How will they rule ??!

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No one's trying to make the poor wealthy or make things "fair". If you want to be wealthy you have to work your ass off for it. What we're talking about is a floor, just like we have now, but reducing the complexity of all these benefit programs and hence the size of government needed to manage them. End all current welfare type programs and send everyone a check for $1,200 a month, whether you're a billionaire or a schlub. If you squander it and are homeless that's your problem, personal responsibility like everyone here preaches. If you want to improve your lot in life then go out and work for it. No more people not wanting to work because they'll lose "their check".
I could possibly get on board with something like creating a Floor, but how many would be helped? How many are poor because of bad life decisions and would continue with those decisions? It would be great if those on government assistance did not lose their “check” by supplementing their “check” with a job. Reward them by allowing them to continue to get better jobs until they no longer need Uncle Sam to pay their bills.
Again we make it too easy to become dependent on the govt.

I remember when a few kids in elementary school were getting free lunch and it was humiliating for them and I felt bad for them.
Now a lot of schools give all students free lunch and breakfast just to stop those feelings perpetuating more and more government dependence.
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Dion says I post fake news.

Leftist media were the links. Seriously can't make this shit up. Lol
Nope. Posted those links for a reason. You got suckered..
You edited your post to add links and I responded before you did or I would have shut you down then. The Bloomberg link even has my exact premise in the TITLE. You didn't even need to read the articles. So explain again how all those sites are fake news except these exact links are super credible?
You edited your post to add links and I responded before you did or I would have shut you down then. The Bloomberg link even has my exact premise in the TITLE. You didn't even need to read the articles. So explain again how all those sites are fake news except these exact links are super credible?

I sure did edit it. Only because I was too lazy to add them. derp derp derp

you lose again. Keep trying.
We can agree to disagree, but what removes the desire to work is the threat of losing what you're getting if you do. If a poor person goes out and works hard they should be rewarded, not punished.

They are rewarded, it’s called being self reliant. If you depend on the govt to survive, you aren’t free, you are enslaved. All they have to do is threaten what they give you, and they control your vote.

Your theory looks good on paper, if everyone is on the same page. The desire to better yourself is what drives thought, and innovation. It’s why the US is on the cutting edge of technology, and Communust nations depend on reverse engineering.
I could possibly get on board with something like creating a Floor, but how many would be helped? How many are poor because of bad life decisions and would continue with those decisions? It would be great if those on government assistance did not lose their “check” by supplementing their “check” with a job. Reward them by allowing them to continue to get better jobs until they no longer need Uncle Sam to pay their bills.
Again we make it too easy to become dependent on the govt.

I remember when a few kids in elementary school were getting free lunch and it was humiliating for them and I felt bad for them.
Now a lot of schools give all students free lunch and breakfast just to stop those feelings perpetuating more and more government dependence.
It removes the excuses. If everyone has enough to cover the basics then no one can argue that the system oppressed them, history disadvantaged them, or someone else is to blame for their lot in life. If you buy an iPhone instead of paying your rent then it's your fault you got evicted. No more people crying racism or sexism or any other -ism. We know you had the money cause everyone has the money. If you want more than that go work hard for it.
It removes the excuses. If everyone has enough to cover the basics then no one can argue that the system oppressed them, history disadvantaged them, or someone else is to blame for their lot in life. If you buy an iPhone instead of paying your rent then it's your fault you got evicted. No more people crying racism or sexism or any other -ism. We know you had the money cause everyone has the money. If you want more than that go work hard for it.

shut up
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It removes the excuses. If everyone has enough to cover the basics then no one can argue that the system oppressed them, history disadvantaged them, or someone else is to blame for their lot in life. If you buy an iPhone instead of paying your rent then it's your fault you got evicted. No more people crying racism or sexism or any other -ism. We know you had the money cause everyone has the money. If you want more than that go work hard for it.

You’re a smart dude Dion, and I respect that, but you see things idealistically.

You would think what you described above would happen, all things even and everyone is Square. That isn’t how it’d work though, the same excuses would be used as you described, and you give more liberty away for that carrot.
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You’re a smart dude Dion, and I respect that, but you see things idealistically.

You would think what you described above would happen, all things even and everyone is Square. That isn’t how it’d work though, the same excuses would be used as you described, and you give more liberty away for that carrot.

He's not that smart. Just an arrogant narcissistic with an "English" degree.

He is trying to talk economics with a degree that is equivalent to a vocational rehab certificate to change oil.
Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.

Lmaooo...I remember my first joint.

Wow shocker

Guarantee you Allison grimes was in on this crap. Probably passing on the illegally obtained voter information to Hillary as well.

KY’s current Dem leadership is beyond embarrassing, btw. Yarmouth, Grimes and Beasher lmao.

Would be easy for aspiring politicians to come in and “trump” the Democratic Party. I think that’s what we’re gonna see in 2020. Someone with balls to call out the failed Democratic Party and promise....hope and change lol, or something like that. But the globalist goal will not change. They’ll just put a fresh new face on it.

That’s assuming Hillary doesn’t kill everybody and tries to run again. I think as of now that’s still her plan.
I remember getting high on crack with a room full of crack heads and coming up with a cure to cancer. Damn, was I smartest guy in that room for 2 and half minutes.

Yeah but the dude in the corner with Road House t-shirt wrote everything down and then moved to H-Wood to save Patrick Swayze life. Dude got him hooked on crack and now Swayze is living cancer free on the streets of Pelosi's district. God Bless you Dalton!
You don't get it. Not everyone wants more income. Some want it more than others. Leave people the hell alone & keep government leftists out of our lives.
I agree completely with this sentiment. Ambition is extremely variable among the populace and leads to a vast difference in income which is perfectly acceptable. The problems arise at the extreme margins of both ends. We currently as a society say that people starving and dying is bad, so we set up social programs to help alleviate that. At the same time on the other end 3 Americans have the same net worth as the whole bottom half, 160 million people. I'm in no way advocating Robin Hood taking from the rich and giving to the poor, just taking a small bit from the uber rich that doesn't effect their quality of life in any way other than numbers on a bank spreadsheet and giving to EVERYONE. $1,200 a month won't change the rich's lives in any meaningful way but would really help the middle class and the poor. It's more than almost all will get from these latest tax cuts that many on here think are a good idea.

You’re a smart dude Dion, and I respect that, but you see things idealistically.

You would think what you described above would happen, all things even and everyone is Square. That isn’t how it’d work though, the same excuses would be used as you described, and you give more liberty away for that carrot.
I understand thinking the same excuses would happen under the new system as the old. The thing there is abuses are already occurring, what about this system would make them WORSE than they are now? And as for giving up liberty, the only change would be the uber rich paying more in taxes. Very, very few people fall into that category and I would almost guarantee that no one on this board does, or probably anyone any of us actually even know.
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He's not that smart. Just an arrogant narcissistic with an "English" degree.

He is trying to talk economics with a degree that is equivalent to a vocational rehab certificate to change oil.
Bro, I believe he's the same poster who bugged the crap outta everybody here about 7 years ago. He's some failing attorney from near the Shelbyville area. Z was good buds with him on here back then. He's another one of those GD Dem trolls who appears under a new username every few years.

I wonder what the hell it is about this thread that attracts all these kooks and loons? Good grief!
Yeah but the dude in the corner with Road House t-shirt wrote everything down and then moved to H-Wood to save Patrick Swayze life. Dude got him hooked on crack and now Swayze is living cancer free on the streets of Pelosi's district. God Bless you Dalton!

Bro, I believe he's the same poster who bugged the crap outta everybody here about 7 years ago. He's some failing attorney from near the Shelbyville area. Z was good buds with him on here back then. He's another one of those GD Dem trolls who appears under a new username every few years.

I wonder what the hell it is about this thread that attracts all these kooks and loons? Good grief!

The gay lawyer? Damn. Shoulda known.

Or Teachable Moe
Jesus people. JohnKBA has bottles in his avatar and Dionysus is the Greek God of Wine.

KBA has been on break or a time-out by mods cause of his pathetic behavior and all of a sudden we have never seen so much Dionysus posts. Their contemptuous comments on Christianity and race issues are literally identical. Once when I accused KBA of being Dio he remarked well Dio’s grammar isn’t as good. But John isn’t smart enough to be consistent during those 30 beers and sometimes Dio’s grammar is poor and sometimes it is much different. Also, I occasionally post non political funny things on here, only Dio and KBA ever complained like ‘why is this on the political board?’

When the waxing issue came up in Canada...Dio sure claimed to know a lot about Canadian law. Who else we know from Canada? KBA has always acted very bi polar, sometimes trying to get along and 2/3 other times just being low class to others cause that is who he is...I laughed so hard for a while when Dionysus in like a 40-70 message span only @ one poster and it was always KBA. Cmon...

KBA has completely went unhinged on here on more than one occasion, Dionysus is his other account. I gotta lot of brothers here but it’s ruining pages on here that y’all are getting trolled by a classless POS.

Let’s get back to this place being a fun place or a place we talk about articles and stuff. Quit responding to every troll attempt.
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This explains the joke of Obama's dictatorship

Bro, I believe he's the same poster who bugged the crap outta everybody here about 7 years ago. He's some failing attorney from near the Shelbyville area. Z was good buds with him on here back then. He's another one of those GD Dem trolls who appears under a new username every few years.

I wonder what the hell it is about this thread that attracts all these kooks and loons? Good grief!
You accused me of being another poster the other day too, dunno why you have this stick up your butt. I post on this board under one name, this one, and I always have. I have another account for the HOB which I have never used to post here. No clue why these allegations are thrown at me over and over.

The gay lawyer? Damn. Shoulda known.
This should even prove it. I am not gay and we had a big thing over it awhile back because someone assumed I was when I was standing up for gay rights. You can look at my post history.
Let’s get back to this place being a fun place or a place we talk about articles and stuff. Quit responding to every troll attempt.
This I'll agree with. Last time that Dio toucher posted here around 2011 under a different screen name, I had both him and Z on ignore at the time.

You're right. Screw that socialist swine. However, I wonder about John? At any rate, we may meet up in Lex on July 3. Sort of a diplomatic exchange at one of the breweries.
Jesus people. JohnKBA has bottles in his avatar and Dionysus is the Greek God of Wine.

KBA has been on break or a time-out by mods cause of his pathetic behavior and all of a sudden we have never seen so much Dionysus posts. Their contemptuous comments on Christianity and race issues are literally identical. Once when I accused KBA of being Dio he remarked well Dio’s grammar isn’t as good. But John isn’t smart enough to be consist during those 30 beers and sometimes Dio’s grammar is poor and sometimes it is much different. Also, I occasionally post non political funny things on here, only Dio and KBA ever complained like ‘why is this on the political board?’

When the waxing issue came up in Canada...Dio sure claimed to know a lot about Canadian law. Who else we know from Canada? KBA has always acted very bi polar, sometimes trying to get along and 2/3 other times just being low class to others cause that is who he is...I laughed so hard for a while when Dionysus in like a 40-70 message span only @ one poster and it was always KBA. Cmon...

KBA has completely went unhinged on here on more than one occasion, Dionysus is his other account. I gotta lot of brothers here but it’s ruining pages on here that y’all are getting trolled by a classless POS.

Let’s get back to this place being a fun place or a place we talk about articles and stuff. Quit responding to every troll attempt.
This is nuts, @AustinTXCat ignored me the other day while at the same time saying he respected @JohnKBA and was going to get a beer with him. Everyone has a different theory on who I'm supposed to be and none of them are consistent or plausible.
This is nuts, @AustinTXCat ignored me the other day while at the same time saying he respected @JohnKBA and was going to get a beer with him. Everyone has a different theory on who I'm supposed to be and none of them are consistent or plausible.

Well, you sure as shit didn't pop up like a fresh flower. You're a retread on here. Just a matter of which liberal lunatic you are.

The fact you want to tax the shit out of anyone who acquires any money leads me to believe that you could be anyone of the former or current leftists on here.
This I'll agree with. Last time that Dio toucher posted here around 2011 under a different screen name, I had both him and Z on ignore at the time.

You're right. Screw that socialist swine. However, I wonder about John? At any rate, we may meet up in Lex on July 3. Sort of a diplomatic exchange at one of the breweries.

If that is your friend, cool... a lot of people are different online compared to in person, but I’m sure KBA and Dio are the same, I think KBA has some behavioral issues, maybe from drink (I drank a ton so I’m not judging the drinking just the behavior)...I respect you Austin, I didn’t even list all the reasons I think those posters are the same...doesn’t matter, there is always going to be arguing on a political board, I just wanted to say too many of my friends on here were arguing against troll/lost causes.
Well, you sure as shit didn't pop up like a fresh flower. You're a retread on here. Just a matter of which liberal lunatic you are.
I've been a HOB member since 2007 so I never frequented any of the free boards because I didn't see the point when I was paying for one. Then during the Joker era I started checking the Lair to see what free posters were saying about the situation since the HOB was split hard between the Joker haters and lovers. Found this place and created this account on a whim to occasionally chime in with a different viewpoint. Didn't end up participating much until the latest election blew up the known political world.
The fact you want to tax the shit out of anyone who acquires any money leads me to believe that you could be anyone of the former or current leftists on here.
I want to tax the shit out of the top 1% who have more than all the rest of us combined, not "anyone who acquires any money". Maybe .1%, depends on the math. Big difference. Are you in the top 1%? Is a single person you know?
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I agree completely with this sentiment. Ambition is extremely variable among the populace and leads to a vast difference in income which is perfectly acceptable. The problems arise at the extreme margins of both ends. We currently as a society say that people starving and dying is bad, so we set up social programs to help alleviate that. At the same time on the other end 3 Americans have the same net worth as the whole bottom half, 160 million people. I'm in no way advocating Robin Hood taking from the rich and giving to the poor, just taking a small bit from the uber rich that doesn't effect their quality of life in any way other than numbers on a bank spreadsheet and giving to EVERYONE. $1,200 a month won't change the rich's lives in any meaningful way but would really help the middle class and the poor. It's more than almost all will get from these latest tax cuts that many on here think are a good idea.

I understand thinking the same excuses would happen under the new system as the old. The thing there is abuses are already occurring, what about this system would make them WORSE than they are now? And as for giving up liberty, the only change would be the uber rich paying more in taxes. Very, very few people fall into that category and I would almost guarantee that no one on this board does, or probably anyone any of us actually even know.

How is taking a small bit from Gates, Buffet, and Bezos going to cover 4.69 Trillion a year?
The richest of the 3, Bezos, is only worth approx 140 Billion.

Yearly: 1,200 x 12 = 14,400
Times US Population: 14,400 x 325.7 million = 4,690,080,000,000

I'd bet that I'm worth more than many millions of people. Many aren't worth a GD thing, so that kind of puts it into perspective.
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I've been a HOB member since 2007 so I never frequented any of the free boards because I didn't see the point when I was paying for one. Then during the Joker era I started checking the Lair to see what free posters were saying about the situation since the HOB was split hard between the Joker haters and lovers. Found this place and created this account on a whim to occasionally chime in with a different viewpoint. Didn't end up participating much until the latest election blew up the known political world.

I want to tax the shit out of the top 1% who have more than all the rest of us combined, not "anyone who acquires any money". Maybe .1%, depends on the math. Big difference. Are you in the top 1%? Is a single person you know?

By blew up the political world, you mean Hillary didn't win by spending 1.2 billion dollars, rigging the election, and killing Seth Rich.

And no, I don't know anyone in the top 1%. But taking away their money because some guy on a message board is jealous or wants to give it to poor people is laughable. You are the minority on that. It's criminal.
Where do you think the wealth came from? They simply eliminated the middle class by sending manufacturing jobs out of the country. The ones that stayed had their wages effectively frozen.
Cost to produce product dropped due to less regs and workers making pennies on the dollar. Product cost to buyer didn’t drop by the same amount, wealthy reap the benefits.

That’s global economy in a nutshell. Trump was elected to move the US away from that, and back toward what you described where the middle class grows.
You’re wealth redistribution is a joke, when you give people things it removes the desire to work toward self sustenance.
9 out of every 10 manufacturing jobs lost were lost to mechanization not offshoring.

Tax policy more than anything has created the great divide in wealth distribution. Pre 1980 tax policy was very punitive against extreme incomes. High income earners were more likely to opt for other forms of compensation. Continuing to lower tax rates only exacerbates the problem and will make it worse.

The reasons manufacturers closed here is because it was too expensive to pay US wages. Paying $100 for an item that could be bought for $60 in a free market creates inflation. So while people may be making more in terms of dollars, if prices are inflated then we are no better off and those on fixed incomes become much worse off.

It’s really fascinating having watched and listened to “conservatives” pray at the alter of Reagan for the last 35 years and now are so willing to turn 180 degrees from the ideas that Reagan pushed.
How is taking a small bit from Gates, Buffet, and Bezos going to cover 4.69 Trillion a year?
The richest of the 3, Bezos, is only worth approx 140 Billion.

Yearly: 1,200 x 12 = 14,400
Times US Population: 14,400 x 325.7 million = 4,690,080,000,000

I'd bet that I'm worth more than many millions of people. Many aren't work a GD thing, so that kind of puts it into perspective.
Current government budget is over 4.1 trillion. Accounts vary but social programs account for a significant portion of that which could be entirely nixed, somewhere around 35-40%. The number of government employees could be drastically reduced by doing away with entire departments of bureaucracies. Just those by themselves get you almost halfway there without changing any tax structure. Then you start with roughly 3.2 million in the top 1% and just for fun say averaging a million from them, which would obviously be in a tiered system weighted towards those at the top nets you another 3.2 trillion. So total even being conservative is over 5.2 trillion. More than enough.