How will they rule ??!

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I meant getting burned on an intellectual level, not on a career/ability to make money angle.
I know, it just frustrates me that they don't face the same fallout from bad foreign policy decisions that the Bush team did. Condi may be the exception to a small degree. The media should be hammering them.
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Hey libs, can we drop the phony "We care about America" act? You bastards certainly do not. You never cease to amaze me with how awful and vile you are. Seeing you dumb shits being for Iran yet upset about getting NK to denuclearize, it's insane but that's what your side truly is: insane.

You like to lie and try to convince yourselves that you're good people by virtue signaling with no real courage or anything of consequence. You'll use a hashtag or protest/throw a tantrum. You'll get upset and act like you care so much about the well-being of illegals getting into the country but you never want to live in the same areas with them. You're fine with everything as long as it's not in your neighborhood and doesn't affect you.

You then get your echo chamber to feed you your talking points and tell you that you're right and that you need to "resist" and everyone who doesn't think like you is a racist, sexist, Nazi,"uneducated white male" or Russian bot because it's impossible to believe anyone could think differently than you and actually has some wisdom and the ability to think for themselves.

You'll eat up whatever celebrity speech or tweet affirms your thoughts. You'll continue to be as vile as ever all while being a complete moron unwilling to be objective or analyze what you're supporting. You think you're "rebels" and "resisting" yet you have completely come out in favor of big government, letting the government take more of our money, you are an apologist for corrupt FBI, CIA operatives who then get cushy jobs at your propaganda media networks and not bat an eye at how effed up that is. You'll back giving Iran tons of our money and making a horrendous deal, leaving our people to die overseas and support bringing back Bowe Bergdahl types while downplaying getting our people back from NK.

You are proof of how powerful the tool of brainwashing is.
Excellent post and points.

The Dems and libs are more of an obstacle than any enemy the U.S. may have. In fact they pull for Trump to fail and would even wish for a financial depression and millions of job losses to get Trump out of office. The hate runs so deep they can't think straight and would throw away our American way of life if it would mean the end to Trump. It is pathetic and pitiful at the same time.

Meanwhile people with a sound mind are enjoying the best economy of my lifetime and thanking President Trump for standing up and not apologizing for America. If Obama had met the NK leader he would apologize because Benjamin Franklin owned a slave. What a corrupt political party.
because every President before Trump wasn't willing to kiss NK ass without them making verifiable steps to move forward. Clinton was in the process of setting up a meeting after they signed their agreement and then NK went full crazy with missile launches. maybe Trump is a genius and NK just needed to be told that their special. but don't hold your breath. in 30 years we will still be in the same spot.

How cute. You really felt good about typing that didn't you?

Too bad. He's obviously posturing, as he should.
What else should one say at that given moment? "YA HES A LUNATIC AND TEREITER PERSON."

He said exactly what he should've. The actions show we don't trust them. Otherwise the meeting would be in North Korea.

I assumed everyone would be able to gather that. But i forgot a portion of our population either 1) never engaged in meaningful negotiations of any sort and/or 2) prefer nuclear war over a successful trump presidency, when Trump does it, he's "posturing".

You guys are constant entertainment.
Trust but verify is absolutely the correct course of action going forward. If KJU is anything like his father, we CAN'T trust him as the Clinton administration found out when they lifted sanctions and gave them light water reactors and started nuking up again. I would caution Conservatives not to declare victory yet, KJU needs a period of time to build up trust and once denuclearization takes place, we'll then need to address the labor camps, human rights, and many other despotic factors that make this country a tyrannical slave state. So while I applaud DT's initial steps to start moving in the right direction, it hurt my ears when I heard him say "His people love him". Ummmm, they have NO CHOICE but to love him.

Could this be DT's "Reykavik Moment"? Time will tell.

What did we give up besides temporarily/permanently suspending the military exercises? Is that it? I honestly have no issue with that concession.
Excellent post and points.

The Dems and libs are more of an obstacle than any enemy the U.S. may have. In fact they pull for Trump to fail and would even wish for a financial depression and millions of job losses to get Trump out of office. The hate runs so deep they can't think straight and would throw away our American way of life if it would mean the end to Trump. It is pathetic and pitiful at the same time.

Man, Republicans said from DAY ONE that they would obstruct Obama. I remember Rush and some other idiots, probably you guys, wishing for him to fail.

But keep it up.

I, however, want our economy to continue doing well. Do I like Trump? Nope. But as long as he is in office, I don't want him to fail our country.
Liberal posts on here are comedy gold. I laugh everytime i see a liberal post stupidity. And boy is it stupid.
Right on. The last thing we need are liberals telling us how to negotiate with foreign leaders. Obama was either a complete moron or maybe the weakest president in our history. Iran made a total fool out of him and ended up with billions and billions of dollars. He even delivered them in the dead of night without the knowledge of most Americans. Bill Clinton gave North Korea the entire store and told America North Korea would not develop nuclear weapons. He sure was an expert negotiator.

NK realizes if they double cross Trump their end is for certain because they will be no more when he gets through with them. But I think their little Rocket Man wants the finer things of life and just might take a step and start the change his country needs to have a better lifestyle. It has to hurt looking a countries like South Korea with modern buildings, electronics and a much better lifestyle. Singapore is a shining city of the hill and he had a chance to see it with his own eyes. But time will tell if he is serious. Of course our main stream media will do every thing they can to make sure Trump fails and North Korea is the same old North Korea Obama tried to lead from behind.
Liberals on here and across the country just got smacked in the face with the fact that they just lost the 2020 election. 6 more years of Trump. Must have been a rough night and waking up to the fact that it did in fact happen..liberal tears are flowing.

If that happens, Trump will likely get 2-4 more Supreme Court picks. Ruthie can't live forever.
Man, Republicans said from DAY ONE that they would obstruct Obama. I remember Rush and some other idiots, probably you guys, wishing for him to fail.

But keep it up.

I, however, want our economy to continue doing well. Do I like Trump? Nope. But as long as he is in office, I don't want him to fail our country.
Republicans did nothing to stop Obama. And Republicans still do nothing to overturn what Obama did to destroy our economy. Obama Care is still around, right? They did pass a good tax cut that it the reason for a robust economy.

I wanted Obama's socialist policies to fail but not America. That is the difference. Liberals want America the way our forefathers built it to fail. They build the greatest nation if the history of man and progressive dems would throw it all away for socialism and the State running every aspect of our life.
Republicans did nothing to stop Obama. And Republicans still do nothing to overturn what Obama did to destroy our economy. Obama Care is still around, right? They did pass a good tax cut that it the reason for a robust economy.

I wanted Obama's socialist policies to fail but not America. That is the difference. Liberals want America the way our forefathers built it to fail. They build the greatest nation if the history of man and progressive dems would throw it all away for socialism and the State running every aspect of our life.

Gross oversimplification.
Creepy Joe Biden facing #metoo questions over groping. He might reconsider that run in 2020.


It's not a gross oversimplification at all. Obama hates everything that made America great. Him failing meant America was succeeding. Trump's puts America first. Him failing means America is failing.

It really is as simple as that.

I also believe the lefties hate America and everything that made it great. So I expect them not to understand.
Man, Republicans said from DAY ONE that they would obstruct Obama. I remember Rush and some other idiots, probably you guys, wishing for him to fail.

But keep it up.

I, however, want our economy to continue doing well. Do I like Trump? Nope. But as long as he is in office, I don't want him to fail our country.


a. you may want to listen to the actual podcast from that rush limbaugh show. its not like you think it is...kind of similar to how hannity didnt tell trump aides to smash their phones if subpoenad last week.

b. even if rush did say and mean it, there is a major difference between a conservative radio host obstructing and elected officials obstructing. obama enjoyed a 5 times faster confirmation process of appointed positions. he also enjoyed over 80% media coverage. one side has obstructed.. you compare it to one radio comment which isnt even what you think it is.

youre doing mental gymnastics.
C. We find out what happened with Seth Rich
D. We find out what the lost DNC server had on it
E. Any of the multitude of democrats involved in the 2016 election rigging/cover-ups/spying on DNC are held responsible
I'm still going with "A".

a. you may want to listen to the actual podcast from that rush limbaugh show. its not like you think it is...kind of similar to how hannity didnt tell trump aides to smash their phones if subpoenad last week.

b. even if rush did say and mean it, there is a major difference between a conservative radio host obstructing and elected officials obstructing.

Mitch McConnell: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.