How will they rule ??!

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I'm concerned crazies like cardkilla have became so unhinged that eventually they will have to resort to violence in the streets. Well, ANTIFA already kind of does, but I mean violence even worse than that.

Just look at all the hate and ignorance that comes from these people. And its getting worse almost daily. Gonna be a day when these people just flat out snap.
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I'm concerned crazies like cardkilla have became so unhinged that eventually they will have to resort to violence in the streets. Well, ANTIFA already kind of does, but I mean violence even worse than that.

Just look at all the hate and ignorance that comes from these people. And its getting worse almost daily. Gonna be a day when these people just flat out snap.

The more Trump and/or America succeeds, the more delusional and insane they will become. It's been happening for two years now and will only continue. Trump has literally gotten the left to take up for MS-13 and North Korea simply because Trump was on the other side of the argument. It's funny to watch, but it is also pathetic and a bit scary.
Congress will need to put in some more safeguards ......

umm there's already evidence of collusion by his associates and obstruction of justice. B

End times is upon us and I couldn't be happier.

Show one smidgen of evidence. And go.

Lol, dude.. we know youre a miserable POS wanna be terrorist... but cheering on what you think is the end of times??? Wtf...just end yourself. Your life sucks so bad that youre literally cheering on what you incorrectly think is end of times.... funny, youre normally laughing and bashing bible believers.. what a cuck
actively wanting the DOJ to be a political arm is un-American. Thanks for proving the point Willy. I hope we bring back hangings for all of the guilty traitors that will be uncovered by Muller.
Hypocrisy is the norm with you. In one breath you call people un-American for wanting justice for the criminal acts committed by Obama and then in the next breath you want to use a political witch hunt to hang those falsely accused of that which Obama actually did. For the sake of justice I hope like hell you have never or ever serve on a jury.
Congress will need to put in some more safeguards against authoritarian rule evidently. Trump is proving that evil, power hungry men still exist and will ignore the constitution and get away with it if they are enabled by their own party.

Presidents should not be able to hold onto businesses that could be used to illicit money from foreign powers for deals. Trump should have never been allowed to keep his businesses the way he has. If you can't sacrifice for the office, you don't need to be in the chair.
Selling arms to Mexican drug dealers, using the FBI to spy on political opponents, using the IRS to target conservative organizations, droning Americans and children, giving billions to a terrorist government, etc....your argument points about Trump fall on deaf ears with your inability to be honest. Kind of the go to tactic of the left, lie until it looks like the truth.
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umm there's already evidence of collusion by his associates and obstruction of justice. Beyond Russia, it appears they've taken money and support from any foreign government that would give it to them.

It's been a year and a half, not two years. Time is time. Funny about Starr, not only was he a political appointment but Republicans went after Clinton for a blowjob.

Keep thinking Trump's behavior will have no effect on midterms. Dems have outperformed Republicans in every race since election. Democrats will crawl over glass to vote out current Republicans. You guys are kidding yourself. Of course the Senate is safe, but the House will no doubt flip.

I still think Trump wins re-election because his election and re-election has been foretold by bible prophecy. The anti-Christ lives and will lead to the destruction of the last world power. End times is upon us and I couldn't be happier. The false prophets on the right are in for a big surprise when their 'god' doesn't know who they are and they are damned to eternal darkness. Along with a horde of other fake christians.
I mean, you literally just described The Clinton Foundation. Literally. A $2 billion dollar entity half of which came from foreign investors and governments....including some bad hombres. They took in $225 million in ‘15 as Her campaign was ramping up.

But hey it was called charity so all good.

Can you not see this stuff? How do you not see this stuff? I don’t even see the code anymore....

Did not Obama just receive $50 million for one of his illegal doings while president?
Of all the corruption that went on under Obama could not imagine what would be uncovered if they start digging into the billion+ that was wasted on the Obamacare website disaster. The list is very long of all the BS that went on under that administration.
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What's his sell here?

"OK, folks. You voted for Trump and what did you get? Jobs, higher wages, lower taxes, America standing up for itself without overreaching in costly foreign wars, a conservative supreme court, your 2nd Amendment rights are still intact after multiple mass shootings, Planned Parenthood defunded. If you can't see that you need guys like me and John Boehner to beg for money while accomplishing none of that in the past 50 years while telling you we would every election, well...I think I made my case."

*gets bombarded with rotten fruit*

*curb your enthusiasm music*