How will they rule ??!

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Massive overreactions from the left and right about the scotus ruling on gay wedding cakes today. Narrow ruling that neither sets the precedent for future discrimination nor signifies a sudden backwards culture shift.
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It's not complicated really. Just find somebody else to make your cake. A committed Christian isn't comfortable trampling all over Ephesians 5:32. To them, its about more than a cake, it's about Jesus Christ and the church.

I continue to be amazed how people equate racial discrimination and sexual orientation and what a marriage is. Apples and oranges, and then some.
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This is the decision I expected 10 years ago in the Elane Photography vs. Willock case (photographer turned down gig for gay wedding), but SCOTUS declined to hear it in 2014. My very personal and very powerful right to practice my religious beliefs should not be subverted by another's insistence to make me an indentured servant to their deviancy.
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It's not complicated really. Just find somebody else to make your cake. A committed Christian isn't comfortable trampling all over Ephesians 5:32. To them, its about more than a cake, it's about Jesus Christ and the church.

I continue to be amazed how people equate racial discrimination and sexual orientation and what a marriage is. Apples and oranges, and then some.
It isn't determined yet if sexual orientation is a protected class. Future rulings will have to settle that issue. In this one it was determined that the state civil rights commission acted with an animus against religion. The equivalent of a mistrial.

That behavior by the state civil rights commission is what ultimately resulted in a reversal of the previous decision. From the opinion:

"That consideration was compromised, however, by the Commission’s treatment of Phillips’ case, which showed elements of a clear and impermissible hostility toward the sincere religious beliefs motivating his objection. As the record shows, some of the commissioners at the Commission’s formal, public hearings endorsed the view that religious beliefs cannot legitimately be carried into the public sphere or commercial domain, disparaged Phillips’ faith as despicable and characterized it as merely rhetorical, and compared his invocation of his sincerely held religious beliefs to defenses of slavery and the Holocaust. No commissioners objected to the comments. Nor were they mentioned in the later state-court ruling or disavowed in the briefs filed here. The comments thus cast doubt on the fairness and impartiality of the Commission’s adjudication of Phillips’ case."
This is the decision I expected 10 years ago in the Elane Photography vs. Willock case (photographer turned down gig for gay wedding), but SCOTUS declined to hear it in 2014. My very personal and very powerful right to practice my religious beliefs should not be subverted by another's insistence to make me an indentured servant to their deviancy.
That isn't the decision SCOTUS made today. they only ruled that Colorado's civil rights agency showed religious prejudice when acting on his case. They made no ruling on whether or not he was allowed to not make the cake. The whole thing is stupid as shit. Some loser wouldn't make a cake and a bunch of other losers wasted millions and SCOTUS time having to rule on something this stupid. 4.5k people died in Puerto Rico but we finally figured out cake gate!
Narrow and broad do not refer to the number of justices siding with the majority or dissent, but rather the scope of the impact of their ruling.

In this case, the court is not striking down the merits of the reason the complainants made their case against the baker, but finding that the executive process that ruled on the complaint was done unfairly and not in line with previous decisions and processes that the commission followed. Executive bodies are not allowed to be "arbitrary and capricious" in their decision making. Courts are allowed a large latitude in decision making, but executive bodies much less so.
Narrow and broad do not refer to the number of justices siding with the majority or dissent, but rather the scope of the impact of their ruling.

In this case, the court is not striking down the merits of the reason the complainants made their case against the baker, but finding that the executive process that ruled on the complaint was done unfairly and not in line with previous decisions and processes that the commission followed. Executive bodies are not allowed to be "arbitrary and capricious" in their decision making. Courts are allowed a large latitude in decision making, but executive bodies much less so.

Umm, it depends on the context of the conversation or the point being made.

In this case, narrow and broad certainly refer to the number of justices who voted each way.

When adding the word "reaching" to a discussion over the context of the votes power would be what youre talking about.

you have narrow critical thinking and reading comprehension abilities, which is keeping you from broadening your thoughts and ideas.
Umm, it depends on the context of the conversation or the point being made.

In this case, narrow and broad certainly refer to the number of justices who voted each way.

When adding the word "reaching" to a discussion over the context of the votes power would be what youre talking about.

you have narrow critical thinking and reading comprehension abilities, which is keeping you from broadening your thoughts and ideas.
I agree with the decision and it's a solid argument. You're just wrong about what broad and narrow refer to, just to make fun of some libruls.
Just reading through Ginsburg's dissent and it is very obvious how we got to the state we're in. The distinctions she makes between "artistic expressions" and mere "services" are laughable and have no precedent other than "MUH FEELZ!"

She even says that making a cake for a wedding is different than making a cake with anti-homosexual Bible verses on it because "Phillips declined to make a cake he found offensive where the offensiveness of the product was determined solely by the identity of the customer requesting it." EVEN THOUGH HE SAID SPECIFICALLY HE WOULD NOT SELL A WEDDING CAKE FOR A SAME-SEX WEDDING EVEN TO HETEROSEXUALS BUYING IT ON BEHALF OF THE SAME-SEX COUPLE. That statement was given to the court multiple times and she just ignores it and never even engages with it. Just flat out says, "naw, he's a bigot cause he does stuff that i think is mean."

The thought of Trump and a Republican Congress getting to replace her is exhilarating
counterpoint: RBG 2 gonna be lit
You guys really care about nothing except bothering the other side. The faster that attitude disappears from our country, the better off we will be.
If you want to get up on a pedestal that way, start with yourself. I want to defeat liberalism and part of that is pointing out your idiotic and obnoxious behaviors and what that could mean if your team gets in power again.
I agree with the decision and it's a solid argument. You're just wrong about what broad and narrow refer to, just to make fun of some libruls.

No, i understand exactly what it refers to when talking about the ramifications of the decision. Other terms could be wide ranging, sweeping, etc or limited, particular etc.

The meme you were referencing wasnt discussing the application of the law and its effects on other case law.
Yeah, why are Muslims taking over Europe and not Asian countries like Japan and North Korea?

Why aren’t Guatemalans going south to Brazil or Venezuela?
because they border Europe and don't like crossing china & swimming across oceans to get to Japan & North Korea.