How will they rule ??!

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haha, if they're a criminal than what is Trump? I mean how many investigations have been opened by Republicans against Hillary and still found nothing? Funny how Trump gets a pass for obstructing justice, lying, possibly taking bribes, etc. but Hilary and Obama are guilty because they are...what...Democrats?

Yeah Russia had nothing to do with the election or Trump's campaign. That's why all of Trumps associates lied about meeting Russians before and after campaign. Cause innocent people lie about these things.

Do you think that a President can pardon himself? Is Trump above the law? It seems like you guys refuse to answer these questions but instead make excuses.

You are fake news

@cardkilla pathetic family and friends.

He hates Americans
Arizona authorities last week just uncovered another democrat pedophile ring.

Why can't democrats keep their hands off kids.


Who’s largely responsible for the modern day foster parent system? Dems? I don’t know much about it, but you hear a fair share of horror stories. From what little I understand, parents get XX amount of govt money for every foster child they take. You can imagine how poorly that system is run by a govt who can’t run much of anything.
Well according to Giuliani's argument of the day the President cannot do anything illegal. So republicans can stop whining about spying on Trump because it's perfectly legal for Obama to do.
Well according to Giuliani's argument of the day the President cannot do anything illegal. So republicans can stop whining about spying on Trump because it's perfectly legal for Obama to do.
Giuliani said that Trump can not be indicted which is correct. A sitting President can't be indicted. Obama however is not a sitting President, and yes he could be indicted. Y u so stoopid?
“Right now, we have 50 FBI agents not doing anything because they know their Iran cases aren’t going anywhere”

— Jack Kelly on what a Justice Department official told him about the chilling effect of Obama's rapprochement with Iran.

This looks interesting and I'll read the article.
In the book that came out a month or two ago about Clinton’s campaign, one of the excerpts was about her famous “Deplorables”comment. And when explained - how she put Trump voters into 3 baskets - I thought she actually had summarized it well, more or less:

  • “Basket #1: The Republicans who hated her and would vote Republican no matter who the nominee.
  • Basket #2: Voters whose jobs and livelihoods had disappeared, or as Hillary said, ‘who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens in their lives and their futures.’
  • Basket #3: The Deplorables. This basket includes ‘the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.’

But in the months after, everyone forgot about the first 2 groups. Now the story goes that anyone who voted for Trump is, simply put, a racist. The media is encouraging/pushing/fostering this narrative. Today a guest (a Cultural Critic, whatever) on CNN said as much:

"Tens of millions of people voted for him after he showed his cards for years," Davis added.

"Are you suggesting that they're racist?" Berman asked of those who voted for Trump.

"Absolutely, yes. Yes," Davis said.

"All of the people that voted for Donald Trump are racist?" Berman said in an effort to clarify.


Well according to Giuliani's argument of the day the President cannot do anything illegal. So republicans can stop whining about spying on Trump because it's perfectly legal for Obama to do.

It’s really not that complicated Platinum. The Constitution is a brilliant document, you should read it sometime.
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Straight from fox news for you

So wait, fox does have ppl that have individual thought and different opinions? I thought you said....

Or wait, so you think ppl are supposed to believe 1 person or a network for all their thoughts? Meaning you believe everything and blindly get confirmation bias from MSNBC so you expect everyone else to do that from other networks?

Now it makes sense.
haha, if they're a criminal than what is Trump? I mean how many investigations have been opened by Republicans against Hillary and still found nothing? Funny how Trump gets a pass for obstructing justice, lying, possibly taking bribes, etc. but Hilary and Obama are guilty because they are...what...Democrats?

Yeah Russia had nothing to do with the election or Trump's campaign. That's why all of Trumps associates lied about meeting Russians before and after campaign. Cause innocent people lie about these things.

Do you think that a President can pardon himself? Is Trump above the law? It seems like you guys refuse to answer these questions but instead make excuses.
Lol, Russia just decided after years to meddle in elections bc they are terrified of old Hillary. Weird you said nothing when a major part of Romney's campaign in 2012 was being tough in Russia. And you giggled Haha go back to the 80s Mitt. Wonder who Russia wanted in office?

Seriously, have you ever questioned your God King or the govt...or do they just have to put feelings out and you're easily convinced theres no way that a collection of individuals in Washington have their own motivations and interests just bc a D is by their name. Serious question. The constant failed govt programs that launder money to democrats, I mean anything. Have you ever criticized a democrat.

The saying is true. Conservatives see that liberals are idiots. Liberals base all their decisions and excuse their failures by claiming conservatives are evil......defending ms-13, for instance, is a prime example of the truth behind that.
The establishment atm is literally conservative republicans in power in every branch of government.

So media, deep state, RINOs, and Democrats aren’t the establishment?

The left runs the most influential arms of our nation- media/social media, academia and Hollywood. To claim that the left isn’t the machine is utter bullshit.
So media, deep state, RINOs, and Democrats aren’t the establishment?

The left runs the most influential arms of our nation- media/social media, academia and Hollywood. To claim that the left isn’t the machine is utter bullshit.

Eastky has no clue what he is talking about. Trump is as much as an outsider to U.S politics as George Washington.
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