How will they rule ??!

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Current government budget is over 4.1 trillion. Accounts vary but social programs account for a significant portion of that which could be entirely nixed, somewhere around 35-40%. The number of government employees could be drastically reduced by doing away with entire departments of bureaucracies. Just those by themselves get you almost halfway there without changing any tax structure. Then you start with roughly 3.2 million in the top 1% and just for fun say averaging a million from them, which would obviously be in a tiered system weighted towards those at the top nets you another 3.2 trillion. So total even being conservative is over 5.2 trillion. More than enough.

You're living in dreamland. This utopia can not exist in reality. You'll have more suffering than now, then your liberal bleeding heart will fall back on the same additional social programs you want to cut.
By blew up the political world, you mean Hillary didn't win by spending 1.2 billion dollars, rigging the election, and killing Seth Rich.

And no, I don't know anyone in the top 1%. But taking away their money because some guy on a message board is jealous or wants to give it to poor people is laughable. You are the minority on that. It's criminal.
@IdaCat pointed out that Jeff Bezos is worth approximately 140 billion. Take a billion and he's still worth 139 BILLION. How does that change his quality of life in any way? It doesn't, they're just numbers on a spreadsheet at that point. But 1,200 a month is enough to keep almost everyone else out of poverty. Don't see anything "criminal" about that.
You're living in dreamland. This utopia can not exist in reality. You'll have more suffering than now, then your liberal bleeding heart will fall back on the same additional social programs you want to cut.
Explain why?
@IdaCat pointed out that Jeff Bezos is worth approximately 140 billion. Take a billion and he's still worth 139 BILLION. How does that change his quality of life in any way? It doesn't, they're just numbers on a spreadsheet at that point. But 1,200 a month is enough to keep almost everyone else out of poverty. Don't see anything "criminal" about that.

Explain why?

Well, for one, what's the min net worth of the 3.2 million you claim are in the top 1%? Not near enough to make a $1 mill hit that you expect from them inconsequential. These people would either leave the country or find ways to shelter their money. These are the people that create jobs. We need them. And that's just for starters.
@IdaCat pointed out that Jeff Bezos is worth approximately 140 billion. Take a billion and he's still worth 139 BILLION. How does that change his quality of life in any way? It doesn't, they're just numbers on a spreadsheet at that point. But 1,200 a month is enough to keep almost everyone else out of poverty. Don't see anything "criminal" about that.
Let's just say your English degree obviously gives you no insight to the cold, hard math of the situation. Socialism is a failed system, and your living wage scheme will fail too, for lack of people to continue to rob to fund it, and for the dependence it creates which leads to stifled productivity.
xi & Putin just sitting back grinning their asses off. both spent decades trying to break up the western stranglehold on the world economy. now all they have to do is keep Trump infatuated with Kim and watch him tear the western alliance apart. the presidents you ****wits worship as gods built this global economy. a trade deficit is not = to the US being ripped off. we use the products we buy you monkeys!
Current government budget is over 4.1 trillion. Accounts vary but social programs account for a significant portion of that which could be entirely nixed, somewhere around 35-40%. The number of government employees could be drastically reduced by doing away with entire departments of bureaucracies. Just those by themselves get you almost halfway there without changing any tax structure. Then you start with roughly 3.2 million in the top 1% and just for fun say averaging a million from them, which would obviously be in a tiered system weighted towards those at the top nets you another 3.2 trillion. So total even being conservative is over 5.2 trillion. More than enough.
What departments and social programs are you going to do away with? Please be specific.

I think the number would be far lower because of people that don't need it and families receiving a sum that would be less than a $1200 per person average. Your biggest problem is that you can't just give people money. They will waste it. Therefore another huge bureaucracy will be needed to run the program. And let's not forget that if the left wins out our borders will be opened up and that adds to the bill.
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9 out of every 10 manufacturing jobs lost were lost to mechanization not offshoring.

Tax policy more than anything has created the great divide in wealth distribution. Pre 1980 tax policy was very punitive against extreme incomes. High income earners were more likely to opt for other forms of compensation. Continuing to lower tax rates only exacerbates the problem and will make it worse.

The reasons manufacturers closed here is because it was too expensive to pay US wages. Paying $100 for an item that could be bought for $60 in a free market creates inflation. So while people may be making more in terms of dollars, if prices are inflated then we are no better off and those on fixed incomes become much worse off.

It’s really fascinating having watched and listened to “conservatives” pray at the alter of Reagan for the last 35 years and now are so willing to turn 180 degrees from the ideas that Reagan pushed.

I don’t know where you got the 9 out of 10 number, but it’s flat wrong. It’s a smokescreen to cover for sending jobs out of the country.

The wealth gap has grown stratospherically since the mid 90’s. What happened in the mid 90’s?

Why do you think the rust belt has been hit so hard? Those jobs left, as well as the jobs that supported them. You simply look as one plant closing as affecting those jobs. It affects entire towns, and businesses in those towns. The tax base shrinks affecting schools and county services. Drug usage goes up because people, crime rates, towns turn to shit.

It’s not rocket science, it’s pretty GD simple if you don’t jump through hoops trying to justify it.
xi & Putin just sitting back grinning their asses off. both spent decades trying to break up the western stranglehold on the world economy. now all they have to do is keep Trump infatuated with Kim and watch him tear the western alliance apart. the presidents you ****wits worship as gods built this global economy. a trade deficit is not = to the US being ripped off. we use the products we buy you monkeys!

You think the western alliance is being ripped apart? Why? Because you saw some pictures, some tweets?
I don’t think quite grasp who runs the western alliance you speak of. Do you think we should just fund everything? Do you think it was fair for the allies to not be paying their share of NATO funding, is that a strong alliance?

You’re ignorant argument is that any amount of trade deficit is good? What number is too high?
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What departments and social programs are you going to do away with? Please be specific.
This has so far all just been message board banter in response to someone saying we needed a plan, not just more complaining. I agree, so I'm going to take some time and try to put together a more detailed and precise proposal.

Your biggest problem is that you can't just give people money. They will waste it. Therefore another huge bureaucracy will be needed to run the program.
This is the entire point of doing it. If they waste it that's their problem, not society's. No bureaucracy needed or really government involvement at all. In a country where everyone is provided a basic standard of living then no one has an excuse for being unstable. It removes all external barriers to success. Any remaining internal ones are the individual's to deal with, and if they don't then they stay at the bottom where they were, but at least they aren't starving or homeless.
Anyone know the exact time of the Kim/trump meet? I read 9am Tuesday but is that tomorrow in the mst zone or est? I haven’t seen the news in over a year so I wanna make sure I’m somewhere with a tv to see some of this coverage.
Major shift of Int'l power/influence this past week ....

(Rome's new / emerging role with the G-# (G Men?) Nations to double down on the idea of open borders (etc) as a human right and the like

Hungary and Poland showing more leadership in Europe than any of the Western-NATO type estates
This is the entire point of doing it. If they waste it that's their problem, not society's. No bureaucracy needed or really government involvement at all. In a country where everyone is provided a basic standard of living then no one has an excuse for being unstable. It removes all external barriers to success. Any remaining internal ones are the individual's to deal with, and if they don't then they stay at the bottom where they were, but at least they aren't starving or homeless.

How long do you think it will be until the bleeding hearts want to add programs and money? The answer is not long.

Now if you come up with something that involves using a card with security procedures that can only be used for housing, food and entertainment then you might be on to something. But that will never happen because of the left.
You think the western alliance is being ripped apart? Why? Because you saw some pictures, some tweets?
I don’t think quite grasp who runs the western alliance you speak of. Do you think we should just fund everything? Do you think it was fair for the allies to not be paying their share of NATO funding, is that a strong alliance?

You’re ignorant argument is that any amount of trade deficit is good? What number is too high?
the US controls around half the world's wealth. the only way we stop paying for everybody else and having huge deficits is when China takes over as the economic super power. we became #1 by throwing our wealth around to buy up all the influence. we have zero moral high ground any more and now giving up our power with money. I won't be upset if we stop trying to control the world with our wealth. but you xenophobes will flip shit when Mandarin is the new world language. Xi has a 50 year plan of economic & geographic domination and no politics to stop him. the US can't even set a 5 day plan.
Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.
Lol, have you ever taken economics 101? What is basic universal if i dont want to do anything I can just get paid and buy things? How does this not stop innovation? What makes the govt an expert? Considering govt jobs/programs are funded from other ppls money, they have no reason to be efficient,effective, or can just steal money again. Do you know what inflation is?

As far as education, schools would stop raising the tuition if they knew not everyone would get loans. What you do is set aside funds for the poor that qualify to get in schools, then do away with loans. Wait before your face value feelings jump in. If many loans u think schools cld keep their enrollments? No, they couldnt. So not only could rich go to school, bc schools cldnt stay open. Guess what that means..they compete by lowering tuitions making it more affordable.
It's called basic thinking.

Also, do you know capitalism has brought endless millions out of poverty. Do you have to grow your own food? Make your own clothes? Hunt everyday to survive? No. The goal posts have moved on what poor is.

How many times does socialism have to fail. Liberals are envious of ppl that make money...what is it to me if someone has something I dont...that has nothing to do with me. Instead of pulling everyone down, which is what socialism does and puts ceilings on should get govt out of the way and give everyone the opportunity to grow. Socialists want everyone to live in a hut... capitalist give you the opportunity to live in a mansion. But if you live in the hot, that's not the mansions fault...its your jealousy. And corporations...considering the greedy govt steals from them twice...once from corporate tax, 2nd from stealing from their employees checks..I'd say they are still pretty generous, growing, contributing, and innovating
Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.
Here you go baby

Dont know if this has already been posted. Im all for letting people be themselves as long as you dont disturb me or others. But Im sorry this is just sad and pretty disgusting by Netflix.

What happened to letting kids be kids and allow them to have some innocence. Why the hell do people feel they have to indoctrinate kids with this crap. I guess they want more of this

@IdaCat pointed out that Jeff Bezos is worth approximately 140 billion. Take a billion and he's still worth 139 BILLION. How does that change his quality of life in any way? It doesn't, they're just numbers on a spreadsheet at that point. But 1,200 a month is enough to keep almost everyone else out of poverty. Don't see anything "criminal" about that.


Who raised you?
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I asked Dion to give some ideas, and he has, thank you. Would you require any work to go along with the $1200?
Why not take $100 billion from Bezos? He would not miss it.

IMO, lack of pride hurts a lot of people. No problems having an iPhone while on government assistance is absurd.
Dont know if this has already been posted. Im all for letting people be themselves as long as you dont disturb me or others. But Im sorry this is just sad and pretty disgusting by Netflix.

What happened to letting kids be kids and allow them to have some innocence. Why the hell do people feel they have to indoctrinate kids with this crap. I guess they want more of this

This is some sort of criminal act. Not up for debate. That’s so sick and twisted.
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xi & Putin just sitting back grinning their asses off. both spent decades trying to break up the western stranglehold on the world economy. now all they have to do is keep Trump infatuated with Kim and watch him tear the western alliance apart. the presidents you ****wits worship as gods built this global economy. a trade deficit is not = to the US being ripped off. we use the products we buy you monkeys!
Yep, they have won and 40ish percent of our country is complicit.
Anyone know the exact time of the Kim/trump meet? I read 9am Tuesday but is that tomorrow in the mst zone or est? I haven’t seen the news in over a year so I wanna make sure I’m somewhere with a tv to see some of this coverage.
9pm tonight our time.
I agree completely with this sentiment. Ambition is extremely variable among the populace and leads to a vast difference in income which is perfectly acceptable. The problems arise at the extreme margins of both ends. We currently as a society say that people starving and dying is bad, so we set up social programs to help alleviate that. At the same time on the other end 3 Americans have the same net worth as the whole bottom half, 160 million people. I'm in no way advocating Robin Hood taking from the rich and giving to the poor, just taking a small bit from the uber rich that doesn't effect their quality of life in any way other than numbers on a bank spreadsheet and giving to EVERYONE. $1,200 a month won't change the rich's lives in any meaningful way but would really help the middle class and the poor. It's more than almost all will get from these latest tax cuts that many on here think are a good idea.
You can't keep your story straight. You talk about helping people at the extreme low income margins - which we already do to a significant degree - & then talking about giving everyone $1200 a month. Where is that $1200/mo coming from ($450 B per year total from 330M people), Bernie?
You can't keep your story straight. You talk about helping people at the extreme low income margins - which we already do to a significant degree - & then talking about giving everyone $1200 a month. Where is that $1200/mo coming from ($450 B per year total from 330M people), Bernie?
Good point, how many of the 330 million actually pay taxes?
$1,200 a month. Lol
Maybe Dion can live on that, but I damn sure can't.

Let's see how that breaks down as an estimate each month
$1000 rent
$400 month grocery
$100 electric
$40-50 Water
$200-300 Car fuel

lol, I know I am missing things here. $1,200 is laughable