Will George RR Martin Ever Publish Winds of Winter?

Will George RR Martin ever finish Winds of Winter?

  • Bwhahahaha! No.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • After his death, his publisher will release some Frankenstein disaster

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Would you like another TV show or novella no one cares about? Here you go!

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Maybe. I guess.

    Votes: 2 13.3%

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It has been so long since I read these I can't remember much. I just remember the show. I have pretty much moved on. Not sure I want to invest that much time to reread the.
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I am much more interested in the 3rd Kingkiller Chronicles, The Door of Stone by Patrick Rothfuss, it is another that I am skeptical I will ever see.
It has been so long since I read these I can't remember much. I just remember the show. I have pretty much moved on. Not sure I want to invest that much time to reread the.
I'm getting there. My wife and I were pleasantly surprised by the first season of House of the Dragon. We haven't even been able to watch this season. To paraphrase Roger Ebert, to the degree I understand what is going on in that show, I just don't care.

I keep thinking I'll go back and reread the novels to try to spur some karma but I, too, think it would be a waste of time.
So over anything GRRM or GOT-related. It's a shame, really. He's a talented writer. First 3 books in the series were 3 of the best fantasy books ever written, IMO. Then a 5-year gap for book 4, another 7 years for book 5. Then the fatass decided to take a gigantic crap on his readership. GOT TV series was good for the first few seasons but ended poorly. Allowing it to overtake the books was lazy. Yeah, I'm a tad bitter. Not interested in anything GOT-related anymore, even though House of the Dragon is a solid show by all accounts.

Edited to add: Option 4 is the best answer, but the first 3 are acceptable as well. 😁
I’ve read the books a few times. Just re-read the 3rd one and started the 4th.

He introduces so many plot lines that I just don’t know how he wraps it all up.

I mean, the fourth book starts off with a faceless man stealing a key to the citadel.