This board is full of morons or Russian bots, for example how can any conclusion be made about two serial liars coming to an agreement in private with no means of verification? I mean hell even Reagan said "trust but verify." People here are rejoicing over a photo op of two completely untrustworthy liars.
It's OK Levi, this too shall pass and you will bitch about something else Trump does that your God Obummer could not. It is inevitable and we know you need to discredit him at every turn. You go girl, fight the good fight until your last breath. I hope you have enough stamina to last 6 1/2 more years.
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I think you are the gullible one, if you thought anything of subtance would happen at the Summit.

Have you forgotten that just a short time ago NK was shooting off missiles haphazardly into the Sea of Japan and testing nuclear bombs, and was giving everyone reason to be nervous? Since then, NK has stopped testing nukes and missiles, met with and made peace with SK, released Americans being held, came to the bargaining table with the US, and met with our president. Regardless of what of substance actually took place during the summit, regardless of the efficacy of the agreement they signed, the fact that the leaders of NK and US are able to meet and have dialogue is in itself a rare and historic advancement, and much preferred to the saber-rattling and brinksmanship that came before it.

I had to laugh to myself when I saw how negative the online analysis of the summit this morning was from the left-leaning news sources. It was basically a meet-and-greet, and a symbolic gesture from both countries demonstrating that they are willing to talk. Negotiations are ongoing. I don't know what people thought would come of it, but it was always about building a rapport and taking a step in the right direction.
North Korea did nuke tests... 10/9/2006, 5/25/2009, 2/12/2013, 1/6/2016, 9/9/2016, 9/3/2017...they performed 16 missile tests last year with the last one being on 11/28/2017. They've been performing tests since 1976...they didn't do any tests in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 and only one test in 2013, 14,15... I'm not sure how you come to the conclusion that they've stopped anything.
They've proven that they know how to build and launch both missiles and's pretty tough to put the genie back in the bottle. Are they handing over all of their scientist and know-how?

Remind me why "the right" hated so much that Obama talked with Raul Castro???
Rejoice about another promise from a serial liar? Not exactly brilliant.

Im confused, was he the leader during all those years?

This board is full of morons or Russian bots, for example how can any conclusion be made about two serial liars coming to an agreement in private with no means of verification? I mean hell even Reagan said "trust but verify." People here are rejoicing over a photo op of two completely untrustworthy liars.

Someone very recently said.. people who hVe no argument resort to petty name calling.

But ill bite... name one person here who thinks this is over with. I think about 10 people have said trust but verify. Youve got to be a parody. Ill say it again, NO ONE THINKS THIS IS A DONE DEAL.. everyone is saying that its a good step which followed up the hostages and other small steps. No one thinks they turned their nukes over yesterday and all is done.. youre a parody. Its known and verified.
Probably take a month or so.

3 weeks. Ahead of schedule and under budget.

the unaccountable life as a failure Dem is very lucrative and easy.

Pay to play. Compensation for their bs while in office.

Did KJU hand over his nukes yet?

KJU handed over his nuts. The nukes are next.

One of Bens worst takes.

Whiny ass fake conservative.

Muh statue of limitations have run out.

Obama met with Bin Laden to move him to Iran before faking his death.

Stop with your fake news and lies. It was Pakistan.

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