How will they rule ??!

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This is what Cardkilla, Jameslee, Fuzz, JohnKBA, and a few others on here want. They say that the police are out of control here but, wait until they get there way, complaining about it then will get them put in prison. Wished we could do that now and cut out the destroying our country part.
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This is what Cardkilla, Jameslee, Fuzz, JohnKBA, and a few others on here want. They say that the police are out of control here but, wait until they get there way, complaining about it then will get them put in prison. Wished we could do that now and cut out the destroying our country part.

I just want to play more golf and make more money. What you other pricks do doesn’t matter to me.
Nowhere did I argue that everyone should get equal compensation regardless of work, which is the communist model you're so scared of. What I am pointing out is that if we actually had equal opportunity to succeed you would see a roughly proportional distribution of success. Unless your argument is that certain races succeed and others fail disproportionately based on their attributes, rather than their historical situation.
In other words, you desperately want me to say something that plays into your preconceived notion of systemic racism.

You are outmatched here and need to remain in your echo chamber for your arguments to hold water.
Internet tough guy

Conservatives like you really are un-American POS-birds. All you've proven is that the terrorists won. I guess you quietly cheer when ISIS or Al-Queda blows up Americans, so long as they're liberals? Thanks for showing your true colors though, you and lol 'warrior-cat'
You, being one of the most disreputable posters here, are in no position to comment on the character of me or just about anyone on here save a few like minded people in your group. You and your kind are are what is wrong with our country. Hopefully, 6 1/2 more years of Trump will actually make you guys expatriate and move out.
I am not implying the points you're assuming. I'm stating the fact that whites have a much larger piece of the American pie than non-whites. What might the reasons for that be?

But color IS an issue when it comes to how much money a person makes, not your personal definition of successful. If it weren't you would see millionaires and members of the top 1% at roughly 61.3% white, 17.8% Hispanic/Latino, and 12.7% African-American like they are in the general population. That isn't the case.

Why not attempt to eliminate all other known cultural differences before you decide color is the primary factor? There is NOTHING prohibiting a non-white baby born today from having the same level of success as a white baby other than self or family imposed obstacles.
The reality is this board is full of folk who hide from the truth. Maybe there are some russian bots at work here.
Get educated on the law. The law on the books is clear. Minors are not allowed to be detained in an adult detention centers for more than 20 days and must be moved to a children detention center thereafter. This law has been challenged in the past during Obama's administration and was upheld by the 9th circuit district courts.

This is so simple yet your bias will not let you comprehend it. If a parent crosses the border with their child they are detained and prosecuted. Prosecution takes longer than 20 days therfore by law the children must be separated from their parents. When you are charged with a crime and get arrested your children don't get to go to jail to be with you.

If you don't want to be separated from your children then don't break the law. They are responsible for their actions and have no one to blame but themselves.
What I am pointing out is that if we actually had equal opportunity to succeed you would see a roughly proportional distribution of success. Unless your argument is that certain races succeed and others fail disproportionately based on their attributes, rather than their historical situation.

There is absolutely no reason to assume what you assume here... all around.

But why stop at just race anyway, let's drill down deeper than race and go to ehthnicity.

What do you think is the reason for this list being what it is and not "roughly proportional distribution of success"
Why not attempt to eliminate all other known cultural differences before you decide color is the primary factor? There is NOTHING prohibiting a non-white baby born today from having the same level of success as a white baby other than self or family imposed obstacles.
Illuminate these "cultural differences" that aren't historically based for me then.
Fox News has no credibility after showing Eagle players kneeling in prayer and making it seem like they were kneeling for the anthem.

Nothing more than a state propaganda machine.
It's not Fox News. It's the man himself. That brown guy on the screen is Omar Siddiqui. Is he lying just because Fox News gave him the platform? You're argument is dumb.
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There is absolutely no reason to assume what you assume here... all around.

But why stop at just race anyway, let's drill down deeper than race and go to ehthnicity.

What do you think is the reason for this list being what it is and not "roughly proportional distribution of success"
This is basically the same list I posted. Historical advantages and disadvantages explains this list easily. What are you saying are the reasons?


This is basically the same list I posted. Historical advantages and disadvantages explains this list easily. What are you saying are the reasons?

Why does a Nigerian American have no problem overcoming these disadvantages, outpacing French American who presumably isn't disadvantaged and enjoys the historical advantages of being from one of the most influential and prosperous cultures the world has known?

54. Nigerian American : $62,086[2]

55. Scotch-Irish American : $62,055[2]

56. Indonesian American : $61,943[4]

57. Dutch American : $61,508[2]

58. Egyptian American : $61,344[2]

59. French American : $61,262[2]
Why does a Nigerian American have no problem overcoming these disadvantages, outpacing French American who presumably isn't disadvantaged and enjoys the historical advantages of being from one of the most influential and prosperous cultures the world has known?

54. Nigerian American : $62,086[2]

55. Scotch-Irish American : $62,055[2]

56. Indonesian American : $61,943[4]

57. Dutch American : $61,508[2]

58. Egyptian American : $61,344[2]

59. French American : $61,262[2]

I’m a white Canadian and make that much every quarter.
Illuminate these "cultural differences" that aren't historically based for me then.
Let's start with differences in the state of marriage between cultures. Consider differences in statistics relative to presence of fathers. Consider statistics relative to graduation. How about crime stats? There are lots of issues that contribute to success or lack thereof. If a person born today does not become successful in life, less those with severe disabilities, it's generally his/her own fault often with his/her family playing a significant role.
They ****ing admitted it.

Also, *your.

Then it shouldn't be hard to provide.

Also I don't care. I know the difference between your and you're (you are). This is a message board not a spelling bee. Is that all you got? Doesn't make your argument any less dumb.

Fox News didn't report anything. They only gave the man a platform to tell his first hand account. Something no other network will do because he's proof of how racist the Democrats are .
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Does racism affect wages, probably. The biggest things that affect wages are showing up on time and making your company money while causing and having no drama in your workplace. I would say 90% of success is making good choices. Finish school, work, get married, then get your woman knocked up.

I’ve said it before. If you could pick your poison and be born in the USA, straight white male is the runaway winner.

That’s not a knock on white dudes. I’ve been wildly successful as a white dude. But to say it’s not an advantage is dumb.
Then it shouldn't be hard to provide.

Also I don't care. I know the difference between your and you're (you are). This is a message board not a spelling bee. Is that all you got? Doesn't make your argument any less dumb.

Fox News didn't report anything. They only gave the man a platform to tell his first hand account. Something no other network will do because he's proof of how racist the Democrats are .

Did you watch the segment on the eagles? It was littered with pictures of them kneeling. Once they got called out for it, they backed off and admitted they manipulated the video to make trump’s dumb **** of an argument look better. The fact is, zero eagles kneeled during the anthem in 2017. Trumps pussy ego is just so massive and fragile he tried to have fox do some dirty work for him. It backfired - but every hayseed that worships his balls doesn’t care.
Let's start with differences in the state of marriage between cultures. Consider differences in statistics relative to presence of fathers. Consider statistics relative to graduation. How about crime stats? There are lots of issues that contribute to success or lack thereof. If a person born today does not become successful in life, less those with severe disabilities, it's generally his/her own fault often with his/her family playing a significant role.
So you're arguing that differences in absentee fathers, graduation rates, and likelihood to commit a crime are all based on the color of a person's skin and not historical advantages/disadvantages? Wow.
Whites make up 61.3% of the US population and 76% of it's millionaires. African-Americans are 12.7% of the population and only 8% of the millionaires. Hispanic/Latinos have it even worse at 17.8% of the population and only 7% of the millionaires. These differences are due to historical advantages for some in our society and disadvantages for others. Just because there are poor white people and rich brown people doesn't mean everyone has equal opportunity.
Not the argument I made so you straw man it. Maybe you guys should not stereotype 200m people.
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Your argument only got dumber. ONly comparing the top 1% now? You wouldn't answer my question so you just narrowed the argument to top 1. Again, how many black and brown millionaires has any communist country produced? For that matter, how many black or brown millionaires have been produced by every other country not named the U.S.?

Under your thinking we should in fact integrate the NFL and the NBA and split the leagues up into 25% white, black, Asian, and Latino. So then every race could be given the million dollar contracts regardless of skill set? That would only be fair correct?

People like Dion always skip over Asians. Weird how Asians are so successful in education and average income while blacks are not. But, I thought black failure was just because of whites? Lol. Oh, you mean culture makes a huge difference? Two-parent households make a difference?

Whites got a hearstart? Lol. How about the other nations where blacks are the majority? What did they invent? Look at history and modern day and see what those nations look like. Oh, it’s whitey’s fault for every black failure? Amazing how Asians don’t seem to have that issue.
People like Dion always skip over Asians. Weird how Asians are so successful in education and average income while blacks are not. But, I thought black failure was just because of whites? Lol. Oh, you mean culture makes a huge difference? Two-parent households make a difference?

Whites got a hearstart? Lol. How about the other nations where blacks are the majority? What did they invent? Look at history and modern day and see what those nations look like. Oh, it’s whitey’s fault for every black failure? Amazing how Asians don’t seem to have that issue.

Blacks have the same opportunity we have. Would I rather be white? Sure, but if I was a brown guy with the same intellect I have now I’d still be killing it.
Did you watch the segment on the eagles? It was littered with pictures of them kneeling. Once they got called out for it, they backed off and admitted they manipulated the video to make trump’s dumb **** of an argument look better. The fact is, zero eagles kneeled during the anthem in 2017. Trumps pussy ego is just so massive and fragile he tried to have fox do some dirty work for him. It backfired - but every hayseed that worships his balls doesn’t care.
K. I'll take your word for it. None of that makes your argument any less dumb. You immediately went into deflection mode and failed to even click on the video. What happened to Omar Siddiqui has absolutely nothing to do with Fox News. The Democrats are racist.

BTW you have zero room to talk about someone's pussy ego. You're on a message board constantly bragging about petty shit and being a spelling Nazi like you're better than others. Get Trump 's dick out of your mouth and check your own fragile ego.
Get educated on the law. The law on the books is clear. Minors are not allowed to be detained in an adult detention centers for more than 20 days and must be moved to a children detention center thereafter. This law has been challenged in the past during Obama's administration and was upheld by the 9th circuit district courts.

This is so simple yet your bias will not let you comprehend it. If a parent crosses the border with their child they are detained and prosecuted. Prosecution takes longer than 20 days therfore by law the children must be separated from their parents. When you are charged with a crime and get arrested your children don't get to go to jail to be with you.

If you don't want to be separated from your children then don't break the law. They are responsible for their actions and have no one to blame but themselves.
Hot damn you're making assumptions. May 7th--- asylum seekers --BTW just as a reminder, slavery was once lawful and genocide was once a policy, neither were moral. You don't have a clue why I'm posting this and you're acting like I'm the one lost. People here have been saying the seperations didn't happen so let's see if you acknowledge your impertinence.