How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Hey, Levi, you dipshit, if I rob a bank and get sentenced to prison, do my kids get to go with me?


Levi is an effing retard. He will eat up whatever shit Democrats and their media feeds him. Because Democrats need poor third world people for votes and to grow the welfare state. “The educated party” needs idiotic kids and third world poverty to get power.
Levi is an effing retard. He will eat up whatever shit Democrats and their media feeds him. Because Democrats need poor third world people for votes and to grow the welfare state. “The educated party” needs idiotic kids and third world poverty to get power.

I just wished we had intelligent liberals posters here to discuss. Not psychotic far left stupid antifa ideology
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Ka-BOOM! [laughing]


That guy did not rape a girl. I think he fingered a drunk girl. Not that I don’t think that’s effed up and immoral but he’s not a rapist.

But I do like Levi being the typical Dem and angry at whites but is nowhere to be found regarding rape gangs by Muslims or that blacks commit an absurd amount of interracial rape. Hey shit face, want to compare the interracial rape stats? Bet you don’t.
Lol, Bill Clinton pardoned his brother Roger as Arkansas governor. Wait for it.

For cocaine.

Son. You are so below me. I got you beat in every step of life. You are a miserable, unintelligent buffoon. As Austin says.

do you judge everything Trump does off the low standard of the Clintons? Such a loser. His brother had already served his time before being pardoned. He didn't pardon him as governor, he is the one that had him arrested as governor. He spearheaded the anti-drug ops that caught him up in a sting. He pardoned him 26 years later as President.

what an unintelligent rat
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I don't see the problem. California is being smart and aggressively fighting against their very bad long term water problem. In a few years the midwest aquifers will be empty and they will be begging Cali for water they saved. Africa and the middle east ignored their waters warnings and now thousands die daily from it.

They could desalinate water from the ocean, but that uses a lot of electricity. Unfortunately green power doesn’t go well with large direct serve services.
do you judge everything Trump does off the low standard of the Clintons? Such a loser. His brother had already served his time before being pardoned. He didn't pardon him as governor, he is the one that had him arrested as governor. He spearheaded the anti-drug ops that caught him up in a sting. He pardoned him 26 years later as President.

what an unintelligent rat

lol, Wrong wrong wrong. I'm going to spearhead an anti-drug op against my brother to get him caught and then pardon him 26 years later. LOL

. Son, I got you beat. BEAT. YOU are the dog turds caked up in the crevices of the sole of my shoe. YOU are beneath me and I will make sure that when you post your lies that you will be called out for your stupidity
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I don't see the problem. California is being smart and aggressively fighting against their very bad long term water problem. In a few years the midwest aquifers will be empty and they will be begging Cali for water they saved. Africa and the middle east ignored their waters warnings and now thousands die daily from it.
So telling businesses to spy on ppl is okay? What about those that just cant help know what if you have a family of 5? What if you also have livestock to feed? Unbelievable you're okay with the govt telling you how to live. Besides like all liberal policies...its just another way for bankrupt Dem states to steal money from their citizens. What do u think that 1000 dollars goes to...Pssst... it's not to feelings and lollipops, it's to dems pocket books.

You have to be a parody account to be this dense
Did you even read the story, or just the headline?

A businesswoman who works for her father, a businessman, was doing business in Russia. That's the extent of the story. It wasn't illegal business nor did it have anything to do with colluding to steal the election.

Hey, Russiaphobes, speaking to and doing business with Russians isn't a crime. The 1980s called and they want their Red Scare back.

From your link --

There is no evidence that Ivanka Trump’s contact with the athlete — the former Olympic weightlifter Dmitry Klokov — was illegal or that it had anything to do with the election.
Doesn't matter.. if the response to being offered that is anything other than immediately reporting it to the FBI, you messed up.
Pretty sure a certain mod will come in and protect the liberal darlings and then approve of liberal protests against private businesses.

Awful. Free speech for me, but not for thee

All doom and gloom for the liberal bias but then they go and do this for you. Literal tears of inclusiveness joy of vegan identity ensures 3 votes over your dead body willed to the leftist dem state of google's choice. June 6 = D Day for vegan emoji oppression. Stormy the beaches of twitter with a "i'd toss her salad" emoji of pure degeneracy. Murica

All doom and gloom for the liberal bias but then they go and do this for you. Literal tears of inclusiveness joy of vegan identity ensures 3 votes over your dead body willed to the leftist dem state of google's choice. June 6 = D Day for vegan emoji oppression. Stormy the beaches of twitter with a "i'd toss her salad" emoji of pure degeneracy. Murica

Doesn't matter.. if the response to being offered that is anything other than immediately reporting it to the FBI, you messed up.
Offered what? Trump was tyring to build a Trump Tower in Russia. That's his business. It's also old news. No one has to report their every conversation with a Russian to the FBI. You're trippin'.
You are seriously one ignorant person. If Obama had done this you'd be the first person celebrating it in this thread.
I'm not necessarily against letter her out, not for it either. She was pushing cocaine so i don't feel bad for her even if life sentence is probably overly severe punishment. Trump has been advocating for maximum punishment for druggies so letting them off easy doesn't fit his shtick. I never celebrated any of Obama's pardons. I understood why he did some of them, to combat overly harsh sentencing. But the real issue is the courts & laws need to be overhauled to fix our screwed up system.
i wouldn't be surprised, the leadership is a bunch of ancient windbags like the GOP.

Jesus effing Christ, I almost need to check my vitals cause I actually agree with you! yes most of the GOP are a bunch of ancient windbags. something most of us conservatives here have agreed upon throughout these discussions. the DNC are led by coastal lunatics.

and yea, polls mean nothing. didn't you see the last election.