How will they rule ??!

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the US controls around half the world's wealth. the only way we stop paying for everybody else and having huge deficits is when China takes over as the economic super power. we became #1 by throwing our wealth around to buy up all the influence. we have zero moral high ground any more and now giving up our power with money. I won't be upset if we stop trying to control the world with our wealth. but you xenophobes will flip shit when Mandarin is the new world language. Xi has a 50 year plan of economic & geographic domination and no politics to stop him. the US can't even set a 5 day plan.

How much is too much trade deficit? You don’t like Trump, so now you’ve taken the stance that trade deficits are good.

You just now realized China is a threat?

When did we lose our moral high ground?
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Doesn't the Secret Service collect all of the POTUS's bowel movements for that same reason? Or is that an urban legend?
Doesn't the Secret Service collect all of the POTUS's bowel movements for that same reason? Or is that an urban legend?
It was a program started under Obama. The SS would send out fragments of the stools to journalists who would then smell it until it was free of his glorious odor and then add it to their shrines of the President (PBUH). It was discontinued early last year IIRC
xi & Putin just sitting back grinning their asses off. both spent decades trying to break up the western stranglehold on the world economy. now all they have to do is keep Trump infatuated with Kim and watch him tear the western alliance apart. the presidents you ****wits worship as gods built this global economy. a trade deficit is not = to the US being ripped off. we use the products we buy you monkeys!

Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.
First, I don't think your math works at all. Taxing the shit out of the top 1% would not pay for everything on your list. Not even close.

Second, I disagree with the premise that "no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us". There is no set amount that someone should be worth. You should be worth what your intelligence, resourcefulness, creativity, work ethic, willingness to take risk, etc., will allow you to become. Who should decide how wealthy a person can become? Do you believe in liberty? If so, explain how it would be appropriate for a third party to take your money for the purpose of giving it to someone else. We are a people who believe in individual liberty. We are unique in the world because of that belief. That's a heavy price to pay for an experiment that has already been done in other places and failed miserably.
the US controls around half the world's wealth. the only way we stop paying for everybody else and having huge deficits is when China takes over as the economic super power. we became #1 by throwing our wealth around to buy up all the influence. we have zero moral high ground any more and now giving up our power with money. I won't be upset if we stop trying to control the world with our wealth. but you xenophobes will flip shit when Mandarin is the new world language. Xi has a 50 year plan of economic & geographic domination and no politics to stop him. the US can't even set a 5 day plan.

The US again has the world's most powerful supercomputer.

#winning. #MAGA. :americanflag:
How much is too much trade deficit? You don’t like Trump, so now you’ve taken the stance that trade deficits are good.

You just now realized China is a threat?

When did we lose our moral high ground?
there is no such thing as to much trade deficit. the government doesn't pay for that deficit, the private industry does. and they turn around and sell that for 2-3x the cost to make their insane profit. at this point we consume so much useless crap we could never produce it all. The US has a massive trade surplus in services like finance, computing, package delivery, etc. we let the slave countries build all our cheap crap and then sell them our specialized services.
there is no such thing as to much trade deficit. the government doesn't pay for that deficit, the private industry does. and they turn around and sell that for 2-3x the cost to make their insane profit. at this point we consume so much useless crap we could never produce it all. The US has a massive trade surplus in services like finance, computing, package delivery, etc. we let the slave countries build all our cheap crap and then sell them our specialized services.

We pay for it platinum, and by pay for it I don’t mean buying the product.
The American worker, which is the middle class is the loser. That in turn creates the disparity in wealth Dionysus is worried about.

It creates suffering and misery in the places the work left.
The product produced overseas in third world countries is inferior, like you wrote it’s cheap crap, the only people that benefit are the very ones clamoring for free trade and globalization.
The free trade isn’t even free, we’re getting our products taxed the shut out of upon entering a country, and their products get a minimal tariff entering the US. All Trump is trying to do is level the playing field, how in Gods name can any rational working stiff in the US be against that?
I think the way he cuts those 200k jobs is by simply not replacing retirees. The post office should be the first place then the IRS.
That is the way they have been doing it for the last couple of years. As long as they reach their goals no other way will be needed but, if they don't, they will probably use the rift.