How will they rule ??!

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The escape plan of Justin Trudeau's eyebrow was fully realized this morning as it broke completely free and made a mad dash for the US border...

is there anybody that actually thinks Kim will denuke? Pompeo seems to be setting a very low bar and low expectations in his pressers. NK will say, sure we will de nuke just give us a few billion in food & gas aid while we work on it. if Trump is a fool like past presidents he'll give him a taste of the aid and then Kim will run off laughing. nobody gives up nukes once they have them, only a fool would.
Respectfully, what would be your course of action with North Korea?
Respectfully, what would be your course of action with North Korea?
You didn't ask me but I would try to get South Korea and China on board the same policy to persuade NK their path to a better future would be global cooperation in place of obsolete military might. It shouldn't be too hard to show how both China and SK has benefitted from that course of action. My concern with Trump is he doesn't know where straight up is.
Correct me if I am wrong but, didn't they take money from SS during Clintons reign as president to make his numbers better? Steal from Peter to pay Paul so to speak.
Actually it was LBJ who first started raiding SS to pay for Vietnam war then Ronald Reagan and George W Bush did also. BTW it was Al Gore that propose the lock box idea that republicans laughed off out of ignorance.
You didn't ask me but I would try to get South Korea and China on board the same policy to persuade NK their path to a better future would be global cooperation in place of obsolete military might. It shouldn't be too hard to show how both China and SK has benefitted from that course of action. My concern with Trump is he doesn't know where straight up is.
Understand. So, continue with dialogue with increased help from China and SKO if current meeting isn’t fruitful? My inclination is to take military action, but not sure about China dynamics. Tough situation that should have been solved more than a decade ago.
What does it say about a person when I have a discussion with a reasonable person here only to get multiple/consecutive posts from someone I have no interest in arguing with? Is that desperation? Why do people think quantity of stupid remarks will enhance their position? Layered cake stupid is still just a big hunk of stupid, only more noticeable with all the frosting and stuff.
You didn't ask me but I would try to get South Korea and China on board the same policy to persuade NK their path to a better future would be global cooperation in place of obsolete military might. It shouldn't be too hard to show how both China and SK has benefitted from that course of action. My concern with Trump is he doesn't know where straight up is.
What is your wealth figure? I suspect Trump has forgot more about negotiations than you will ever know.
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What does it say about a person when I have a discussion with a reasonable person here only to get multiple/consecutive posts from someone I have no interest in arguing with? Is that desperation? Why do people think quantity of stupid remarks will enhance their position? Layered cake stupid is still just a big hunk of stupid, only more noticeable with all the frosting and stuff.
With your agenda and ignorance of the good things going on in this country now, don’t get bent out of shape when people call you out.
What does it say about a person when I have a discussion with a reasonable person here only to get multiple/consecutive posts from someone I have no interest in arguing with? Is that desperation? Why do people think quantity of stupid remarks will enhance their position? Layered cake stupid is still just a big hunk of stupid, only more noticeable with all the frosting and stuff.

Lol. Little man, when you decide to discuss something rationally i might entertain your posts. But until your lack of reasonable points bring merit, I will be here to call you out on your stupidity.
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With your agenda and ignorance of the good things going on in this country now, don’t get bent out of shape when people call you out.

He's just another weak, whiny liberal trying to move the goal posts as far as he can.

Needs a cry closet packed with stuffed toys to help him have comfort.
You didn't ask me but I would try to get South Korea and China on board the same policy to persuade NK their path to a better future would be global cooperation in place of obsolete military might. It shouldn't be too hard to show how both China and SK has benefitted from that course of action. My concern with Trump is he doesn't know where straight up is.

You first have to understand that China likes having North Korea as their saber rattler. They want no part of Korean reunification.

Trumps economic bargaining with China is exactly why this summit is taking place. If China didn’t want it, N Korea wouldn’t be meeting with Trump.