How will they rule ??!

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You agree with a lie?

Platinum is confusing donald trump and jim acosta.

He ignored acosta like the gnat that he is. Even a 3rd world dictator knows that. He said yes when donald j trump asked.

Man, the trump haters sure do have lofty expectations of him. Expect not only an agreement to denuke...but i guess you expected him to hand over his nukes last night?

Exactly. How stupid do you have to be to say nothing happened last night? Something major happened just by Trump getting that bastard to sit down and talk about getting rid of his nukes.

For the dumbass libs here who don't know any better, KJU is the supreme leader of NK. He is supposed to be infallible in the eyes of his people. This is a big deal that he would leave his country to meet with Trump to discuss making changes to the way he runs his country.

Trump has made America great again in just 500 days. Now he is on to making the World great again. Probably take a month or so.
No idea of the lie to which you refer.

No, I didn't expect any more. But nothing concrete happened so I'll wait it see. If that's your definition of hatng Trump, I can live with it.
You can't say "nothing concrete happened" simply because CNN hasn't received leaks of the behind the scenes details.

The admin recently said they aren't gonna be doing the negotiations out in the open (as to prevent the American-hating media from trying to sabotage it).
The leaders of the 2 countries have never met, this meet was the first step in a process.
because every President before Trump wasn't willing to kiss NK ass without them making verifiable steps to move forward. Clinton was in the process of setting up a meeting after they signed their agreement and then NK went full crazy with missile launches. maybe Trump is a genius and NK just needed to be told that their special. but don't hold your breath. in 30 years we will still be in the same spot.
they gave up 2 prisoners, which they have done before but still a good thing. and they pretended to shut down a test site that they accidentally ruined because their newest bomb was way more powerful than expected. they say they have "suspeneded" working on nukes which is obviously just empty words when you already have the nukes. at the bare minimum Trump should have gotten an agreement for Kim to shut down his concentration camps to make an announcement to end drills with SK.

Why would we press Kim to shut down his prison camps? They don't threaten us. This is all about the nucs. Kim isn't going to give his camps up because that is how he maintains power. Trying to maintain power is the only reason Kim is even at the table. Let the U.N. worry about camps in NK, China and elsewhere. We want to end Kim's nuclear threat.
"I do trust him, yeah," Trump said. "Maybe in a year you’ll be interviewing and I'll say I made a mistake. It's possible. We’re dealing at a high level, a lot of things can change a lot of things are possible."

Wanna run that back?
Wanna read that again? He say's he trusts him but acknowledges that it may be a misplaced trust.

I am very thankful that Donald isn't as shallow a thinker as our residents libs here are.
because every President before Trump wasn't willing to kiss NK ass without them making verifiable steps to move forward. Clinton was in the process of setting up a meeting after they signed their agreement and then NK went full crazy with missile launches. maybe Trump is a genius and NK just needed to be told that their special. but don't hold your breath. in 30 years we will still be in the same spot.
Or maybe they needed to be told we have bigger nukes that actually work and would be will willing to use them. Then told, "hey, here are some demoralizing and devastating sanctions for you. Have a nice day and have fun playing with your firecrackers".
because every President before Trump wasn't willing to kiss NK ass without them making verifiable steps to move forward. Clinton was in the process of setting up a meeting after they signed their agreement and then NK went full crazy with missile launches. maybe Trump is a genius and NK just needed to be told that their special. but don't hold your breath. in 30 years we will still be in the same spot.

Well, by all means Trump shouldn’t even try the peaceful route. We should just go straight to war. You’re being ridiculous at this point.

We have given up nothing, we have given them nothing.
we didn't accomplish anything that hasn't been done before. .......

So the new talking points are Trump has got nothing out of North Korea and that Trump shouldn't be praising Kim to his face.

Well, Trump got 3 hostages released, a nuke site demolished, the missiles to stop being shot. And that's considered nothing?

Also, try making a deal with someone while ripping them to their face. It wouldn't happen.

2 stupid talking points.
because every President before Trump wasn't willing to kiss NK ass without them making verifiable steps to move forward. Clinton was in the process of setting up a meeting after they signed their agreement and then NK went full crazy with missile launches. maybe Trump is a genius and NK just needed to be told that their special. but don't hold your breath. in 30 years we will still be in the same spot.

Wanna read that again? He say's he trusts him but acknowledges that it may be a misplaced trust.

I am very thankful that Donald isn't as shallow a thinker as our residents libs here are.

You literally said no one trusts him but Obama. Then I gave you a quote where Trump says he does trust him.

Jesus. Even if he is quoted saying the same thing you disliked about Obama, you still backtrack.

Show me one quote where Obama said he unequivocally trusted NK.
because every President before Trump wasn't willing to kiss NK ass without them making verifiable steps to move forward. Clinton was in the process of setting up a meeting after they signed their agreement and then NK went full crazy with missile launches. maybe Trump is a genius and NK just needed to be told that their special. but don't hold your breath. in 30 years we will still be in the same spot.
So the new talking points are Trump has got nothing out of North Korea and that Trump shouldn't be praising Kim to his face.

Well, Trump got 3 hostages released, a nuke site demolished, the missiles to stop being shot. And that's considered nothing?

Also, try making a deal with someone while ripping them to their face. It wouldn't happen.

2 stupid talking points.
Yeah, if anyone speaking negatively about this meeting had enough sense they could see how ripping someone one here works. If you attack they attack back without a civil discussion. Nothing really gets settled except I hate you and you hate me.
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Hey libs, can we drop the phony "We care about America" act? You bastards certainly do not. You never cease to amaze me with how awful and vile you are. Seeing you dumb shits being for Iran yet upset about getting NK to denuclearize, it's insane but that's what your side truly is: insane.

You like to lie and try to convince yourselves that you're good people by virtue signaling with no real courage or anything of consequence. You'll use a hashtag or protest/throw a tantrum. You'll get upset and act like you care so much about the well-being of illegals getting into the country but you never want to live in the same areas with them. You're fine with everything as long as it's not in your neighborhood and doesn't affect you.

You then get your echo chamber to feed you your talking points and tell you that you're right and that you need to "resist" and everyone who doesn't think like you is a racist, sexist, Nazi,"uneducated white male" or Russian bot because it's impossible to believe anyone could think differently than you and actually has some wisdom and the ability to think for themselves.

You'll eat up whatever celebrity speech or tweet affirms your thoughts. You'll continue to be as vile as ever all while being a complete moron unwilling to be objective or analyze what you're supporting. You think you're "rebels" and "resisting" yet you have completely come out in favor of big government, letting the government take more of our money, you are an apologist for corrupt FBI, CIA operatives who then get cushy jobs at your propaganda media networks and not bat an eye at how effed up that is. You'll back giving Iran tons of our money and making a horrendous deal, leaving our people to die overseas and support bringing back Bowe Bergdahl types while downplaying getting our people back from NK.

You are proof of how powerful the tool of brainwashing is.

You know how Democrats always like to act like everything they're accused of is some wild conspiracy (they do this all while completely pushing a bogus conspiracy with Russia)? Look at how many of them have been proven to be true. Why would this be any different?

"The media is not biased or against Republicans. You just don't like the facts."
- Emails come out proving just that. Democrats refuse to read them and then just blame Russia.

"No one spied on the Trump team, you Alex Jones nut job."
- Turned out to be true. Dems then justify it and say it's normal and they were trying to protect him. lol

It happens all the time. When it comes to Democrats, you can always bank on these facts
- Democrats will accuse others of what they're doing themselves
- What they have done is actually much worse than what you already know about them
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No idea of the lie to which you refer.

No, I didn't expect any more. But nothing concrete happened so I'll wait it see. If that's your definition of hatng Trump, I can live with it.

The lie is the post you responded to saying you agree. Maybe go back and read it and my post.

Whether it’s Ben Rhodes or Obama’s speechwriter, the Obama people easily set themselves up to get burned.
Not really, where it matters. HBO just gave Favreau and gang a bunch of money for a show, Susan Rice got a huge gig at Netflix, Rhodes was recently hired by MSNBC....the unaccountable life as a failure Dem is very lucrative and easy.
"I may be wrong, I mean I may stand before you in 6 months and say, 'Hey, I was wrong.' I don't know that I'll ever admit that, but I'll find some kind of an excuse."

I fully expect this very thing to happen.

I do love how democrats all of a sudden love and venerate our flag...remember in the 2016 convention when they didn’t have one flag onstage the first day. I honestly believe leftists do not love this country.

GK Chesterton once wrote “Men didn’t love Rome because She was great, She was great cause men loved her”

I think we have an incredible constitution, system and history...most of which the left hates. And the increasing number of citizens who don’t love Rome (America)...who lack patriotism will continually weaken this place, until one day it won’t be a place worthy of love.
Not really, where it matters. HBO just gave Favreau and gang a bunch of money for a show, Susan Rice got a huge gig at Netflix, Rhodes was recently hired by MSNBC....the unaccountable life as a failure Dem is very lucrative and easy.

I meant getting burned on an intellectual level, not on a career/ability to make money angle.
"I do trust him, yeah," Trump said. "Maybe in a year you’ll be interviewing and I'll say I made a mistake. It's possible. We’re dealing at a high level, a lot of things can change a lot of things are possible."

Wanna run that back?

How cute. You really felt good about typing that didn't you?

Too bad. He's obviously posturing, as he should.
What else should one say at that given moment? "YA HES A LUNATIC AND TEREITER PERSON."

He said exactly what he should've. The actions show we don't trust them. Otherwise the meeting would be in North Korea.

I assumed everyone would be able to gather that. But i forgot a portion of our population either 1) never engaged in meaningful negotiations of any sort and/or 2) prefer nuclear war over a successful trump presidency
You're drunk, Jameslee. You've drank so much that you can't remember 2008-2016. But I don't blame you though. After dictator in chief Obama, and I'd pray to be in an alcohol induced coma
Is there a tweet/post created where the President/Paddock won't mention the words Obama or democrats? Great act. CNN should call you guys Lambchop. [laughing]