How will they rule ??!

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College players don’t stand for the anthem. Bama wasn’t uninvited.

This anthem thing is the biggest fake controversy since deflate gate.

Bama isn't on the field during anthem. Didn't Scarbrough get put on the bench for screaming F Trump during the title game?

The Eagles weren't coming to the Whitehouse, Trump simply beat them to the punch. Thats why the media is losing their mind about it, he stole the teams thunder.
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Bama isn't on the field during anthem. Didn't Scarbrough get put on the bench for screaming F Trump during the title game?

The Eagles weren't coming to the Whitehouse, Trump simply beat them to the punch. Thats why the media is losing their mind about it, he stole the teams thunder.

No. He said **** Georgia and didn’t get benched.

Glad stealing the thunder of a sports team is so important to him. Most fragile ego in the world.
How are they out of control? So who should get their excess? Do you feel the same way for Apple execs, Hedge funds, etc? If you are able to generate the revenue, you reap the rewards.

The excess could go to cutting ticket prices as most of these billionaire owners and millionaire players are using Municipal property.

63 of top 100 athletic salaries are from the US. I thought other nations spent more.

Al Horford makes 28 million dollars. Al Horford.

I would stop government support of this first and foremost. Why am I taxed so a billionaire can own a football team. Let him pay.
Fox News has joined the fake news team, well they have really always been fake news. Spent all day yesterday blasting pictures of Philly players kneeling last year. To bad it turns out ZERO players knelt in protest last year and all those pictures were players praying. Trying to make CNN look good by attacking christian players.

Yep. They’re super easy to spot.

1) Blacks commit more interracial violence than anyone, a staggering rate considering how small of the population they are.

2) Whites generally try to avoid conflict.

3) Whites try to stay away from blacks, which is why the suburbs exist.

Blacks (in general) are obsessed with being aggrieved, claiming oppression and hating whites. Whites would really like to go on with their lives so any time you hear a black person claiming to be called the N word or some racial hoax, 99.9 percent of the time it’s bullshit.

Also you could easily fit all of the white suprematists in the country inside a McDonalds. Lol. These people are the “boogeyman” to the left and apparently around every corner yet don’t do anything violent like other prevalent groups such as Muslims, gangs of minorities but yeah, “white supremacy” is the issue.
2) Whites generally try to avoid conflict.

3) Whites try to stay away from blacks, which is why the suburbs exists.

Blacks (in general) are obsessed with being aggrieved, claiming oppression and hating whites. Whites would really like to go on with their lives so any time you hear a black person claiming to be called the N word or some racial hoax, 99.9 percent of the time it’s bullshit.These people are the “boogeyman” to the left and apparently around every corner yet don’t do anything violent like other prevalent groups such as Muslims, gangs of minorities but yeah, “white supremacy” is the issue.
These are completely racist and inaccurate sentiments. The one that rings with most truth is the "Whites would really like to go on with their lives" which translates simply as, "Whites have all the stuff, so we'd really like to keep it." Number 3 is like pure racism defined. Most white people don't think those thoughts. Just you and your racist ilk.
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Yep. They’re super easy to spot.

1) Blacks commit more interracial violence than anyone, a staggering rate considering how small of the population they are.

2) Whites generally try to avoid conflict.

3) Whites try to stay away from blacks, which is why the suburbs exist.

Blacks (in general) are obsessed with being aggrieved, claiming oppression and hating whites. Whites would really like to go on with their lives so any time you hear a black person claiming to be called the N word or some racial hoax, 99.9 percent of the time it’s bullshit.

Also you could easily fit all of the white suprematists in the country inside a McDonalds. Lol. These people are the “boogeyman” to the left and apparently around every corner yet don’t do anything violent like other prevalent groups such as Muslims, gangs of minorities but yeah, “white supremacy” is the issue.

If I was an opposing coach these are the kind of threads I would show black athletes to dissuade them from signing with UK.