How will they rule ??!

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So now it's become clear that not a single Eagles player knelt during the Anthem last year, and Trump canceled the trip simply because not that many players planned on attending - we know he hates small crowds. He even had his propaganda machine Fox News run a story that showed Eagles players kneeling to promote the idea that it happened. In fact, the footage was of Eagles players kneeling in prayer, not in any sort of protest.

Look, Trump has been great for the economy, great on immigration, above average on international policy, but if you think he doesn't intentionally try to turn people against each other with false narratives and bombastic bullshit, you're not paying attention. And yes, I'm aware that the standard rebuttal to this is that Obama also did it - but that doesn't make it right.

I am probably in the minority here but here goes. The US way over emphasizes athletics. Way too much money is spent and way too much time wasted on this. Anything that decreases this interest is fine by me. These guys are paid millions to play a "KIDS GAME". Being escorted around the White House is too much.

There are far more important people that have never been recognized. Screw the athletes. I am tired of the faux warrior culture.
I am probably in the minority here but here goes. The US way over emphasizes athletics. Way too much money is spent and way too much time wasted on this. Anything that decreases this interest is fine by me. These guys are paid millions to play a "KIDS GAME". Being escorted around the White House is too much.

There are far more important people that have never been recognized. Screw the athletes. I am tired of the faux warrior culture.

Football (soccer) around the world is life and death. Salaries and transfer fees dwarf our sports. Passion for their teams is really crazy and makes our fandom look sane.
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I am probably in the minority here but here goes. The US way over emphasizes athletics. Way too much money is spent and way too much time wasted on this. Anything that decreases this interest is fine by me. These guys are paid millions to play a "KIDS GAME". Being escorted around the White House is too much.

There are far more important people that have never been recognized. Screw the athletes. I am tired of the faux warrior culture.

Ben Shapiro agrees with you. He thinks anyone at the WH for a photo op is a waste of time that could be better spent.
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You have a right to be a disrespectful piece of shit in this country (on your own time). And I have a right to be disgusted by your behavior.
He started that way, then mellowed out somewhat and now, Trump triggered his contained/disguised liberalism and now he is letting it fly. Trump has done well, he is uncovering the dirt and has the left playing his game. Well done Donald.
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Of course you would take the side of someone who wears "cops are pigs" socks over people who believe that during our national anthem is not the time to protest. The anthem is supposed to be at least one small thing that all Americans can join together in. We have enough issues that divide us. And you wonder why conservatives think liberals hate the country.
So when is the appropriate time to protest? During commercial break? Hell they didn't even come out for it until the military started paying the NFL. How fake is the patriotism if you have to pay them to show up for the National Anthem? An anthem written while blacks were still considered property and sold like cattle on the open market.

Trump is such a patriot he weaseled his way out of even serving by lying about his "bone spurs", which sure didn't stop him from playing athletics in college. He wears patriotism like a cheap rental suit.
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So when is the appropriate time to protest? During commercial break? Hell they didn't even come out for it until the military started paying the NFL. How fake is the patriotism if you have to pay them to show up for the National Anthem? An anthem written while blacks were still considered property and sold like cattle on the open market.

Trump is such a patriot he weaseled his way out of even serving by lying about his "bone spurs", which sure didn't stop him from playing athletics in college. He wears patriotism like a cheap rental suit.
These are the guys that think a billionaire living in a literal ivory tower with his name in gold speaks for the common people. You aren't breaking through with reason.
Always about race with you guys. If Tom Brady had worn socks depicting cops as pigs he would never be able to do an interview without that being brought up. Kaepernick was given a pass by 90 plus percent of the press cause they are liberal and he is black. Hell they gave him awards. And it wasn’t just those socks, he was wearing shirts with Fidel Castro on them...liberal idiot talking about oppression wearing a Castro shirt. And those whites who loathe Kaepernick which the liberal types here try to depict as nothing but dumb, unwashed racists...most aren’t racist, they just saw a dumb attention whore and they didn’t like him.

Even before Kaepernick, we had black players running out doing that ‘hands up don’t shoot’ crap despite the fact the evidence would quickly show Micheal Brown wasn’t some innocent gunned down by a racist cop, he deserved the bullet cause he attacked a cop. No nuance to liberals on race...regardless of facts...miniorities victims, white man bad.
Oh conservatives love to play the race card too, you just did as a a matter of fact.

Sorry that black people and liberals don't give cops a free pass to kill whoever looks threatening to them. Cops are out of control in this country and should be held accountable, but they are not. They can literally shoot anyone and get away with it. They have been caught planting drugs/evidence, making up resisting arrest charges, trying to work together to make up a story, lying, murder, drug dealing, and a multitude of other things that should plant a bit of suspicion in a person's mind. Nope not conservatives, cops can do no wrong. But if one black guy does something wrong, it indicts the whole race in their mind.
Oh conservatives love to play the race card too, you just did as a a matter of fact.

Sorry that black people and liberals don't give cops a free pass to kill whoever looks threatening to them. Cops are out of control in this country and should be held accountable, but they are not. They can literally shoot anyone and get away with it. They have been caught planting drugs/evidence, making up resisting arrest charges, trying to work together to make up a story, lying, murder, drug dealing, and a multitude of other things that should plant a bit of suspicion in a person's mind. Nope not conservatives, cops can do no wrong. But if one black guy does something wrong, it indicts the whole race in their mind.
Also this is the crowd that will judge every Muslim for the actions of a few, but won't do the same to cops.
So when is the appropriate time to protest? During commercial break? Hell they didn't even come out for it until the military started paying the NFL. How fake is the patriotism if you have to pay them to show up for the National Anthem? An anthem written while blacks were still considered property and sold like cattle on the open market.

Trump is such a patriot he weaseled his way out of even serving by lying about his "bone spurs", which sure didn't stop him from playing athletics in college. He wears patriotism like a cheap rental suit.
Trump didn’t start the fire.

How about protesting on their own time?
These are the guys that think a billionaire living in a literal ivory tower with his name in gold speaks for the common people. You aren't breaking through with reason.

I think the common people thought Trump spoke for them, you dunce. That's why he won the electoral vote thanks to common America and lost the popular vote thanks to the radical liberal cities.
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I'm want a new civil war with liberals so bad that I can almost taste their blood
Internet tough guy

Conservatives like you really are un-American POS-birds. All you've proven is that the terrorists won. I guess you quietly cheer when ISIS or Al-Queda blows up Americans, so long as they're liberals? Thanks for showing your true colors though, you and lol 'warrior-cat'
I think the common people thought Trump spoke for them, you dunce. That's why he won the electoral vote thanks to common America and lost the popular vote thanks to the radical liberal cities.
lol, 'radical' liberal cities. The liberal cities don't have militias that train to take on the government one day. But those radical rural areas do. Wanting equality for all people = radical. Training to kill soldiers, police in coming government takeover = patriot.
Internet tough guy

Conservatives like you really are un-American POS-birds. All you've proven is that the terrorists won. I guess you quietly cheer when ISIS or Al-Queda blows up Americans, so long as they're liberals? Thanks for showing your true colors though, you and lol 'warrior-cat'

Luckily, Fuzz posted a stat yesterday that shows Islamic terrorism has all but stopped in the US since Trump was elected.
Think about the liberals who DO have guns. They have one 9mm that has probably never been cleaned. They have one clip that holds around 10 shots and they have the other 10 bullets in a drawer somewhere.

Now think about the conservatives who DO have guns, well, hahahaha. This won't take long.
LOL, a Mini 14, an AR15, a Westernfield .30-30, a 1911 style .45, a Glock .40, a Taurus 9mm, a Rossi .38, two .22 pistols (Wife and Daughter's) 1 vintage WWII Japanese infantry Rifle, 2 Japanese swords from WWII, 2 Karate Bo's, a machete I received in Jungle Training in 1981 and still looking for more. Oh and yeah, over a thousand rounds of ammo.
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lol, 'radical' liberal cities. The liberal cities don't have militias that train to take on the government one day. But those radical rural areas do. Wanting equality for all people = radical. Training to kill soldiers, police in coming government takeover = patriot.

You are an unhinged lunatic.

Do you really think that's common?
He started that way, then mellowed out somewhat and now, Trump triggered his contained/disguised liberalism and now he is letting it fly. Trump has done well, he is uncovering the dirt and has the left playing his game. Well done Donald.

Agreed, he has done a great job. Is he a dick? Yeah. But a successful dick. Like I said yesterday, a good economy doesn't discriminate. We are all making more money. Good times.
What's the point of participating in a political thread if you're going to put the posters you disagree with on ignore? Echo chambers are for weak arguments and the weak-minded.
If you actually posted factual news instead of fake and negative BS at every turn, people would probably engage you more.
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Luckily, Fuzz posted a stat yesterday that shows Islamic terrorism has all but stopped in the US since Trump was elected.
except for the van attack in NYC. In reality, there have been very few attacks since 9/11. Not just since Trump.

But now they're just replaced with domestic terrorists with semi-automatic weapons.
Trump has started trade wars with Canada, Mexico, China, Germany, the EU, nearly all our friends.

There was recently a royal wedding in the land of our once greatest ally that an AMERICAN was part of and Trump wasn’t even invited.

Trumps tax cuts is more of the same Reaganomics that ballooned our debt in the 80’s, the very same credit card finance that has made our debt rise in percentage of GDP over 100% and about a trillion dollars in each of his first two years.

Trump has steadfastly rescinded any rule that protects America’s resources or the quality of the air we breathe and the water we use. He has reversed course and is sailing America backwards along with Syria, Nicaragua, and against 99% of scientists and what they are united in doing about pollution of all sources. We no longer lead or follow we just flail.

Thousands of webpages with climate change information have been removed or buried at agencies including the EPA, the Interior and Energy departments and elsewhere across the government under Trump.

Trump pushed false claims about Hillary Clinton and fired the head of the FBI when he didn’t conspire with Trump to falsely prosecute Clinton for crimes that did not happen.

To date Mexico has laughed at Trump for thinking he was going to make them pay for his promise of building a wall.

Trump pulled out of the Iran agreement only to see the EU remain steadfastly with Iran and increase its commerce with Iran, a lose-lose outcome for the US in resolving diplomatic issues with Iran.
Yet our economy vaulted back in front just recently. Yes?
Who gives a rats ass if Trump is classy? That's not even on the list of 1 million things I care about in a President. If he gets the job done (as Trump has) he can be a class A asshole for all I care.

We were told for 8 years just how wonderful and classy Obama was and he was a joke of a President. If he even was classy its all he had.
I want a president who will get down in the dirt with me and fight for our country. We have one.
Probably a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a % of the population actually thinks that way. Not the least bit common.

As I've said before, Trump is the absolute best we could hope for out of a Democrat POTUS. Just so happens the Democrat Party has moved so far left, no one with an ounce of sense can succeed in their party anymore.

They had to steal the election from a Socialist to put up their warmongering radical globalist queen.

The radicals on the left, which just happen to be all main stream Democrat candidates, worry me far more than any hilljack with a few guns.

Another thing I've said time and time again, idiots with votes have done far more damage to this country than idiots with guns could ever do.
Where? Are they killing in the name of Christianity, screaming praise be to Jesus as the slaughter?
They are not. I defy anyone on this board, in this nation or on this earth to identify one person who committed an act of terrorism when acting in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ....On the other hand, muslims acting according to the teachings of muhammed commit murder and other atrocities daily.
Internet tough guy

Conservatives like you really are un-American POS-birds. All you've proven is that the terrorists won. I guess you quietly cheer when ISIS or Al-Queda blows up Americans, so long as they're liberals? Thanks for showing your true colors though, you and lol 'warrior-cat'
Your version of America is not America. You want a socialist/communist style of government. Which by the way shows how ignorant or uneducated you really are. In one post you state how you hate the police but, in others your support for politicians that want a socialistic/communistic style of government would put us in a police state. Truly lacking in a logical thought process.

If terrorist had won, we would be praising Allah right now. Instead, we are taking our country back. Thanks to Trump. Get up on the train and ride it.
Willy is a vegan, don’t say it tastes like chicken...say it tastes like a baked chili garlic tofu noodle bowl or avocado chickpea salad and Willy will be ready for War!!

(I had to look up vegan meals to have any idea what they eat)
Gonna whip up a mess of Poke Salad to go with it.