How will they rule ??!

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Lmaooo...I remember my first joint.

Wow shocker

Guarantee you Allison grimes was in on this crap. Probably passing on the illegally obtained voter information to Hillary as well.

KY’s current Dem leadership is beyond embarrassing, btw. Yarmouth, Grimes and Beasher lmao.

Would be easy for aspiring politicians to come in and “trump” the Democratic Party. I think that’s what we’re gonna see in 2020. Someone with balls to call out the failed Democratic Party and promise....hope and change lol, or something like that. But the globalist goal will not change. They’ll just put a fresh new face on it.

That’s assuming Hillary doesn’t kill everybody and tries to run again. I think as of now that’s still her plan.
I wonder how she plans on getting rid of us deplorable people.
Let's just say your English degree obviously gives you no insight to the cold, hard math of the situation. Socialism is a failed system, and your living wage scheme will fail too, for lack of people to continue to rob to fund it, and for the dependence it creates which leads to stifled productivity.
It would increase the amount of people who already sit on their asses doing nothing now. For people who are supposed to be intelligent, the left sure come up with some really dumb ideas.
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I am blown away, on almost a daily basis, at the stupidity level of some posters.


They have no argument to what Trump is trying to do. Instead of being grateful that a president is finally standing up for the little guy, they clamor for trade deficits.

They’re singing the praises of what is essentially a Chinese dictator for life.
It’s unbelievable, that so many would aside freedom and liberty simply to oppose a President they don’t like.
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$1,200 a month. Lol
Maybe Dion can live on that, but I damn sure can't.

Let's see how that breaks down as an estimate each month
$1000 rent
$400 month grocery
$100 electric
$40-50 Water
$200-300 Car fuel

lol, I know I am missing things here. $1,200 is laughable
$1650.00 Mortgage
$220.00 electric
$40.00 Water
$20,00 Trash collection
$40.00 internet
$90.00 Dish
$45.00 Dental
$65.00 Tricare (Medical)
$400.00 car/truck fuel
$800.00 food

Nope, $1200.00 just won't do.
$1650.00 Mortgage
$220.00 electric
$40.00 Water
$20,00 Trash collection
$40.00 internet
$90.00 Dish
$45.00 Dental
$65.00 Tricare (Medical)
$400.00 car/truck fuel
$800.00 food

Nope, $1200.00 just won't do.

We just need to confiscate all assets and redistribute equally. Still won't be enough for anyone to live on, but at least it will be equitable misery.
It was a program started under Obama. The SS would send out fragments of the stools to journalists who would then smell it until it was free of his glorious odor and then add it to their shrines of the President (PBUH). It was discontinued early last year IIRC
We just need to confiscate all assets and redistribute equally. Still won't be enough for anyone to live on, but at least it will be equitable misery.
I still did not factor in cell phone and car insurance plus unexpected expenses but hey, let's all try to do it with $1200.00 dollars and let the rich pay for it.
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xi & Putin just sitting back grinning their asses off. both spent decades trying to break up the western stranglehold on the world economy. now all they have to do is keep Trump infatuated with Kim and watch him tear the western alliance apart. the presidents you ****wits worship as gods built this global economy. a trade deficit is not = to the US being ripped off. we use the products we buy you monkeys!

Libs have made this country so fascist. Its sickening. God forbid if the mob doesn't approve of everything anyone does.

If a company provides something I really enjoy, I don’t care about their politics. Netflix has teamed up with Susan Rice and the two Obama dicks...I hate that, but they have a ton of content I like watching so I will keep Netflix.
is there anybody that actually thinks Kim will denuke? Pompeo seems to be setting a very low bar and low expectations in his pressers. NK will say, sure we will de nuke just give us a few billion in food & gas aid while we work on it. if Trump is a fool like past presidents he'll give him a taste of the aid and then Kim will run off laughing. nobody gives up nukes once they have them, only a fool would.
is there anybody that actually thinks Kim will denuke? Pompeo seems to be setting a very low bar and low expectations in his pressers. NK will say, sure we will de nuke just give us a few billion in food & gas aid while we work on it. if Trump is a fool like past presidents he'll give him a taste of the aid and then Kim will run off laughing. nobody gives up nukes once they have them, only a fool would.
What were your thoughts on the Iran deal? Ps, your dad Bill Clinton gave NK billions in energy subsidies...that's how they have nukes. When will libs learn to quit stroking cocks