How will they rule ??!

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Horrible translation and why so many poor and blue collar voters have rejected your party.
Whites make up 61.3% of the US population and 76% of it's millionaires. African-Americans are 12.7% of the population and only 8% of the millionaires. Hispanic/Latinos have it even worse at 17.8% of the population and only 7% of the millionaires. These differences are due to historical advantages for some in our society and disadvantages for others. Just because there are poor white people and rich brown people doesn't mean everyone has equal opportunity.
Whites make up 61.3% of the US population and 76% of it's millionaires. African-Americans are 12.7% of the population and only 8% of the millionaires. Hispanic/Latinos have it even worse at 17.8% of the population and only 7% of the millionaires. These differences are due to historical advantages for some in our society and disadvantages for others. Just because there are poor white people and rich brown people doesn't mean everyone has equal opportunity.

God you are amongst the dumbest of the dumb. How many millionaire black and brown people would you see if you got your way and we lived under a socialist/communist govt?

At least under our capitalist free market govt their is the opportunity. This doesn't fit your victim narrative though.
If I was an opposing coach these are the kind of threads I would show black athletes to dissuade them from signing with UK.

And I’d show every white person the typical daily white bashing that Democrats do. You think I care more about a game than regard for truth?

Blacks commit more interracial violence
Blacks commit an insane amount of race hoaxes.
A huge percentage of blacks hate whites and are desperate to be aggrieved, which is why Democrats manipulate them easily and shame those who don’t fall under their spell.

All of the above are facts. Take your self loathing and pandering shit and GFY, moron.
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God you are amongst the dumbest of the dumb. How many millionaire black and brown people would you see if you got your way and we lived under a socialist/communist govt?

At least under our capitalist free market govt their is the opportunity. This doesn't fit your victim narrative though.
The disparity in the top 1% is even more egregious. Someone explain it to me then if I have such an incorrect narrative.
Russian bots? You are a loon.

Levi is proof of how retarded most Democrats are and the shit they slurp up due to the bubble they surround themselves in during every facet of their lives.

Levi is the most clueless person on here but like most idiots, he doesn’t know he’s an idiot.

This is a guy who thinks you should ignore reality and sacrifice values because some 18 year old can put a ball through a hoop.
The disparity in the top 1% is even more egregious. Someone explain it to me then if I have such an incorrect narrative.

Your argument only got dumber. ONly comparing the top 1% now? You wouldn't answer my question so you just narrowed the argument to top 1. Again, how many black and brown millionaires has any communist country produced? For that matter, how many black or brown millionaires have been produced by every other country not named the U.S.?

Under your thinking we should in fact integrate the NFL and the NBA and split the leagues up into 25% white, black, Asian, and Latino. So then every race could be given the million dollar contracts regardless of skill set? That would only be fair correct?
Whites make up 61.3% of the US population and 76% of it's millionaires. African-Americans are 12.7% of the population and only 8% of the millionaires. Hispanic/Latinos have it even worse at 17.8% of the population and only 7% of the millionaires. These differences are due to historical advantages for some in our society and disadvantages for others. Just because there are poor white people and rich brown people doesn't mean everyone has equal opportunity.

Yea, I hear it all the time as a therapist. It's always someone else's fault. Anger that one guy has a nice house, clothes, car....never the fact he works his arse off to have the stuff.
Grew with black and white friends. Went to the same public schools. Had opportunities to take same classes, play the same sports, etc... Some were more successful than others. Most common theme for
those that were successful? Parents that were involved. Specifically, both mother and father were closely involved in the lives of their kids. That has nothing to do with being black or white. The blacks that were successful are not the reason for the failures of some of the whites, etc....
There are undeniable issues that are major differences when comparing races. Those issues, the constant active presence of and the role of the father for example, are matters of choice.
In 2018 USA, the vast majority of the time it's individual choice that stands between being a self-sufficient adult vs the opposite.
Your argument only got dumber. ONly comparing the top 1% now? You wouldn't answer my question so you just narrowed the argument to top 1. Again, how many black and brown millionaires has any communist country produced?
Nowhere did I say any of that. Not once did anyone mention communism or socialism except you.
Under your thinking we should in fact integrate the NFL and the NBA and split the leagues up into 25% white, black, Asian, and Latino. So then every race could be given the million dollar contracts regardless of skill set? That would only be fair correct?
This is absurd. I pointed out the disparities between the PERCENTAGE OF THE POPULATION AT LARGE and the PERCENTAGE OF MILLIONAIRES AND MEMBERS OF THE TOP 1%. If being non-white wasn't a disadvantage you would see percentages of both millionaires and top 1% roughly equal to their distribution among the populace at large. Not 25% of everything like your insane hypothetical. Asians are 4.8% of the population, why would they be 25% of anything? Are you really that stupid?
The disparity in the top 1% is even more egregious. Someone explain it to me then if I have such an incorrect narrative.
You seem to be implying these stats are the reasons for some people failing to be prosperous in our society. I have no problem with these numbers as the DO IMPACT INDIVIDUALS. There is no reason , outside act of nature that a kid born in the USA today cannot become a self-sufficient adult. Success has nothing to do with being wealthy. Success is being able to put food on the table and pay your bills with money you worked for. It's sending your kids to school, teaching them to be respectful, cooperative and hard working. I know lots of successful people that raise families on less than $30 k per year. Color is not an issue when it comes to being successful.
You seem to be implying these stats are the reasons for some people failing to be prosperous in our society.
I am not implying the points you're assuming. I'm stating the fact that whites have a much larger piece of the American pie than non-whites. What might the reasons for that be?
I know lots of successful people that raise families on less than $30 k per year. Color is not an issue when it comes to being successful.
But color IS an issue when it comes to how much money a person makes, not your personal definition of successful. If it weren't you would see millionaires and members of the top 1% at roughly 61.3% white, 17.8% Hispanic/Latino, and 12.7% African-American like they are in the general population. That isn't the case.
It’s he problem of being seduced by simplistic arguments based o emotion without bothering to use anything more than your brain stem.

Like the idiocy of female wages, you never once stopped to think how much money a business owner could save simply by employing solely women as a cheaper source of labor.
Univariant vs multivariant analytical ability is one of the ways you can discern the validity of an argument and the intellectual capacity of its proponent.

Often times at least
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Ideally here, the wheels start spinning in his brain, he goes to his Google machine to refute my post based on his simplistic world view, finds that he can’t and that he is wrong and that will be that.

I’d gain a lot of respect for him and hope for our nation’s disgruntled twenty something leftists were it to play out like so.
No it is not an issue.

If it were, it would effect Asians equally as well.
Ideally here, the wheels start spinning in his brain, he goes to his Google machine to refute my post based on his simplistic world view, finds that he can’t and that he is wrong and that will be that.
You're the one that's being simplistic. It doesn't effect ANYONE "equally". Hispanic/Latinos are 17.8% of the US population and 7% of the millionaires. Asians are only 4.8% of the population and 8% of the millionaires. These differences are due to the specific historical advantages and disadvantages certain populations faced. A recent Chinese immigrant in Seattle is not in the same situation as a rural African-American in Alabama. Your references to Asian communities is further evidence of my point, not yours. How do YOU explain these differences in income if I'm so incorrect?
No. He said **** Georgia and didn’t get benched.

Glad stealing the thunder of a sports team is so important to him. Most fragile ego in the world.

He said **** Trump.

Fragile ego? That's what fragile ego's say. He's got **** you money and **** you power. He's a boss and you play HIS game.

Whites make up 61.3% of the US population and 76% of it's millionaires. African-Americans are 12.7% of the population and only 8% of the millionaires. Hispanic/Latinos have it even worse at 17.8% of the population and only 7% of the millionaires. These differences are due to historical advantages for some in our society and disadvantages for others. Just because there are poor white people and rich brown people doesn't mean everyone has equal opportunity.

You confuse equal opportunity with equal results. What you are calling for is communism. You don't give a shit about the people who are poor or even care to see the reason for it. You simple want to take down the people who have worked and achieved because you weren't willing, or capable, of working and achieving.
What do you mean by equal?

That because Asians are 4.8% of the population, then they should be 4.8% of the nation’s millionaires?

If that is the full extent of your reasoning, then there is nothing that could be accomplished here.
Heh. I’ve noticed you have a way of short circuiting these kinds of conversations. Why you wanna be so mean?
LOL, a Mini 14, an AR15, a Westernfield .30-30, a 1911 style .45, a Glock .40, a Taurus 9mm, a Rossi .38, two .22 pistols (Wife and Daughter's) 1 vintage WWII Japanese infantry Rifle, 2 Japanese swords from WWII, 2 Karate Bo's, a machete I received in Jungle Training in 1981 and still looking for more. Oh and yeah, over a thousand rounds of ammo.
I am sufficiently armed to protect my home. In fact, I am sufficiently capable of protecting my home up to several hundred yards away. [winking]
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You confuse equal opportunity with equal results. What you are calling for is communism.
Nowhere did I argue that everyone should get equal compensation regardless of work, which is the communist model you're so scared of. What I am pointing out is that if we actually had equal opportunity to succeed you would see a roughly proportional distribution of success. Unless your argument is that certain races succeed and others fail disproportionately based on their attributes, rather than their historical situation.
Nowhere did I argue that everyone should get equal compensation regardless of work, which is the communist model you're so scared of. What I am pointing out is that if we actually had equal opportunity to succeed you would see a roughly proportional distribution of success. Unless your argument is that certain races succeed and others fail disproportionately based on their attributes, not their history.

Is it my fault as a white person that a much much larger percentage of black men who impregnate women choose not have any part or very little part of that kid's life? as mentioned here many times, the statistics will show you overwhelmingly that kids that grow up with both parents having a positive contribution to their lives do better economically than those that grow up without fathers or in broken homes. just so happens that the situation I am describing happens in much larger numbers among the black community than in any other demographic.

but that doesn't fit your narrative because you have to figure out how to blame white people some how.
Nowhere did I argue that everyone should get equal compensation regardless of work, which is the communist model you're so scared of. What I am pointing out is that if we actually had equal opportunity to succeed you would see a roughly proportional distribution of success. Unless your argument is that certain races succeed and others fail disproportionately based on their attributes, rather than their historical situation.

Lol, rationalize it. The more you hear yourself lie the more you believe it.