How will they rule ??!

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Oh please. Zero proof of that and Trump's tweets aren't proof.

Once again the things you think Obama did(with no proof by the way) Trump is doing above and beyond, yet you're cheering it on.

Willy you're a hypocrite with no backbone or moral fiber. You and you're pals will stand by and cheer on an administration that destroys democracy because they can. You would cheer on as your fellow americans are rounded up and put into camps because they don't believe the same things as you.

America has become nothing more than a slightly more liberal Russia. Once Trump cheats his way to a 2nd term, he will begin dismantling the last remaining checks on his power and the US finally lets go of its status as a defender of freedom and democracy.

Obama is a traitor and his ass is gonna get busted for it. The real question is whether he will serve his sentence or be exiled.
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Hillary is a criminal. Obama as well.
haha, if they're a criminal than what is Trump? I mean how many investigations have been opened by Republicans against Hillary and still found nothing? Funny how Trump gets a pass for obstructing justice, lying, possibly taking bribes, etc. but Hilary and Obama are guilty because they are...what...Democrats?

Yeah Russia had nothing to do with the election or Trump's campaign. That's why all of Trumps associates lied about meeting Russians before and after campaign. Cause innocent people lie about these things.

Do you think that a President can pardon himself? Is Trump above the law? It seems like you guys refuse to answer these questions but instead make excuses.
haha, if they're a criminal than what is Trump? I mean how many investigations have been opened by Republicans against Hillary and still found nothing? Funny how Trump gets a pass for obstructing justice, lying, possibly taking bribes, etc. but Hilary and Obama are guilty because they are...what...Democrats?

Yeah Russia had nothing to do with the election or Trump's campaign. That's why all of Trumps associates lied about meeting Russians before and after campaign. Cause innocent people lie about these things.

Do you think that a President can pardon himself? Is Trump above the law? It seems like you guys refuse to answer these questions but instead make excuses.

Lol comedy gold
Will never happen. Republicans don’t have the balls to go after Obama. Sessions is everyday proof of that.
Or maybe there is nothing to go after him for...I'd say that's more likely. Obama has more class and dignity in his pinkie than Trump has in his 74 year putrid existence.
Wait till McCabe recuses himself. The DOJ #3 is a Trump guy.

Obama is a fraud. Not even an American
actively wanting the DOJ to be a political arm is un-American. Thanks for proving the point Willy. I hope we bring back hangings for all of the guilty traitors that will be uncovered by Muller.
Or maybe there is nothing to go after him for...I'd say that's more likely. Obama has more class and dignity in his pinkie than Trump has in his 74 year putrid existence.

Obama has class and dignity. He comitted treason. Lol what a loser
I think you said it best...

"Gotta see where the investigation leads."

Let's have the I.G. investigate. You would ok with that, right?

To be clear, if President Trump colluded with the Russians. I hope they prove it.

But let's Sh!+ or get off the pot as they used to say.
Iffffffff Trump colluded with Praise Be To Mother Russia it would have been leaked to the Times/Post/CNC so fast your head would spin off with enough velocity to reach Mars.

Some allegedly crafty, allegedly smart folks bring up how long the Ken Starr investigation took as OMG CHILL OUT TWO YEARS ISNT EVEN LONG DUH.......remember that was *very* early internet age, basically not internet age at all.

2 years of Muhhhler in this day in time and at this level of leakage is basically the equivalent of a decade in Ken Starr years.

As far as “collusion” with Russia, and I cannot stress this enough, they don’t have *shit* because it didn’t happen. You have a ploy to get Trump impeached (which that ship has sailed) that has moved on to a ‘18/‘20 rallying point (that is going to fail miserably).

That’s it. That’s the list.
Congress will need to put in some more safeguards against authoritarian rule evidently. Trump is proving that evil, power hungry men still exist and will ignore the constitution and get away with it if they are enabled by their own party.

Presidents should not be able to hold onto businesses that could be used to illicit money from foreign powers for deals. Trump should have never been allowed to keep his businesses the way he has. If you can't sacrifice for the office, you don't need to be in the chair.
Iffffffff Trump colluded with Praise Be To Mother Russia it would have been leaked to the Times/Post/CNC so fast your head would spin off with enough velocity to reach Mars.

Some allegedly crafty, allegedly smart folks bring up how long the Ken Starr investigation took as OMG CHILL OUT TWO YEARS ISNT EVEN LONG DUH.......remember that was *very* early internet age, basically not internet age at all.

2 years of Muhhhler in this day in time and at this level of leakage is basically the equivalent of a decade in Ken Starr years.

As far as “collusion” with Russia, and I cannot stress this enough, they don’t have *shit* because it didn’t happen. You have a ploy to get Trump impeached (which that ship has sailed) that has moved on to a ‘18/‘20 rallying point (that is going to fail miserably).

That’s it. That’s the list.

I agree with you 100%. I do not think he did. But I dont personally have the proof. : )
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Congress will need to put in some more safeguards against authoritarian rule evidently. Trump is proving that evil, power hungry men still exist and will ignore the constitution and get away with it if they are enabled by their own party.

Presidents should not be able to hold onto businesses that could be used to illicit money from foreign powers for deals. Trump should have never been allowed to keep his businesses the way he has. If you can't sacrifice for the office, you don't need to be in the chair.
He has lost ~$1B since he starting running dumbass.
Presidents should not be able to hold onto businesses that could be used to illicit money from foreign powers for deals. Trump should have never been allowed to keep his businesses the way he has. If you can't sacrifice for the office, you don't need to be in the chair.

Lol on a roll today
Iffffffff Trump colluded with Praise Be To Mother Russia it would have been leaked to the Times/Post/CNC so fast your head would spin off with enough velocity to reach Mars.

Some allegedly crafty, allegedly smart folks bring up how long the Ken Starr investigation took as OMG CHILL OUT TWO YEARS ISNT EVEN LONG DUH.......remember that was *very* early internet age, basically not internet age at all.

2 years of Muhhhler in this day in time and at this level of leakage is basically the equivalent of a decade in Ken Starr years.

As far as “collusion” with Russia, and I cannot stress this enough, they don’t have *shit* because it didn’t happen. You have a ploy to get Trump impeached (which that ship has sailed) that has moved on to a ‘18/‘20 rallying point (that is going to fail miserably).

That’s it. That’s the list.
umm there's already evidence of collusion by his associates and obstruction of justice. Beyond Russia, it appears they've taken money and support from any foreign government that would give it to them.

It's been a year and a half, not two years. Time is time. Funny about Starr, not only was he a political appointment but Republicans went after Clinton for a blowjob.

Keep thinking Trump's behavior will have no effect on midterms. Dems have outperformed Republicans in every race since election. Democrats will crawl over glass to vote out current Republicans. You guys are kidding yourself. Of course the Senate is safe, but the House will no doubt flip.

I still think Trump wins re-election because his election and re-election has been foretold by bible prophecy. The anti-Christ lives and will lead to the destruction of the last world power. End times is upon us and I couldn't be happier. The false prophets on the right are in for a big surprise when their 'god' doesn't know who they are and they are damned to eternal darkness. Along with a horde of other fake christians.
all of the guilty traitors that will be uncovered by Muller.
I feel a lot of sympathy for you in particular, I can feel how bad you want it to be true and how certain it is to happen. It just has to.

You pay your Democrat party leaders bills. Remember that. They can’t perpetuate this stuff without you on the ground believing. Belieeeeeving.

Completely wrong mind you, but it’s impressive your fortitude. I for one would do some soul searching at this point, being wrong so much and so often and realizing what they are using me for.

I’ve realized a lot of that myself within the R party. But that’s me.
Lol comedy gold

It’s as if he Cardkilla simply makes up shit as he goes.
Trump did not obstruct Justice, he is the President of the US, the FBI director can be fired at the Presidents discretion. Comey is a whiny little, perjuring, political bitch. He was the perfect example of the Obama admin.

Why do you think Clapper and Brennan are constantly in the news? Their neck is on the line. They will be the fall guys when it all comes out, it won’t Obama, Biden, Jarrett or Rice.
Trying to prove something that didn’t happen is exactly how you get ambiguous special counsels that don’t have parameters or an end date.
Hence my Shit or get off the pot statement.... :)

My point was and I guess I did not word it well... Was that the way I read it, EKY wants to keep the Trump investigation going in perpetuity. But let's drop the President Obama and Hillary stuff and just move on, nothing to see here....

If anyone things we "should let the investigation run its course." Well, they should be ok if we let an investigation into the previous administration run its course as well....

I truly think for the good of this country we need to move on as a whole.
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It’s as if he Cardkilla simply makes up shit as he goes.
Trump did not obstruct Justice, he is the President of the US, the FBI director can be fired at the Presidents discretion. Comey is a whiny little, perjuring, political bitch. He was the perfect example of the Obama admin.

Why do you think Clapper and Brennan are constantly in the news? Their neck is on the line. They will be the fall guys when it all comes out, it won’t Obama, Biden, Jarrett or Rice.

Cardkilla is talking out his ass. Clueless and gutless.
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Beyond Russia, it appears they've taken money and support from any foreign government that would give it to them.
I mean, you literally just described The Clinton Foundation. Literally. A $2 billion dollar entity half of which came from foreign investors and governments....including some bad hombres. They took in $225 million in ‘15 as Her campaign was ramping up.

But hey it was called charity so all good.

Can you not see this stuff? How do you not see this stuff? I don’t even see the code anymore....

1500 children taken from their parents and then disappear, the people responsible for employing these tactics then deny any responsibility and point the finger at people who have nothing to do with these events taking place, if you condone this, if you support this, if you voted for Trump after all the evidence of his megalomania, his relations with known pedophiles, multiple women seeking justice for his criminal sexual molestation and pedophilia, then you are complicit in these crimes against children. You cannot say you didn't know, the fact is you didn't care.

If you say this has been going on for a long time, you are right. And so has your apathy to what our policies has been since at least as far back as the 80's in Central America.

No, a Republican who is no longer conservative.

You don’t like Trump, I don’t agree with your opinion, but we’re all different.

Now, if you truly aren’t a leftist, how can you defend what the past admin did as if it’s standard operating procedure?
They used the Govt to listen in on, set traps, place informants, on the opposing political party during an election. That’s so absurd that it’s mind boggling that a large part of the country just wants to brush it off.

Guarantee that wasn’t the first time either. Makes for a good way to eliminate threats to your agenda. David Petraeus was a threat, his accomplishments would’ve made him hard to beat had he chose to run. So how do you get him out of the picture, listen to his private conversations. Seems crazy doesn’t it, the Govt wouldn’t do that, but before now you wouldn’t believe they would’ve done the exact same thing to a president elect either.

From Wikileaks we know Trump was the Dems preferred candidate, easier to beat in a general. So the media praised him before he won the nomination. It’s also funny how all this Russia investigation started kicking into high gear right after Wikileaks and DNC convention. Now, I heard a Clinton spokesman during the DNC convention say that intel people had told them the Russians were behind it. How is that possible? They hadn’t opened an investigation at that time?

It’s all bullshit, the whole Russian story.
Or maybe there is nothing to go after him for...I'd say that's more likely. Obama has more class and dignity in his pinkie than Trump has in his 74 year putrid existence.

The actual truth is that there’s never been a more divisive potus than Obama. His time will
be seen as a parallel to the Roman Emperors who oversaw the beginning of the end. Which was the Marxist bastard’s goal anyway.