How will they rule ??!

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You are the most conspiratorial person on here by far. You have atleast one room full of newspaper clippings and pics of supposed conspirators all over the walls don’t you?

Also, how dare you label my twitter posts as bullshit...kicking a man while he is down is low.

Luckily, I’m on beer 11 and about to tee off and I have the most expensive clubs in the group. Winner!

Man I wish I was Canadian rich to afford walls and newspapers. They are not your twitter thoughts so don't take it personal before you start protesting for robot rights Lando.

You keep drinking like a maple leaf and you will be talking just like him. "I am not able to post anymore so eye brows."

You mean the sailors from the US ship that was boarded and taken back to Iran?
Yea, Oama really showed The Who was in charge.
No, I mean the 11 people Obama had released from NORTH KOREA during his tenure. Try to keep up with which country we're talking about. I know it's hard for you; all those pesky countries that aren't America just run together when you're a xenophobe.
Obama had 11 released over his tenure and gave up nothing.

It was 10, and he did next to nothing to secure their release.

■ Laura Ling and Euna Lee were in North Korea as reporters for Al Gore’s Current TV. North Korea informed their relatives that they would release them if Bill Clinton picked them up on a diplomatic mission not connected with the Obama administration.

■ Aijalon Gomes was released thanks to Jimmy Carter after an unsuccessful attempt by the Obama administration.

■ Eddie Yong Su Jun’s release was helped by the State Department but was driven by his congressman, Ed Royce, R-Calif.

■ Jeffrey Fowley’s release was facilitated by Sweden.

■ Kenneth Bae and Matthew Miller were released by North Korea. Mr. Bae later thanked Dennis Rodman for his help, and Mr. Rodman later criticized Mr. Obama for “doing nothing to help.”

■ Sandra Suh was deported by North Korea with no help from the Obama administration, whose spokeswoman, Marie Harf, stated that they could not tell why she was deported from North Korea.

■ Merrill Newman was released from North Korea with the help of Sweden and governor-turned-diplomat Bill Richardson, D-N.M. Upon his release, he turned down an offer to fly back on Air Force Two with Vice President Joe Biden.

■ Robert Park, like Sandra Suh, was deported from North Korea with no Obama administration help.

So 10 North Korean prisoners were indeed released during the Obama years. But, unlike the Trump/Pompeo release, the releases were in spite of, not because of, Mr. Obama. Who’s trying to rewrite history?
Man I wish I was Canadian rich to afford walls and newspapers. They are not your twitter thoughts so don't take it personal before you start protesting for robot rights Lando.

You keep drinking like a maple leaf and you will be talking just like him. "I am not able to post anymore so eye brows."


One day I plan to do LSD and on that day I will understand something bigbluefattycat is saying
It was 10, and he did next to nothing to secure their release.

■ Laura Ling and Euna Lee were in North Korea as reporters for Al Gore’s Current TV. North Korea informed their relatives that they would release them if Bill Clinton picked them up on a diplomatic mission not connected with the Obama administration.

■ Aijalon Gomes was released thanks to Jimmy Carter after an unsuccessful attempt by the Obama administration.

■ Eddie Yong Su Jun’s release was helped by the State Department but was driven by his congressman, Ed Royce, R-Calif.

■ Jeffrey Fowley’s release was facilitated by Sweden.

■ Kenneth Bae and Matthew Miller were released by North Korea. Mr. Bae later thanked Dennis Rodman for his help, and Mr. Rodman later criticized Mr. Obama for “doing nothing to help.”

■ Sandra Suh was deported by North Korea with no help from the Obama administration, whose spokeswoman, Marie Harf, stated that they could not tell why she was deported from North Korea.

■ Merrill Newman was released from North Korea with the help of Sweden and governor-turned-diplomat Bill Richardson, D-N.M. Upon his release, he turned down an offer to fly back on Air Force Two with Vice President Joe Biden.

■ Robert Park, like Sandra Suh, was deported from North Korea with no Obama administration help.

So 10 North Korean prisoners were indeed released during the Obama years. But, unlike the Trump/Pompeo release, the releases were in spite of, not because of, Mr. Obama. Who’s trying to rewrite history?
You forgot Arturo Pierre Martinez. 11
No, I mean the 11 people Obama had released from NORTH KOREA during his tenure. Try to keep up with which country we're talking about. I know it's hard for you; all those pesky countries that aren't America just run together when you're a xenophobe.
He knew exactly what you were talking about and also mentioned something that he knew you would never talk about. You were attempting to make O'bama relevant on a world stage. He couldn't do it, neither can you.

Historic day. Al Gore wasn’t paying attention to the tour, this is the day he first imagined the internet.
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You forgot Arturo Pierre Martinez. 11

I was bored so I looked this guy up. I can see why Obama wanted him back. He was a commie nutjob who hated America.

The idiot held a news conference in NK and strongly condemned the USA. He later sought asylum in Venezuela. He's one of you leftist freaks!

"He said he took “a risky journey” to North Korea so he could pass along “some very valuable and disturbing information.” He spoke about his country’s “police brutality,” reports of abuse at the American detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and the decision not to indict “lawbreaking policemen” in Ferguson, Mo. He also warned of “extremely dangerous and subversive technologies” related to U.F.O.s."

This guy makes Obama proud!
You're vacuous, get help.
Vacuous...don't think so liberal. I don't have to convince others that liberals are mental, liberals do that job for the rest of us, every day. I don't need help, BTW. What a laugh...liberals offering advice. Liberals and the gullible naïve elected Barry twice and your advice is to get help. Say again...who needs the help? If Trump walked on water, liberals would claim Trump can't swim. Liberals are the late night barking dogs out in the neighborhood...offering nothing relevant to anyone but themselves. Can't wait until November to watch the buttercups, snowflakes, and bed-wetters take it up the shorts again. America is sick to the dysfunction called liberalism. Pay attention and watch what happens as leadership asserts itself and count your undeserved blessing.
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This board is full of morons or Russian bots, for example how can any conclusion be made about two serial liars coming to an agreement in private with no means of verification? I mean hell even Reagan said "trust but verify." People here are rejoicing over a photo op of two completely untrustworthy liars.
So Trump is a liar? Sounds so similar to the daily-distributed DNC talking points offered up to the Kool-Aid drinking lemmings who've never had an original thought. Just say Trump is a that your position that you came up all by yourself after extensive and exhaustive research? That all ya got? It just doesn't sound all that original nor convincing. Nope, not buying it. Gonna have to do better. Here's what liberals have to look forward to...Trump/America keeps winning, liberals chit their pants. It doesn't look good for you and da comrades but looks great for America.
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I'd pay good money to see the reactions of this group if Obama gushed over Kim Jong-Un the way Trump is.

I realize everyone that hates the black guy will SWEAR they would never react differently......but well.....i'm sure the bunch that believe that women and minorities need to be knocked down a peg or eight and went into a full-fledged panic over whites not more than 50% of the country anymore are VERY happy now....just not enough to own up to it.
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I'd pay good money to see the reactions of this group if Obama gushed over Kim Jong-Un the way Trump is.

I realize everyone that hates the black guy will SWEAR they would never react differently......but well.....i'm sure the bunch that believe that women and minorities need to be knocked down a peg or eight and went into a full-fledged panic over whites not more than 50% of the country anymore are VERY happy now....just not enough to own up to it.

Obama didn't have the capacity to negotiate with anybody, including KJU. He's a community organizer, rabble rouser, ideologue who's only tactic was to bend over, apologize, condemn his country, and offer loads of cash. His administration was full of diversity hires, many of which were academics or politicians, and all vetted and presented by the like of Soros.

You're an ignorant, brainwashed, Marxist POS who knows nothing about what we think about people. All you want to do is divide society. Jump off a tall building. MAGA.
Because I used the sacred word "diversity"? I don't constrain my vocabulary by leftist definitions, dumbass. BTW, you are a shameless POS. Debunked Shitpost after shitpost and you keep coming back.
Referring to my posts as debunked when you were proven wrong 3 hours ago is pretty brash. Though I guess I shouldn't expect self-awareness from anyone among this lot. Confirmation bias run rampant.
Referring to my posts as debunked when you were proven wrong 3 hours ago is pretty brash. Though I guess I shouldn't expect self-awareness from anyone among this lot. Confirmation bias run rampant.

How was I proven wrong?
So you were wrong about 10 and right about the one I left out and that is a passing grade for you? Not to mention I explained the one. Jesus Christ, you’re dense.
Obama had 11 released over his tenure and gave up nothing.
Read the quote. Nowhere does that say he was personally involved which your post on the 10 supposedly addresses. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Read the quote. Nowhere does that say he was personally involved which your post on the 10 supposedly addresses. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Hahaha, move the goalposts to cover your f-up with word games. That's weak. Extremely. And you know it. I've got to go to bed so I can be ready for this thing called "work" tomorrow. You're not worth losing sleep over.
No, I mean the 11 people Obama had released from NORTH KOREA during his tenure. Try to keep up with which country we're talking about. I know it's hard for you; all those pesky countries that aren't America just run together when you're a xenophobe.

Yea, I’m the xenophobe. This coming from the guy who thinks South Korea would be better off if they had capitulated to the north.